Our dear forum member olde dude has seen his way clear presented us with this fine definition of the term as he and the rest of the conservative right have been applying ad nauseam as they erroneously believe it pertains to the issue of certain aspects of the diversity of the human experience being taught in our schools:
"Grooming is a sociopathic act that uses the victim. Grooming in this case, is the action by a pedophile of preparing a child for a meeting, especially via an internet chat room, with the intention of committing a sexual offense:
I would expand that in to also being groomed by other sociopaths, serial killers, etc. -olde dude
So this apparently is what he and his compatriots want everyone to think that teachers are doing to do to their classes unless DeSantis comes to the rescue with a law that purges certain books and subjects from the curriculum.
I of course realize how laughably pointless the hope would be to get any of the MAGA Hats here to explain how any of this "grooming" nonsense is supposed to have anything to do with allowing students to learn that transgenderism and homosexuality exist in society. It would obviously be an impossible task for them, and I believe that that is why they have been so loathe to define it until now (Maybe od even gave the definition by mistake...?). They know how totally irrelevant and non sequitur that term would become for their purposes if people actually knew what they mean by it. All they really want to do is scare people.
By using that word, od, Hate, and all the other Republicans want to equate all LGBTQ issues with pedophilia. Apparently they want to make it seem as if any lesson involving, or even any mention in class of the existence of homosexuality in our society will be followed immediately by the teacher declaring, "What's homosexuality you ask? Homosexuality is SO TOTALLY GREAT! You really ought to try it sometime! Tell you what, anyone who wants to know how totally cool homosexuality is can meet me under the bleachers at six o'clock this evening and I will show you! I mean, you all want to be 'cool', don't you?".
Upon hearing that children are learning that there is a wide diversity of people in the world, those like DeSantis, Hate, od, and all the other MAGA Hats want you to immediately have images of children being viciously raped by their teachers pop into your mind.
How fukking sick and stupid is that???
They'll be claiming that liberal teachers are grinding up children's bones and drinking their blood next.
They seem to want everyone to think that a child simply learning what the letters "LGBTQ" stand for will somehow turn them into drag queen prostitutes who will grow up to rape children and "groom" them just like their teacher do.
This is of course as pig-ignorantly stupid a thing to believe as believing that merely teaching students about Hitler and Germany in WW2 is somehow "grooming" them to turn into white supremacist fascists.
But then, being a truly stupid thing to think never stopped a single Republican from ever thinking it.
So anyway, I am not expecting any of our MAGA Hats here to present us with anything seriously explaining how or why they think the word grooming relates to this issue. But I will certainly welcome any attempt they laughably make.....