Oxford Colleges. Where do you Belong? Rate This SelectorComment On This 💬 4 from 154 votes. See 108,512 visitors' top results A SelectSmart.com Education Selector by Stu, created December 2004.
Are you a prospective Oxford applicant eager to find out which college you belong in? Here's your chance! I will admit, straight off, that I don't know an awful lot about some of these colleges. To do a proper survey would take eons. I think, however, that most of the surmise is fair - just take it with a pinch of salt, that's all.Many other things are statistically attested. So it's not that bad. Sorry for missing out 4 colleges: St. Anne's, Mansfield, Somerville and St. Hilda's (take care about applying to the last one if you're a man) thanks to space restrictions. See also the extensively researched selector Which (US) College Is Right For Me?Disclaimer.