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Good news for Kamala and the Ds
Astrology by Indy!     July 26, 2024 1:07 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (5 comments) [77 views]

So is Trump too much of a pants-pissing coward to debate Harris?
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Six House Dems vote with GOP to condemn Kamala Harris for 'border czar' role
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Benjamin Netanyahu's historic and heroic speech before the US Congress
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A landslide I'm still tellin' ya
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Usha Vance's perfect speech introducing JD
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A better indicator than national polls and even better than swing state polls
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Did the woman behind Trump know what was going down?
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538's Harris versus Trump polls
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Orange Messiah Finally Plays the Jesus Card
By Ponderer
July 1, 2023 7:41 am
Category: Celebrities

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Trump tells supporters ‘I’m being indicted for you’

Donald Trump this weekend insisted that he viewed his two indictments as a "badge of honor," telling supporters in Washington that "I'm being indicted for you."

The remarks, made during a Saturday speech at the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference, echo how the former president has described his reelection campaign, urging voters to see him as their avatar.

"In 2016, I declared: I am your voice. Today, I add: I am your warrior. I am your justice," he said in March. "And for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution."

His Saturday comments drew pushback from one Republican primary rival.

"He had the audacity to say that he got indicted for us," former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said on ABC's "This Week," later adding, "It's absurd."


"I consider it a great badge of courage. I'm being indicted for you," Trump said, "and I believe the 'you' is more than 200 million people that love our country that are out there, and they love our country. This is a continuation of the greatest witch hunt of all time."

So like, he's Jesus... But he's Jesus just for MAGA Republicans.

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Comments on "Orange Messiah Finally Plays the Jesus Card":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on July 1, 2023 8:25 am

    Trump is despicable.

    However, when he says that they're not after me, they're after you. I'm just in the way, he's exactly correct.

    Trump is despicable. The Swamp is a looooooooong shot.

  2. by Indy! on July 1, 2023 9:50 am

    Which 200M people is he referring to? He got less than 75M votes in the 2020 election - that would mean about 67% of his peeps didn't bother to vote for him.

  3. by Donna on July 1, 2023 12:45 pm

    It's clear that Trump has studied dictators, because what he's doing is right out of How To Become A Dictator 101.

  4. by Ponderer on July 1, 2023 1:00 pm

    "However, when he says that they're not after me, they're after you. I'm just in the way, he's exactly correct." -Hate

    In a pig's fuckingeye he is.

    How in the world are "They" going to be "after" you, Bill?

    Did you and all the other MAGA Republicans also steal classified top secret documents? And you think that They going after Trump will stop They from doing it to you...?

    Meanwhile, the MAGA Republican party is literally taking away civil rights of millions of American citizens, and that's something you can laugh about.

    You are thoroughly deranged, Bill. Besides being a fuckingasshole.

  5. by Ponderer on July 1, 2023 1:02 pm

    So you actually think Trump is being indicted and tried to pay for your sins, Bill?

  6. by Curt_Anderson on July 1, 2023 1:26 pm
    "However, when he says that they're not after me, they're after you. I'm just in the way, he's exactly correct." -Hate

    If and when Trump is convicted of any crimes, all the people who supported and voted for him should be charged with aiding and abetting.

  7. by Ponderer on July 1, 2023 1:28 pm

    It's literally what they did, Curt. But I don't think any indictments will be issued anytime soon.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on July 1, 2023 1:58 pm

    ...the MAGA Republican party is literally taking away civil rights of millions of American citizens, and that's something you can laugh about.


    Today Jaimee Michell gave her standard speech, to enthusiastic applause, to Moms for Liberty, i.e.:

    “We will not make peace with an ideology that seeks to sexualize, indoctrinate and amputate the healthy body parts of children. We will not let them continue this abuse in our (LGB) name.”

    Besides the, uh, "civil rights" Michell mentions, which other civil rights have (don't you mean ULTRA) MAGA Republicans taken away from millions of Americans...

    ...I've asked this before and you never answer.

  9. by Donna on July 1, 2023 5:38 pm

    Hyperbole. SRS is almost never performed on minors.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on July 1, 2023 5:47 pm


  11. by Curt_Anderson on July 1, 2023 6:01 pm
    SRS=sex reassignment surgery

  12. by Indy! on July 1, 2023 9:07 pm

    Think peebs has forgotten the rule about false idols.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on July 2, 2023 3:07 am

    You're full of $#!t, Donna...

    ..or you need to get a message to all those anti-TQ activists who think they detransitioned or are detranstioning.

    You could destroy GAG in an, as po'd say, EFFIN day!

  14. by HatetheSwamp on July 2, 2023 3:45 am

    To full o $#!t Donna: How bout these apples!!!!!?

    IN-DEPTH: After Targeting Children, the Transgender Movement Loses Ground

    According to the results of a growing number of studies and surveys, a new truth is emerging. For its persistent effort to target children, the transgender movement is losing ground—on several fronts.

