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10 Dems join Republicans to punish Al Green for Trump speech outburst
Government by HatetheSwamp     March 6, 2025 9:47 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: HatetheSwamp (9 comments) [83 views]

Trump's speech.
Politics by meagain     March 4, 2025 7:24 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: oldedude (21 comments) [192 views]

Is there a currently held policy position that Dems can win on?
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Trump blinks
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By request: A sampling of Trump's whoppers told Tuesday night.
Fact Check by Curt_Anderson     March 6, 2025 12:26 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: HatetheSwamp (3 comments) [56 views]

Politics by ROB3RT     March 6, 2025 11:59 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: oldedude (2 comments) [30 views]

Ole pb's Senator John Fetterman on the Dems' behavior at the President’s speech
Politics by HatetheSwamp     March 6, 2025 11:57 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: (0 comments) [6 views]

Judge Blocks Funding Freeze, Saying White House Put Itself ‘Above Congress’
Law by Curt_Anderson     March 6, 2025 10:25 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: meagain (2 comments) [16 views]

Sen. Tim Kaine: I will force a Senate vote on tariffs. Trump attempted to circumvent Congress with phony emergency.
Government by Curt_Anderson     March 5, 2025 8:30 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: HatetheSwamp (4 comments) [44 views]

GOP senators tell Musk DOGE actions will require their votes
Government by Curt_Anderson     March 5, 2025 6:01 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: meagain (8 comments) [102 views]

Weaponry selectors, pages, etc.
So far, the libs here only talk about the Gaza, but refuse to mention the medieval rape and pillage of Israel. Again, no sheep care about women.
By oldedude
October 11, 2023 1:03 pm
Category: Weaponry

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Rules of the Post

Just when you thought the news out of Israel couldn't get any worse, reports emerged Tuesday morning that 40 babies had been executed by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. Some of these babies were reportedly beheaded. Read that again: So-called Palestinian resistance fighters, cowards targeting the most vulnerable, cut off the heads of babies.

The report joined widespread ones of sexual assault and rape during Hamas's medieval, ISIS-style rampage. It joined footage of women abducted with their babies, grandmothers taken hostage and paraded down the streets of Gaza. According to one survivor, "They came to slaughter, to destroy. I know they kidnapped girls. They raped women even after killing them." Another survivor tells of returning to the site later to look for his friends, and seeing mostly bodies "of young women, lying cold and mutilated." Another widely-shared video showed a young woman's nearly naked body, lifeless and mutilated, being paraded through the streets of Gaza in the back of a pickup truck. Palestinian men sat on her, draped their legs over her, pulled at her hair, and spit on her: a broken female body brandished like a trophy.

So where are the "Womans' "Rights" groups? WTFO? The sheep here are saying they honestly don't GAF about these women and Hamas can do what they want to them. They're not really humans anyway. They're just "Jews." Of course, they're much more than that. They're members of the LBGTQ+ community, which the Jews accept much better than anyone else in the region.

Hamas Prepared for 'Long War' as Israel Hints at Large-Scale Ground Invasion

Hamas officials have stated that they are well prepared for a drawn-out war with Israel as the latter is reportedly preparing for a large-scale ground invasion in Palestine. has learned that Israel has mostly secured the Gaza border and has recovered the bodies of more than 1,500 Hamas fighters inside Israel around the Gaza Strip.

Israel has mostly reclaimed control of the Gaza border as a result of the devastating air strikes, which intensified on Tuesday to become the fiercest aerial attack mounted by Israel on Palestine.

Gaza's health ministry said that Israel's retaliatory strikes had killed at least 770 people, including 140 children, and wounded more than 4,000. The United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees said that more than 187,000 people had been displaced across the Gaza Strip as a result of these strikes, adding that the number is expected to increase.

Israel has installed "an iron wall" of tanks and helicopters along the Gaza border, reportedly in preparation for the expected ground invasion of the Gaza Strip, which has currently been held under siege by hundreds of thousands of mobilized reservists, cutting off water, food and power supplies.

So being worried about the "innocent victims in Gaza" BS. Hamas said it's ready to go into a protracted war. THEY are the one's responsible for their safety. They started the war and are "prepared."

