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Tucker declares that his job is not to deliver the news. "Not even close"
By Ponderer
March 9, 2023 9:14 am
Category: Religion

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Here's some truth for you, Bill. If you don't want to accept it as truth, that is of course up to you. In fact I am quite sure you are just going to reflexively bwahaha it off like every other inconvenient truth you've ever come across. But I highly doubt that Lawrence O'Donnell would put his professional career as a legitimate journalist in jeopardy by presenting such a provable lie as fact if it wasn't what is actually in the legal filing.

I transcribed this from his show just last night, so I'm not that surprised that no other news sources have picked up on it yet. But this is quite representative of the tons of stuff that is coming to light out of this case about the reality of what Fox "News" actually is... And in Fox people's own words...

On January 6th, Tucker Carlson knew how bad it was. And Dominion's court filing this week shows us what Tucker Carlson was actually saying privately late at night on January sixth in a text exchange with a person whose name was not revealed in the legal filing. That person said to Tucker Carlson, "They take the president literally. He said it was stolen. They believe him. He is to blame for everything that happened." Tucker Carlson replied, "The problem is a little deeper than that I'm afraid." The other person says, "But sometimes things are simple. Our job is to react nightly to the news of the day, not to deliver a thesis on what ails America." And Tucker Carlson says,

"No. Our job is not to provide news coverage. Not even close. Our job is to explain what things mean."

He is of course describing the job of a propagandist. He sees his job as being the presentation of whatever his MAGA-hatted viewers want to see and hear, and what his presidential overlord wants told. Reality be damned. Murdoch has been saying pretty much the very same thing in testimony under oath also. "It's not about red or blue." he said, "It's about green".

You really have no idea what a disservice you are doing yourself by not following the Dominion vs. Fox libel case, Bill. It's all pretty huge. I mean obviously Fox isn't going to tell you anything about it, because this case will very nearly destroy Fox and many of its on-air personalities, if not do it entirely. They will lose a terminal number of viewers once it becomes widely known that pretty much if not all of the entire organization knew and believed that Trump's Big Lie was total bullshit, but that they just kept selling that lie anyway to protect their precious profits and not lose viewers. But the truth about Fox that this case is revealing is being covered by every other actual news organization in the country right now.

Not that you'd ever know it.

(Go to the 10:00 mark and watch from there...)

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Comments on "Tucker declares that his job is not to deliver the news. "Not even close"":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on March 9, 2023 9:38 am

    You are just so precious, po. Bahahahahahahahahahaha.


    The closest thing to journalism on cable news networks in prime time is Fox's Bret Baier on Special Report. Tell ol pb that didn't already know that.

    Please, please, please, please, please, po. You really did know that it's all propaganda. Everywhere. Ubiquitously. Please let me know you know that.

    Please, please, please, please, please!

    We know you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer. But, c'mon man. Gimme a break!

    Bahahahahahahahahahaha, ahhhhhhhhhhh!


  2. by Curt_Anderson on March 9, 2023 10:08 am
    HtS, sure we all get that it's commentary.

    But commentary based on false premises is lying and propaganda. Even the late night comedians in their monologues base their topical jokes on something that actually happened.

  3. by Ponderer on March 9, 2023 10:12 am

    Bill, it is entirely understandable why you would need to think all that.

    When you put so much existential stock in believing that your go-to propagandist network, Fox "News", presents you with facts when that is rarely if ever the case, you must therefore convince yourself that all actual news organizations must be just as bad if not worse to feel justified in your erroneous belief. If your preferred news source tells you nothing but lies, then everyone else has to be telling lies also...?

    So it is your contention then that in reality there are no trial filings in this case of Tucker Carlson's texts saying what is being reported he said? Larry simply made it all made up? The evidence being presented under oath in the court trial is completely different and O'Donnell opened himself up to being called on it and fired? Carlson never said any such things in any texts filed in the case?

    This is what you are saying? Because I breathlessly await Carlson's adamant declaration that it is all a lie any time now...

  4. by HatetheSwamp on March 9, 2023 10:27 am

    Thing is, Curt, po don't know it's commentary.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on March 9, 2023 10:30 am


    Your idiocy is the necessary consequence of a life lived in denial of the objective reality that subjectivity is truth.

    That's okay. It's fun to watch.

  6. by Ponderer on March 9, 2023 11:01 am

    "Thing is, Curt, po don't know it's commentary." -Hate

    Of course I know it's commentary. Commentary on a factual thing that happened that you refuse to acknowledge was factual.

    But okay then, Bill... Let's hear your commentary of the following excerpt from evidence filed in this court case. You go right ahead and spin it any way you want to. Please go into whatever detail you feel is necessary in order to present your case that these words do not mean what they quite obviously mean.....

