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Do four guilty pleas in the Georgia case spell trouble for Trump?
By Ponderer
October 25, 2023 7:35 am
Category: Crime

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Four of Donald Trump’s co-defendants, including three of his former lawyers, have pleaded guilty in the Georgia case related to efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

They’ve all promised to testify in future trials against co-defendants in the massive racketeering case, and experts say it doesn’t present a rosy outlook for Trump, the alleged ringmaster of the election scheme.

Shortly after Sidney Powell, one of the most recognizable members of Trump’s 2020 legal team, pleaded guilty last week, experts predicted she wouldn’t be the only one. “You could start to see a domino effect,” one local law professor told Semafor after Powell’s plea. Now, following two more guilty pleas, including Jenna Ellis’s on Tuesday, analysts remain even more confident that dominoes will keep falling. “Ellis won’t be the last one to plead guilty,” former federal prosecutor and legal commentator Renato Marriotti said.

By admitting that he knowingly helped file the false electors’ certification, former Trump campaign attorney Kenneth Chesebro pleaded guilty to a count in the indictment that also names Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and John Eastman, another lawyer who promoted the fake elections scheme. So Chesebro’s testimony could deal a ”significant blow to Trump,” Dennis Aftergut, a former federal prosecutor, wrote. It could also put pressure on Giuliani and Eastman, both of whom worked closely with Trump following the election, to take plea deals.

Ellis’s plea “has more ominous elements” for Trump, especially in his federal case related to Jan. 6, conservative attorney Jonathan Turley argued. Ellis pleaded guilty to knowingly aiding and abetting Giuliani and an Atlanta-based attorney in making numerous false claims about the election to Georgia lawmakers in December 2020. “Of the pleas so far, this one is likely to interest Special Counsel Jack Smith the most in his parallel federal prosecution,” Turley said, since Smith has accused of Trump of knowingly lying about the election.

Given that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has succeeded in securing four guilty pleas so far, an attempt by Georgia Republican lawmakers to punish her for indicting Trump may not go anywhere, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported this week. The proposed rules for a newly created state commission that can sanction or remove prosecutors sets a high bar for disciplining them; one local expert said a complaint against Willis would “probably be dead on arrival.”

So it won't be 19 defendants all being tried at one time like everyone was concerned about. By the time the trial actually starts, more than half of the defendants will have already likely plead guilty. Fani Willis knows what the heck she is doing.

Trump is dead meat...

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Comments on "Do four guilty pleas in the Georgia case spell trouble for Trump?":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on October 25, 2023 7:54 am

    pb's Legal Goober #1, Alan Dershowitz, chatted briefly about this with Megyn yesterday. He said that Trump's lawyers will most likely rip to shreds the people who turned on him on cross examination, ...

    ...that Trump will most be convicted...

    ...and, that the convictions will be overturned.

  2. by Ponderer on October 25, 2023 8:05 am

    Alan Dershowitz apparently knows a good meal ticket when he's latched onto one.

    Are there any particular grounds upon which he thinks that the convictions will be overturned? I'm only asking because they won't be.

  3. by oldedude on October 25, 2023 8:08 am
    So it won't be 19 defendants all being tried at one time like everyone was concerned about. By the time the trial actually starts, more than half of the defendants will have already likely plead guilty.

    I find it interesting that you use a plea-bargain as an "excuse" to believe they are pleading "guilty" to the original charges. Unless you can cite. Everything I've seen are pleads to misdemeanors. NOT the felonies you infer in your posts. And prosecution will always "demand" the most from the defendant. Assuming they have the case you have invented, they should have gotten more than a "letter of apology" (WTF?). That's something you get in grade school or middle school when you hit the teacher with a spitwad.

  4. by Ponderer on October 25, 2023 8:43 am

    "Everything I've seen are pleads to misdemeanors. NOT the felonies you infer in your posts." -olde dude

    Um... od, I hate to break it to ya but...

    • Jenna Ellis plead guilty to a felony charge.
    • Kenneth Chesebro plead guilty to a felony charge.

    Sidney Powell and Scott Hall plead guilty to six and five misdemeanor charges respectively.

    It is glaringly apparent that you are not privy to nor are seeing "everything" in these cases. Everything you see is a far cry from everything that can be seen if one looks beyond Fox News.

  5. by Ponderer on October 25, 2023 8:54 am

    "pb's Legal Goober #1, Alan Dershowitz, chatted briefly about this with Megyn yesterday. He said that Trump's lawyers will most likely rip to shreds the people who turned on him on cross examination," -Hate

    Bill, you're just as bad as your Orange Lord and Master is. You ignore all opinions and advice from the hoards of reputable lawyers saying that legally he's dead meat and latch on to and believe the one nut loaf lawyer spewing nonsense that wants to make a bigger name for himself by filling an idiotic void.