    ...a growing number of polls and studies are confirming that the transgender movement is rapidly losing ground. The mounting pushback and results of boycotts show it’s happening fast.

    While the general public seemed to tolerate and even participate in LGBTQ+ causes and events, there is a growing effort to get rid of them.

    (Mark) Meckler says everything about the radical transgender movement “fits every definition of a social contagion.” He also said “social contagions are well studied” and that “psychologists who are promoting this stuff just choose to disregard it.”

    “Anybody who would design an experiment based on this kind of stuff and design the protocols for such an experiment could likely be called Hiltarian,” Meckler told The Epoch Times. “The idea that we’re experimenting on young children by cutting off body parts and trying to create body parts by doing Frankenstein surgeries and depriving them of their fertility without any knowledge of what will happen in the long run is something a [repressive] regime would do. No doctor could design a long-term study like that and have it accepted anywhere, and that’s why there never has been any long-term study.”
    Michael Costa, co-founder of Gays Against Groomers, says the gender movement is the most anti-gay movement he ever witnessed in his lifetime.

    Michael Costa, co-founder of Gays Against Groomers, says the gender movement is the most anti-gay movement he ever witnessed in his lifetime.

    "Unfortunately, people see this long initialism of LGBTQIAOMGLOL+, and they [think] we’re all part of the same movement,” Costa told The Epoch Times. “The insidious part is that all the letters after LGB are completely antithetical to the three that come before them. The decline in acceptance comes 100 percent from the transgender movement. They’ve ruined everything.”

    ...trans activists have “used the progress gay people have created as an excuse for their bad behavior” and that “deranged heterosexuals” have “infested and colonized” the trans movement in order to express their own “deviant behavior.”

    This is a looooooooong article, Donna, from the, as po'd say, "fascistic and disgusting" "MAGA Republican" "Christian theocrat" EPOCH TIMES...

    ...which I found out about from a tweet from anti-TQ LGB movement leader GAG.

    Read it all. Clearly, you need to be informed!

  15. by oldedude on July 2, 2023 6:14 am
    Hyperbole. SRS is almost never performed on minors.

    Donna- That may be true and is not an argument with me.

    The stand here is the legal right of transitioning minors (with the use of drugs, surgery, etc) without the parents' knowledge or consent is the issue. Regardless of how far-fetched that may be, that is the issue. So there are three things that are at play.

    1. legal right to transition
    2. minors
    3. without parental consent.

    1. I believe there is a legal right to transition.
    2. Minors are an issue, since parents are liable for that child until the age of 18 (24 with healthcare may be included if the kid is under their parents health care)
    3. without parental consent. If the child is under the custody of the parents (just like all children are under the age of 18) I oppose this.

    Do I agree with FL's new law? No, although there are work arounds to it. It also forbids a minor to receive psychological help for transitioning. I'm against that, but you can call it what you want to make it work. I believe that if needed, pre trans persons should receive counseling at any age. If nothing else, it helps the person to transition fully after they turn 18. I'm okay with that.

  16. by Donna on July 2, 2023 8:05 am

    But the law makes no distinction. It bars gender-related surgeries on minors PERIOD.

  17. by HatetheSwamp on July 2, 2023 8:37 am


    Studying the anti-TQ LGB movement as Ihave, it's the issue of trans indoctrination that's causing, in this "democracy," in this nation "of the people by the people and for the people" a popular uprising against all transgender surgeries for minors.

    I read GAG and Jaimee Michell on Twitter regularly. And, when I can find a video of her, I always watch it. Michell is, what, 30ish? (I can't find her age.).

    She's a lesbian.

    Her personal story is that she grew up a total tomboy and that she was forced to resist intense pressure as a child to come out as trans. She has a healthy relationship with her mother, who was involved in her life and encouraged her to be true to herself as she was coming to awareness of her sexual identity. Otherwise, who knows? She may be detransitioning today?

    Today, transgender and trans-phile teachers are indoctrinating young children...and lying about it to their parents. That's bad. And, as far as I can tell, you support that.

    Michell still bristles at the abuse she encountered from trans activists in her youth and that was a decade and longer ago.

    She's, without a doubt, the most powerful influencer in the anti-TQ LGB movement. And, clearly, she speaks for millions of adult lesbians and gay men on the struggle those children face today in resisting supporters of the trans political agenda and trans ideology.

    Unless people who believe what you believe develop some compassion for, as Michell says it, fag boys and tomboys, you are going to lose this debate...

    ...and, IMO, by greater margins each year for some time.

    So far, your side ain't interested. Can you, will you, repent?

  18. by Ponderer on July 2, 2023 9:39 am

    "She's a lesbian." -Hate

    Bill, it doesn't matter a good godfuckingdamn what that woman is. Her resume is not the arbiter of taking our civil rights away and making us second class citizens. Her evil, despicable, bullshit propaganda about us is just that and only that.

