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The big problem
By islander
March 10, 2022 7:22 am
Category: Opinion

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People like Barr are a huge part of the problem. Exactly "what" does he imagine the progressive agenda is that he'd vote for a candidate whom he admits is a liar and a threat to our democracy rather than vote for a Democrat?

"Trump’s attorney general William Barr has just published a book detailing how Trump lied about the election and threatened democracy. And yet, on a tour to sell the book, Barr on Monday told NBC's Savannah Guthrie that he would nonetheless vote for Trump if he were the Republican nominee in 2024. "Because I believe that the greatest threat to the country is the progressive agenda being pushed by the Democratic Party, it's inconceivable to me that I wouldn't vote for the Republican nominee," he said." *

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Comments on "The big problem":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on March 10, 2022 7:59 am

    I think it's long past time you Blue MAGAs take an honest look at who you are.

    Barr, and pb, are two among millions. We know precisely who Trump is but we'll choose him in a heartbeat, over and over again, over who y'nes are and what you stand for.

    Think about the fact that so many of us would always pick Trump over you...

    How hard could it be to be more attractive than that!!!!!?

  2. by HatetheSwamp on March 10, 2022 8:15 am


    In the paragraph after your quote, I think that Heather hits on one of your key vulnerabilities, i.e., unabashed Big Brotherism.

    This same conviction that Democrats must be stopped at all costs is pushing the drive to destroy democracy by concentrating political power in state legislatures. In a dissent this week, four right-wing Supreme Court justices indicated they support a further step in that concentration, backing a legal argument that state legislatures have ultimate power to determine their own voting procedures, including the selection of presidential electors, regardless of what a majority of voters want.

    One truth about America is that Americans despise big government authoritarianism.

    I think that your conviction that you know better and, effin, are better than the non elites...and that you deserve to be able to foist your values on them...

    ...will always be your downfall in a country where people still love the Bill of Rights.

  3. by islander on March 10, 2022 12:39 pm

    People like Barr and Hate do not understand in the least what, if you want to label it, the so called “Progressive Agenda” is !!! LoL

  4. by HatetheSwamp on March 10, 2022 12:54 pm

    pb don't know nuthin about an agenda. It's who y'nes are (especially with the sanctimony packed in) and what you stand for...

    ...but Heather's bang on. As flawed a vessel as Trump is, Trump's preferable to y'all.

  5. by islander on March 10, 2022 1:32 pm

    ”pb don't know nuthin about an agenda” 

    I agree! 

    And like I said, neither do people like Barr and Hate.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on March 11, 2022 3:30 am

    Baha, isle.

    I do think that, in the end, what Heather's written is about all y'all over there on the Blue MAGA side.

    Barr is a decent man who's universallly respected.

    Barr fully understands all the realities about Trump that you'd want him to. Like me, Barr thinks that Trump is despicable.

    The question is, what, do you suppose, Barr thinks of you?, because he has no doubt, he wouldn't hesitate. If it comes down to OrangeMan or someone...ANYONE...from your side, he'll choose Trump.

    Even a thoughtful, decent man like Barr would take Donald Trump rather than allow your ilk to take over the government again.

    He's not saying that he's still anti-progressive. He's saying that you are so loathsome to him that he'd take even Trump over you.

    And, who with a brain, can blame him? Look at what the smoke filled room handlers of "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" have done to America!!!!! In only a little more than a year!

  7. by islander on March 11, 2022 5:01 am

    Fortunately, for our country and the world, the majority of people do not see things the way Trump, Barr, Hate, and all of Hate’s different hate filled personalities see them.

    What is truly encouraging for the good and decent people of this country is that all the facades of those like Putin, Trump, Bill Barrs, and Hate, are melting away in large part due to the events that have recently been taking place on the world stage. More and more people who had been fooled by them are now able to see through them. And even as we speak, the Trump supporters and enablers are slinking away back into the woodwork and under the the rocks from which they came.

    Three cheers for Freedom, Democracy, and for the good and decent people of our 
country. The Good Guys are back !!!

  8. by HatetheSwamp on March 11, 2022 5:12 am

    Trump Trump Trump Trump...TRUMP.

    Yeah. Trump's despicable. Millions who would vote for him again agree.

    It's that your ilk won't take the honest look at yourself that is the serious threat to our future.

    And, you won't.

    On this side, we're anguished. We agonize. Millions of us would do anything, if we had a reasonable option.

