This is a lengthy, technical article but the message is clear.
This is to say that we must stop mass vaccination and lower viral infectivity rates immediately. Continued mass vaccination will only lead to a further increase in morbidity and hospitalization rates, which will subsequently culminate in a huge case fatality wave when expansion of more infectious, vaccine-resistant variants will explode.
My message all along is that even the best informed, St. Anthony of Fauci included, don't know squat about COVID. Certain scholars have the blessing of the woke but there is still wide diversity of opinion among the informed.
According to this guy, foisting vaccines on people may, in time, be understood to be the most dangerous action government can take.
This is why I celebrate my American citizenship. We are a free people and I would never dream of forcing a vaccine on my worst enemy.
I myself have been vaccinated. I'm back to mask wearing. I do all I can, based on what I know, to live safely in the midst of COVID...
...and I celebrate the freedom of every American to live according to their conscience.