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Gov. Newsom invites Trump to act like a normal incoming president
President by Donna     January 12, 2025 9:00 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: HatetheSwamp (12 comments) [102 views]

CA MAGA politicians flee CA to hang out with Trump at Maralago as L.A. burns
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Will Karen Bass and Gavin Newsom face recall elections
Government by HatetheSwamp     January 11, 2025 2:43 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: HatetheSwamp (14 comments) [152 views]

Prediction: Trump cabinet nominees
Politics by HatetheSwamp     January 13, 2025 4:47 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: (0 comments) [21 views]

"Politicizing" California
Politics by HatetheSwamp     January 9, 2025 11:02 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: oldedude (18 comments) [242 views]

Wordle update for Curt
Games & Toys by Indy!     January 12, 2025 5:18 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (2 comments) [52 views]

The real reason Trump wants to kill (or buy) TikTok
Conspiracy by Indy!     January 12, 2025 6:10 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (1 comments) [20 views]

Trump's completely out of his mind
Weird by Donna     January 11, 2025 10:43 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (21 comments) [223 views]

Ex-FBI informant who fabricated bribery story about Biden and his son Hunter gets 6 years in prison
Law by Curt_Anderson     January 11, 2025 7:20 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: HatetheSwamp (10 comments) [83 views]

Political corruption.
Politics by meagain     January 11, 2025 2:10 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (3 comments) [49 views]

News selectors, pages, etc.
"What I want to know honestly is where you're getting your news... because you're being misled".
By Ponderer
November 24, 2023 7:37 am
Category: News

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Rules of the Post

We've told him before. We watch and listen to a variety of sources like The New York Times, CNN, all the networks, save Fox. Amy Goodman on Democracy Now. NewsNation has been impressing us. BBC. Occasionally PBS. Several others. We've been quite forthcoming. And we are aware that none of these sources are perfect, which we always take into account. We cross reference and check things out. There's due diligence.

But we aren't shy or ashamed about our sources like Hate is about his own.

Hate and/or olde dude, probably Indy! too, will now go on some rant about how totally fallacious and wrong all those "propaganda" sources are all the time and can never be trusted at all and what gullible idiots we are for ever even tuning into them.

But Hate will not tell us where he gets his news from. Oh dear god no.

He won't tell us which media sources he believes are not misleading him, by gum. He won't tell us what go-to sources he trusts above all others while confidently and reflexively accepting what his sources tell him is the unvarnished truth. He won't tell us what sites are nailing the hateful and asinine things into his bone-filled skull that he constantly parrots in here. He is embarrassed of where he gets his news. He is ashamed of who he listens to. Just as he is ashamed of and denies supporting and defending Donald Trump, even though we watch him do it every day. Or just as he won't admit to pouring over Trump's social media site like it's the Oracle of Delphi.

He may be fully aware of the ridiculous and mendacious nature of the nonsense those sites feed him. I suppose that there's a chance that he isn't quite as deranged as he appears to be in here. But whatever his sources are, he found ones that are telling him only what he wants to hear. So therefore all other sources must be wrong. Fuckall the facts. Fuckall the evidence. Fuckall the confirmation by however many other legitimate journalistic sources there is. It doesn't matter if the entire rest of the world is reporting something he doesn't like. If Steve Bannon is saying what Hate wants to hear to the contrary, then THAT the truth.

All Hate cares about is some perceived "authoritative source", regardless of how outlandishly wrong it is, saying what he wants to hear so he can feel reassured and secure that it's not his fault for believing the asshole idiot things he believes.

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The views and claims expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of Not every statement made here can be assumed to be a fact.
Comments on ""What I want to know honestly is where you're getting your news... because you're being misled".":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on November 24, 2023 8:37 am

    Nice chart.

    I think, in recent years, AP, sadly belongs in Leans Left. Other than that, National Review, IMO, leans right and belongs in the High Quality tier. I'd also put The Hill on the right side of Neutral.


    But, I'll say this, po and Donna. If you watch CNN and don't blend in a smidge of Fox News...and, vice're either a fool or intentionally credulous.

    My guess is that the fact that you won't sprinkle in some FNC is how you end up offering us the same rants that'd come from Neo-Nazis.