    Yet, you are undaunted. Proud.

  9. by islander on March 11, 2022 2:31 pm

    “Millions of us would do anything, if we had a reasonable option.”


    You do.

    There’s another rather decent fellow who is doing a very good job of repairing the damage done to our country both here and abroad by the monster you enabled yet claim to despise. Unfortunately, in your present mindset, you are just unable to recognize it.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on March 11, 2022 3:33 pm

    C'mon man. Gimme a break.

    Foreign leaders won't even take calls from "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap." Choosing that at a time we're on the verge of another World War don't seem reasonable to me, there, isle. Not by a long shot.

  11. by islander on March 11, 2022 3:54 pm

    I’ll bet you wish your monster, the one you claim to despise, had won the election.

    You know, the one who wanted us to withdraw from NATO and alienated our allies. 

    It certainly would have made Putin’s invasion of Ukraine a lot easier for him.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on March 12, 2022 4:12 am

    Trump probably would have won, if the vote had been honestly cast and counted.

    What we know is that Putin did not attack Ukraine when Trump was President.

    I'm certain that, if he'd tried it, Trump would not have waited until troops were amassed on the Ukraine border and had crossed it before issuing the first little mini sanctions.

    isle, at this point, it's not that the Roaring Bear from Delaware let Putin take his good ol plodding time to set everything in place before he attacked Ukraine. It's that he has, essentially, been Tucker Carlson, i.e., showing respect for Russia and only supporting Ukraine when the rest of the world pressures him.

    And, I blame you.

    Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

  13. by Donna on March 12, 2022 7:41 am
    Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 and has never left. It annexed Crimea and has positioned its military on the eastern border while lending material aid to separatists in Donbas.

    Every president from Clinton through Trump has appeased Putin. Biden is the first president since Reagan to confront Putin in any meaningful way. You're too biased to see that, though.

    The conundrum is how to push back on Putin without provoking WW3. I have no answer for that and neither do you. I woukdn't want to be in Biden's shoes.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on March 12, 2022 11:52 am

    Biden is the first president since Reagan to confront Putin in any meaningful way. You're too biased to see that, though.

    The conundrum is how to push back on Putin without provoking WW3. I have no answer for that and neither do you. I woukdn't want to be in Biden's shoes.

    Congress and NATO leaders have drug the Roaring Bear from Delaware, kicking and screaming, in offering even token resistance to Vladdy and, certainly in standing with the people of Ukraine. I've said it before. Joe is Tucker Carlson but Joe is in the White House.

    The world now is, indeed, between a rock and a hard place in figuring what to do about Putin now.

    But, if the Flatulent Fool had been proactive. If what he's done since Russian troops crossed the border he'd done when Russian troops began to move toward the border, there'd be no problem.

    As Russian troops were organizing on the border, I posted here that, because of his defensive, reactive, weak actions, Joe will be responsible for every Ukrainian death and all of the suffering.

    If Joe could be doing this now, he could have done it then, and more. We could have established a no fly zone without opposition, with Ukraine's blessing.

    No Russian soldier would be in Ukraine today!

    When I watch MORNING JOE as the sun rises here, I think, "Yup. Joe. You did this. It's all your fault."

    I'm more convinced than ever.

    Interestingly, when GOPs are less than certain that we should be assertive about Ukraine these days, it's because they're afraid that Joe's incompetence could make the situation worse, not better.

  15. by Donna on March 12, 2022 11:58 am
    Russian troops have been invading Ukraine and have been amassed on the eastern border lending material support to the separatists since 2014.

    Obana didn't do anything about it nor did Trump.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on March 12, 2022 12:02 pm

    Don't be silly, Donna. If the Roaring Bear had acted as intelligence related to this Russian military operation began to appear, in collaboration with NATO and Ukraine, this military operation would not have taken place.

  17. by Donna on March 12, 2022 12:18 pm
    You're the one being silly. In order to do what you're suggesting, NATO would have to have had full support among its members.

    It's winter in Europe. About 40% of Europe's energy needs come from Russia. That a big part of why many European countries are opposed to taking on Putin directly. Not to mention the possibility of provoking war involving all of Europe, not to mention nuckear war.

    It's not as cut and dried as you're making it, which is why no one from either party ever considered your hairbrained approach.

  18. by HatetheSwamp on March 14, 2022 5:30 am

    This is where an actual leader as the US President would matter. In the past our President, having a working brain, who'd collaborate with our allies, spurred sacrificial action.

