Politics Poll:
Rape Deterrent Selector Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Rape Deterrent Selector" by Nathan Purdue/Joseph Plumbrook. Translate:
Choose from this list:
Physical Castration. You believe that rapists should be punished and that is should be done by the amputation of the male genetalia, and that should be publicly displayed to deter future people from committing rape.
Chemical Castration. You believe in chemical castration over the barbaric physical amputation of the male genetalia. You feel that sterilizing the rapist will prevent him from attacking again.
Confinement. You believe castration is inhumane and not necessary, but you still feel that punishment must be served and that is through our prison system. You believe confinement is the solution to criminal justice.
Castration and Confinement. Not only will this be a crime deterrent, but it was also be an affective prevention method and provide sufficient justice. No longer will these monsters be able to just catch up on their sleep or hit the weight room, but they will also lose their ''weapons'', their dignity, and carry around the scars of their demonic pleasures.
Therapy and Medication. You believe that rape and crime is a psychological problem and that confinement and castration doesn't solve anything. You believe these people can be reformed and rehabilitated with the use of medication and therapy.
No Punishment. You believe rape is not a problem and should not be considered a crime. You believe that the government has no business in this matter and that by confining and castrating that the individual's rights have been stripped away.