  2. by Donna on November 24, 2023 10:38 am

    I don't understand why anyone would want to patronize a media source that was successfully sued for intentionally lying to its audience.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on November 24, 2023 10:45 am

    I dunno?

    Because they're not mind-numbed, brainwashed and sanctimonious?

    The truth is that if you don't balance CNN propaganda with something, you'll end up post the hate that comes from you.

  4. by Ponderer on November 24, 2023 10:48 am

    I do occasionally put Fox on. For the few minutes of lies that I can stand. Just long enough to confirm what I am guessing they are saying when I tuned in about whatever current event is going on at the time. It's not hard to guess how they are going to spin and distort whatever every credible news source is saying.

    I used to tell myself that I would watch a Fox program until I hear someone on it tell a demonstrable and blatant lie. Consequently, I rarely ever even made it to the first commercial break. I wasn't really getting to see much of Fox at all. So since I would often have to change the channel in mid-sentence of whatever the person speaking was in the middle of when I turned it on, I have broadened my capacity to listen to flat-out propagandist lies for at least a few minutes now.

    To be honest, I don't get how it's supposed to be benefiting me at all... mixing it in with the rest of my news gathering. Other than helping me have a very clear example of what world-class bullshit right wing propaganda looks like.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on November 24, 2023 10:48 am

    Just curious, Donna. How much time do po and you spend on

    And, why do you expose yourself to that filth at all?

  6. by Donna on November 24, 2023 10:49 am

    Your answer makes absolutely no sense.

  7. by Donna on November 24, 2023 10:53 am

    ^ I was referring to what you posted before my wife's response.

    I vaguely remember looking at something at electronicintifada one other time some years ago.

    I get about 90% of my news from the NY Times.

  8. by Ponderer on November 24, 2023 10:54 am

    "How much time do po and you spend on" -Hate

    Never heard of it.

    I would think that a more insightful question to have answered is how you heard about it, Bill...? Who told you that it's where all us woke vermin lefties go for our marching orders...?

  9. by HatetheSwamp on November 24, 2023 11:01 am

    Donna linked to it.

    Clearly, you two ain't bein honest about where you get your propaganda. Baha.

  10. by Ponderer on November 24, 2023 11:09 am

    I never heard of it was what I was saying. Donna and I are not the same human being. We don't read over each other's shoulders.

    The name of that site actually does ring a bell. I imagine that I have heard of it the more I think about it. But I have never gone to the site or shared anything from it that I am at all aware of.

    So who told you about it, Bill? You seem to know enough about it to think that it's a horrible site for anyone to go to. Or you know what someone told you about it.

  11. by Ponderer on November 24, 2023 11:18 am

    And I would like to take this opportunity to point out that as I fully expected, Hate has as yet given us no indication whatsoever of where he gets the majority of his news from to reach the asinine pig-ignorant conclusions that he so constantly reaches.

    He is loathe to say, because he is ashamed to connect himself with the wantonly stupid, right wing nonsense he uses to feel better about and more justified in his own gullible stupidity.

  12. by Donna on November 24, 2023 11:29 am

    I keep abreast of all opinions. Just as Hts does almost daily, sometimes I post people are saying-type opinions, which Hts does almost every day. So I don't understand why Hts clutches his pearls when I do it, unless it's all an act to goad me into another argument.

    Maybe he's just lonely and does it simply for attention - idk.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on November 24, 2023 11:29 am

    So who told you about it, Bill?

    I was unfamiliar with it until Donna linked to it.

    Where does pb get the majority of his news? Majority? Nowhere.

    pb peruses secondary sites that provide links to news articles and clicks links to what interests him. He often ends up at CNN, sometimes MSN.

    When he sees a link to an article from The Hill, he normally checks it out.

    When he hears a story on the radio, he'll type key words into Google to see what comes up.

    And, he checks his YouTube feed to see what's suggested.


    ...bottom line. pb tries to avoid being preached to.

    He's rare on SS for that. Not unique. But rare.

  14. by Ponderer on November 24, 2023 12:05 pm

    "Where does pb get the majority of his news? Majority? Nowhere." -hate

    So the majority of the news you get... comes from nowhere...?