    We had intelligence. A US President who inspired, was respected...who led allies, not followed them...and Congress...could have inspired action.

    Since FDR, that's what our President has done in the world. When you vote for President, you vote for a world leader.

    When you foisted "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" on the US, you foisted him on the world.

    You're right, Donna. It's not cut and dried. But, that's why the US President must be extraordinary.

  19. by Donna on March 14, 2022 7:48 am
    I don't know who you think you're trying to fool. Like that ridiculous "news" source you're addicted to, you would have complained about Biden's handling of the situation in Ukraine regardless of what course of action he chose. That's why you waited until after he acted to tell us what you would have don

  20. by islander on March 14, 2022 8:16 am

    ”There's no doubt that GOPs have moved to increase election integrity in response to the shenanigans Dems engaged in to foist the Flatulent Fool on the country but the claim that they're restrictive is mindless, unsupportable Blue MAGA hatemyth.”


    That’s your blind spot. You have been fooled into believing the Big Lie.

The Irony of the “Stop The Steal” motto used by Republicans and ended up with the 1/6 insurrection was that it was they themselves, the Republicans, who were trying to steal the election. That's "exactly" what they were trying to do.

    The Democrats don’t need to engage in shenanigans to win elections. It’s the other way around. All we have to do in order to win is to be able to vote in a fair election. We outnumber you. What the Democrats are working for is what the Majority of Americans want for our country (that's why we are the majority). The ONLY way Republicans can win is by preventing Democrats from voting. That is no secret. The Republicans themselves acknowledge this.

    The shenanigans the Republicans are engaging in and the so called laws for the integrity of our elections are not to prevent fraud but rather they are designed to make it easier for the Republicans to win elections without having to win the votes of the majority of the voters. “IF” the voters here in America were able to vote in fair and honest elections...The Republicans would lose...This is why they are so opposed to democracy.

  21. by HatetheSwamp on March 14, 2022 8:30 am

    What flavor is that Kool-aid?

    Truth: Nearly half of likely voters believe that there was significant fraud in the 020 election.

    Almost all of the are GOPs. Very, very few ain't.

  22. by islander on March 14, 2022 8:48 am

    Truth: Nearly half of likely voters believe that there was significant fraud in the 020 election."...Hate

    Most Americans know better by a majority. 66,000,000 Americans know the election was not stolen.

    You can continue to believe the Big Lie if You want, but the rest of us know better. As the courts have demonstrated, the election was not fraudulent. Joe Biden won. Joe Biden is president.

  23. by HatetheSwamp on March 14, 2022 8:56 am

    I was living in Shenanigansland here right outside of Philadelphia...and Delaware County now that that whistle-blower has, uh, blown the whistle.

    I will always be certain that there was widespread election fraud here, at least. At this point, I'm merely showing data that, besides you...and Heather, perhaps, one believes the GOPs cheated.

  24. by islander on March 14, 2022 12:01 pm

    Yes, I know that you believe and will continue to believe the big lie.

    I also know that there are many people who believe and will continue to believe the world is flat.

  25. by HatetheSwamp on March 14, 2022 12:33 pm

    More inconvenient for fans of "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap," than flat earthers, nearly half of likely voters will continue to believe that the smoke filled room handlers of the doddering old fool engaged in substantial voter fraud.

    There's too many reasons not to.

  26. by islander on March 14, 2022 1:01 pm

    Like I said, of course there are and will be people, you among them, who believe that the election was fraudulent. However, the majority of the American people know that it was not a fraudulent election. 192 million of them in fact. That's 66,000,000 (sixty six million) more than believe the big lie.

    Of course it's not the number of people who believe or disbelieve something that makes it true or false, and I normally would never use "large numbers of people believe it" as evidence that something is true...But in your case, you seem to be obsessed with the fact that a lot of Republicans believe believe the big lie, as if that "somehow" demonstrates that the big lie is true...It doesn't.

  27. by HatetheSwamp on March 14, 2022 1:11 pm

    Of course it's not the number of people who believe or disbelieve something that makes it true or false,...

    Except the ones who UNDERSTAND that there were shenanigans, can't wait to vote in 022, and, again, in 024!

  28. by islander on March 14, 2022 2:02 pm

    Hate wrote: ”I can guaran-dang-tee you if, by the time the Pennsylvania primary rolls around, if Liz Cheney is running and still has a viable candidacy, I'll vote for her, and not for OrangeMan.”

