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Laura Ingraham interview with policeman fired for opposing vaccine mandate resurfaces after he died of Covid
By Ponderer
February 1, 2022 5:38 am
Category: Final Fantasy

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Video is resurfacing of an interview between Fox News host Laura Ingraham and Robert LaMay, a former Washington state trooper who went viral for refusing the agency’s vaccine mandate, after Mr LaMay died of Covid on Friday.

In the clip, the host appears sympathetic to Mr LaMay, who describes feeling called by God to speak out against vaccine mandates

“A sleeping giant, we hope that’s what’s happened here, we’ve awakened it slowly but surely,” Ms Ingraham says to end the interview.

The former officer went viral and became a lauded figure in conservative media circles in October after posting a video slamming the vaccine mandate.

“This will be the last time you hear me in a state patrol car. And [Washington governor] Jay Inslee can kiss my a**,” the former trooper, a 50-year-old father of four, says in the video.

Robert LaMay’s family has confirmed he died of Covid, and opposed the vaccine on religious grounds.

“They’re old-school medicine,” cousin Jeffrey Thomas told The Daily Beast. “They lived on a farm, so they did everything farm-wise. They did everything on their own ... He didn’t deserve to go out like that.”

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Comments on "Laura Ingraham interview with policeman fired for opposing vaccine mandate resurfaces after he died of Covid":

  1. by Curt_Anderson on February 1, 2022 9:48 am
    Some of these prominent anti-vaxxers including those like that cop, those who have radio shows or who are prominent preachers inadvertently become the most effective proponents for vaccinations when they unceremoniously die of covid.

    To them I say, thank you for your service.

  2. by Ponderer on February 1, 2022 10:40 am

    Evolution at work I suppose.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on February 1, 2022 1:51 pm

    Shame on them for rejoicing in the sickness of others.

    Shame on you, too.

    As you know, I passionately oppose all vaccine mandates and I have celebrated each time a judge has shot them down. This country has no place for Big Brother.


    I am very pro vaccine. I'm thankful that Trump FastTracked them through Operation Warp Speed.

    And, even, the Flatulent Fool, or, at least, his smoke filled room handlers, for making the vaxxes and boosters so easily available.

    What we know about LaMay's death is that he opposed vaxxes as a matter of conscience, based on his religious beliefs.

    It's typical of progressives to mock and to judge people whose beliefs are different than their own.

    I hope that this death brings you happiness.

  4. by islander on February 1, 2022 2:07 pm


    Remember when you used to be pb and one of your favorite things was to call people "Sanctimonious"

  5. by HatetheSwamp on February 1, 2022 2:29 pm

    Remember when you used to be pb and one of your favorite things was to call people "Sanctimonious"

    I don't ask progressives to be judgmental.

    It still is. And, that's what I'm doing here. I'm filling in the pieces.

    Are you comfortable with po celebrating LaMay's death for living according to his conscience?

  6. by islander on February 1, 2022 2:40 pm

    I'm quite comfortable with it. I do feel sorry for his family but not in the least bit for him.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on February 1, 2022 2:58 pm

    I'm guessing when you abandoned Catholicism, you also rejected, "Blessed are the merciful," eh!!!!!?

  8. by islander on February 1, 2022 3:41 pm

    Hate wrote:

    "I'm guessing when you abandoned Catholicism, you also rejected, "Blessed are the merciful," eh!!!!!?"

    LoL!! No! Of course not. But Like Jesus, I don't show mercy to "everyone"! If he showed mercy to everyone there'd be no one in hell...But as the nuns used to say..."They chose to be there" !!

    Just like LaMay...He chose his ending !!!

  9. by Ponderer on February 1, 2022 3:54 pm

    Fuck you, Hate. You fucking liar. I wasn't rejoicing in his death. I never "celebrated" any deaths.

    My merely noting the aggregate improvement of our species' intelligence and the evolutionary development from such deaths was not a celebration. It was not "rejoicing".

    I was merely noting it. As one would note that those dark clouds coming this a-way means rain, I reckon.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on February 2, 2022 3:54 am


    Back in the day that the Religion board was rockin, we might have had a vivid conversation about what Jesus meant in highlighting the crucial importance of an attitude of mercy in a human life.

    Your nuns notwithstanding, I think that Jesus reserved the right to determine justice for all people and commands mercy of all who follow Him.

  11. by HatetheSwamp on February 2, 2022 3:59 am

    po: Evolution at work I suppose.

