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How many proper nouns in this encyclopedic description need to be changed to apply Trump?
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Crime selectors, pages, etc.
Okay. So let me get this straight... The trial was a TRAVESTY?
By Ponderer
May 31, 2024 2:45 pm
Category: Crime

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The trial was a travesty...? An abuse of, and insult to, our justice system...? Trump did nothing wrong...? Trump didn't really break any laws...? The trial was all "rigged"...? The "Biden lackey" prosecutor and "sleazebag" judge, and even the jury were corrupt and biased and working under Biden's orders...?

I am sure I am leaving out a lot of the MAGA right's hair-on-fire, asinine protestations about this trial and the verdicts which they think should let Trump walk away scot-free. So please, MAGA Hats here... pile on as many other of your nonsensical defenses and hallucinatory issues with any of this trial that you can think of. They will all fall under what I am about to say.

Trump was charged with 34 felony counts of violating New York Penal Law § 175.10: Falsifying business records in the first degree...

"In New York, the bare-bones crime of falsifying business records [Second Degree] is a misdemeanor. But it becomes a felony [First Degree] if the defendant falsified the records with the intent to commit or conceal a separate underlying crime. Prosecutors charged Trump with felony-level falsifying business records, and they said he falsified the records to conceal a separate violation of a New York election law that prohibits conspiring to promote a political candidate (in this case, Trump himself) through 'unlawful means.' The hush money to Daniels, prosecutors said, was unlawful because it violated campaign finance laws. And they said Trump’s reimbursement arrangement to Cohen violated tax laws as well." -link below

I have no idea why the propagandist whore, peanut-brained "lawyers", who some here singularly hang on the every word of, can't apparently grok any of that. It seems pretty understandable. It's indecipherable Greek to some others here as well. They seem to think that if a crime doesn't make any sense to them, then it simply can't be a crime I guess.

So my question is this...

If Trump in no way did any of the felonious things that were in multiply corroborated evidence and testimony that he actually did and actually said, if it's all just a bunch of made up, hogwash bullshit....

...Then why couldn't his lawyers make any kind of defensive case whatsoever to prove or even suggest to the jurors beyond a reasonable doubt that it was all made up? In fact, very far from doing that, his lawyers didn't even contradict a lot of the most damning evidence and testimony against him and let it pass before the jury un-rebutted! If it was all made up, then his lawyers should have used that as the very basis of their case, one would think.

For all of the protestations of the MAGA Hats here and Trump about this all being "rigged" against him, he and his lawyers did a laughably and pathetically poor job of demonstrating it to a jury if it actually was. Just as he never had the slightest shred of evidence to back up any of his claims that he actually won the election and that it was stolen from him by Democratic Party/Biden fraud.

Ever notice that even though Trump is always absolutely 100% sure that his lies are the truth and that he has evidence to back them up with, that he has never ever even ONCE had a single molecule of evidence to back any of them up with to present at trial or anywhere else? This bullshit MO of his goes all the way back to Obama's birth certificate bullshit for fucksake.

A lot of the country learned all they would ever need to know about Trump and his flaming bullshit lies after that idiotic and totally baseless nonsense. But unfortunately, there are some in this country who lap up Trump's lies like maple syrup on waffles. Their truth... their reality is what Donald Trump tells them it is. And that settles it.

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Comments on "Okay. So let me get this straight... The trial was a TRAVESTY?":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on May 31, 2024 5:47 pm

    I sure I am leaving out a lot of the MAGA right's hair-on-fire

    You use MAGA like Nazis use the word Jew.

    As I note repeatedly, I'm not the expert on legal happenings that you are. pb's Legal Goobers #s 1 and 2 are loyal and lifelong Dems.

  2. by Curt_Anderson on May 31, 2024 5:53 pm
    I am sure every legal pundit you cite is on the payroll of FOX News, NewsMax or the like.

    A defendant's contrition is a consideration when determining sentencing.