    Then maybe you should listen to what Liz has to say about the big lie instead of the Orange Man.


“Today we face a threat America has never seen before. A former president, who provoked a violent attack on this Capitol in an effort to steal the election, has resumed his aggressive effort to convince Americans that the election was stolen from him. He risks inciting further violence. Millions of Americans have been misled by the former president. They have heard only his words, but not the truth, as he continues to undermine our democratic process, sowing seeds of doubt about whether democracy really works at all. I am a conservative Republican and the most conservative of conservative principles is reverence for the rule of law. The Electoral College has voted. More than sixty state and federal courts, including multiple judges he appointed, have rejected the former president's claims. The Department of Justice in his administration investigated the former president's claims of widespread fraud and found no evidence to support them. The election is over. That is the rule of law. That is our constitutional process. Those who refuse to accept the rulings of our courts are at war with the Constitution.”

  29. by HatetheSwamp on March 14, 2022 2:41 pm

    As you know, I've voted for Trump twice even though I think he's immensely flawed.

    I've always admired Liz but I do think that she made a gross error in judgment in voting for that second impeachment before what happened was investigated.

    She is infected with TDS.

    That being true, IMO, she's far less flawed than OrangeMan and, there's no doubt, if Liz and OrangeMan are the remaining legitimate candidates in Pennsylvania, I'll vote for Cheney.

    Just curious. When is the Maine primary in 024?

  30. by islander on March 14, 2022 4:20 pm

    Hate wrote: "I've always admired Liz but I do think that she made a gross error in judgment in voting for that second impeachment before what happened was investigated."

    Whatever do you mean by “investigation”? 

Do you maybe think they didn't present enough evidence to bring Trump to trial by the senate? Obviously they did have enough evidence.

    An impeachment hearing is like a grand jury, the evidence is presented and the grand jury decides whether it is sufficient to bring charges and go to trial.

    How did the house get the evidence that was presented at the impeachment hearing? Do you think they just made it up?


And for all I know you might be right that Liz suffers from TDS (Trump Despisement Syndrome).

  31. by HatetheSwamp on March 15, 2022 4:21 am

    Whatever do you mean by “investigation”? 

Do you maybe think they didn't present enough evidence to bring Trump to trial by the senate? Obviously they did have enough evidence.

    You're being ridiculous, isle. They don't have ANY evidence now!

    They have evidence that there was a kerfuffle on January 6, 021. But, that Trump committed a High Crime or Misdemeanor? Ba!

    That January 6 Committee is still trying to grill people from Fox effin News, in the wild hope that they'll get any evidence at all.

  32. by islander on March 15, 2022 5:03 am

    You can pretend they had no evidence that's fine, But I watched and listened to the impeachment proceedings. I saw the evidence and came to the same conclusion as Mitch McConnell, leader of the opposing side.

    “January 6th was a disgrace. American citizens attacked their own government. They use terrorism to try to stop a specific piece of domestic business they did not like. Fellow Americans beat and bloodied our own police. They stormed the center floor. They tried to hunt down the Speaker of the House. They built a gallows and chatted about murdering the vice president. They did this because they’d been fed wild, falsehoods by the most powerful man on earth because he was angry. He lost an election. Former President Trump’s actions preceded the riot or a disgraceful dereliction of duty. The House accused the former president of quote “Incitement”. That is a specific term from the criminal law. Let me just put that aside for a moment and reiterate something I said weeks ago. There’s no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it.”

    You can read the full transcript here:

  33. by HatetheSwamp on March 15, 2022 5:14 am

    Former President Trump’s actions preceded the riot or a disgraceful dereliction of duty.

    This is a vivid, wishful this point, with no evidence to support it.

    Why, do you suppose, the January 6 Committee, is still chasing down Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham shouting, "Oh Sean, Sean. Laura, Laura...Please, please, please!"

    I watched the speech that day. There's no connection between what Trump said and what happened afterward.

    So, your Committee is still thrashing about.

    And, we're tittering.

  34. by Donna on March 15, 2022 8:25 am
    Anyone who truly thinks that Trump had no connection with the insurrection is delusional.

    I don't know about Ingraham, but I do know that the reason the investigatory committee is "chasing down" Hannity is because he was in correspondence with the White House on 1/6/21.

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