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Medical selectors, pages, etc.
German Virologist Issues Strong Warning about the Long-term Catastrophic Danger of COVID Vaccines
By HatetheSwamp
August 28, 2021 6:24 am
Category: Medical

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This is a lengthy, technical article but the message is clear.

This is to say that we must stop mass vaccination and lower viral infectivity rates immediately. Continued mass vaccination will only lead to a further increase in morbidity and hospitalization rates, which will subsequently culminate in a huge case fatality wave when expansion of more infectious, vaccine-resistant variants will explode.

My message all along is that even the best informed, St. Anthony of Fauci included, don't know squat about COVID. Certain scholars have the blessing of the woke but there is still wide diversity of opinion among the informed.

According to this guy, foisting vaccines on people may, in time, be understood to be the most dangerous action government can take.

This is why I celebrate my American citizenship. We are a free people and I would never dream of forcing a vaccine on my worst enemy.

I myself have been vaccinated. I'm back to mask wearing. I do all I can, based on what I know, to live safely in the midst of COVID...

...and I celebrate the freedom of every American to live according to their conscience.

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Comments on "German Virologist Issues Strong Warning about the Long-term Catastrophic Danger of COVID Vaccines ":

  1. by Donna on August 28, 2021 8:50 am
    I only read the first part of the study hts posted as well as this critique because I don't understand enough about vaccine science to make sense of what they're talking about, but here's a scathing rebuke from Jonathan Jarry.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on August 28, 2021 9:45 am


    The more informed scientists are, the more their dialog about COVID comes across like a group of Christian fundamentalists arguing the doctrine of the atonement.

    When it comes to it, no one knows squat.

  3. by Donna on August 28, 2021 11:05 am
    I wouldn't go that far. They certainly knew enough to create very effective vaccines. I sense that the concerns about long-range side-effects of the vaccine are misguided and based on bad science, but we'll see.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on August 28, 2021 11:27 am

    You sense that some of the concerns about the long term effects are misguided...

    ...but how can you possibly know?

    That's the point, eh?

    If this were a dialogue about religious belief, isle would harumph all over you condescendingly because you're substituting belief for reason, for science. So, no disrespect of you intended, but my sense is that you're choosing to believe a little too quickly. Please don't invest much in that belief.

    As far as I can honestly tell, people who are far better grounded in the discipline can't sort this out among themselves and they're no closer now than they were a year ago.

    I'll stick with my assertion that no one, for certain, really knows squat. I won't trust anyone. I won't take sides.

    I got the vaccine. I'm not convinced that it was the right thing but, as the Mac Davis song goes, I'm doin the best that I can. I'm going to mask because I can't see how that can hurt.

    But, I don't think we're going to know much for certain for a looooooong time.

  5. by Donna on August 28, 2021 12:09 pm
    Right. That why I chose the word "sense" instead of "know".

  6. by HatetheSwamp on August 28, 2021 12:24 pm

    Iow, your subjectivity leads you to that belief. Good enough!

  7. by Donna on August 28, 2021 12:43 pm
    It's more about playing the odds. Much of life is about playing the odds. We all play the odds every day, and much of it is on the subconscious level.

    Which is why I'm ususally right, because the odds, by definition, predict the most likely outcome.

    Even money horses win much more frequently than longshots. Of course that doesn't mean it's a fact that the even money horse will win in any given race.

  8. by Ponderer on August 30, 2021 8:24 am
    "The more informed scientists are, the more their dialog about COVID comes across like a group of Christian fundamentalists arguing the doctrine of the atonement."

    I see. So only the craziest, most misinformed quacks should be listened to. They are the ones with a real grasp on things. Or if you can find just one "reputable" scientist that disagrees with the vast majority of all the others, then their opinion outweighs the consensus and should be the one that you believe.

    I've said before that I will never understand what it is that you think you are using for logic. And I stand by that statement.

  9. by HatetheSwamp on August 30, 2021 9:07 am


    Geert vanden Boosche is well informed. And, that's one of youz's guys problems. He's an eminent scholar who rejects the COVID orthodoxy of the pack.

    I have no idea if he's right. What I do know is that there's no a unanimity among experts that you imagine there is and the CDC changes directions faster than a male driver who's lost.

    And, I don't think that you have the courage to acknowledge that reality.

  10. by Ponderer on August 30, 2021 9:15 am
    There is pretty much never unanimity among experts, and I have never suggested nor asserted that there ever is.

    Is unanimity what you demand before you will accept reality? If 98% of experts believe something and 2% believe the opposite, that alone allows you to feel justified is blathering, "Oh well, I guess no one can say for sure!"? That is rather asinine, pb.