    So the majority of the news you get... has no source at all...?

    So the majority of the news you get... simply just... is..?

    Only a minor portion of the news that you get... comes from anywhere...???

    Well okay, Bill. You go with that. It does in fact actually explain an awful lot.

  15. by Ponderer on November 24, 2023 12:10 pm

    "When he hears a story on the radio, he'll type key words into Google to see what comes up.

    And, he checks his YouTube feed to see what's suggested."

    Ah yes... A feather blowing hither and yon in the obliging wind of The Algorithms.....

  16. by HatetheSwamp on November 24, 2023 12:15 pm

    pb assiduously avoids being propagandized. He intentionally resists fanning the flames of the preferences and prejudices he brings with him to every moment of his life.

    po should give that a try. Donna, too.

  17. by oldedude on November 24, 2023 1:46 pm
    The New York Times, CNN, all the networks, save Fox. Amy Goodman on Democracy Now. NewsNation has been impressing us. BBC. Occasionally PBS. Several others.
    So all the sources you said you use, get their information from one source. Therefore, they're all going to say the same thing from the same story. So you'll agree with all the same stories. I agree with Lead in this case.

    Hate and/or olde dude, probably Indy! too, will now go on some rant about how totally fallacious and wrong all those "propaganda" sources are all the time and can never be trusted at all and what gullible idiots we are for ever even tuning into them.

    Like I've said time and time again (I wish you'd read before you lie about me).
    ALL media has their schtick. They have a target audience. That's a lot of the reason I go to international stuff. BBC has better stories, more detail and most of the time is much like NYT. Just written better. I'll take, say a story from CNN and compare that with a story from India Times, or a comparable source. Most times there is information in both of them that match. I take that as a pretty good guess of a "fact." It's just where they take those facts is the million dollar question.

    That's how I stumbled on "Epoch Times." Absolutely conservative. but they usually have information a couple of days before the political arm of the rest of the media sites get done saying what they want to say. It's also has the facts others come up with in the next couple of days.

  18. by Ponderer on November 24, 2023 1:55 pm

    "So all the sources you said you use, get their information from one source." -olde dude

    Explain how you have concluded that to be the case.

  19. by oldedude on November 24, 2023 3:23 pm
    BBC/CNN both share the same source. NYT writes off of CNN.

  20. by oldedude on November 24, 2023 3:24 pm
    Don't forget that most of al Jazeera staff in english are former BBC reporters. They just trade them off every once in awhile.

  21. by Ponderer on November 24, 2023 4:21 pm

    "So all the sources you said you use, get their information from one source." -olde dude

    Explain how you have concluded that to be the case... What is this one single "same source" that all the media I mentioned get all their information from?

  22. by Indy! on November 24, 2023 6:07 pm

    Thing is, Pondy... that we shouldn't have to tell you the news sources you watch are "...totally fallacious and wrong all those "propaganda" sources are all the time and can never be trusted at all..." (I'll leave out the end of that as a courtesy) because you're smart enough to know that on your own. Or at least you should be. 😉

  23. by Ponderer on November 24, 2023 6:28 pm

    "Thing is, Pondy... that we shouldn't have to tell you the news sources you watch are [...]" -Indy!

    And you are in fact correct! You didn't!

  24. by Indy! on November 24, 2023 6:49 pm

    Because I respect you. It's your choice and I support your right to it - even when it's the wrong choice.

    That's one area where we differ (referring to the support thing - although the information source part applies too).

  25. by oldedude on November 24, 2023 9:31 pm
    I don't follow the "fallacious" "ass-umptions indy says. I think you're smarter than that. So look at those you look at, than those you don't. Look for commonalities, NOT differences. the commonalities will tell you much more than the differences.

  26. by Ponderer on November 24, 2023 9:51 pm

    "So all the sources you said you use, get their information from one source." -olde dude


    What is this one single "same source" that all the media I mentioned get all their information from? You said that all the sources that I mentioned get their information from one place.


  27. by HatetheSwamp on November 25, 2023 4:40 am


    Let me be clear.