  3. by Indy! on May 31, 2024 6:20 pm

    "But... but... nobody got hurt." 😥


  4. by Ponderer on May 31, 2024 7:40 pm

    To be fair, Curt, the bulk of the legal experts that I listen to are on MSNBC. I'm happy to admit it. They are the best when it comes to reporting on trials and hearings. The polar difference however between my experts and Hate's being that my experts aren't paid to hyperbolically spin and flat out lie about the law to the network's audience. I'll put any single one of my favorite MSNBC legal experts up against the whole stable of legal contributors of Hate's "news" sources that you referenced to be closer to the reality of what happened.

    Nothing that Hate and, as I recall, olde dude were and have been harping on about regarding all the "improprieties", the "illegal actions", the "unfairness", and the all the other "travesties" of justice" that they believe have been committed by this court and prosecutor will amount to Jackshit.

    Nothing will come of any of it.

    Nothing will be overturned on appeal.

    Whatever sentence that is handed down will stand. You watch. They got nothing. Trump was simply incredibly guilty. A whole bunch of times.

    All their flaming, crybaby bullshit is just something for them to scream and whine and gnash their teeth about to assuage their tremendously hurt butts as they try to sneak out of the room without anyone noticing.

  5. by Ponderer on May 31, 2024 7:42 pm

    I am no legal "expert". But I apparently am a lot more legally knowledgeable than Hate is.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on June 1, 2024 2:45 am

    To be fair, Curt, the bulk of the legal experts that I listen to are on MSNBC. I'm happy to admit it. They are the best when it comes to reporting on trials and hearings.

    All I know is that my Goobers were exactly right when yours were certain that the Fourteenth Amendment could be used to exclude the Orange Turd from running in 024. And, the authorities I respect got it right, and yours got it wrong, over whether or not the Supreme Court would take up the Turd's immunity appeal.

    The difference between Curt and you... and Donna and isle and me... always and in everything... is that you choose to fan the flames of the preferences and prejudices that you bring with you to every moment of your lives. I do my best to set them aside and to seek truth. Hence, two of my Goobers are Dems.

    I invite you to be like pb.

    I am no legal "expert". But I apparently am a lot more legally knowledgeable than Hate is.

    As far as the law is concerned, pb is Sgt. Schultz. I know nuthin...

    ...same with you.

    But, I'm honest with myself about myself. You ain't.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on June 1, 2024 3:42 am


    If you'd ever want to expose yourself to diverse views so as not to intentionally fan the flames of your preferences and prejudices, try this. So far as I know, there ain't a MAGA in the bunch... and, they certainly don't start out all agreeing with each other. My guess is that you don't often investigate diverse thought but, if you want to...

    Diversity of viewpoint. It takes some character and moral courage to watch, but... and you have to want to practice openness and inclusion, acceptance, tolerance, diversity and freethinking,... it up the flagpole.

    Up to you.

    View Video

  8. by Ponderer on June 1, 2024 8:48 am

    As always, Hate is wrong about me and what I think and believe. He is determined to stuff me into the stereotype he wants to see me occupy. It's a conservative thing and Hate has it bad.

    "As far as the law is concerned, pb is Sgt. Schultz. I know nuthin...

    ...same with you."

    There's another conservative thing that Hate excels at. If they are too stupid and pig-ignorant, or just to obstinately married to their erroneous convictions to understand or accept reality, then their stupidity must be projected onto everyone else in order to level the playing field and make them feel like their erroneous position has equal merit. This isn't just an opinion. We watch them do it all the time. Fox has been built on this foundation of this conservative attribute.

    "Diversity of viewpoint"...?

    There are folks with what turn out to be correct conclusions and there are people who arrive at wrong conclusions. But correct conclusions are correct and wrong ones are wrong. Since conservatives are so wrong about so many things, they have to think this way to at least feel within themselves that their viewpoints have merit and are worth something and that it doesn't matter that they are wrong.

