2024 Presidential Candidate Selector (Mentioned Candidates Version*)
SelectSmart.comThe 38 names that appear on your results page are potential candidates whose names have been mentioned by pundits.*

You may select a position for every issue, or just select issues important to you. The positions of these potential candidates are based upon their voting records, special interest group ratings and their statements in the public record. In cases where there is no known public record or statement, these politicos are not rated on that issue. We add candidates, update their views and include new issues as they become known or change. Check back as we near the election.

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* Do you want to compare more or fewer candidates for president?
Include only candidates who have announced or indicated their serious intentions to run for president in 2024 by visiting early primary states, for example.
Include any and all candidates who have been mentioned by pundits as possible contenders.

1. What would be your ideal candidate's position on HEALTH CARE?
Choose the option closer to your own view:
Side with those who would would favor keeping the Affordable Care Act but would favor adjusting and improving the ACA.
Side with those who would repeal & replace Obamacare. There are too many problems with it to fix it. Would also oppose any other government run health care programs.
Side with those who would favor Medicare-for-all with which every American is covered by the same, single health plan.
Side with those who would favor Medicare public option, the general proposal that anyone has the option to get healthcare through Medicare.
No preference

Prioritize your choice above

Low Priority High Priority

2. What would be your ideal candidate's position on EMPLOYMENT ISSUES?
Choose the option closer to your own view:
Side with those who want government to improve the situation for American workers. Areas of improvement include raising the minimum wage and fulfilling the goals of labor unions such as the AFL-CIO and Afscme.
Side with those who say that the best thing government can do for workers is to butt out. That includes allowing the free market to determine wages and giving workers the right to not join unions.
No preference

Prioritize your choice above

Low Priority High Priority

3. What would be your ideal candidate's position on BUDGET & TAX ISSUES?

Choose the option closer to your own view:

Side with those who say government has a responsibility to address economic and social problems. That means investing in programs that benefit the people.
Side with those who say that the best government is limited government. The Cato Institute and other libertarians have the right idea: Less taxation means more money in the pockets of the people so they can solve their own problems.
No preference

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Low Priority High Priority

4. What would be your ideal candidate's position on BUSINESS ISSUES?
Choose the option closer to your own view:
Side with those who say that the government should do more, not less, to protect citizens from corporate greed and excess.
Side with those who say that legislation preferred by the US Chamber of Commerce and other business groups benefits everybody.
No preference

Prioritize your choice above

Low Priority High Priority

5. What would be your ideal candidate's position on TRADE ISSUES?

Choose the option closer to your own view:

Side with those who say imported products come at the expense of American jobs. We need tariffs and other trade barriers to protect our economy.
Side with those who say all nations, including our own, benefit from free trade. Imported goods give consumers more choice and lower prices. International trade opens markets abroad for us to sell our goods.
No preference

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Low Priority High Priority

6. What would be your ideal candidate's position on IMMIGRATION ISSUES?

Choose the option closer to your own view:

Side with those who want American citizens to be protected from immigration. My ideal candidate would know that sanctuary cities harbor criminals, creating a dangerous environment for US citizens.
Side with those who would generally welcome immigration. My ideal candidate would know that sanctuary cities are safer because they encourage good relationships between undocumented immigrants and law enforcement
No preference

Prioritize your choice above

Low Priority High Priority

7. What would be your ideal candidate's position on MINORITY ISSUES?
Choose the option closer to your own view:
Side with those who say the sake of racial justice, government should implement policies favored by the NAACP and other minority advocacy groups. That includes affirmative action which ensures diversity and helps level the playing field.
Side with those who say legislation designed to benefit any particular racial, ethnic or other minority group is inherently unfair, discriminatory and divisive.
No preference

Prioritize your choice above

Low Priority High Priority

8. What would be your ideal candidate's position on INTERNATIONAL & SECURITY ISSUES?
Choose the option closer to your own view:
Side with those who have a hawkish peace through strength point of view.
Side with those who have a pacifistic strength through peace and/or a non-interventionist point of view. That is, nonviolent, non-belligerent and non-antagonistic approaches can effectively resolve conflicts.
No preference

Prioritize your choice above

Low Priority High Priority

9. What would be your ideal candidate's position on CRIME & PUNISHMENT ISSUES?
Check any, all or none.
Side with those who oppose prison privatization. Private prisons, also known as for-profit prisons, are run by corporations that have contracts with governments.
Side with those who oppose capital punishment. The death penalty is in practice applied only for murder involving an aggravating factor such as multiple victims, rape, robbery, or a victim under a certain age.
Side with those who favor the goals of the National Association of Police Organizations whose issues of importance include increased mental health access for offenders, training for officers who encounter mentally ill offenders, law enforcement access to military surplus equipment, gang deterrence and prevention programs
and other issues here.

