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PhilosophyZennyist/Francoist Test
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A Philosophy Selector by Nasania, created March 2015.
Work in progress. Disclaimer.

The first question is below.

1. The People are the foundation of our society. Power through regular elections and democratic representation must always be maintained to a reasonable degree. They must keep their voice in an organized legislative government
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2. The Leader must always strive to represent the People and their wishes in all areas of government. When you speak as a leader, you speak on behalf of every single person you represent. The largest consensus possible should always be the attempted end result of any debate or policy discussion.
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3. All People should feel valued and supported within their community so long as they contribute to the region and remain respectful.
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4. An organized region requires a forum to appropriately operate and have a stable government structure if it wishing to be democratic.Threads and posts are a much more effective way to keep record of events and communication than RMB posts which eventually get buried and never seen again.
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5. Internal Policy must always be based on security, as it must always be a constant in the front of the mind of Francoists that almost all Userites would see them fall to further their own power. To this end there must be no legislation that can be exploited and used against the Pacific in a damaging fashion. A Francoist Pacific would quickly find a constitution to be a ball and chain around their neck, which many, without a second thought, would push into the sea. Not only will it be studied for use by the more refined Userites, but it will badly hamper any future reforms that can be put in place once the security situation is resolved. They will find the same thing with complex laws, and so any state documentation must be both simple and flexible, with the emphasis being placed on law by precedent. This will allow the Pacific to enforce the spirit of the revolution and the laws that it brought, rather than the letter. The fact that it is in the best interests of the Pacific vindicates the enforcement of law, rather than a quest for absolute and unchanging rule.
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6. verything the Pacific does must be for the Pacific and class as a whole, so no matter how much the international community cries about individual 'outrages' or anecdotal fabrications, if it does not benefit the whole, it must be brushed aside immediately so as not to affect the Pacific either on a conscious or sub-conscious level.
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7. There are two classes, the exploiters(Userites) and the exploited(Feederites). In order for a good government to become a reality, the exploted must overthrow the Userite Dictatorship in revolution.
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8. The revolution is not just political, but cultural. The revolution invariably creates a unique culture within a region, and this will be the regions greatest strength in fighting the Userites, for it proves that no longer are they slaves to their principles and conventions, but are free to create and enforce their own unique society free from corruption, deception, decadence and foreign dictates.
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9. The only way to accomplish the revolution is to initially set up a very stong central and close-nit government based on loyalty to the cause and competence in a specific field – be that Intelligence, security, politics or defence – and at this point, the region very much becomes a class based meritocracy. It is of the utmost importance for any citizen to realise, the region is not about the individual or their petty wants, it is about the class and the region, and what is best for them as a whole.
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10. The revolution must involve the ejection and subsequent banning of all suspected counter-revolutionaries, class traitors and foreign troops as well as the widespread infiltration of hostile organisations and even scrutiny of fellow citizens - as the enemy have a long and illustrious history of placing inept Charlatans within regions for the purpose of infiltration, agitation and sabotage.
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11. Due to the nature of the NationStates world, the revolution can never be reached by popular public mandate alone, due to the firm grip the Userites have on the region through political manipulations and double agents. It is due to these overwhelming odds that the people must take on the matter from the perspective of the enemy and use deception themselves. It is acceptable at this point, when Francoist Thought is prominent throughout the loyal Feederites and Userite exploitation is at its apex, to use any means necessary to carry through the revolution. This includes the use of the Userites own deception and political system against them. If the conditions are met and the revolution can be carried through, then it is the duty of every Francoist to free their homeland from the imperialists.
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12. We must be both isolationist and internationalist at the same time. It is the duty of all to lend their support to our comrades of other regions, as in the end their goals are one in the same – freedom from the slavery of the Userites. It is this solidarity that will lead to the eventual reuniting of the Pacifics, united to seek their class aims of peace, strength and prosperity while free from the shackles the world has sought to imprison them in for all of history. But this cannot be achieved by a fabricated revolution - by invasion or infiltration - for that is not a revolution at all and will end in the loyal Feederites leading a widespread insurrection against the Francoists, rather than giving widespread support and becoming Francoists themselves. So the Francoists must support Francoist Pacifics and emerging Francoism as far as they can without alienating the masses of the host Pacific.