    You fuckingdisgust me, Bill.

    I thank Jesus Himself that there are so few Christians like you.

  19. by Donna on July 2, 2023 9:47 am

    It's unfortunate that she went through that, Hts, and of course she's free to speak her mind, but there are plenty of TG youth whose lives have been saved by gender affirming medical care.

  20. by Ponderer on July 2, 2023 9:54 am

    Oh Bill doesn't giveashit about them, hun. His anti-Trans hero doesn't either.

    Because she had a bad outcome, she's going to force a bad outcome on all those who truly need these treatments by taking that option away from them. Jusus Christ.

    By the way, Bill... She is a prime example of someone who believes the world revolves around them. She and the gullible lemmings like you who are doing this to us.

    Fuckyousomuch, Bill.

  21. by oldedude on July 2, 2023 12:12 pm
    But the law makes no distinction. It bars gender-related surgeries on minors PERIOD.

    Isn't that what the community is trying to change?

  22. by Donna on July 2, 2023 1:26 pm

    We're trying to save gender affirming medical care for minors in general, including procedures that are prescribed by physicians and approved by parents or guardians as well as the minor (although surgeries are extremely rare.)

  23. by HatetheSwamp on July 3, 2023 6:23 am

    Her evil, despicable, bullshit propaganda about us is just that and only that.

    There you go, again, centering the universe.

    BTW, starting today, GAG's selling, "Save the Tomboys" baseball caps.

    What's a real killer for the trans political agenda and trans ideology is that the LGBs who are a part of the LGB anti-TQ movement say the most outrageous and obnoxious things about woke transgender people and trans-philes...that are absolutely true but...

    ...your "fascistic and disgusting" "MAGA Republican" "Christian theocrats" can't say because they'd be labeled homophobic.

    And, the anti-TQ LGB groups and activists get away with it. No doubt, that's what really pi$$es you off.

    I'll continue to remind you and admonition you. Being trans ain't a choice, being woke is.

    You must repent.

  24. by HatetheSwamp on July 3, 2023 6:29 am

    We're trying to save gender affirming medical care for minors in general, including procedures that are prescribed by physicians and approved by parents or guardians as well as the minor (although surgeries are extremely rare.)


    I was watching the Megyn Kelly podcast about a week or so ago. He MD guest pointed out that people who have your surgery are effin 19 times more likely to commit suicide than those who don't...and that your harangue is a baseless myth.

    Based on what Jaimee Michell and prominent anti-TQ LGB activist Oli London say, the 19 times stat rings true.

  25. by Donna on July 3, 2023 10:27 am

    Your comment is non sequitur to the comment of mine you quoted.

  26. by Ponderer on July 3, 2023 12:07 pm

    And it's wrong.

  27. by HatetheSwamp on July 4, 2023 3:55 am


    I may be wrong but I got that stat from what I sense is a respected authority on gender research.

    I'd, as you'd say, love to see effin respectable research on transgender suicide that supports the suid contention that Donna makes regularly. Donna may be right...but it may be a convenient myth. I dunno.

    I will say, though, that studying the despair of people who are detransitioning after being indoctrinated and pressured into the drugs/surgery, I'm predisposed to believe the stat I cited.

    But, please. Enlighten me...from trustworthy research.

  28. by Donna on July 4, 2023 10:06 am

    Well you know, you could research that instead of cheerleading for one side.

  29. by Donna on July 4, 2023 11:44 am

    One of the things I can see that might drive some post-op TGs to suicide is rejection by loved ones. My transition resulted in me losing my younger brother who was also my best friend. He's gone so far as to refuse my Facebook friend request. I've been able to deal with it because I'm emotionally grounded and secure, but I can see how it might drive someone who's emotionally fragile or immature to suicide.

  30. by HatetheSwamp on July 4, 2023 1:14 pm

    That's heartbreaking, Donna.

    I think that post-surgery emotional/relational challenges and traumas are probably issues addressed in the time before surgery...but you can only anticipate so much.

  31. by Donna on July 4, 2023 1:51 pm

    Thank you. I knew he'd have trouble with it. I figured that it would take some time for him to accept it, but I didn't think he'd permanently shut me out of his life. His 3 sons are FB friends of mine. None of them seem to have a problem with me, nor does his wife. Even my conservative Christian Republican parents eventually came around. I was particularly impressed with how my late great dad handled it. God I miss him.

  32. by HatetheSwamp on July 5, 2023 3:57 am

    Some day I'll tell the story of my first encounter with a transgender woman.

    Here's part of it: I was a minister and very young. The woman claimed to be the second person to have had the surgery at Johns Hopkins. Her mother was an elderly member of the church. The mom was mortified by what her son had done and had shut herself off from all of her friends and family...and the church. The mom's name was never spoken at church in my hearing.