    What you are doing is a pathetic ploy to distract from the fact that you hold an erroneous opinion. And you use this ploy a LOT.

  11. by HatetheSwamp on August 30, 2021 9:29 am

    So, scientific truth is determined by how people vote!!!!!?

    C'mon, po, gimme a break!

    Right now, many of your mythical 98% disagree with much of what they BELIEVED three months ago.

    I'm humble enough to be able to acknowledge that we're walking in darkness. I took the gamble on the vaccine. And, I just returned from an outside walk during which I wore a mask.

    But, making judgments on disagreements among people who know at least more than a thousand times what you or I know,... I said, c'mon gimme a break!!!!

  12. by Ponderer on August 30, 2021 9:31 am

    pb, you remind me a lot of my idiot step-son.

    He's a rabid anti-vaxxer/anti-masker. We've tried every which way we can imagine to get him to see reason. But he is blind to it.

    We explained how there have been only a tiny handful of people who have died from the vaccines or fallen ill from them. We showed him tons of statistics A minuscule percentage, so small that using those using it as an excuse look ridiculous for doing so.

    His response? He posts a meme telling about So and So, a specific person who took the vaccine and had horrible complications and ended up dying from it. And so HA! THERE'S what he thinks is a valid argument against taking the vaccine!

    I told him, Brian, I already said that there are a few people who have died from it. But you could post the names and life histories of every person who has died from taking the vaccine... and it is STILL a tiny, minuscule percentage of the entire population of the country who have taken it. A few hundred against tens of millions! Posting each and every name of those unfortunate handful wouldn't even begin to be an argument against vaccinations. If that's your argument, you've got nothing.

    But that's all he's got, so he's gotta make the most of it I suppose.

    Just like you are trying to make hay out of this one expert who holds the same opinion as you do in the face of massive fact-based, expert contradictions.

    Just like you have tried to make hay out of some innocuous, minuscule, thoroughly debunked and explained irregularity at some poll somewhere that just HAS to mean that Trump actually won the election.

  13. by Ponderer on August 30, 2021 9:32 am

    "So, scientific truth is determined by how people vote!!!!!?" -pb

    I don't think scientists hold elections, but there is such a thing as consensus.

  14. by Ponderer on August 30, 2021 9:33 am

  15. by Ponderer on August 30, 2021 9:38 am

    "I'm humble enough to be able to acknowledge that we're walking in darkness." -pb

    But not humble enough to ever admit when you are wrong.

    And you are wrong. We aren't walking in darkness. There are people with flashlights. Experts who know where the light switches are and make it light enough to see where we are going. But since that doesn't fully and totally illuminate every last detail in every corner of the entire area as bright as day, to you, that qualifies as "darkness".

  16. by HatetheSwamp on August 30, 2021 9:43 am


    So what if there's consensus among people who are only making educated guesses!!!!!? As I said, many who join in your consensus think differently than they did only a short time ago.

    What scares me about scientists who care about consensus is that they don't care as much as they could about the science. But, getting that next research grant is politics, not science.

    What matters to us has nothing at all to do what experts happen to think today...because, take it to will be different in a few weeks.

    Take care of yourself as best you can, please. In the end, that's the best you can do.

  17. by HatetheSwamp on August 30, 2021 9:57 am

    And you are wrong. We aren't walking in darkness. There are people with flashlights. Experts who know where the light switches are and make it light enough to see where we are going. But since that doesn't fully and totally illuminate every last detail in every corner of the entire area as bright as day, to you, that qualifies as "darkness".

    Kierkegaard is, of course, well known for his assertion that subjectivity is truth,...which you live vividly.

    He's, perhaps, even better known for describing and advocating taking the "leap of faith," which you are currently illustrating. You go ahead and believe, as blindly as necessary, in your ever evolving, often contradictory scientific "consensus."

    You'd a made Søren proud,... spite of yourself.

  18. by Ponderer on August 30, 2021 10:00 am

    "So what if there's consensus among people who are only making educated guesses!!!!!?" -pb

    ...based on entire careers-worth of research, experiment study, peer-reviews and development.

    It must be a confusing Hell living in the vacuum of knowledge that you have chosen to inhabit.

  19. by HatetheSwamp on August 30, 2021 11:01 am

    Back in the 1480s and early 90s, po, you'd a been screaming that the earth is flat!!!!!

    Bahahahaha, ahhhhhh!

  20. by Ponderer on August 30, 2021 12:27 pm
    So you believe that the majority of scientists and academics, who weren't puppets of the Church, believed that the world was flat? The ancient Greeks knew the world was round and had even figured out it's diameter fairly accurately.

    Why must you always assume that the rest of the world is starting out as stupid as you are?

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