A lawsuit filed by two Rensselaer County men challenges the state’s requirement that gun owners must have a justifiable reason — referred to as “proper cause” — to get a concealed carry permit. Permit applicants must now state why they have a need to carry a gun in public. For example, it could be because they have been threatened or their job places them in danger.
The Rensselaer County men are making the case that applicants should not have to give a reason for why they want to carry a concealed gun in public. They argue they have that right under the Second Amendment.
The court could rule a number of ways, ranging from throwing out the requirement, keeping it entirely or limiting it to certain places.
Until yesterday, speculation was, for the
most part, that that the law could, very likely, will be shot down.
Even pb thinks something must be done about the availability of guns. But, the US does have a Bill of Rights. Which includes the Second Amendment. Constitutional restrictions on the right to bear arms seem already to have gone too far, hence the speculation that the New York law will be nixed.
A Constitutional Amendment to tweak the Court’s previous decisions on the Second Amendment may be the only answer.
Here's the problem. pb, who's got some significant libertarian tendencies, is scared to the bejeebers of you Blue MAGA Swampcult Big Brother lovers.
We've just muddled our way through a pandemic in which Blue authoritarians showed, every time they had an opening, the orgasmic joy they achieve when they see an opportunity to trounce individual liberty.
So,...pb agrees with tightening up gun rights but you Blue MAGA Swampcultist progressives are going to have to prove that you have respect for freedom. You've got a long way to go to convince even pb.
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