    The trans woman was an attention whore, as far as I can tell, and loved the attention.

    The point is, though, the aftermath of the surgery can be devastating. I have no doubt that, often, there's more brouhaha after the surgery than before.

  33. by Donna on July 5, 2023 4:15 am

    The aftermath of the surgery is invisible to others unless you're having sex with them. What can be devastating to others is when someone starts living full-time as the preferred sex.

  34. by HatetheSwamp on July 5, 2023 4:40 am

    I'm not understanding.

    So the aftermath of the surgery was invisible to the transgender woman's mom?, to her mom's church?

  35. by Donna on July 5, 2023 4:48 am

    Of course. Neither her mom nor the church members would have noticed a difference in her from before she had SRS. The only thing the surgeon operates on during SRS are the genitals.

    I'm interested in what you were imagining SRS was.

  36. by HatetheSwamp on July 5, 2023 5:53 am

    I'm imagining that the person who's body is, as members of the anti-TQ LGB movement describe it, MUTILATED, is rarely a hermit living in a cave before and after the surgery.

    I'm imagining that the parents and spouse and children and siblings of the transgender person might be more intensely affected emotionally than the SRS patient...

    ...because everyone else involved has not been prepared through intensive counseling.

    I'm imagining that the hand-in-glove, tight coalition forming, almost over night, between po's "fascistic and disgusting" "MAGA Republican" "Christian theocrats" and members of the anti-TQ LGB movement is a result of the tragic emotion impact of SRS on the multitudes of people impacted when one person has the surgery.

    (Watch the video. Jaimee Michell was treated like a rock star by the Moms for Liberty.)

    You have a heart, Donna. I assumed you knew all of this...and that you are sensitive to the emotions of others.

    It's why surgery as a remedy for gender dysphoria is being attacked so much so suddenly. And, why I'm predicting that Pride Month next year will be hell for the trans political agenda and trans ideology.

    Can you imagine a congressional hearing with spouses and children offering testimony on the impact one person's surgery has had on them!!!!!?

    Can you imagine the testimony of detransitioners in those hearings?

  37. by Donna on July 5, 2023 6:02 am

    Standards of Care for those seeking SRS require the patient to live at least one full year as the preferred sex before undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery. So if onlookers including children are going to have a reaction, it's going to be when the TG person starts living full-time as a member of the preferred sex.

  38. by HatetheSwamp on July 5, 2023 7:22 am


    I, of course, am not transgender and I haven't had the surgery but I've been a student of the anti-TQ LGB movement for about half a year. The experience you describe as your own doesn't seem to fit life in the 020s.

    The anti-TQ LGB movement seems to consist of two groups. One group is the detransitioners. They don’t describe, for themselves, what you describe as your experience. The detransitioners are fiercely angry. They describe themselves as having been hornswoggled into submitting to surgery...when they were young, to boot. They believe that their lives have been ruined.

    The other, much larger, anti-TQ LGB group is LGB people who describe intense pressure to identify as transgender when they were young but who, through various means, resisted. GAG chose the name, Gays Against Groomers, because they see the pressure on "femboys" and tomboys to be ubiquitous and inescapable. Jaimee Michelle's Twitter handle remain a lesbian.

    My guess, Donna, is that you are of another era. I think that your description of your experience is honest and accurate for your generation of transgender people. I'm convinced that a "femboy" in 023 who's 8 or 12 or 16 years ago would be, using the perspective of the anti-TQ LGB movement, groomed.

    And, again only my guess, the groomers are mostly trans-philes like isle, good-hearted, idealistic woke people. In one of the videos I linked to, Jaimee Michell says that the most dangerous people in America are white, straight, liberal suburban mothers.

    Just sayin. I believe everything that you say. But reading LGB people a generation or more younger than you, you're out of touch.

  39. by Donna on July 5, 2023 7:31 am

    I already ubderstood all of that. None of what you just wrote has anything to do with what I've been discussing with you this morning.

  40. by HatetheSwamp on July 5, 2023 7:38 am

    It has everything to do with what I am discussing with YOU!

  41. by Donna on July 5, 2023 7:48 am

    Well believe it or not, I don't need to be lectured by you on this topic. I'm fully aware of everything that's going on in the TG community.

  42. by Indy! on July 5, 2023 3:13 pm

    Peebs, I'm not fully up to speed on any of this, but I'm wonderin something about your "groomers" argument... Putting aside situations like mothers who wanted daughters and got sons or vice versa - dads who wanted sons, etc... what is the motivation for "grooming"? Why would anyone outside of the family want to "groom"?

  43. by HatetheSwamp on July 5, 2023 3:33 pm


    It's not MY argument. Read up on the opposition to the trans political agenda and trans ideology from LGB people. They say that, these days, if a girl's a little butch, she'll inevitably be pressured to come out as trans and if a boy's effeminate, same deal.

