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MoviesCare Bear Quiz
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A Movies Selector by Cheer Bear, created October 2005. Everyone loves Care Bears right? Ever wonder which one you would be? Take the Care Bear Quiz to find out!! After each question, there is an answer and a (Yes) or a (No) beside it. If the one that applys to you the most has a (yes) beside it, then answer yes, and vice versa
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1. Its Saturday morning. You decide to: Sleep in (yes); Get up and enjoy the day!! (no)
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2. After finialy getting up, you discover your mom as decided to wash all your clothes- so you have nothing to wear but your pajamas!! You think: Great, this kind of thing always happens to me :( (Yes); Cool! I get to wear my pajamas to the mall! (no)
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3. On your way to the mall, you realize you've forgotten your money!! You: Shrug. You'll probablly find some on the ground some where (yes); run back home to grab you cash (no)
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4. Back on your way, you see a little girl crying with a scraped up knee and a scooter beside her. you: Spread disinfectant cream over the wound, put a scooby-doo band-aid on it, and give her a balloon to make her happy (Yes); keep on walking, you've only got one scooby-doo band-aid left any way. (no)
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5. At the mall, you see your crush. You decide to: Walk over and say hello. The could be "the one"!! (yes); walk past, giving them a quick galance. They probally don't even know you exist (no)
Prioritize your choice above:

6. Suddenly, you realize your best friend's basketball game is starting at your school in 30 minutes!! You: Rush over to your school as fast as you can. You'd never miss a chance to cheer them on! (yes); You'll go, but you'll take your time. It's just basketball. (no)
Prioritize your choice above:

7. At the game, you see a bunch of your friends decked out with face paint, shirts, and pom-poms with your school's colors on them. You: Join in on the fun! (yes); Hide behind a trashcan so they don't see you. You would't be caught dead in that stuff! (No)
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8. You're at the game to cheer on your: Friend that's playing in it (yes); school (no)
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9. There's 1 minute left on the clock, and your friend's team is behind by 1 point. You: Close your eye, think happy thoughts, and wish real hard that they'll win (yes); Cheer even louder! (No)
Prioritize your choice above:

10. Your team wins!!!! Your reaction: Of course they one! I wished for it didn't I? (yes); YES!! THEY ONE!! WOOHOO!!! (no)
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