    All I want to know is how it is that what Donna's been posting is exactly what would come from a Neo-Nazi.

    I'm still stupefied about how Donna was able to blend into our dialog on 10/7 that Israel turned off the water...

    ...while the whole world that doesn't, as Curt's gay Guy says, practice JewHate, was trying to grasp the full extent of Hamas' evil. Donna had to get that somewhere.

    Neither po nor Donna have been up front about how they are fueling their hate... and, as po'd say, so EFFINefficiently.

  28. by Ponderer on November 25, 2023 7:36 am

    "All I want to know is how it is that what Donna's been posting is exactly what would come from a Neo-Nazi.",/b> -Hate

    And all I want to know is why you hate Donna so much that you'd lie your fuckingass off about her to such a heinous degree?

    Does the fact that she has showed you up so many times now to be the uncaring racist sociopath that your lack of concern for innocent Palestinians including over 5,000 dead Palestinian children has proven you to be upset you that much? I would think that you'd be used to dealing with the fallout of what you are by now.

    So it's "Neo-Nazi" to have any compassion at all for the innocent Gazans being blown to smithereens? So it's "Neo-Nazi" to call out the world-defined war crime of shutting off of water to a population of over 2,000,000 people? Just because those people are Palestinians trapped in Gaza?

    You are such a deplorably fuckingracist, Bill.

  29. by oldedude on November 25, 2023 9:32 am
    jjpo- Our issue is that you have to be shamed into saying that you care about any of the Israelis that were murdered. You "claim" Israel is guilty of war crimes, but have zero to back that up. Your rants are nonsensical at best. It was Israel that was helping the elderly Gazarians out of the shooting. NOT Hamas. Hamas is ensuring the people of the state are under fire and dying for the Hamas cause. And you never mention that. I'm sure you'll say something now, but it's far too late.

    First. Israel is at war. I know that concept escapes you. The asshole animals that decapitated infants, were laughing and joking as they were doing it (and calling their moms to boast).

    Israel "could" have carpet bombed Gaza and been justified in doing so. They were invaded (like Ukraine), civilians were purposefully murdered (like the Nazis). The civilians were targeted for their religion (like the Nazis), and they were specifically Jewish (like the Nazis). Those doing this have a written manifesto that states their desire to murder every Jew in the world (like the Nazis). They also specifically hate YOU (personally) and your wife (personally).

    Hamas claims it is not bound by the rules of war because they're not a "military." So they're justified doing anything they want. Their "terrorists?" 18-19 yo males they get from Gaza and the surrounding camps. Are they living in or near Israel? Sure. If they're terrorists, they have a support network, meaning they have people in Gaza that give them aid, hide their guns and explosives, make bombs for them, and give them their children when asked.

    Lawrance Jones is one of those reporters that has seen the intelligence of what the IDF has. This is gopro stuff just as incriminating as bodycam on a cop. Jones and others were shown the full video and are allowed to show parts as the IDF allows during their investigation. I put it on the video link, but as usual, I don't think it will work. So I cited the page also.

    View Video

  30. by Ponderer on November 25, 2023 12:00 pm

    "Our issue is that you have to be shamed into saying that you care about any of the Israelis that were murdered." -olde dude

    No I didn't. Donna and I both decried the heinous atrocities perpetrated against the Israelis by Hamas at the time. Our sympathies went out to all in Israel after October 7th for the unimaginable hell they went through. We both condemned Hamas and its actions in the strongest possible terms. We have done nothing but condemn the violence from both sides from the earliest onset of it all.

    I am not responsible for your biased and flawed memory, olde dude.

    What we did do however, and what you instantly took issue with, was the fact that we were paying any attention at all to the hapless Palestinian victims in Gaza, and for our assigning any blame whatsoever for their plight on the Israeli government and military who were actually dropping the bombs and missiles and withholding water and power and such. And yes, we still condemn Hamas for everything that it has done and is doing against Israelis and the poor Gazans. Just because I don't mention them every other sentence doesn't mean that I support them or condone any of what they are doing for fucksake.

