by HatetheSwamp on November 22, 2023 7:02 am
I've been clear. I oppose every atrocity committed among Palestinians and Israelis...and my posts here demonstrate that.
Your posts are the very thing that a Neo-Nazi would enter here, highlighting the evils being perpetrated by the Jews. While, on some esoteric, theoretical level, I think it's possible that you oppose the killing of Israeli civilians, you seem to seek "news" designed to shield you from knowledge of Hamas' evil AND to exaggerate or outright lie about Israel's evils.
And, that's precisely what Neo-Nazis in 2023 do.
I'm sure you don't own a single Swastika. But, you think of the Jews in exactly the way people who wear them do.
There are many woke white electric limousine lovin progressive Swampcultists who JewHate. You give every evidence of being among the most committed among them.
10/7 totally redefined my understanding of you. My new understanding has been confirmed consistently in the six weeks that have followed...
...including your post that launched this thread that ignored the crucial reality that many in Israel are nauseated by that song.
by Donna on November 22, 2023 7:20 am
Just reporting what many people are saying. You do the same thing here - alot.