    The founder of Gays Against Groomers calls herself "the gay who strayed" because she feels as if she resisted years of pressure and indoctrination from supporters of the trans political agenda and trans ideology so she could remain true to herself as a lesbian. Is she deluded? Is she lying? I can't say. I do know that she's become wildly influential in the LGB world.

    Why would anyone "groom?" Ask Donna. She's pi$$ed over laws that interfere with minors having access to puberty blockers and "SRS". No doubt, Donna has a reason.

    I've been reading what anti-TQ LGBs write. It's angry stuff. That emotion comes from somewhere.

    But, I'm not LGB nor trans. It's like studying 18th century history to me.

  44. by Curt_Anderson on July 5, 2023 3:56 pm
    "...she feels as if she resisted years of pressure and indoctrination from supporters of the trans political agenda and trans ideology..." HtS

    That sounds made-up. Where and when was anybody subjected to "years" of trans pressure? I wasn't aware of any trans among the people I knew or was acquainted with until a few years ago when I met Donna and Ponderer. I certainly wasn't aware of any trans pressure and an agenda. I've since known a couple that have transitioned as adults in their twenties: M to F, and F to M. I have never experienced any pressure from gay people either.

    I sincerely doubt that trans people are proselytizers, or "groomers" as you insist.

  45. by oldedude on July 5, 2023 4:23 pm
    Peebs, I'm not fully up to speed on any of this, but I'm wonderin something about your "groomers" argument... Putting aside situations like mothers who wanted daughters and got sons or vice versa - dads who wanted sons, etc... what is the motivation for "grooming"? Why would anyone outside of the family want to "groom"?

    In this case, "grooming" is the term used for Sexual grooming is the process by which a sexual predator cultivates a relationship with a potential victim in order to manipulate and abuse them12. The abuser builds trust and an emotional connection to the targeted victim through grooming1. Grooming can be committed online or in person, and any communication for this purpose is considered to be grooming, even if no additional offence ever takes place2.

    You see this with teachers in High School that groom students. These can be either hetro- or same sex.

    In early schooling it's an issue with pedophilia, which is also along the lines of the Boy Scout issue, and the Catholic Church. Ths biggest issue is regarding the desire for schools to have a relationship with a child/student where the person in the position of power (teacher, priest, scout leader) tells the child "don't tell your parents." The schools/ teachers union are working to NOT tell the parents anything about what they are teaching regarding gender identification, etc (and put that in to law/ district policy).

  46. by Indy! on July 5, 2023 4:31 pm

    That is the traditional idea of "grooming", OD - what pedos do to get children to trust them. We see plenty of that in clips of Joe Biden meeting with families in the White House (OH NO! I went there!) I know why pedos do that - to get with kids. Peebs is talking about people being "groomed" to transition sexually - that is a different story that would require different motivations.

    And no, peebs - I don't think Donna would know the answer. She has not exhibited any inclination towards grooming - if anything she seems quite level headed when it comes to young folks and transitioning.

  47. by Donna on July 5, 2023 5:01 pm

    Thank you Indy

  48. by Indy! on July 5, 2023 7:38 pm

    You're welcome. 🙂

  49. by oldedude on July 5, 2023 7:51 pm
    That is the traditional idea of "grooming", OD - what pedos do to get children to trust them. We see plenty of that in clips of Joe Biden meeting with families in the White House (OH NO! I went there!) I know why pedos do that - to get with kids. Peebs is talking about people being "groomed" to transition sexually - that is a different story that would require different motivations.

    I'm going to correct you on a couple of things. First, the girls that get felt up by pedojoe are non-consensual. The truth is that "he thinks he has the power to do 'that.'" An 11 year old girl? and grandpa is showering with her? BIG NO. It's not just about pedos. Serial killers use the same M.O. So do High School teachers with their choices of sexual partners. and Scout leaders. And priests. and Clowns. And day care workers.

    It starts with a position of power recognizing a fragile ego. Then acceptance and ability to mold someone. And goes to much more. Think Jim Jones. How do I know all this? I worked against sexual predators as an analyst. Recognizing them so we could put them under the jail. Thusly my hatred of pedophiles.

    The issue that we've said before is the TS community is fully supporting the idea that you should/need to lie to your parents about what we're talking about, or what we're doing, or about what we're going to do. The first rule of parenting: IF SOMEONE TELLS YOU NOT TO TELL, YOU NEED TO TELL US!" This can and maybe does include transitioning without the school requiring the school to talk to the parents. These are legally CHILDREN. Period. You can't (normally) get a child in to surgery without parental consent. They are supporting the surgeries WITHOUT parental consent.

    In truth, I think the trans community should be done with this fight and leave it to die.

    If not, they are really helping the pedo community (NAMBLA, etc) in grooming pre-adolescent children to sexually abuse their victims. From what I can glean, the TS community has less than 1% (maybe .1%) of the listed grooming of prepubescent children, and school aged children. But their fight FOR the pedos and groomers is suspicious at best. Why would they publicly support pedos and groomers if they didn't support them? Logic 101 says to publicly support a group, means you support them FULLY.