    And as we said at the time, and has been borne out by your responses since, if we hadn't said anything about the Gazan victims, you and Hate sure asfuck wouldn't have. You were the ones shamed into saying anything about them... and it was like pulling teeth at that! It still is. And now you're just projecting your racism and complete lack of any compassion or basic human empathy onto us. You're trying to justify all the deaths and excuse Israel of everything while trying to make us look bad for caring about all human life.

    (How DARE we include Palestinians in with humans! Especially in comparison to Israeli humans! How DARE we consider Palestinian lives to be worth just as much as Israeli lives!!! That is SO ANTISEMITIC of us!!! 😲)

    "First. Israel is at war. [Followed by a bunch of irrelevant obfuscation intended to make od appear justified in not giving a flyingfuck about a single Gazan child who has been killed by the Israeli military while holding Israel absolutely and totally blameless for any such deaths.]" -olde dude

    You can try any way you like, od. But I am not going to accept your contention that anything that the Israeli military does to those hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinians is perfectly acceptable just because Hamas is so horrifically demonic. Or how you believe that Israel is justified in however many they have to kill to "destroy Hamas", no matter what they do or how the entire rest of the world condemns them for any of it.

    That is the view of a heartless, racist sociopath in my book. So I am conceding you nothing. Blame your total lack of any basic human empathy on war if you want to. You're still a heartless, racist sociopath.

    In fact, as you implied, you are apparently in favor of anything Israel does to Gaza and it's inhabitants short of "carpet bombing" the place. Not that they haven't essentially done that to many areas of northern Gaza already while you were totally silent about it.

  31. by oldedude on November 25, 2023 1:36 pm
    And as we said at the time, and has been borne out by your responses since, if we hadn't said anything about the Gazan victims, you and Hate sure asfuck wouldn't have. You were the ones shamed into saying anything about them... and it was like pulling teeth at that!
    I did answer and address the civilian issues on 10/7. Having fought in terrorist wars, I have a much better understanding of what it is and how it's fought than you even "might" think you know. That's how I knew immediately who they were trained by. How they operate, how they train the little terrorists to replace these terrorists. How the UN schools is teaching kids how to be good terrorists. All of the stuff you don't realize actually exists.

    You can try any way you like, od. But I am not going to accept your contention that anything that the Israeli military does to those hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinians is perfectly acceptable just because Hamas is so horrifically demonic. Or how you believe that Israel is justified in however many they have to kill to "destroy Hamas", no matter what they do or how the entire rest of the world condemns them for any of it
    I didn't say that first of all. I have said all of this before, several times. so if you choose to lie about me, I'm going to call you on it.

    Secondly, I think the Israelis have been extremely good with the civilians in Gaza. They are the ones that have tried to get people out. Not Hamas. The UN is the one that brought the civilians food, water, and medical equipment. Israel allowed those things to enter and were not in the area to even present an illusion they were holding up the supplies. Hamas stole everything and the civilians got nothing.

    I am also stunned there haven't been any reported abuse of civilians in Gaza by IDF. I say this because almost every member of the IDF had family, friends, or others they know and know of that were brutally murdered by these assholes. The conviction of both the rank and file, as well as the command elements to me, speaks volumes about their military. If it were most other countries, there would be reports of random murders by the IDF.

    In fact, as you implied, you are apparently in favor of anything Israel does to Gaza and it's inhabitants short of "carpet bombing" the place. Not that they haven't essentially done that to many areas of northern Gaza already while you were totally silent about it.
    Proof? or is it "But it was just my imagination
    Runnin' away with you
    It was just your imagination
    Runnin' away with you.

  32. by HatetheSwamp on November 26, 2023 6:46 am

    jjpo- Our issue is that you have to be shamed into saying that you care about any of the Israelis that were murdered.

    Bang on, OD.

    And, po? Why does pb note that Donna's posts could be the work of a Neo-Nazi?

    Because, as OD points out, you don't drop your rabid antisemitism until you're shamed.

    When left to your own devices...your elitist Neo-Naziism is unabashed.

  33. by Indy! on November 26, 2023 5:09 pm

    Israel is an apartheid state.

  34. by oldedude on November 26, 2023 6:25 pm
    Proof? Proof? or is it "But it was just your imagination
    Runnin' away with you
    It was just your imagination
    Runnin' away with you.