Prioritize your choice above

Low Priority High Priority

10. What would be your ideal candidate's position on POVERTY & HOMELESSNESS ISSUES?
Choose the option closer to your own view:
Side with those who say it is the primarily the role and responsibility of government to solve the problems of poverty and homelessness.
Side with those who say in solving the problems of the poor and homeless, government should take a backseat to private and faith-based charities.
No preference

Prioritize your choice above

Low Priority High Priority

11. What would be your ideal candidate's position on EDUCATION ISSUES?
Choose the option closer to your own view:
Side with those who share the values of the National Education Association whose mission states that a public education is a human and civil right, a gateway to opportunity and provides students the skills to be involved, informed, and engaged in our representative democracy.
Side with those who share values of charter school, parochial schools and home school organizations which favor "school choice" voucher plans. In many cases, parents are advocating for their right to control their child's education and their religious freedom.
No preference

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Low Priority High Priority

12. What would be your ideal candidate's position on MARIJUANA laws?

Choose the option closer to your own view:

Side with those who favor the legalization of marijuana for recreational and/or medical use.
Side with those who oppose any legalization of marijuana.
No preference

Prioritize your choice above

Low Priority High Priority

13. What would be your ideal candidate's position on RELIGIOUS & SOCIAL ISSUES?
Choose the option closer to your own view:
Side with those who favor the agenda of the Christian Coalition, whose agenda includes ending human embryonic stem cell research, defunding planned parenthood and defending traditional marriage.
Side with those who take a more secular approach to governing which would respect the separation of church and state. They would accept differing religious and non-religious perspectives and of new norms including same-sex marriage.
No preference

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Low Priority High Priority

14. What would be your ideal candidate's position on GUN ISSUES?
Choose the option closer to your own view:
Side with those who support gun control legislation recommended by groups such as the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
Side with those who oppose gun control legislation, agreeing with groups such as the NRA and the Gun Owners of America.
No preference

Prioritize your choice above

Low Priority High Priority

15. What would be your ideal candidate's position on ABORTION ISSUES?
Choose the option closer to your own view:
Side with those who support the pro-life positions of organizations such as National Right to Life Committee.
Side with those who support the pro-choice positions of organizations such as NARAL Pro Choice USA.
No preference

Prioritize your choice above

Low Priority High Priority

16. What would be your ideal candidate's position on the ENVIRONMENT & PROPERTY RIGHTS ISSUES when they conflict?
Choose the option closer to your own view:
Side with those who favor positions of environmental groups such as the League of Conservation Voters. LCV's top priority is to address climate change.
Side with those who support positions of property rights advocating groups like the American Land Rights Association, which has an often contentious relationship the Environmental Protection Agency and Bureau of Land Management.
No preference

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17. What would be your ideal candidate's position on RETIREMENT ISSUES?
Choose the option closer to your own view:
Side with those who want to preserve the basic Social Security program as set up by FDR, but possibly make changes such as raising the earnings ceiling and/or the retirement age, etc.
Side with those who want to consider other options to Social Security, including privatization and allowing people to invest their own retirement funds.
No preference

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Low Priority High Priority

18. What would be your ideal candidate's position on COLLEGE AFFORDABILTY?
Side with those who support government programs providing tuition-free or debt-free four-year public college for all regardless of need.
Side with those who support government programs that provide free two-year community college tuition and/or policies to ease four-year public college costs and debt, including expanding grants for low-income students.
Side with those who oppose any government funded free college programs.
No preference.

Prioritize your choice above

Low Priority High Priority

19. What would be your ideal candidate's position on VOTING ISSUES?
Choose the option closer to your own view:
Side with those who say voter fraud is a serious election problem. Laws that restrict voting access are a good solution.
Side with those who say voter suppression is a serious election problem. Laws that expand voting access are a good solution.
No preference.

Prioritize your choice above

Low Priority High Priority

20. What would be your ideal candidate's position on NUCLEAR POWER?
Choose the option closer to your own view:
Side with those who support developing new nuclear technologies as part of an effort to fight climate change.
Side with those who support closing down existing nuclear power reactors.
No preference

Prioritize your choice above

Low Priority High Priority

21. What would be your ideal candidate's position on ENERGY ISSUES?
Choose the option closer to your own view:
Ban fracking everywhere.
Side with those who want to end new oil and gas leases on federal land and end offshore drilling.
Side with those who support government funding for the development of renewable energy (e.g. solar, wind, geo-thermal)

Prioritize your choice above

Low Priority High Priority

22. What would be your ideal candidate's position on CONFEDERATE MONUMENTS AND STATUES?
Choose the option closer to your own view:
Leave them up. These beautiful statues and monuments represent our history and culture.
Take them down. Monuments to those who fought for slavery and secession don't belong in public places.
No preference.

Prioritize your choice above

Low Priority High Priority

23. What would be your ideal candidate's position on the WAR IN UKRAINE?
American needs to focus on domestic concerns including inflation and immigration issues. Ukraine is important, but at the same time, it can't be the only thing they do, and it can't be a blank check.
Impose sanctions on Russia. Send Ukraine humanitarian aid and weaponry including missiles, anti-aircraft systems, anti-armor weapons and systems, small arms and grenade launchers.
Under no circumstances should we enter into another war that would cost thousands of American lives and significantly increase the already $30 trillion national debt. We propose that tax relief to the American people will allow all individuals to spend, to give, and to offer assistance to those in need -- whether in a warzone abroad or in crisis here at home -- in accordance with our own values and judgements.
The leaders of the United States, NATO and Russia should immediately initiate diplomatic talks together with Ukrainian leadership to resolve the crisis in Ukraine.
No preference
Prioritize your choice above:
Low Priority High Priority

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