by Ponderer on May 14, 2023 7:30 am
So from what you are saying, Bill, it appears that you believe that what is going on in that Tik Tok site you jack-off to so often is not only an example of The Trans Political Agenda, but you are also asserting that those appearing on that site are a cryptic arm of and other transgender support and information sites who just don't want to be associated with them. That is what you essentially just said.
You think that just because there are vile and inappropriate actions being perpetrated by a microscopic portion of the trans community who are "grooming" kids that therefore all transgender support and information sites actually agree with them and are secretly on board with it as "The Trans Political Agenda"?
You are simply wrong, Bill. The two are in no way connected except in your warped, bigoted, deranged mind.
What would help your cause is for you...and a majority of trans admit that what's on Libs of TikTok and GAG is real then to add:
1. This is a minority of the trans and trans-phile communities.
2. I am more against that behavior than the mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps are..." -Hate
A huge part of my argument against your propaganda has been stating that you are talking about a tiny microscopic minority of the trans community and that I also in no way whatsoever approve of anyone "grooming" children into becoming trans. No matter how infinitesimally small a portion of the population it is who are doing it.
But hey, I understand that it is incumbent upon my entire community to stand up and make a huge public rebuttal against the lies and bullshit MAGA Republican propaganda you flog and support and share in here. While you are of course under no obligations whatsoever to stop fukking lying about us publicly. So yeah, lemme get right to work getting a majority of the transgender community to appear online and say what you want them to say. 🙄
...and, of course, you'd have to be effin believable." -Hate
Well fukk, Bill! Why don't you just cut the crap and tell me it's impossible for us to do anything that would help? You bigoted assholes have no intention of ever believing anything we'd ever say no matter how heartfelt and sincere and supported by facts and evidence we were. There is absolutely nothing any trans people could ever do or say at this point, given the way the MAGA Republican propaganda machine has totally poisoned the discourse with its lies, that would ever result in you ever believing us and you fukking know it. What a pathetic thing for you to throw out there. You really do got nothing.
This is about nothing but bigoted, sociopathic conservatives and religious zealots feeding their bigotry and repression of a minority who they don't like having to share the country with. It's about the MAGA Republican Political Agenda of "eradicating" us. Period.
It has no more to do with the safety of children to them than the antisemitism of past centuries had anything to do with Jews grinding up children's bones to make their stew with. If there are a few miscreants abusing children, then arrest them and lock them away. Please! We do not support what they are doing. does not support what they are doing. These misguided individuals not only DON'T represent my community, but they sure as hell aren't going to be stopped by me and the rest of my community being kept from using the proper public restrooms and being legally rendered persona non grata.
Children's safety my ass, Bill. You and your MAGA Republican mammies and pappies and googoos and gahgahs are screaming bloody murder about drag queens reading children's stories to kids in libraries and the microscopic minority of the trans community who allegedly abuse children, while actively protecting and defending laws that make guns the number one cause of death of children in this country.
You wanna talk about children's safety???
Where are the hundreds of MAGA Republican laws being rushed to Congress to protect children's safety by reversing psychotic guns laws that result in a constantly never ending stream of children being blown to pieces in their classrooms? The only rushing the MAGA Republicans in Congress have been doing is to stop any laws from passing that would actually help increase children's safety.
Why are the thousands of kids being butchered in classrooms so contrarily different to you and the rest of the MAGA Republicans? Why do so many MAGA Republican mamas and dadas and googoos and gahgahs want those children to keep on dying? Why don't they give a damn about them? Why don't