    If everything that a person learns about the world and the Universe is based on misinformation that they have been fed by bad actors with nefarious intentions and leads them willingly to the false conclusion that the Earth is flat, then the Earth is flat to them. That is their reality. They may even build a cult or an entire television network around such a provably erroneous conclusion to attract others to their wrong conclusions. Because as some here erroneously think, the more people that have been lead to believe a wrong conclusion, the more rational and legitimate and correct that wrong conclusion becomes. They believe that their wrong conclusions should be considered just as valid as any correct ones. They have to to justify believing something that is wrong.

    But their erroneous viewpoint that the world is flat does not merit consideration as a valid or rational viewpoint. It's just wrong. There is nothing to be gained by being open to postulating any legitimacy to their idea that the world is flat. Because it simply isn't. Anyone open to observing the real world as it actually is and spends a minimum of research can see that.

    Two plus two equals four. It just does. Of what use is entertaining a "diversity of viewpoint" about it? A discussion about other integers others believe it equals seems worthless.

    Donald Trump was caught, red-handed, committing thirty four felonies. There were shit-tons of evidence and corroborated testimony to his guilt that took the jury little time for all twelve of them to conclude that he was guilty of all of them beyond any reasonable doubt whatsoever. Our justice system worked exactly as it is supposed to work.

    But some among us refuse to accept the reality that their Mango Messiah is a career criminal whose luck has run out and is finally being held legally responsible for his wanton criminality. That is simply what the reality of this situation is. No matter how much the MAGA Hats stomp their feet and whine like 4-year old brats in a grocery store who can't get the candy they want.

    We're already hearing about MAGA Hats trying to harass and dox the jurors for their reality-based conclusion that Trump is a criminal. Their refusal to accept reality goes deep enough to ruin people's lives over it. That's how sick and twisted their erroneous conclusions have left them. See link.

    "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." -unproven authorship

    And for some people like Hate and many other MAGA Hats, convincing them that they have been fooled all along is quite impossible.

  9. by Curt_Anderson on June 1, 2024 9:05 am
    This is from the CNN article which was cited above. It is about pro Trump forum members menacingly suggesting that the names of the jurors should be exposed And that they be punished by MAGA vigilantes.
    “Hope these jurors face some street justice,” one anonymous user on a pro-Trump forum wrote. Another suggestively asked, “Wouldn’t [it] be interesting if just one person from Trump’s legal team anonymously leaked the names of the jurors?”

    When Trump ran for president in 2016, he made public Lindsey Graham‘s private phone number just to harass his erstwhile opponent for the Republican nomination. If the names of the jury members are leaked, Donald Trump is my suspect number one.

  10. by Ponderer on June 1, 2024 9:45 am

    “Hope these jurors face some street justice,”

    Because American Justice just isn't good enough for such pathetically immature sore losers.

    Those jurors are American heroes, simply because they faithfully executed their sworn civil duty.

  11. by Ponderer on June 1, 2024 9:53 am

    I love how Hate is on the side of those calling for lynch mobs, yet he is quick to baselessly project his affinity for such mobs onto others.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on June 2, 2024 3:09 am

    It is about pro Trump forum members menacingly suggesting that the names of the jurors should be exposed And that they be punished by MAGA vigilantes.


    Bahahahahahahahahahaha baha haha haha, ha.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on June 2, 2024 6:03 am

    There's another conservative thing that Hate excels at. If they are too stupid and pig-ignorant, or just to obstinately married to their erroneous convictions to understand or accept reality...

    Right, po. I've said many times over the years. Every conservative and libertarian I know wishes they could be smart enough to be a progressive just like you, baha. You are sooooooo smart!

    Also, in the past, I had expressed my admiration of you, in particular, but many other SS progressives, for your ability to set aside reason and logic and to, without compromise, embrace the preferences and prejudices that you bring with you to every moment of your lives. I'd wished I could do that myself...

    ...i.e., until 10/7 when I was chilled by the JewHate that Donna and you carry around.

    Not no more. Never, ever again. You changed me forever.

    As far as the video is concerned? In that third panel? The guy wearing the blue tie states your case with a precision you'll never achieve. But. You'll never hear it because you lack the moral courage to practice openness and inclusion, acceptance, diversity and tolerance... and to allow others to engage in their own freethinking.


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