How politically inept!
A video of Brian Deese, a political adviser serving under President Joe Biden, speaking about the "liberal world order" in the context of gas prices has racked up 1.4 million views on Twitter.
Deese, who is the director of the National Economic Council, was being interviewed Thursday by CNN's Victor Blackwell, who referenced Biden's comments when asking what he would say to American families who can't afford to pay gas prices such as $4.85 a gallon for the months or years it takes the Russia-Ukraine war to end.
"Well, what you heard from the president today was a clear articulation of the stakes," Deese said. "This is about the future of the liberal world order and we have to stand firm. But at the same time, what I would say to that family and Americans across the country is you have a president and an administration that is going to do everything in its power to blunt those price increases and bring those prices down."
So, here's an honest question: Does the Biden administration want 260 GOPs in the House and 53 GOPs in the Senate in 023 and 60 in 025?
"Liberal world order!"
Giving some benefit of the doubt to Joe's gang, knowing what Deese probably means by that phrase, pb is not strongly opposed.
But, c'mon man! Gimme a break!
NEWSWEEK says that, by the time of their article, there were nearly a one and a half million hits on that video.
The video was featured on the top rated late night show GUTFELD! last night. [The GUTFELD! reference was for you, Donna.]
How many purple and bluish purple districts and states do you think are going to see this in campaign ads this fall?
Talk about handing it on a silver platter!?
So, in the week before the election, ask all of us who are moderate or politically independent if we're happy paying that extra $2.50 per gallon to preserve the LIBERAL WORLD ORDER!
I don't think so.
What are they thinking?
Curt. isle. po. I've never heard a discouraging word from you in reference to Joe.
Are you chillin with this.