    If you say that this isn't a celebration of LaMay's death, fine, but your grief isn't apparent.

    You seem content over the death.

  12. by islander on February 2, 2022 6:04 am


    I think you are confusing sympathy with mercy. I have absolutely no sympathy for LaMay and I’m not in a position to grant him any sort of mercy, like I said he chose his ending.

  13. by Ponderer on February 2, 2022 6:38 am

    Yeah no, sorry, I don't feel any grief about his death, other than for his family and friends. Not after all the damage he has done to our society.

    So according to you... if one doesn't feel grief about something, they are therefore "rejoicing" in and "celebrating" it?

    All these years and it's still flabbergasting that you seem to think that you make any logical sense.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on February 2, 2022 7:12 am

    To me, in context, you were celebrating the continuing function of evolution in this poor man's demise. I think my reading was a legitimate one.

    Having lived so much of my life among people of faith, I admire those who choose conscience over groupthink. As an example? Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the thousands who died fighting the Nazis. People who operated the Underground Railroad.

    I always mourn in the suffering of people of conscience, whether I agree with them or not.

    You? Are heartless.

  15. by Ponderer on February 2, 2022 7:26 am

    "To me [...]" -Hate

    And there's your problem right off the bat.

    To you, you say.

    We've already learned how utterly demented and cherry-picked your grasp of reality is. To you, reality is whatever you want it to be and fuck the facts and truth. So basing your opinions on such a flawed and erroneous view of reality is never going to give you an accurate base from which to form a realistic assessment.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on February 2, 2022 8:17 am


    Two responses:

    1. Huh?/
    2. You did promise Curt that you'd stop with the effin F Bombs.

  17. by islander on February 2, 2022 8:34 am

    So you have judged Ponderer to be heartless. I hope you are not so caught up in yourself, or so lost in your own subjective reality that you think your judgement of her means anything to anyone but yourself. You’re not telling us anything about Ponderer, you’re simply telling us something about yourself.

  18. by Ponderer on February 2, 2022 10:15 am
    BINGO, Isle.


  19. by Ponderer on February 2, 2022 10:18 am

    I even said I felt bad for the families. I felt compassion for the family and friends of Limbaugh when he died. I just felt no compassion for him.

    And Hate trying to pretend to be all compassionate and Christ-like is a pretty sick joke.

  20. by Curt_Anderson on February 2, 2022 10:35 am
    I don't really feel all that bad for the deceased or the families of anti-vaxxers who die of Covid. I don't feel any worse for them than I do when I read about a drunken driver getting killed. Some people are victims of their own stupidity and their families didn't sufficiently influence them to make good decisions.

    I reserve my sympathy. For example when some innocent kid, minding their own business, is killed by a stray bullet or an out of control car. I feel for their families too.

    There have been recent stories about people needing organ transplants who are getting kicked off the hospital waiting lists for their refusal to be vaccinated against Covid. See links. What the hell kind of thinking allows somebody to want a new heart or other organ installed but to refuse to be vaccinated?

  21. by HatetheSwamp on February 4, 2022 6:42 am

    So you have judged Ponderer to be heartless. I hope you are not so caught up in yourself, or so lost in your own subjective reality that you think your judgement of her means anything to anyone but yourself. You’re not telling us anything about Po.


    I'm the only poster here sufficiently evolved to be comfortable with the the truth that I engage reality with my whole self.

    In my opinion, po is, indeed, heartless.

    Even when I passionately disagree with the principle at hand, there's a part of me that admires the uncompromising conviction of any person who is committed to a principle enough even to die rather than abandon it.

    That's what happened here.

    And, I do think that po is heartless to be unmoved...

    ...or, probably more accurately, so consumed by hate for people who have the audacity to think differently... to rejoice in the power of evolution to kill someone like LaMay.

  22. by HatetheSwamp on February 4, 2022 6:56 am

    I even said I felt bad for the families. I felt compassion for the family and friends of Limbaugh when he died. I just felt no compassion for him.

    And Hate trying to pretend to be all compassionate and Christ-like is a pretty sick joke.

    Wow, po! I'm humbled.

    I didn't suggest that I'm being Christ-like but thank you for seeing that in me...

    ...though I don't think I deserve your condemnation/praise.

    I will say that the fact that I aspire not to needlessly or easily condemn others derives from my admiration for Jesus who warned, " the measure you (judge) you will be judged."

    My ability to be humble in the way I think about the degree I achieve it...derives from what I learned about what it means to be human from Kierkegaard who, himself, was a radical follower of Jesus.