    ""No. Our job is not to provide news coverage. Not even close. Our job is to explain what things mean."" -Tucker Carlson, the night of January 6, 2021


  7. by Ponderer on March 9, 2023 11:52 am

  8. by HatetheSwamp on March 9, 2023 11:56 am

    But okay then, Bill... Let's hear your commentary of the following excerpt from evidence filed in this court case. You go right ahead and spin it any way you want to. Please go into whatever detail you feel is necessary in order to present your case that these words do not mean what they quite obviously mean.....

    ""No. Our job is not to provide news coverage. Not even close. Our job is to explain what things mean."" -Tucker Carlson, the night of January 6, 2021


  9. by Ponderer on March 9, 2023 12:37 pm

    "Duh" -Hate

    So no you're going to feign being a total moron incapable of understanding a simple question...? That's your comeback...?

    Who am I kidding. You aren't feigning it at all.

    So I guess that you don't give a flying rat's ass that the main source you have depended on for years now about the "truth" as you call it about the 2020 election was intentionally and wantonly lying to you about it? You're still going to believe their lies even though they themselves admit they were lying to you the whole time...?

    That is sure one heck of a brain-dissolving cult you belong to there, Bill.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on March 9, 2023 12:53 pm


    Simply because you hate and fear Fox doesn't require me to love it.

    I'm not a Tucker fan. I disagree with him at least as much as I agree. In fact, I may agree with effin you more than I agree with him.

    I don't watch any cable news during prime time precisely because of the reason ol Tuck states. There's no news reporting...only opinionating about it.

  11. by Ponderer on March 9, 2023 1:03 pm

    So I guess that you don't give a flying rat's ass that the main source you have depended on for years now about the "truth" as you call it about the 2020 election was intentionally and wantonly lying to you about it? You're still going to believe their lies even though they themselves admit they were lying to you the whole time...?

  12. by Ponderer on March 9, 2023 1:05 pm

    Oh wait I get it.

    You only listen to the daytime shows on Fox. That way, when they tell you the same lies that are said on the night time programs, they won't be lies.

    You are demented beyond words, Bill.

  13. by HatetheSwamp on March 9, 2023 1:22 pm

    You're still going to believe their lies even though they themselves admit they were lying to you the whole time...?

    Lies? What lies?

  14. by Ponderer on March 9, 2023 5:14 pm

    The lie that Fox commentators sold you that Donald Trump didn't lose the election fair and square when they themselves knew that was not true.

    Are we to believe that what they were telling you on the air was true, but their sworn testimonies under oath were lies...?

    Fox flat-out lied to you and all the other MAGA Hats just to keep your sorry, gullible asses glued to their channel. You don't care about that at all? That doesn't matter to you at all and you're still going to keep believing bullshit even the Fox commentators who sold it to you don't even believe?

  15. by HatetheSwamp on March 10, 2023 2:53 am


    Waaaaaaaaaay more than half of GOPs, nearly half of likely voters believe that Trump didn't lose 020 honestly. Don't pretend that Fox created a conspiracy theory.

    Fox management put the kibosh on reporting truth about the evidence that Joe's string pullers engaged in widespread vote fraud in 020...

    ...but some Fox commentators let slip from time to time that they sincerely do.

  16. by Ponderer on March 10, 2023 9:11 am

    "Waaaaaaaaaay more than half of GOPs, nearly half of likely voters believe that Trump didn't lose 020 honestly. Don't pretend that Fox created a conspiracy theory." -Hate

    I never said they created the conspiracy theory. They just flogged the living hell out of it to make a buck. So just where the hell did gullible assholes like you get that asinine idea in the first place? Don't you ludicrously pretend that your go-to news source's advancement of what they themselves knew to be a totally fabricated lie was inconsequential in that lie having so many legs, Bill Sloat.

    Can you honestly say that if Fox had simply reported the truth about the election (As many high ups in the organization wanted to), and never mendaciously reported on any of the baseless nonsense that there has never been the slightest shred of evidence for at all, that Trump would have been able to just as easily brainwash so many of his followers like you into believing his totally fictional Big Lie?

    Are you actually going to expect anyone to believe that you yourself never sited anything from Fox in the last few years to "support" your contention that the Big Lie was no lie? That Fox in no way facilitated the construction of your deranged, un-American, and erroneous political views regarding that election, Bill Sloat?

    I couldn't give a flying rat's ass about any percentage you want to throw at me. The ancient Aztecs pretty much to a man believed that human sacrifices would bring rain. Does that mean that human sacrifices actually affect the weather? Just because so many of them believed it did? If a majority of Germans in the 1940's were propagandized into believing that Jews and gay people were kidnapping their children and grinding their bones to make bread with, and that therefore they all needed to be slaughtered, that children are actually being killed and eaten? Reality is nothing more than what the majority of a poll declares it to be?