    If they choose this fight, they're going to get the backlash they're getting. Not my fault, when THEY fully support the pedophiles and their sexual abuse of children, their supporters will be the lowest of scum, and their haters will be those "just trying to support their children." They need to do this another way.

    If they get out of this fight and start talking about the reality of the situation (like Donna did), they're going to get much, much further. I also think they will take out some of the stigma (you're never going to get everyone) of the community.

  50. by Curt_Anderson on July 5, 2023 10:07 pm
    This is Trump yesterday, on his Truth Social website. He's not depicting himself as Jesus nailed to the cross or as baby Jesus in the crib. But it's something as equally delusional and almost as sacrilegious.

    Instead on July 4th, Cadet Bone Spurs posted a picture of himself in 18th century military garb leading men into battle during the American Revolution.


  51. by HatetheSwamp on July 6, 2023 3:51 am


    "That sounds made-up. Where and when was anybody subjected to "years" of trans pressure? I wasn't aware of any trans among the people I knew or was acquainted with until a few years ago when I met Donna and Ponderer."

    I've said all along, this is all academic to me. I wasn't effeminate as a kid, and I'm a geezer. Effeminate boys back in the day were subject to homophobic harassment.

    What I know about Jaimee Michell is that she's become a god-like figure among LGB people who aren't woke. In about a year, GAG has about a third of a million Twitter followers. Michell has become a bit of a guru among the rapidly expanding anti-TQ LGB movement.

    You have to wonder. If she's deluded, how has she become so important an influencer...

    ...among the very people who would know if she's speaking truth.

    And, check out the detransition crowd!

    They tell stories of having the quality of their lives destroyed forever because they were pressured and indoctrinated into thinking that transitioning would improve their lives. In reality, transitioning effectively DESTROYED their lives.

    So. Again. I have no life experience. I only know that the anti-TQ LGB groups and activists came from somewhere and the message they preach doesn't vary.

    Femboys and tomboys these days are indoctrinated, mostly by woke white limousine liberal idealistic trans-philes, and they are pressured to declare themselves transgender.

    Maybe all these people are lying and deluded. But, I see no reason to think so.

  52. by HatetheSwamp on July 6, 2023 4:45 am

    And no, peebs - I don't think Donna would know the answer. She has not exhibited any inclination towards grooming - if anything she seems quite level headed when it comes to young folks and transitioning.

    As you also said in your post, it depends on the definition of grooming.

    Months ago, it's actually Donna who motivated my investigation of these issues. She referred to the hundreds of "fascistic and disgusting" "anti-trans" bills being considered by state legislatures. Until then, I didn't know that part of the story.

    BTW, very few of those laws are anti-trans. They merely protect families from government intrusion into the lives of children through public school teachers and administrators. These laws, by the way, are actively supported by un-woke LGBs.

    So, depending on how you define grooming...if you define grooming according to the anti-TQ LGBs' definition...grooming is... indoctrinate children in the woke trans agenda and to pressure effeminate little boys and tomboy little girls to think of themselves as transgender...

    ...and, to seek "gender-affirming care."

    That's why Jaimee Michell calls her organization Gays Against GROOMERS. It's why so many LGB people are joining her fight and why that group...and other anti-TQ LGB groups are forming...and why the number of LGB people are becoming radical anti-TQ activists.

    So, Donna? According to the definition used by anti-TQ LGB groups and activists, which is a very wide definition,...

    ...Donna, because of Donna's woke politics, is a groomer.

    Do I think Donna is evil? Of course not! But, that's the direction the conversation is going within the LGBTQ community...

    ...whether Donna, or you, like it or not.

    pb's said, since he began to talk about the crumbling of the LGBTQ coalition during Pride Month LAST YEAR, that pb sees this as an indication of the demise of woke hegemony.

    On SS, this debate falls along woke, anti-woke lines. It's not about hating trans people. All woke people on SS take Donna's side. I disagree with Donna...politically...

    ...and I point out, accurately, that according anti-TQ LGB groups and activists, Donna supports the trans political agenda and embraces trans ideology. Therefore, by that definition, Donna supports grooming.

  53. by HatetheSwamp on July 6, 2023 4:49 am

    This is Trump yesterday, on his Truth Social website. He's not depicting himself as Jesus nailed to the cross or as baby Jesus in the crib. But it's something as equally delusional and almost as sacrilegious.


    On behalf of all of us, I thank you for following Truth Social and watching Fox News so faithful. You are, truly, open minded.

    Baha baha bahahahahahahahahahaha baha!