    You've fallen for a most blatant ruse to be used also (other than what I've said), as a useful idiot for the baby murderers.

  35. by Indy! on November 26, 2023 7:48 pm

    Because Israeli bombs only kill adults? 😂

  36. by oldedude on November 27, 2023 12:48 am
    You used the term "apartheid" specifically. You should really know what that means. Muslims can actually live and work in Israel. The reverse is not true. Muslims have the same rights as Israelis in Israel. The reverse is not true. In Gaza, one stated objective is the eradication of Israel. The reverse is not true. Which is the apartheid state?

    You're a useful idiot for terrorists.

  37. by Indy! on November 27, 2023 12:03 pm

    Israel is the apartheid state. Only an idiot - a misinformed idiot - could believe the people being oppressed could somehow be the apartheid state. 😂

  38. by Donna on November 27, 2023 12:16 pm

    Muslims do not have the same rights in Israel as Jews. Arabs are forbidden from owning land in Israel - at least they were in 1997. There are also Israelis who are just as extreme in their views toward Palestinians as some Palestinians are towards Israelis.

  39. by oldedude on November 27, 2023 3:26 pm
    Arab citizens have the same legal rights as Jewish Israelis, but they tend to live in poorer cities, have less formal education, and face other challenges that some experts attribute to structural discrimination.

    Arabs can vote. Female Muslims can vote. All women can drive in Israel. That is not true in any Sharia country. Women can apply for divorce without their husband's consent. Also not true in any Sharia country. The law in the Sharia countries says she must apply for a divorce through her husband. He, then applies. If he doesn't consent, she can't apply. Arabs can hold elected office, and government jobs (I recently cited a Muslim Colonel(?) in the IDF).

    Currently, in Israel “proper” (within the Green Line), only 7 percent of the land is owned privately by individuals (3 percent Jews and 4 percent Arabs). According to the Israeli NGO Regavim, the rest is owned by the Jewish state (80 percent) and the Jewish National Fund (13 percent). Israeli citizens lease the land in 49-98 year installments from the Israel Land Authority. Should the government repeal the lease, they are subject to eviction.

    There is more on this but no easy answer. Those numbers are fairly common in several sources I checked. Jews can sell to anyone, but Muslims are limited by a fatwa against selling any land to a Jew. There is no ownership of property of any foreigner. I'm more "assuming" from the copious notes, this means American, Brits, etcetcetc. No one talked about anyone in the separated state of Israel, except if you're from the West Bank you can't own land. I have no clue why.

    Israel is the apartheid state. Only an idiot - a misinformed idiot - could believe the people being oppressed could somehow be the apartheid state.
    And of course, if someone as stupid as you says it. It must be true.
    So prove it. bitch.

    Since you're such an expert on all things not related to "art" "school," I thought you might want to read this and challenge Pogrund who worked against apartheid in South Africa and examined the "question" of apartheid in Israel. He says you're full of shit.

    Benjamin Pogrund pioneered the reporting of black politics in apartheid South Africa over 26 years of working for the Rand Daily Mail, one of the country’s leading newspapers.

    “When I was deputy editor and ran the paper, I used to keep telling my staff: Do not exaggerate. Report apartheid straight,” he recalled in a recent interview. “Reporting it straight is sensation in itself. There’s no need to exaggerate it.”

    The same principle applies today to critics of Israeli policies vis-à-vis the Palestinians, Pogrund said. Rather than accuse Jerusalem of practicing apartheid and thus draw an inaccurate parallel between two fundamentally different situations, those unhappy about Israeli policies should let the bare facts speak for themselves, he added. “Just tell the story.”

    “Could anything be worse than that?” he said, pointing to a chapter about the systematic discrimination of Palestinians in the West Bank in his new book, which deals with the apartheid comparison. “What is wrong with saying, ‘We’re against the occupation, we’re against tyranny?’ There are good words to be used. You don’t need to drag in apartheid.”

    Today living in Jerusalem, Pogrund, 81, is arguably the most vocal — and perhaps best placed — critic of equating Israel with apartheid South Africa. “The apartheid accusation is a deadly one,” he said. “It’s something that people can relate to. It sounds so straightforward and direct and easy. The fact that it’s built on a foundation of simple untruths and exaggeration and distortion is another matter.”