    Truly pathetic. But it would make your Mango Messiah glow with pride for you.

  6. by oldedude on October 25, 2023 10:06 am
    • Jenna Ellis plead guilty to a felony charge.
    • Kenneth Chesebro plead guilty to a felony charge.

    Sidney Powell and Scott Hall plead guilty to six and five misdemeanor charges respectively.

    It is glaringly apparent that you are not privy to nor are seeing "everything" in these cases. Everything you see is a far cry from everything that can be seen if one looks beyond Fox News.

    So two people copped "one" felony charge.

    Chesebro pleaded guilty Friday to one felony count of conspiracy to commit filing false documents. Prosecutors recommended he serve five years of probation, pay restitution and complete community service, along with testifying at trial. So ZERO jail time for your "felony."

    In exchange for truthful testimony at future trials, Ellis pleaded guilty to one felony count of aiding and abetting false statements and writings. She had been charged with two counts, including racketeering.

    The terms of the plea agreement also include five years probation, $5,000 restitution to the Georgia secretary of state's office, 100 hours community service and a letter of apology to the people of Georgia.

    So they took two charges they use for gangland murders, and made them a charge they'll give to a secretary that handed things to the crooked lawyer. And don't forget the middle school mentality of the DA. She has to write on the board 100 times, "I hate trumpster."

    To you this is Mt Everest. To me, it's an ant hill.

    I'm going to say this for about the hundredth time, since you have no memory left. I honestly don't follow these kabuki theaters. I hold no interest in them. My life doesn't revolve around them, trumpster doesn't live in my head.

    I'm interested in the outcome ONLY. And that holds very little interest to me. If he's guilty, then the GOP has lots of good people running. If he isn't, then it's anything to keep the dims out of the whitehouse. Between now and then? I don't care. My world is bigger than this.

    And FYSA, I watch about 40 minutes (maybe) of news a day. That's all opinion and twisted facts. My news comes from global written forms, of which there are only two(ish) that are US.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on October 25, 2023 10:23 am

    Bill, you're just as bad as your Orange Lord and Master is.

    And, my mentioning pb's Legal Goober #1 bothers you because?...

    Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh, po. The question you asked happened to be a topic on the Megyn Kelly podcast yesterday. I merely summarized the dialog.

    There has to be a significant reason that that caused you to pitch a hissy.

    You TDS lot can be so EFFINcute. Keehee ha.

  8. by Ponderer on October 25, 2023 4:59 pm

    "To you this is Mt Everest.",/b> -olde dude

    No. Of course it isn't. As usual, I never suggested that it was. Just because there is a mountain of evidence in this case doesn't mean that it's Mt. Everest. There are lots of mountains that aren't Mt. Everest.

    I was merely jumping all the heck over the opportunity to prove you wrong in what you said, od. You said something that was wrong and I corrected you. It's a really fun and rewarding hobby. Too bad you can't take it up yourself.

  9. by oldedude on October 25, 2023 5:52 pm
    The fact that you fell all over yourself to provide "evidence" that I misspoke, is a good indication you're unstable and have to do bad things to others to make yourself feel better about your crappy self-esteem. So not only was it a laugh, but I just shook my head at how small of a life you have to put so much of your energy into this.

  10. by Donna on October 26, 2023 6:41 am

    You should just admit that you were wrong (again), od, instead of whining about my wife.

  11. by Ponderer on October 26, 2023 7:19 am

    "The fact that you fell all over yourself to provide "evidence" that I misspoke, is a good indication you're unstable and have to do bad things to others to make yourself feel better about your crappy self-esteem" -olde dude

    Why do you feel that things that you say that are wrong should just be allowed to go without being corrected? Here you are, the one who said a stupidly and easily provable wrong thing, and you are trying to make me out to be the one at fault here for pointing out your lazy-ass error! Correcting your erroneous statements is a "bad" thing for anyone to do to you??? How dare anyone do such a thing???

    Wow. What a tremendously fragile ego you got on you there, od. I sure as hell ain't the one with "self-esteem" issues here I tell ya what. Valiant effort with the projection there though. Bravo.

  12. by Ponderer on October 26, 2023 7:37 am

    "And, my mentioning pb's Legal Goober #1 bothers you because?..." -Hate

    It doesn't. I think you bringing him up so much as your only source for defending Trump is rather amusing in fact. You are not very good at reading people, Bill. You're pretty lousy at it in fact. Has anyone else ever told you that...?