  17. by HatetheSwamp on March 10, 2023 9:32 am

    Can you honestly say that if Fox had simply reported the truth about the election (As many high ups in the organization wanted to), and never mendaciously reported on any of the baseless nonsense that there has never been the slightest shred of evidence for at all, that Trump would have been able to just as easily brainwash so many of his followers like you into believing his totally fictional Big Lie?

    You mean, of course, your own subjectivity is truth, freakin truth, eh?

    Bahahahahahahahahahaha, po.

    I think you're overestimating the clout of Fox on the right. By a looooooooong chalk.

    Back in the day, Rush was still going his show. You have no idea how much more clout Rush had than Fox News will ever have. More people listened to Hannity on the friggin radio back then than have ever watched his Fox TV show. Back then Newsmax appeared to be giving Fox a run for its money...and was more bonkers than Fox. Far more!

    Ahhhhhhhhhhh. What don't know. Keeheeheeheeheeheeheehee, ha!

    You're the way a true believer in the Hitler Youth would have been. And, mind numbed and uninformed. But, cute. Real cute.

    You don't know better...nor care to...but we all adore you for it.

  18. by Ponderer on March 10, 2023 11:33 am

    "You mean, of course, your own subjectivity is truth, freakin truth, eh?" -Bill Sloat

    No. I mean can you honestly say that if Fox had simply reported the truth about the election (As many high ups in the organization wanted to), and never mendaciously reported on any of the baseless nonsense that there has never been the slightest shred of evidence for at all, that Trump would have been able to just as easily brainwash so many of his followers like you into believing his totally fictional Big Lie?

    "I think you're overestimating the clout of Fox on the right. By a looooooooong chalk." -Bill Sloat

    Uh huh. 🙄

  19. by HatetheSwamp on March 10, 2023 12:01 pm


    Let's be honest together. We pknow that you weren't watching Fox in November 020. You have no firsthand knowledge of what it was reporting.

    I'm guessing that what you think you know is based on those EXCERPTS from friggin DEPOSITIONS in the Dominion suit. I'm also guessing that you really don't understand what a deposition is.

    I'm freakin sure you weren't listening to Rush preach his three hour sermons about the stolen election, which he preached 5 days a week as long as his health held out...into February of 021.

    And, I know that all of us live life as subjects. And that the power of your subjectivity is more compelling than that of anyone I know.

  20. by Ponderer on March 10, 2023 1:52 pm

    When you are online as much as Donna and I are, it's hard not to pick up rather incriminating examples of Fox lying to its audience on an almost daily basis. Heck, their sociopathic, reality averse, anti-American antics are prime Facebook Newsfeed material.

    Bill, a tremendous percentage of the population is not unconscious of the destructive harm that Fox has caused to this country every time it puts a camera into one of their bullshit-flogging commentators' faces. Even if they never watch it.

    But then you are a Fox viewer. Especially since that deranged psychopath Rush Limbaugh patriotically shuffled off this mortal coil. So I am not surprised at all that you know nothing about the rest of the country or what they know, think and/or believe. Which is of course precisely the sort of ignorance you cherish so much. It's to be expected.

    So you got a lot of your knowledge of current events from Rush Limbaugh's 3-hour sermons of hate, bigotry, and deranged paranoid hallucinations? Five days a week? I can't say that I find that surprising in the least.

    But I must admit, I have actually gained a tiny modicum of respect for you just by your admitting to that, Bill. 👍

  21. by oldedude on March 10, 2023 2:52 pm
    You have to know the difference between a Newsperson and a Pundit.

    It's interesting that FOXNews has "news" people (Trace G, Hemmer, etc), and pundits. Fox, unlike the sheeple media, doesn't confuse the two.

    It's a totally different style. Perino can pull it off. Maybe? one or two more. Hemmer is a news guy. The facts, good or bad. "Here's what is known." He doesn't veer too far off of that. Tucker is a Pundit. He doesn't veer too far off of that. IMHO, pundits that don't base there opine from the facts are not really worth listening to (are you listening MSNBC, CNN, AJ [depending on who you listen to], BBC, NPR).

    I don't listen to Tucker either. I didn't listen to Rushbo, although he brought up many things that did turn out to be true. Both are decent pundints. AND both understand what they do/did for a living. I usually stick to Hemmer because I like the straightforward news and make up my own mind. Although I do appreciate Perino. She's one I'll listen to regardless because I respect her opinion even though I disagree sometimes.

  22. by HatetheSwamp on March 11, 2023 3:50 am

    At the beginning, OD, I listened to Rush because he was hilarious. (See link. Oy!, did the feminazis hate that'ne, eh?)

    In the last, what?, five years he was taking himself seriously. But he was so powerful among GOPs he made news. I listened, from time to time, for that.

    As I've said, I love Perino. Neither MSNBC nor CNN have anyone like Hemmer. I'm guessing that Hemmer left CNN for Fox because Fox still allowed for the reporting of news.

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