1. How do you enter the ring?
Prioritize your choice above:
2. First move?
Prioritize your choice above:
3. Your opponent is down, what next?
Prioritize your choice above:
4. He get's up, now what?
Prioritize your choice above:
5. He reverses! What was it he was reversing?
Prioritize your choice above:
6. You see an opening for reversal...
Prioritize your choice above:
7. Time for your finisher...
Prioritize your choice above:
8. How do you pin them
Prioritize your choice above:
9. What do you do after the match?
Prioritize your choice above:
10. Your enemy comes back to your room and asks you for a match, what type?
Prioritize your choice above:
11. After a little bit, your opponent is down...
Prioritize your choice above:
12. How do you win?
Prioritize your choice above:
13. After the match, the feds owner fires you? What do you do?
Prioritize your choice above:
14. What other federation are you likely to join?
Prioritize your choice above:
15. Do you think I'm stupid?
Prioritize your choice above:
Just for fun , predict your #1 result. Your prediction will not influence your results.
Predict Your Result. Hardcore
U.S. High Flier
Hardcore High Flier
Lucha Libre