  54. by Ponderer on July 6, 2023 6:09 am

    Bill, as you will see by reexamining Curt's post, people don't have to "follow" Truth Social or "faithfully watch" Fox News to be alerted to the blithering idiocy. There are actual journalistic media sites that cover them when they present particularly ridiculous nonsense or are actually harming the country with their treasonous propaganda.

    Why do you have to misrepresent everyone who disagrees with you? Is it because you are such a fuckingliar that you can't help yourself? Your fingers just start typing lies about people before you can even think about what you are doing?

    Look, I know it's got to be difficult for you when someone points out the staggeringly audacious pig-ignorance of your Glorious Golden God and those who support and worship him on his media site as Curt did there, but when a poster here presents an instance of some news organization covering something stupid Trump said or did on his scam of a website, you don't have to reflexively lie your MAGARepublican ass off about that person just because they blasphemed your Mango Messiah.

    Please try to not be so much of a fuckingbald-faced liar all the time, Bill. M'kay...?


  55. by HatetheSwamp on July 6, 2023 6:19 am

    Bill, as you will see by reexamining Curt's post, people don't have to "follow" Truth Social or "faithfully watch" Fox News to be alerted to the blithering idiocy.

    "C'mon man. Gimme a break!" God save the Queen, man!" -Joe Biden


    We all know that Curt believes that he'd turn into a pillar of salt were he to look at a screen showing Fox News and that he's not much more likely than you to join Truth Social. He's a sanctimonious progressive, though not as much as you.

    Obviously, I was joshing. Freakin obviously.

  56. by Donna on July 6, 2023 7:02 am

    I think Hts is a closeted gay man.

  57. by Ponderer on July 6, 2023 7:06 am

    Oh yes Bill. Everything you say is just for fun.

    Is calling Donna a "groomer" just for laughs too?

    Fuckyou so much Bill.

  58. by HatetheSwamp on July 6, 2023 7:06 am

    Really? Why?


    Over the years, Donna I'm thinking you've offered this suggestion at least a half-dozen times. It seems to be your go-to. Curious.

    If pb is, does that make him evil?

  59. by Donna on July 6, 2023 7:19 am

    Why would you think that I might think being gay is evil?

  60. by Ponderer on July 6, 2023 7:31 am

    Because he thinks being gay is evil.

  61. by HatetheSwamp on July 6, 2023 7:54 am


    Maybe I'm misreading you, Donna, but, in context, "I think Hts is a closeted gay man," doesn't feel as if it's offered in praise. But, if want to splain to us how you think being a closeted gay man is a praiseworthy way of living, I'll read your post carefully.

    Face it.

    I'm speaking truth in this thread and you don't like this truth.

  62. by Donna on July 6, 2023 8:01 am

    It's a personal choice to be closeted about ones sexuality, but I don't think it's an honest or psychologically healthy choice.

  63. by HatetheSwamp on July 6, 2023 9:31 am

    So, you weren't praising me.

    Suppose you take seriously Jesus's warning, "Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."

    Is Jesus advocating dishonesty? Or is He rejecting hedonism?

  64. by Ponderer on July 6, 2023 9:41 am

    I'm neither praising nor criticizing you, Hts. It's a personal choice. I didn't come out to anyone until I was 35.

  65. by Donna on July 6, 2023 9:41 am

    That ^ was mine.

  66. by HatetheSwamp on July 6, 2023 9:52 am

    Just curious. Why do you think I am a closeted gay man?

  67. by Donna on July 6, 2023 10:29 am

    Of course I don't know. I just suspect it. Why? Your obsession with LGBTQ issues. Your numerous comments about Kelly McAnany and a couple of other women being "babe"; it felt like you were overdoing that. And you're childless. None of those things alone would be enough to make me suspect that you're gay, though.

  68. by Donna on July 6, 2023 10:32 am

    Pardon me, it's Kayleigh McAnany.

  69. by Curt_Anderson on July 6, 2023 11:11 am
    "Of course I don't know. I just suspect it. Why? Your obsession with LGBTQ issues." --Donna

    I can think of at least one case in which I knew somebody who was constantly railing about gay people. Then a few years later I heard he came out and was in fact gay himself. It was another case of he doth protest too much. Shakespeare had some incredible insights into human psychology.

  70. by Indy! on July 6, 2023 11:18 am

    OD - you seem to know WAY too much about grooming for someone just casually commenting about it on the internet.

    Curt - Brooklyn Dad, the twitter commentator in your Yahoo "news" item is an employee of the Democrats.

  71. by Indy! on July 6, 2023 11:20 am

    Curt: I can think of at least one case in which I knew somebody who was constantly railing about gay people. Then a few years later I heard he came out and was in fact gay himself. It was another case of he doth protest too much. Shakespeare had some incredible insights into human psychology.

    Take note of OD's groomer post.

  72. by Curt_Anderson on July 6, 2023 1:00 pm
    I don't know Brooklyn Dad or who he works for. It doesn't surprise me he's not a Republican.