Cited and related links:


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Comments on "So far, the libs here only talk about the Gaza, but refuse to mention the medieval rape and pillage of Israel. Again, no sheep care about women.":

  1. by Donna on October 11, 2023 1:13 pm

    My heart goes out to all innocent victims. I'm particularly concerned now about the fate of the Israeli hostages and where those whose homes were obliterated are going to live.

  2. by Curt_Anderson on October 11, 2023 1:18 pm
    Does it take liberals to condemn the rape and pillage of Israel for you to realize it's wrong? Somethings go without saying. For the record all my liberal friends and I condemn the rape, pillage and murder of any person or any people.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on October 11, 2023 1:27 pm

    No, Curt. You're full of crap. Is your Holy Trinity not informing you about the scores of raucous pro-Hamas demonstrations taking place across America!!!!!?

    They're not being attended by Southern Baptists and Mormons.

    And, face it. Donna was far more specific about her upset of the water faucet being shut off than Hamas atrocities. No matter what Donna claims.

  4. by Donna on October 11, 2023 1:35 pm

    Anyone who demonstrates in support of Hamas -- and there's a substantial number of them among the burn it downers on the Left -- is flabbergastingly devoid of reason.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on October 11, 2023 1:35 pm

    For example, Curt.

    Recent events give new meaning to our justified charge that you're a Good German.

  6. by oldedude on October 11, 2023 1:39 pm
    Does it take liberals to condemn the rape and pillage of Israel for you to realize it's wrong? Somethings go without saying. For the record all my liberal friends and I condemn the rape, pillage and murder of any person or any people.

    As I posted before, "Shani Louk deserved Hamas’ brutality, according to the US left"

    Remember: When leftists praise “decolonization,” they are celebrating the murder of innocents like Shani Louk by bloodthirsty Hamas killers.

    Don’t believe us; take their word for it.

    A speaker at the DSA-NYC’s rally on Sunday shouted to the crowd “as you might have seen, there was some sort of rave or desert party where they were having a great time until the resistance came in electrified hang gliders and took at least several dozen hipsters.”

    He was greeted with whoops and laughter.

    A Cal State-Long Beach student group held a “Day of Resistance” (to celebrate Palestinian terrorism).

    Prominent on the event poster was a paraglider of the kind Hamas used to infiltrate Israel and attack a desert rave where Louk and dozens of others were either killed or taken hostage.

    Those same “decolonizers” then paraded the likely dead Louk’s body in the back of a pickup truck.

    Heartbreaking video shows Shani Louk dancing before Hamas terror attack, which mom now thinks she survived

    Millennial journo Najma Sharif cheered the attacks on X with “What did y’all think decolonization meant? vibes? papers? essays? losers.”

    Sharif garnered tens of thousands of likes and reposts for cheerleading mass murder.

    There’s a clear irony here: The victims of the rave attack like Louk almost certainly shared the lefty social politics of those cheering on their deaths to some degree.

    The kids at the rave were not Bibi voters.

    But the irony points to a deep moral depravity.
    Beneath the official rhetoric spouted by DSA-affiliated politicians like AOC that “No child and family should ever endure this kind of violence and fear,” her comrades very much believe the opposite.

    Civilian deaths should be celebrated, as long as they’re the right kind of civilians.

    Even the fact that new reports suggest Hamas atrocities included the murder of babies via decapitation has not shaken these armchair revolutionaries.

    So when the cheers go up from beardos in NYC and San Francisco, please remember what they’re cheering for.

    What was interesting, is that Lead was the only one to apparently read this...
    And he was the last one that needed to...

  7. by Curt_Anderson on October 11, 2023 1:47 pm
    It's possible to lament and feel sympathy for the Palestinians and at the same time condemn Hamas.

    POP QUIZ: Of the four links that HtS provided, three referred to "pro-Palestinian" demonstrations. One uses the term "Pro-Hamas". Guess which one?


  8. by Donna on October 11, 2023 1:47 pm

    I read about the pro-Hamas rallies in the NY Times. They're the burn it all downers on the Left I frequently berate here. There's no getting through to them. I've tried.

  9. by HatetheSwamp on October 11, 2023 3:09 pm

    It's possible to lament and feel sympathy for the Palestinians and at the same time condemn Hamas.