    Subjectivity is my truth...'s yours too, no matter how fast you run away.

  23. by HatetheSwamp on February 4, 2022 7:14 am

    I don't really feel all that bad for the deceased or the families of anti-vaxxers who die of Covid. I don't feel any worse for them than I do when I read about a drunken driver getting killed. Some people are victims of their own stupidity and their families didn't sufficiently influence them to make good decisions.

    Please continue to be as judgmental and callous as you need to be.

    I'm on a different point here.

    Months ago, I saw, on Fox, the video of LaMay's sign off from his final shift.

    Like him, as you know, I am viciously opposed to Big Bro mandates. Unlike, him, as you also know, I am triple vaxxed and I still wear a mask with greater devotion than anyone I know.

    My point here is that LaMay didn’t vax as a matter of conscience. Obviously, I disagree with him on the principle...

    ...but the issue is that this guy had a belief and that he held on to that belief to the point of death.

    One thing you know about me is that, for most of my life, I was intimately involved with institutionalized Christianity but that, while I still follow Jesus, I'm no longer connected to the institutionalized church. One reason that I reject the church is the hypocrisy of so many of the people who are a part of it.

    LaMay had a belief and, as much as I, personally, disagree with it, he remained true. He wasn't a hypocrite.

    I'm always touched by people who genuinely live their beliefs.

  24. by islander on February 4, 2022 8:34 am
    "One thing you know about me is that, for most of my life, I was intimately involved with institutionalized Christianity but that, while I still follow Jesus, I'm no longer connected to the institutionalized church. One reason that I reject the church is the hypocrisy of so many of the people who are a part of it.

    LaMay had a belief and, as much as I, personally, disagree with it, he remained true. He wasn't a hypocrite.

    I'm always touched by people who genuinely live their beliefs."

    LoL !!! Remember when you used to be pb and one of your favorite things was to call other people "Sanctimonious".

    Living by one's beliefs can often lead to unspeakable horror. Living according to one's beliefs is only good if the beliefs are good.

    The consequences of Lamay's "living according to his beliefs" were a grieving family and pointless and senseless death.

  25. by HatetheSwamp on February 4, 2022 10:23 am

    I still do call Blue MAGA progressives here sanctimones. It appears that being smug and judgmental is par for the course for your ilk.

    The consequences of Lamay's "living according to his beliefs" were a grieving family and pointless and senseless death.

    The consequence of Martin Luther King, Jr. living his beliefs was his death. Bonhoeffer, too. Heck, Lincoln. St. Peter. Paul.

    It's a common end met by idealists.

  26. by islander on February 4, 2022 12:31 pm

    By comparing Lamay’s senseless and pointless death to the deaths of Martin Luther King, Jr., Bonhoeffer, Lincoln, St. Peter, and Paul. Are you, Hate, disputing what I said, ”Living by one's beliefs can often lead to unspeakable horror. Living according to one's beliefs is only good if the beliefs are good".

    Do you honestly believe that living one’s life according to one's beliefs is always good without regard to the truth of the belief or what consequences of doing so might be?

  27. by Curt_Anderson on February 4, 2022 12:45 pm
    That's quotable:
    "Living according to one's beliefs is only good if the beliefs are good".
    It should spelled out in needlepoint, framed and hung in a prominent place.

  28. by islander on February 4, 2022 2:37 pm

    Hate wrote: ”I still do call Blue MAGA progressives here sanctimones. It appears that being smug and judgmental is par for the course for your ilk.”

    And that’s exactly what you appear to be when you judge those of “our ilk” of being smug and judgmental when we explain why we disagree with you.

    Here is what sanctimonious means:
sanctimonious[ sangk-tuh-moh-nee-uhs ]


    making a hypocritical show of religious devotion, piety, righteousness, etc.:

    They resented his sanctimonious comments on immorality in America.

    Obsolete. holy; sacred.


    is a twist on the words sanctity and sacred, which mean holy or religious. A sanctimonious person might think he's holy, but their attitude comes across more like "holier-than-thou." Though sanctimonious people might try to act like saints, their actions are far from pure or holy, which just makes them sound like hypocrites.

  29. by islander on February 4, 2022 2:53 pm


    ""Living according to one's beliefs is only good if the beliefs are good".
    It should spelled out in needlepoint, framed and hung in a prominent place.