    "Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh, po." -Hate

    Whoa, Bill!!! Calm thefuck down!

    I'm not sure what it was that I said that set you of the deep end like that. But take whatever blood pressure meds you need right away before you have a stroke or something! Geez I certainly didn't mean to set your blood boiling over to such a degree. Get a hold of yourself man! We're just talking here. No one is threatening you with immanent demise or anything like that! Try not to go so psychotic whenever I say something that uncontrollably infuriates you like whatever it was that I said.

    My words can't hurt you, Bill. No need to get so all-fired defensive and freaked out over them!

  13. by HatetheSwamp on October 26, 2023 7:45 am

    It doesn't. I think you bringing him up so much as your only source for defending Trump is rather amusing in fact.

    I ain't defending Trump. I despise Trump.

    Oh, I wish that Curt would surreptitiously hire someone to role play on SS as a MAGA. You need one... so you don't have to imagine them. Baha baha haha baha ha.

  14. by Ponderer on October 26, 2023 8:07 am

    Bill, I know that you think that by saying you hate Trump, it's not possible for you to defend him. But that conclusion is factually in error. Because we watch you defend him all the time. You are the living proof that it is quite possible to hate someone who you constantly defend, excuse, and support.

    Of course, you could be lying about hating him. Maybe that's the part that you are trying to deflect attention from...?

  15. by HatetheSwamp on October 26, 2023 8:19 am

    I never defend Trump. I do attack the politicization of Dem run prosecutors. As do all of my three Legal Goobers.

  16. by Ponderer on October 26, 2023 8:34 am

    Parroting, posting, and aggrandizing things said by people who are defending Trump is defending Trump you blithering moron. You can't get out of it that easy.

  17. by HatetheSwamp on October 26, 2023 8:35 am



  18. by Ponderer on October 26, 2023 8:38 am

    I only use words that are appropriate and accurate.

  19. by oldedude on October 26, 2023 1:30 pm
    There is a vast difference between supporting anyONE, because of being truthful of the law, or circumstances. I know the sheeple have an extremely hard time with this. But that's because the extreme hatred towards anyone who isn't them is so great.

    So the world to me is 3D and technicolor. I can disagree. Or disagree with you or your wife and change my mind. Or any of the combinations thereof. Sometimes I may disagree with the end result, but We agree on the basis for your thought (curt was that way for several years).

    Yours is two dimensional. Height and width. and has two colors. and black always has to be on one side, and white on the other (or whatever colors you recognize as good and evil). There are no shades. If you consider something evil, there is absolutely ZERO chance there can be something not evil associated with them.

    So. trumpster. No, I don't like him either. He's a thorn in my side and Melania needs to cut him off of twitter (X). He needs to learn to shut his mouth and be a unifier. He also doesn't live in my head.

    trumpster to you is the devil incarnate. The true source of evil here on earth. He doesn't have that much power over me. I have a dislike for pedojoe because of the things he's done. In my mind, he's doing about 90% of the things I will actively vote against. Things like giving money to Iran (money that is rightfully ours by asset forfeiture). He's an extremely weak leader. He has no idea WTF goes on at the border, and how many trained militia have come across the border. There are many more, but you get the idea. When he has done good, I've said it. I have no problem saying it. (Ukraine is one example). You couldn't even think of doing the same thing with trumpster. That's a huge difference. And one that Lead was trying to make.

    I also understand you're tired of fighting. Gotcha. Don't fight then.

    Iran supports, defends, makes weapons for the assholes that have tried to kill me, my family, my friends. and people I don't know but support. This, I have pretty strong feelings about.

  20. by Ponderer on October 26, 2023 3:45 pm

    "trumpster to you is the devil incarnate. The true source of evil here on earth." -olde dude

    No. I never believed that. You're wrong, od. Of course he isn't. He is not the true source of evil on the planet. No single human being is or ever has been.

    But Trump tapped into whatever True Source of Evil Here on Earth" there actually is and has wantonly employed it to do his bidding for decades.

    I am ever constantly amazed by how any supposed person of Jesus could be so casually and willfully blind to the flagrant evil of that orange conman. And can even defend him. Support him. Excuse him. And vote for him. Ever so constantly amazed...

    Trump hires Jesus
    impersonator to
    sit by him at trial

  21. by oldedude on October 26, 2023 8:00 pm
    I'm just saying that other than your weak attempts at lying about it, your posts tell a far different story. You can lie all you want. Apparently we know more about you than you do. Isn't that interesting?

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