    That's precisely what OD and pb are doing. C'mon in. The water's nice.

  10. by oldedude on October 11, 2023 3:32 pm
    POP QUIZ: Of the four links that HtS provided, three referred to "pro-Palestinian" demonstrations. One uses the term "Pro-Hamas". Guess which one?


    I read them. They all did.

    1. (Pro-Palestinian demonstrators on Sunday in New York celebrated Hamas’s massive deadly terror attack against Israel, as supporters of the Jewish state held rallies to mourn and express outrage over the slaughter.)

    2. Following Hamas' deadly attacks on Israel, pro-Hamas demonstrators took to the streets in New York City. CLEAR vowed to defend the protesters if anything were to happen to them.

    3. Pro-Palestinian events followed Hamas' incursion into Israel. But they were happening as images were televised and shared on social media of Israeli civilians being killed and kidnapped by Hamas.

    4. Israel declared war on Hamas Sunday after the Palestinian militant group's unprecedented surprise attacks over the weekend.

  11. by Curt_Anderson on October 11, 2023 4:34 pm
    Sorry, OD, only Fox News used the term “pro-Hamas” to describe the demonstrators. Personally, I don’t think it’s the ideal time to demonstrate on behalf of Palestinians; they look like Hamas’ dupes.

  12. by oldedude on October 11, 2023 4:55 pm
    If you describe the demonstrations as "A", the demonstrators are considered that also. It's the larger term used for a subset of the larger term. I don't agree whatsoever.

  13. by Ponderer on October 11, 2023 7:04 pm

    "So far, the libs here only talk about the Gaza, but refuse to mention the medieval rape and pillage of Israel. Again, no sheep care about women." -Hate


    I thoroughly and without exception completely and totally condemn every inhuman rape, murder, beheading, emulation, pillaging, etc., including any other war crime that Hamas has already and is yet to commit against any and all of the people and the nation of Israel in these most terribly historic few days of Hamas's inexcusable and most inconceivably evil terrorism towards Israel and its people.


    (Now you know... what you have to do, Bill... Best get to it.)

  14. by oldedude on October 11, 2023 9:39 pm
    I'm not "bill."

    So why do you spend so much time on other things. "If you care" so much about "thoroughly and without exception completely and totally condemn every inhuman rape, murder, beheading, emulation, pillaging, etc., including any other war crime that Hamas has already and is yet to commit against any and all of the people and the nation of Israel in these most terribly historic few days of Hamas's inexcusable and most inconceivably evil terrorism towards Israel and its people." you wouldn't have spent so much time on everything else.

  15. by HatetheSwamp on October 12, 2023 12:22 am

    Yeah, OD.

    My sense, of Donna this time even more than po, but both of them, is that they've been so caught up in the woke mob-hate of Israel that they couldn't even consider the horrible nature of the Hamas atrocities. They could only see that Israel is evil. Hence the story, for Donna, became turning off the water.

    They've been caught joining the brainless, woke lynch mob.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on October 12, 2023 5:15 am

    From Curt:

    "Sorry, OD, only Fox News used the term “pro-Hamas” to describe the demonstrators. Personally, I don’t think it’s the ideal time to demonstrate on behalf of Palestinians; they look like Hamas’ dupes."


    What we have here is a useful snapshot of how a Good German mind functions.

    I'd love to baha baha...

    ...but I need to boohoo boohoo.

  17. by Donna on October 12, 2023 7:05 am

    Hate and olde dude have this weird psychological need to believe that the rest of us are pro-evil. It's part of their addiction to arguing. There seems to be nothing we can say that will unmoor them from that belief.

    Fuck that. I have better things to do with my time than waste another second of my life arguing with people like that.

  18. by Ponderer on October 12, 2023 7:06 am

    Sorry, olde dude. I missed that you were the one who posted this. But my statement was not actually directed towards anyone specifically. It was merely a statement to the forum.

    Bill, sorry I suggested that you should gofuckyourself when you hadn't said anything insulting and asinine yet. But let's be realistic here. You are certain to say something today that you will need to gofuckyourself for. So it would have been necessary to suggest it before too long anyway.

