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  • A New Era Is at Hand
  • Why the Republican Party Loathes and Despises Democracy
  • To Achieve the American Dream, We Are Going to Have to Leave the United States...
  • "Peeling The American Onion It Ain't Over 'Til The Last Burger King Leaves Kandahar" by Michael Moore
  • pb, what do you get out of being wrong all the time that makes you so proud of it?
  • Taliban fighters upset, feel betrayed that US military left non-working helicopters: report
  • "It's long past time for po and Curt, isle and you to stop already with the, "But Trump! But Trump! But Trump!" insanity." -pb
  • Child COVID-19 hospitalization rates hit record in U.S. — but not in California. Here’s why
  • Justice Department sues Texas over 6-week abortion ban that empowers legal ‘vigilantes’
  • I Blame Trump
  • California has lowest COVID-19 case rate in US
  • A Doctor Who Defied Texas' Abortion Law Is Sued, Launching A Legality Test Of The Ban
  • If Joe Biden is actually suffering from a mental imparement as Hate insists that he is...
  • Absolutely Confront Kyrsten Sinema Outside Of Her Bathroom Stall
  • At this point,
  • Laura Ingraham interview with policeman fired for opposing vaccine mandate resurfaces after he died of Covid
  • Thank our lucky stars that Trump is not president right now.
  • Tell us what we stand for, Hate.....
  • Ludicrously Pathetic Straws are All the Republicans Have Left to Grasp At
  • Public Hearings into 1/6 Insurrection Begin
  • The Big Lie has been indesputably proven to be precisely that:
  • Here's something that really irks the heck outta me.
  • The Criminal Referals Are Already Happening
  • The Indignation of the Guilty
  • A Quick Little Quiz
  • Should Pence Have Done What Trump Wanted Him To?
  • Just Curious: When Was the Last Time That Any American Company Had It's Entire Board of Directors Subpoenaed?
  • They can't see the forest for that one little tree they want to make a big deal out of.
  • About the committee not allowing more Republicans to be on it:
  • The FBI Pays Trump a Little House Call
  • I've never felt so bad for someone I dislike so much.
  • Okay, All You Right Wing Geniuses... Let's Hear Your Theories As to What Trump Had Planned For All the Top Secret Documents He Stole...
  • John Fetterman holds a 13-point lead over Dr. Oz in the Pennsylvania Senate race: poll
  • I wish to congratulate pb.
  • Oh Please Oh Please OH PLLLEEEEEEASE, Donald... PLEASE Announce Your Candidacy for President in '24 On Tuesday Like You're Planning To...
  • The Republican Civil War
  • Hate, What is "The Swamp" to You?
  • McCarthy's News Conference
  • Why Did the Archives Apparently Never Ask for the Unreturned Biden Documents Back?
  • Why is it...?
  • Thanks for the list, olde dude!
  • Biden Resides Over Best Employment Numbers of Any Four Year President In Only Two Years
  • Biden Beats All the Odds and Knocks It Out of the Park In the SOTU
  • New Tennessee Law Makes It Illegal for Minors To Attend KKK and Other White Supremacist Functions
  • So Hunter Accepted a 2.8 Carat, $80k Diamond From the Chinese...?!?!?!?
  • "Grooming"
  • "[Hate] declares this, as a purely symbolic act, is one of the greatest moments in US presidential history."
  • McCarthy Gives Tucker Over 40,000 Hours of 1/6 Surveillance Tapes
  • From the Party That Overflows with Diversity and Inclusivity
  • Tucker declares that his job is not to deliver the news. "Not even close"
  • Fox coverage of Trump's Big Lie regarding Dominion largely based on "wackadoodle" source
  • Christianity as we know it is dying. Let’s welcome the new life ahead.
  • Congratulations, Bill
  • Huh...? Nothing From the MAGA Peanut Gallery About the Glorious Victory of the GOP-Controlled Tennessee House Over Bullhorns...?
  • So Clarence Thomas is One Swampy Justice of the Supreme Court
  • Cutting through the BS and assorted disinformation about transgenderism
  • My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell ordered to follow through with $5 million payment to expert who debunked his false election data
  • IT'S OFFICIAL: Florida is Governed by Bigoted, Sociopathic Assholes...
  • Trump's just released rape case grand jury deposition videos are hillarity incarnate!
  • Durham finds DOJ, FBI 'failed to uphold' mission of 'strict fidelity to the law' in Trump-Russia probe [NO INDICTMENTS TO FOLLOW]
  • Women refuse to stand at winner’s podium after transgender cyclist finishes in first place in women’s category
  • Just something that I posted on Facebook
  • So what makes DeSantis the Best Hope for the MAGA Republicans?
  • The Most "Woke" Laws Ever Foisted On the American People.....
  • Biden's Oval Office Speech
  • So Wow. How 'Bout That There Indictment, Eh? I Tell Ya What...
  • Mind if I do a commercial, Curt...?
  • Something needs to be done about Republicans mass murdering children in schools
  • The New Golden Age of Conservative Bigotry is Here!!!
  • Is Trump a "Victim"...?
