1. what is your favorite color???
Prioritize your choice above:
2. whats better?
Prioritize your choice above:
3. what do you do when you're mad???
Prioritize your choice above:
4. whats your favorite animal???
Prioritize your choice above:
5. i want to feel...
Prioritize your choice above:
6. i also want to feel...
Prioritize your choice above:
7. whats your favorite fast food restaurant???
Prioritize your choice above:
8. which flowers are preettyyyer???
Prioritize your choice above:
9. which candy do you like more???
Prioritize your choice above:
10. which place would you rather go to???
Prioritize your choice above:
11. which is NOT your favorite color???
Prioritize your choice above:
Just for fun, predict your #1 result. Your prediction will not influence your results.