  19. by Ponderer on October 12, 2023 7:48 am

    "So why do you spend so much time on other things." -olde dude

    You mean why have I spent so much time going on about the horrific plight of the innocent Palestinians in all this when I haven't said much about the victims in Israel?

    Because I knew you two wouldn't do it.

    I mean, look at this thoroughly sociopathic and highly racist comment:

    "So being worried about the 'innocent victims in Gaza' BS. Hamas said it's ready to go into a protracted war. THEY are the one's responsible for their safety. They started the war and are "prepared."" -olde dude


    I see. So since Hamas is responsible for the safety of the people of the Occupied Territories, and Hamas "started" this whole meshuga business, then the people of the Occupied Territories deserve whatever they get and they all brought the coming genocide upon themselves.

    Look od, I understand your logic here...

    Hamas is a terrorist organization. Hamas is Palestinian. The entire population of Gaza and the Occupied Territories are Palestinian. Ergo, the entire population of the Occupied Territories are terrorists.

    You are laboring under the misapprehension that Hamas terrorists and the hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinian victims who are just trying to stay alive on a daily basis and keep their families alive are the same thing. But this logic is tragically flawed and totally not reality. It needs to be abandoned.

    Anyone for whom their heart only breaks for the innocent Israeli victims and not for the innocent Palestinian victims on the other side is a sociopathic, racist, inhuman monster.

    Forfuck sake, Hate doesn't even think such people even exist! Let alone are worthy of even the most basic of human sympathy and empathy. How more racist and sociopathic can you get than denying an entire people's very existence???

    Again, for the record I have already presented my thoughts and sympathies for the Israeli victims of this war and my views about the heinous and inhuman acts perpetrated against them, though none of my words could ever come close to expressing the scope of such tragedy. Nowhere near to the scale that the MAGA Squad in here have, to be certain.

    But I'm here to attempt to create a little well needed human balance with my concerns for the innocent Palestinian victims of the Occupied Territories, who would otherwise not exist at all in this forum, unless I and a couple others deigned to bring them up. So od and Hate can both gofuck themselves.

    Ha. I'm reminded about how the right is so freaked out and up in arms about actual history being taught in our schools. It's something of an autonomic nervous reaction for them that history must be altered to suit their purposes.

    Geez that comes so easy to these two, ain't?

  20. by HatetheSwamp on October 12, 2023 9:00 am

    Fuck that. I have better things to do with my time than waste another second of my life arguing with people like that.

    Nice old-school effbomb, there, Donna.

    I've read and re-read your posts on Israel and Hamas. I appreciate that you've come to your senses but in the beginning, clearly, the only evil you could see was Israel's.

  21. by HatetheSwamp on October 12, 2023 9:03 am

    Bill, sorry I suggested that you should gofuckyourself when you hadn't said anything insulting and asinine yet. But let's be realistic here. You are certain to say something today that you will need to gofuckyourself for. So it would have been necessary to suggest it before too long anyway.

    So, po, relax. I've got one on credit. Baha.

  22. by Ponderer on October 12, 2023 9:23 am

    "I've read and re-read your posts on Israel and Hamas. I appreciate that you've come to your senses but in the beginning, clearly, the only evil you could see was Israel's." -The Guy Who Senselessly Doesn't Even Believe That Innocent Palestinians Exist

  23. by oldedude on October 12, 2023 9:49 am
    Hamas is a terrorist organization. Hamas is Palestinian.


    That's quite a difference. My point has always been that since Hamas is the government of the Gaza, they have the sole responsibility to manage their people. A point you still don't get. It would be like saying that Russia is responsible for our security here in the US, which is BS. Or you saying that Mexico is responsible for their citizens in the US. That's why there are borders (even though curt doesn't believe in them).

  24. by HatetheSwamp on October 12, 2023 10:00 am

    The Guy Who Senselessly Doesn't Even Believe That Innocent Palestinians Exist

    Don't forget. Trump is his God, too.


    Is all you have left lies? Maybe you need to take an SS vacation.

  25. by Ponderer on October 12, 2023 2:03 pm

    "My point has always been that since Hamas is the government of the Gaza, they have the sole responsibility to manage their people. A point you still don't get." -olde dude

    No I get the point, od. What I am saying is, so what thefuck if Hamas is in charge of the people? What thefuck kind of justification is that? If Hamas does a shitty job protecting its people because it is a terrorist organization that is a supported puppet of Iran, what in the bloodyfuck can the hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinians of Gaza do about it?

