2. Which of the following characters do you believe to be the MOST evil in terms of their actions?
Prioritize your choice above:
3. In general, are you an optimist or a pessimist?
Prioritize your choice above:
4. Thinking of your ideal significant other, which trait is the MOST desirable?
Prioritize your choice above:
5. What is your favorite thing to do on your days off?
Prioritize your choice above:
6. Favored alcohol?
Prioritize your choice above:
7. Which would you choose?
Prioritize your choice above:
8. Of the following skills, which do you believe to be a strength of yours? Select the one that you are the most proud of.
Prioritize your choice above:
9. In general, are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Prioritize your choice above:
10. In general, do you make decisions based upon your emotions or based upon your logic?
Prioritize your choice above:
11. Do you tend to seek out adventure or are you more at ease settling into a routine?
Prioritize your choice above:
12. If you could splurge any amount of money on one thing, what would you buy?
Prioritize your choice above:
13. If you had to form a friendship with one of the following undesirables, which would you chose?
Prioritize your choice above:
14. Of the two protagonists, which is your favorite?
Prioritize your choice above:
15. Do you find that you tend to be too trusting of others?
Prioritize your choice above:
16. Which of the following careers is the most appealing to you?
Prioritize your choice above:
Just for fun, predict your #1 result. Your prediction will not influence your results.