  • Orange Messiah Finally Plays the Jesus Card
  • Recent SC ruling removing protections for LGBTQ folk is ripe for overturning
  • 18 Homophobic Leaders Who Turned Out to Be Gay or Bi
  • Can anyone imagine any Democrat ever having this level of flaming hypocrisy?
  • Trump is despicable but DeSantis is NOT! Hate is going to explain it to us.....
  • My Limited Liability Corporation update
  • Rachel Maddow Indictment Special TONIGHT 8PM EST
  • He's Dead Meat
  • What are the odds...
  • Trump is Literally Forcing the Judge to Jail Him for Contempt of Court
  • For any Christians who we might have in the forum...
  • Could Trump's Insurrectionist Activities Bar Him From Ever Being President Again?
  • Thousands of jobs coming to our region!
  • What about that Dick Tracy Villain guy...?
  • WOW! Thanks AGAIN, Barack Obama!
  • Lauren Boebert Thrown Out of Theater for Being Classless White Trash
  • What is the far left equivalent of a "MAGA Hatted Moron"?
  • Examples of how different the Democrats are from the Republicans
  • Egyptian businessman accused of bribing Bob Menendez arrested at airport, freed on $5M bond
  • Jasmine Crockett, Dem Rep from Texas, kicks her some asinine GOP ass!
  • AOC rips Florida MAGA Hat to SHREDS!
  • Florida Rep Maxwell Frost calls bullshit on asinine, no evidence impeachment inquiry circus
  • Israel Latest: PM Says Nation Is at War After Deadly Incursion
  • The Palestinians brought this on themselves.
  • Do four guilty pleas in the Georgia case spell trouble for Trump?
  • Lewiston massacre suspect found dead, apparently of self-inflicted gunshot wound
  • Pennsylvania’s blue wave offers Democrats hope for 2024
  • Hummy Wand Hits Milestone
  • More children killed in Gaza than in global conflicts annually over past 4 years, Save the Children says
  • "What I want to know honestly is where you're getting your news... because you're being misled".
  • We've been onto you for a long time, Bill...
  • Just Sold My One Hundredth Hummy Wand!
  • Why I hope Hunter gets prison time if he's found guilty
  • I am predicting that it's gonna be 8-0 finding that Trump is fullashit.
  • Israeli Forces Innocently Kill Three Hostages
  • Israel-Hamas war: Rockets fired on Jerusalem in rare attack. I ABSOLUTELY CONDEMN THIS!!!!!
  • Conservative Case Emerges to Disqualify Trump for Role on Jan. 6
  • I'm just curious...
  • Merry Christmas to all!
  • An ode to a great journalist
  • Just a quick question for the group...
  • Will independant and swing voters actually want to vote for a self-declared dictator?
  • Supreme Court will take up Trump’s eligibility to run for president
  • Original Intent
  • Today we will get a court decision that everyone here will be happy with!
  • Trump says he hopes any economic crash would happen before he could serve a possible second term
  • GOP had evidence disproving Biden bribery claims in 2019, top Democrat says
  • Republican House Oversight chair accused of concealing evidence in Hunter Biden probe
  • Why won't Republicans ever present any evidence of Biden corruption they say they have?
  • The God's Honest Truth.....
  • The Job Interview
  • Trump and His Lawyers Outdo Themselves in Blithering Idiocy
  • The DeSantis Drop Out Pool IS NOW CLOSED! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!
  • Does anyone here believe that Trump's claim of "total presidential immunity" is anything but flaming bullshit?
  • So we're in the market for a house...
  • I won't be a bit surprised if Trump wins in this Supreme Court case
  • John Oliver offers Justice Thomas a $2.4 Million Motorcoach and $1 Million a year for life to leave the Supreme Court
  • Biden says he hopes there’ll be a ceasefire in Gaza by next Monday
  • The Conservative Justices on the Supreme Court Hold the Record as the World's Most Expensive Whores...
  • Jack Smith's Motion for an Expeditious Hearing by the Supreme Court on Trump Case
  • Can America Survive as a Nation with Such a Huge Percentage of Idiots In It?
  • Alabama Sen. Katie Britt Delivers GOP Response
  • Marjorie Taylor Green: The Bozo the Clown of the Trump Party
  • In About 100,000,000 Years...
  • Is the Republican Party Despicable?
  • I have begun to actually hate Joe Biden.
  • Hummy Wand has made it to The Show!!!
  • So... How do you think it all went?
  • Okay. So let me get this straight... The trial was a TRAVESTY?
  • It's always been a matter of time
  • Just in case anyone has been wondering...
  • Quick poll of the forum....
  • Quick question. Multiple choice.
  • pb was right.
  • Quick religious question...
  • Will anyone here be chagrined...
  • The Ten Commandments Foisted On Schools and the 1st Amendment
  • The Presidential Oath of Office That Trump Can Honestly Swear to:
  • Harris/______?
  • Seems like a winning campaign to me.
  • A landslide I'm still tellin' ya
  • So is Trump too much of a pants-pissing coward to debate Harris?

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    Aurora Daniella (117), gtnish7 (94), thepyromanc3r (55), Stefie (55), Curt_Anderson (41), Editor (40), BionicleFan1994 (38), Minuexo (37), intrest (35), charmedweiss1 (32),