by HatetheSwamp on October 5, 2023 10:52 am
One do not attempt or "inquire" about an impeachment unless they believe the president is guilty of some serious crime.
No. Not is. May be.
That's what I'm hearing from purple district GOPs.
Impeachment and a subsequent conviction is a vehicle to remove a president from office if they are found guilty of "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors". ---Article II, Section 4, US Constitution.
Bang on.
If this inquiry ends up with Joe facing an Impeachment Trial, it will be "high... MISDEMEANORS" that'll be where Joe is up the crick.
Back in the Clinton Impeachment drama, Tony Snow, who was very well read and of the intellectual class of William F. Buckley, said that, in the FEDERALIST PAPERS, high misdemeanors were the equivalent of misdeeds, and that that last category was intended to be a broad catch-all to describe behavior by a President that is immensely inappropriate but hard to categorize.
At this point, there's abundant evidence that Joe lied about the degree of his awareness of and connection to Hunter's foreign business dealings. I think it's appropriate to launch an inquiry into his, at least apparent, misrepresentation of the truth.
I suspect that you, with your devotion to your Holy Trinity, may not even know that Joe's been busted. There is testimony and documentary evidence against Joe on that point. The Impeachment Inquiry seems justified. It's happening.
What comes of it is, in my mind is yet to be determined.
by Indy! on October 5, 2023 3:15 pm
Douchowitz is not politically liberal in any way whatsoever. He uses some liberal stances as a lawyer, but that's a business tool as a shady lawyer - not a personal belief.