    “Yes, Israel’s Arab minority does suffer discrimination, but their lot is not remotely comparable with blacks under apartheid. To claim they are the same is to stretch, bend, twist and contort truth,” he writes. The situation in the West Bank is more complex, Pogrund admits. The status quo there is a “tyranny,” obviously colonialism and an international offense. “But to claim that this is the same racist rule as apartheid South Africa is without substance or truth,” he insists.

  40. by Donna on November 27, 2023 5:02 pm

    "...except if you're from the West Bank you can't own land. I have no clue why."

    Thanks for the info.

    A friend of mine who I used to rent a room from at her house over 20 years ago told me that a close friend of hers who's from Nazareth told her a story about a member of the IDF who couldn't obtain a building permit because he was an Arab snd that no Arabs can obtain building permits in Israel. He rented another room at her house for a while when I lived there. So maybe the issue wasn't about owning land.

  41. by oldedude on November 27, 2023 6:40 pm
    Okay, that's fair. Thanks for your info.
    I was told by some of the IC what was going on in Israel, but I needed to check out to see "If" it were true, and if there were changes. The sites are really confusing because they are legal documents to the point where I had a really hard time with them. I think it was the translation/ Transliteration, but I couldn't get a "simple" answer. It sounds like your friend was caught up in a bureaucratic sinkhole. I also don't think many people there understand their land laws.

    So thanks again!

  42. by Indy! on November 28, 2023 3:39 pm

    From OD's post...

    Today living in Jerusalem, Pogrund, 81, is arguably the most vocal — and perhaps best placed — critic of equating Israel with apartheid South Africa.

    Surprise, surprise... the Jewish guy doesn't want us to believe Israel is an apartheid state. Hey, next time maybe you can get the mouse to tell us why it's okey-dokey to let him guard the cheese... you dumbfuck. 😂

  43. by oldedude on November 28, 2023 5:58 pm
    He was also working against apartheid in South Africa. dumbfuck "delicate" "boy"

  44. by Indy! on November 28, 2023 6:05 pm

    Good lord, OD. Even YOU must understand that doesn't apply to what I said in any way. But let's put all that aside because I have a serious question for you and I want you to be honest now... Isn't it true that the reason you always call the Ds "dims" is because you can't spell "democrat"? 🤔

  45. by oldedude on November 28, 2023 8:34 pm
    It absolutely does make a difference in how people view the world. Had you actually lived anywhere than paduka, nofuckingwhere with your mommy/sister/aunt (toothless BTW), you could have figured that out. You are the epitome of "dim." I intentionally spell it that way. Much like putting quotes around "delicate" "man" when describing you. Learn english.

    Oh. Yeah. "art" "school"

  46. by Donna on November 29, 2023 12:47 pm

    There are two Israeli human rights organizations which have accused Israel of being an apartheid state, and in a recent survey, a quarter of American Jews agree that Israel is an apartheid state.

  47. by HatetheSwamp on November 29, 2023 12:58 pm

    So, an EFFINsmall minority of people in a free Western style democracy share that opinion. Fine. Let freedom ring.

    Do you see that you're returning to your "turning off the fresh water faucet" argument to ignore the beheading of babies and the gang rape of women?

    You are an elitist Neo-Nazi...and you should be ashamed.

  48. by Donna on November 29, 2023 1:26 pm

    That ^ is one of a plethora of examples why I'm not interested in conversing with you anymore.

  49. by Indy! on November 29, 2023 2:22 pm

    The "nazis" in this movie are led by this guy...

  50. by oldedude on November 29, 2023 6:20 pm
    I think if you take a factual look at it, you'll find there are issues but apartheid isn't part of the system.

  51. by Indy! on November 29, 2023 7:37 pm

    As I said in the other thread, OD - what us average Americans think doesn't matter. There are plenty of worthwhile institutions and world leaders (including the only American President who knows where his balls reside) who have pointed out Israel is an apartheid state. Those are the opinions that matter. Then there is the law - the Geneva Conventions, etc... that also apply.

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