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13. It is important that the Pacific does not allow the demands of the Userites to change their Internal policy in the slightest, for if it does, then the revolution has failed and it may as well not have happened. Everything the Pacific does must be for the Pacific and class as a whole, so no matter how much the international community cries about individual 'outrages' or anecdotal fabrications, if it does not benefit the whole, it must be brushed aside immediately so as not to affect the Pacific either on a conscious or sub-conscious level. That said, it can not allow foreign meddling to create a cloud or arrogance that prevents an objective look at itself. A key definition of a Francoist Pacific is that it can view itself objectively, challenging and breaking flawed theories based on faith in favour of actions based on rationality.
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14. With regards to hostile Userites - which is to say, almost all regions and players - the Pacific need only ignore them on the wider international stage. These regions need policies and involvement with the Pacifics as the Pacifics are the superpowers that, in the end, have the potential to be everything. But the Pacifics have no need for the acceptance or resources of these hostile Userite regions, and so other than standing as a beacon of truth pointing out hypocrisy wherever it arises, a Francoist Pacific need have nothing to do with them.
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15. The self-interest of every nation is to remove itself from the state of nature: to give up its absolute freedom with the resulting removal of perpetual terror. It is in doing this that the individual nation will naturally come to sign a social contract and band together with other nations in an alliance, which allows them to concern themselves less with the matter of survival and instead concentrate on achieving their potential in other fields.
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16. It is apparent therefore that the in order for an alliance to truly prosper it must lift itself out from the state of nature by way of an absolute sovereign -- one who will forcibly resolve the conflicts of the past age and take the alliance into a new one. The more the conflicts are resolved, the more energy can be devoted to the free pursuit of potential by member-nations within an alliance, and so the more the alliance will grow in its abilities and culture. We can categorise this progress as the forward march of civilisation against the barbarism of absolute freedom.
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17. The natural and unavoidable class conflict makes relations between a Francoist Pacific and Userite region a dangerous and perhaps even contradictory arrangement. But this is not to say that it can not, or even that it should not be done. In the pursuit of security after a successful Francoist revolution it is advisable to bring about positive relations with Userite regions that may have common interests or goals with the Pacific as a whole. These friendly Userite regions, for example, may have a common enemy with you in another major Userite - or counter-revolutionary Pacific - region or organisation. It is with these regions that alliances can be created in the interests of mutual protection. However, as detailed earlier, the Pacific must be extremely cautious in drawing up any documentation with a Userite region, always careful to safeguard the sovereignty and freedom of each so that exploitation cannot occur and class conflict does not resurface and damage the Francoist Pacific or her people.
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18. A Pacific will almost always initially, and perhaps naively, take the path that looks most natural to it; that of interregional cooperation and surrender of its sovereignty for what it perceives as wider influence and power. It is, however, this that will lead to the regions eventual downfall. Userite regions infiltrate and infect the Pacific, corrupting Feederites into puppets to the point that the Pacific is nothing on its own, with no power or will of its own; becoming a slave to the Userite region it entered into contact with with the contrary intention of furthering its own power and influence. Not content with this temporary control of the Pacific, the Userites will set in place political institutions and sytems that play on popularly held preconceptions of new and experienced Feederites alike, brainwashing them into subjugation until Stockholm Syndrome sets in and they'll be thanking the slave owners for the few scraps they receive. Francoists see these institutions for the illusions they are - whether they be a more overt military slavery, or a cleverly shrouded democratic slavery – and seek to shatter them and show the empty promises of the imperialists for the deceptions they are. It is at the afore mentioned peak that a Francoist revolution becomes more and more likely, as the Feederites who have not been corrupted into agents of the Userite regions begin to see a need for change, becoming more nationalistic and hostile to the Userite regions and their lackies in the Pacific. It is this hostility that becomes class consciousness and leads to Francoist revolution.
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