    Trump posting an image of himself dressed up like George Washington in military regalia reminds me of the way crazy people are often depicted in cartoons: dressed up like Napoleon in military regalia.

  73. by oldedude on July 6, 2023 8:01 pm
    OD - you seem to know WAY too much about grooming for someone just casually commenting about it on the internet.

    I worked meth cases, some where parents would get their kids (both genders) hooked up on meth to have sex with them, and to earn money with them having sex for dope.
    My wife was a teacher in Juvenile Detention and incarceration. We both worked for agencies for at risk youth. All of these have groomers in them. Thusly, my view they should all die very slow deaths at the hands of their victims. Any other stupid remarks?

  74. by HatetheSwamp on July 7, 2023 3:54 am

    Your numerous comments about Kelly McAnany and a couple of other women being "babe"; it felt like you were overdoing that.

    Incidentally, it's Kayleigh. And, it's McEnany.

    No. Curt inspires much of my ridiculousness on SS.

    Months ago, when I was splaining to you, actually, that the GOP is the home of openness, acceptance, inclusion and tolerance, diversity and FREETHINKING, I mentioned that Guy Benson is the star of Fox News Radio,...

    ...Curt replied that he doesn't even know who that is.

    Hence, ever since, in my posts, I go out of my way to mention Benson as, "that gay Guy Curt never heard of."

    The story with Kayleigh is similar. When OrangeMan was still President, and we were discussing one of the press briefings, Curt asked me if I know that her boobs aren't real. I did, by the way. Like Evie, McEnany is a breast cancer survivor. So, now she's a babe...boob job and all.

    I also call Tulsi a babe because, well, tell me she ain't. But, honestly, to call a woman of importance merely a babe is supposed to be demeaning, eh? It's an anti-woke thing.

    But, Tulsi. She a freakin BABE!

  75. by Donna on July 7, 2023 7:49 am

    I already corrected myself on Kayleigh a few posts up from this. I didn't correct her last name though. Oh well.

    As for calling those women "babes", it was way more than those couple of times you mention. It was really over the top. None of the other men here ever do that, perhaps because they're secure in their sexuality.

  76. by HatetheSwamp on July 7, 2023 8:15 am

    Yeah, Donna. As I said, it's an anti-woke thing...except for Tulsi. (Tulsi is a babe...a major babe...any way you think about babedom.) It's denigrating to call a woman of consequence a babe.

    Also, one of my favorite Sam Malone lines is that all one has to do to be a man is, "to score big with the babes." Honestly, I never use the term here than I don't think of Sam.

    To be fair to me, I also call lots of men bubbas...or, is that a gay thing, too?

  77. by Donna on July 7, 2023 8:36 am

    I just think you oughta put an end to all of this pretense and come out of the closet. You'll feel a lot better about yourself and I'll have your back.

  78. by HatetheSwamp on July 7, 2023 8:43 am

    I could never live in a closet.

  79. by Ponderer on July 7, 2023 11:11 am

    "I also call Tulsi a babe because, well, tell me she ain't." -Hate

    Would you call her a "babe" to her face, Bill? Would you call any woman a "babe" to their face?

    It's a demeaning label implying that they are an ignorant child whose only redeeming attribute is their striking appearance. It may be meant with no harm, but it's still demeaning. Please, try calling some woman you know a "babe" and see what happens.

    As for "bubba"? To me, that term has always elicited thoughts of some hick redneck with a beer belly, poor dental hygiene, and a pickup truck with Confederate flag decals all over it. But if you want to imagine that it's the male equivalent of "babe", you just go ahead and knock yourself out.

    See this is where your penchant for making up what words mean to suit your purposes screws you up, Bill. You'd do well to look words up before you use them.

    And sure enough, I was pretty much right in line with the dictionary...

    bubba [ buhb-uh ]
    noun,plural bub·bas.

    1. Chiefly Southern U.S. brother (usually used as an affectionate term of address).

    2. Slang: Usually Disparaging and Offensive. a term used to refer to an uneducated Southern white male.

  80. by HatetheSwamp on July 7, 2023 11:48 am

    Would I call her a babe to her face? Tulsi? No. Some sanctimonious woke, limousine lib, new-school feminist? Certainly. If I'm positive I could outrun her.

    It's a demeaning label implying that they are an ignorant child whose only redeeming attribute is their striking appearance.

    There you go, again. Remember Humpty Dumpty? Words mean what I say they mean. You, most certainly, don't get to define my words for me. Demeaning? Yeah. What it implies is my decision.

    As for "bubba"? To me...

    Well, now. Bingo. You can know the Humpty Dumpty thing when you put your mind to it.

    Your definition of bubba is nasty. As, often are you...toward people different than yourself.

    For me?, bubba's an unpretentious good ol boy. NASCAR. SEC football. Dukes of Hazzard. Zak Brown Band, Chicken Fried.

    The "disparagingly" thing fits you.

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