  30. by HatetheSwamp on February 5, 2022 6:29 am

    Do you honestly believe that living one’s life according to one's beliefs is always good without regard to the truth of the belief or what consequences of doing so might be?

    Of course not. That's far from my point.

    From what I can tell from years on SS, most Swampcult Blue MAGAs only believe in things that are self-serving. Hypocrisy is not an issue on your side. (On SS, the exception may be Indy, who's a rad progressive but not a Swampcult Blue MAGA progressive.)

    What I'm saying is that where there is tension between what it would be convenient to DO and belief, it's extraordinary when a person continues to do what they believe.

    For example, Martin Luther King Jr. became a cultural icon. He could have accepted a comfy professorship in the Ivy League, written books, appeared on MEET THE PRESS a few times a year, endorsed candidates and lived a long, prosperous life.

    But, he lived what he believed...until a bullet blew his brains out.

    It's the passionate pursuit of difficult belief when the alternative may be death that I admire. Sadly for America, your side, apparently, doesn't.

  31. by HatetheSwamp on February 5, 2022 6:40 am


    I'm not sanctimonious. I treat your beliefs with respect, no matter how passionately I disagree.

    What I condemn is the frequent attempts by people on your side to characterize people you disagree with as being morally or intellectually inferior to you.

    Show me an example of an incident in which I do what po, in particular, has done many times, i.e., suggesting that the reason you hold your view is because you are an idiot.

    You are not an idiot. You, as am I, are a prisoner of your subjectivity.

  32. by Donna on February 5, 2022 11:44 am
    While my original intent here this morning was solely to continue commenting on COVID lockdowns, I couldn't let this slide, as the I found the hypocrisy displayed here by Hts to be so bald-faced.

    Commenting on a topic thread about Trump's culpability in the Jan 6th insurrection, Hts posts

    "I saw Trump's speech on January 6. You've had more than a year to watch it. Take a breath. Set derangement aside if you can. Show me Trump calling for a riot."

    Responding to the topic on this topic thread, "Laura Ingraham interview with policeman fired for opposing vaccine mandate resurfaces after he died of Covid", Ponderer posts

    "Evolution at work I suppose"

    which set off the following series of accusations by Hts stemming from that comment:

    "Shame on them for rejoicing in the sickness of others. Shame on you, too."

    "Are you comfortable with po celebrating LaMay's death for living according to his conscience?"

    "To me, in context, you were celebrating the continuing function of evolution in this poor man's demise. I think my reading was a legitimate one."


    Notice how context is inexplicably absent from Hts's defense of Trump, yet suddenly becomes front and center in Hts's tirade against Ponderer.

    We (Curt, islander, Ponderer and I) also think that, in context, Trump incited the Jan 6th riot and insurrection, and that our reading of Trump's words during the period following his election defeat through the speech he delivered at the site of the Jan 6th rally that immediately preceded the riot and insurrection, which we are using to bolster our accusations, is a legitimate one too.

  33. by islander on February 5, 2022 1:03 pm

    Hate Wrote: ”I'm not sanctimonious. I treat your beliefs with respect, no matter how passionately I disagree.”

    You, Hate, are most certainly sanctimonious. Why do you think respecting or not respecting someone else’s beliefs has anything to do with not being sanctimonious? Respecting someone’s beliefs only means that you acknowledge that they exist. It doesn’t mean that you agree, disagree, or condone their beliefs...

    “This” is an example of sanctimony although I’m not sure you’ll be able (or willing) to see it; ”"One thing you know about me is that, for most of my life, I was intimately involved with institutionalized Christianity but that, while I still follow Jesus, I'm no longer connected to the institutionalized church. One reason that I reject the church is the hypocrisy of so many of the people who are a part of it.” 
You tout yourself yourself as being a follower of Jesus while judging members of your former church to be hypocrites. That's the sanctimonious holier than thou part.

    Then there’s this; ””I still do call Blue MAGA progressives here sanctimones. It appears that being smug and judgmental is par for the course for your ilk.”

    And you can actually say with a straight face;
    ”What I condemn is the frequent attempts by people on your side to characterize people you disagree with as being morally or intellectually inferior to you.”

  34. by HatetheSwamp on February 6, 2022 6:01 am


    I'll acknowledge that there is nuance in my thinking that you're not appreciating.

    As far as detailing, as one of my reasons for rejecting the institutionalized church, my discomfort with so the hypocrisy of so many, I can only say that, far from judging and condemning them, I am highlighting my own long-term struggle with the reality that so many church people...leaders...really, talk the radical talk of Jesus yet brazenly live moderate, comfortable lives at odds with their talk.