    So every last Palestinian man, woman, and child in Gaza is to be held equally responsible for anything that Hamas does and incurs retaliation for?

  26. by HatetheSwamp on October 12, 2023 2:35 pm


    Based on the number of effs in your recent posts, I think that you need a chill pill.

    Relax, though, Megyn Kelly is reporting that all the Hamas murderers and rapists were careful to use their victims' chosen pronouns!

  27. by oldedude on October 12, 2023 3:03 pm
    No I get the point, od. What I am saying is, so what thefuck if Hamas is in charge of the people? What thefuck kind of justification is that? If Hamas does a shitty job protecting its people because it is a terrorist organization that is a supported puppet of Iran, what in the bloodyfuck can the hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinians of Gaza do about it?

    So how is the fault of the Israelis? That's what you refuse to believe.

  28. by Ponderer on October 12, 2023 10:31 pm

    It's not the innocent Israeli citizens' fault either, od. I have never said it was. They don't deserve what they are getting either.

  29. by HatetheSwamp on October 13, 2023 5:03 am

    Whose fault is it, IYO, po?

  30. by Ponderer on October 13, 2023 7:45 am

    "Whose fault is it, IYO, po?" -Hate

    Not who, but what: It is the fault of inherent human greed.

    The greed of a newly constructed nation to take over as much territory that they weren't authorized to as they can, even if it takes decades and wars to accomplish... And the greed of the people of Palestine for wanting to take back, and seek revenge for, what was illegally taken from them.

  31. by oldedude on October 13, 2023 7:58 am
    It's not the innocent Israeli citizens' fault either, od. I have never said it was.

    I agree. Like you and I in our government, we are the "minions."

    You started with the "Israeli government" at fault. And refuse to see the Government of Gaza (Hamas) has any investment or control in their lands which they own. The Israelis generally take the Gaza and the Golon so they can clean it up. Then negotiate to give it back. I expect they will take the Gaza again. Eventually, they'll give it back. If they're not attacked from Lebanon or one of the other areas they've given up.

  32. by Ponderer on October 13, 2023 8:41 am

    Yeah. No I get what you're saying, od.

    Whenever there's a huge prison riot somewhere with murder and destruction on both sides, the authorities do generally have to go in with enormous force, take the whole place over again, repair all the damage done in the riot and the retaking, and reopen it up again as a prison. Maybe even also addressing some of the demands of the prisoners. Or not. Who cares? They're prisoners who murdered people and tried to take over a prison.

  33. by oldedude on October 13, 2023 9:56 am
    Other things. Palestine is not an "Open Air Prison." This is much like (immunizing your child causes ADD/ADHD). People are using old information as "truth" forever.

    In 2018, 28% of the Palestinian population were in camps. That number has been steadily going down since 1995.

    Of that 28%, Jordan had almost double the number of Palestinians as Gaza. And only a quarter of the Palestinian refugees in the area (so not including anyone that is in Europe, North America, etc.).

    For the most part, Camps are set up by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to accommodate Palestinian refugees registered with UNRWA,

    For a camp to be recognized by UNRWA, there must be an agreement between the host government and UNRWA governing use of the camp. UNRWA does not itself run any camps, has no police powers or administrative role, but simply provides services to the camp. UNRWA recognizes facilities in 58 designated refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and it also provides facilities in other areas where large numbers of registered Palestine refugees live outside of recognized camps.

    I'm not saying these are ideal by any stretch of the imagination. Obviously, unemployment, food, and clean water are real issues that countries have been dealing with since the inception of refugees.

    I will say that I've stayed in far worse places compliments of the US government. Although, food and water was provided, as well as employment. The cement buildings are a pretty cool invention. You can put them up at a rate of the structure (6 hrs), and internal plumbing/electric in about 4 hrs. And several of the camps, especially in Jordan had huge solar farms so they weren't sucking of the economy and were self sufficient.

