Lindsey Graham tells Zuckerberg “your product is killing people”.
By Curt_Anderson January 31, 2024 9:56 am Category: Government (0.0 from 0 votes)
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Senator Josh Howley ask Mark Zuckerberg if he wants to apologize to these good people for what he did to them. There is a Senate hearing going on, addressing social media dangers. The Republicans seem to be taking a lead in grandstanding.
The senators are happily accusing social media of “killing people”. Yes, I know that kids in particular are sometimes driven to suicide by mean tweets or nasty comments on Facebook. But hearing the senators talk, I wonder if they couldn’t address CEOs of ANY Industry and ask the same questions and make the same claims.
For example, would Lindsey Graham have told an auto manufacturer that “your product is killing people”? What about distillers, breweries, knife manufacturers, makers of high cholesterol fattening foods, et cetera. I can’t think of an industry that manufacturers a product that couldn’t be implicated in somebody’s death. I didn’t even mention gunmakers. Maybe Republicans should haul my pillow mogul Michael Lindell before their committee. Pillows after all are sometimes used to smother people.
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