    But, I'm not sanctimonious. I don't judge them as, Sat, immoral, stupid.


    I understand that, for Blue MAGAs such as yourself, the struggle to walk talk is no struggle at all. You talk the mainstream conventional wisdom of Rachel, Anderson, GMA, the network nightly news.

    There's no struggle to be middle of the road. Just follow the sheep in front of you.

    I admire people who believe in principles that challenge the mainstream and live those principles. It's not sanctimonious to chafe against the mundane that seems to satisfy you.

    I challenged you to find an example of me calling someone an idiot for believing what they believe. No hurry. I'll wait.

    My guess is that your defensiveness may be fruit of your awareness, somewhere deep inside, that you've reached the point that there's no longer tension for you between talk and walk...and you fear that there's something lacking?????

  35. by islander on February 6, 2022 6:28 am

    Hate wrote: ”What I condemn is the frequent attempts by people on your side to characterize people you disagree with as being morally or intellectually inferior to you”. and ”I challenged you to find an example of me calling someone an idiot for believing what they believe. No hurry. I'll wait.”

    You don’t have to wait long, here is just one of countless examples.

    You call Biden demented and intellectually incapable of leading a national response to the covid pandemic.

He ‘believes’ he is intellectually capable as do I and millions of others. Biden is neither demented or “intellectually incapable” (too stupid) to lead a national response.

    And yes, you are incredibly sanctimonious “and” a hypocrite as well.

  36. by HatetheSwamp on February 6, 2022 7:09 am

    Condemning sanctimony is sanctimony.

    What it must be like to live in your mellow, moderate middling world!

    Again. Yes. I condemn your side for questioning the intellect, character or morality of people who disagree with you.

    I'm beginning to suspect that, for you, for anyone to condemn your sanctimony in the ultimate audacity.

    Show me an example of me questioning the intellect of someone because they disagree with me.

  37. by HatetheSwamp on February 6, 2022 9:01 am

    We (Curt, islander, Ponderer and I) also think that, in context, Trump incited the Jan 6th riot and insurrection, and that our reading of Trump's words during the period following his election defeat through the speech he delivered at the site of the Jan 6th rally that immediately preceded the riot and insurrection, which we are using to bolster our accusations, is a legitimate one too.

    Of course you do. You all are human. Subjectivity is your truth. As it is mine.

    My sense of this is that the this point...proves you wrong.

    As I've said many times, Trump's gang was an open book. Rush Limbaugh and his guest hosts were discussing, five days a week, how Trump's people were going to challenge the election results on January 6...get this:

    Under the provisions of THE ELECTORAL COUNT ACT of 1887.

    Everything Trump said in that speech matched the daily talking points on Rush...and was consistent with the law.

    Here's the end of the speech which you read as a call to insurrection: ...we're going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones because the strong ones don't need any of our help. We're going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.

    So let's walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.

    I want to thank you all. God bless you and God Bless America.

    A walk down Pennsylvania Avenue to encourage Republicans who needed to be encouraged.

    I have no doubt that you're reading fighting words there. But, I can't see it.

    Stewart Rhodes, leader, of the Oath Keepers, has said that his people rioted as they did on January 6 because they were frustrated because all Trump would do is talk. Rhodes spoke of defying Trump, not deferring to him.

    I know that, in all sincerity, you're convinced that Trump incited an insurrection but, from where I sit, that's all heart and no head.

    As po would say, in terms of actual real word evidence?... got nuthin.

  38. by islander on February 7, 2022 5:25 am

    Hate wrote: ”Condemning sanctimony is sanctimony”

    Well then...Condemning someone who condemns sanctimony is sanctimony. How far do you want to go with this?

    You debate argue like one of my grandkids but I’m used to it.

  39. by islander on February 7, 2022 5:32 am
    Hate wrote:

    "You all are human. Subjectivity is your truth. As it is mine."

    You are simply arguing that because if your opinions are of no value, then nobody else’s opinions can be of any value either. In your subjective belief, their opinions are just as purely subjective as yours.


That position is simply a form of solipsism that I doubt even you actually believe... You fall back to that defense in order to hide behind it when you cannot intelligently defend your opinion or assertion.

    Whether you’re capable of accepting it or not, people do vary in their expertise and in their ability to objectively assess a situation and form an opinion.

