There's a lot of "sky is falling" hysteria among Swampcult progressives regarding the Supreme Court.
I think it's because since the 1960s you've relied on the Court to foist your agenda on America. Abortion itself. SSM.
Y'nes seem to be ticked that, because the Court is now moderate, the chances that you can foist is greatly reduced.
And, there's more than a little of what po calls projection, i.e., that a conservative agenda will be foisted back atcha.
Hence, this silliness in THE WEEK.
Chill, Swampculters. Not happnin.
Roe will not be overturned. Abortion MAY, I say MAY, be more carefully regulated in some states, but it's not going away.
So, you Swampcult progressives, relax. As the Eagles sang, "Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy!"
Oh, and check out the panicjournalism I found on CNN.