  40. by HatetheSwamp on February 7, 2022 6:00 am


    Of course, one can be sanctimonious while condemning sanctimony, but I ain't. I know that I ain't because there's no basis in me for sanctimony.

    I don't think that I'm smarter than you...or anyone here. I'd never suppose that your problem is that the reason you disagree with me is that you're stupid...or not sufficiently evolved... po did to launch this exchange.

    In fact, all along, my argument has been that we are the same...equal.

    What strikes me as suggestive is that you Blue MAGAs are offended when I claim to be your equal.

    Now, if anything, that PROVES your sanctimony...

  41. by islander on February 7, 2022 6:31 am


    You've always seemed far too overly concerned that someone might think they are smarter than you. I know there are people smarter than me so that's not something I worry about.

    In fact, I've learned a lot from people who are smarter than me.

  42. by HatetheSwamp on February 7, 2022 6:37 am

    What's ironic is that effin all of you Blue MAGAs here continually assert the intellectual superiority to people who think differently than you.

    I never bring it up, except to point it out when y'nes do it...

    ...which is often.

  43. by islander on February 7, 2022 6:52 am


    Yes, you do bring it up just as you have in this thread. In fact I'm can't remember seeing anyone else bring it up. And nobody here that I know of has ever been or would be offended if you ever claimed to be their equal.

    You are much to worried and preoccupied with your unwarranted fear.

  44. by HatetheSwamp on February 7, 2022 7:10 am

    Why is everything in italics?


    Of course I'm the only one to bring it up. I'm the only one with the good sense to be offended by sanctimony.

    Guess what? At a KKK gathering no one points out that people are using the N word. If everyone here was Swampcult Blue MAGA sanctimony would reign and narry an objection would be raised.

    There's some organic connection, in the 21st century, between progressivism and sanctimony.

    You are ALL sanctimonious. I've pointed it out in all of you...Donna least of all.

    This is one of the tragic differences between being progressive in our youth and today. In the 1960s and 70s, progressives were passionate, often angry, but humble...

    ...but today? It's hard to find a Blue MAGA progressive who doesn't ooze sanctimony.

  45. by Curt_Anderson on February 7, 2022 8:53 am

    Because people sometimes forget to use the close italics code like this but without the spaces:
    < / i >

  46. by HatetheSwamp on February 7, 2022 9:06 am

    I haven't done all day. I do but rarely anything else.

  47. by islander on February 8, 2022 4:29 am

    Hate wrote:

    ”don't think that I'm smarter than you...or anyone here. I'd never suppose that your problem is that the reason you disagree with me is that you're stupid...or not sufficiently po did to launch this exchange.

No she didn’t. Do you know what evolution at work means? With living organisms, the ones that survive and reproduce will get to pass on their genes.

    ”What's ironic is that effin all of you Blue MAGAs here continually assert the intellectual superiority to people who think differently than you.


No, there are only four other people here besides you. We are the ones that you disparagingly call Blue MAGAs and we don’t continually assert our intellectual superiority to people who might think differently than us. You seem to think that if I disagree with you it’s because you think “differently” than me. That’s not the case...We all think differently...If you think the world is flat, I’ll disagree with you because I think it's more like a sphere (an ellipsoid) , not because you think differently than me. Just like (I assume) you would disagree with me if I told you the Holocaust was a hoax.

    I never bring it up, except to point it out when y'nes do it...”,/b>

    Yes, you do bring it up just like you did in this thread.


”Of course I'm the only one to bring it up. I'm the only one with the good sense to be offended by sanctimony.”

    Sanctimony has nothing to do with intelligence. I hope you can find a way to get over your obsessive fear that there might be people or someone who thinks they are smarter than you. Who gives a hoot whether someone thinks they’re smarter than themself...I certainly don’t.

  48. by HatetheSwamp on February 8, 2022 7:32 am

    Ah, yeah, isle, the sanctimony of each of you, when you're pressed, achieves an ultimate fallback.

    For po, it's that she lives on a superior plane. People who think or act differently are not evolved.

    For you? You just know more. We just don't understand. You are the Understand Man. Thanks for taking the time to inform me.

  49. by islander on February 8, 2022 12:38 pm

    Not a problem Hate. Any time!!

  50. by HatetheSwamp on February 9, 2022 6:15 am

    I just wish you'd call me, Grasshopper.

  51. by islander on February 9, 2022 6:48 am

    Sadly, Grasshopper has already been taken. How 'bout we just call you Locust. They're a type of grasshopper.

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