    The last two citations are from UNRWA and CARE. They run the operations in the camps. Just an interesting looksee of the medical care, issues they're dealing with daily, that sort of thing. And yes, most of the folks in the camps want to go back to their homes eventually.

  34. by Indy! on October 13, 2023 12:14 pm

    Sigmund Freud would have a field day reading between the lines of these posts.

  35. by oldedude on October 13, 2023 12:44 pm
    It's interesting that you see that. But I'm not in sexual love with my mother.

  36. by Ponderer on October 13, 2023 1:42 pm

    Poh-tay-toh, po-tah-toh, old dude. A rose by any other name...

  37. by oldedude on October 13, 2023 1:56 pm
    So what I said to Isle. You are one of those people that cannot see any view but your own.

    I am trying to reason with a rock. Not a human being. Someone that contains so much hatred they don't have the ability to conceptualize any other view. Their end goal is to leave only their "thoughts" in the world.

  38. by Indy! on October 13, 2023 9:05 pm

    Never said anything about you or your mother, OD - which makes it interesting that was the first thought to pop into your head. 🤔

  39. by HatetheSwamp on October 14, 2023 4:12 am


    An honest question:

    How were you convinced to become an antisemite? I get it. Many Western progressives are. You're one among millions, but, clearly, you are one.


    One reality in this is that you, and many others, are content to settle for simplistic answers to a complex situation.

    I wasn't joking when I pointed out that OD and pb are unique here because we hate the evil...period. You...and millions...hate only the evil on one side.

    You, and everyone like you, exacerbate the problem.

    Shame on you.

  40. by oldedude on October 14, 2023 5:44 am
    jjpo- Poh-tay-toh, po-tah-toh, old dude. A rose by any other name...

    My question to you is; All of these people have the ability to leave. They're not unwilfully detained. They're free to do go whenever and wherever they want.

    Why do they stay? Why don't they go home? Why don't they go back to Damascus? Or Gaza? Or the Golon? Or the West Bank?

    This is a question that none of the sheep will answer. And to truly get rid of the problem, you have to understand this. If you keep denying those questions, your ability to help them or fix the problem doesn't exist. All y'all are no better than the PLO or Hamas or ISIS. You create the problem with solutions that support the terrorists.

    As curt would say, it's tacit agreement.

  41. by HatetheSwamp on October 14, 2023 6:59 am

    As curt would say, it's tacit agreement.

    Bang on. That tacit thing's a bugger, ain't, Curt.

  42. by oldedude on October 14, 2023 7:05 am
    I use it a little carefully. If there's omission, or skirting, that's when I bring it up. If someone doesn't post on that thread, it's not that big of a deal, but if they're involved in the thread and won't go there, that's a lie by omission.

  43. by Ponderer on October 15, 2023 8:03 am

    "My question to you is; All of these people have the ability to leave. They're not unwilfully detained. They're free to do go whenever and wherever they want.

    Why do they stay? Why don't they go home?"
    -olde dude

    First of all, bullshit.

    "Go home"...?

    For most Gazans, over half of which are under the age of 18, Gaza has been their home their entire lives. The only home they have ever known. Where are they supposed to go? A ton of the rest have no home to go back to as they came to Gaza as refugees from other areas they were kicked out of that were taken over by Israel or other areas of the region. Where it is that these people are supposed to just up and go back to?

    And with Hamas not taking kindly to losing any human shields and thwarting their exits any way they can, they are totallyfucked. Damned if the do and damned if they don't. It's part of why human rights organizations refer to Gaza as an "open air prison". We didn't make that phrase up.

    A huge portion of the population were utterly destitute to begin with. The passport situation there is a nightmare of incompetence and buck passing. They can't get gas even if they have a car. They have no food and no water. They can't just reserve a seat on a plane, take an Uber to the airport, and leave for their summer homes in the Bahamas or something.

    They are being ordered to leave northern Gaza, their homes declared a battle zone. And for the most part they are doing it. But with nothing but what they can carry or stuff in a car or donkey cart if they have one. Roads are destroyed and covered in rubble. There's no gas. They don't know where the next Israeli missile will land. But they are leaving without even knowing where they can go if any movement anywhere is even possible at all.

    And again, where would they go if they even could? No neighboring countries, or any other countries for that matter, even want them at all. War torn refugee crisis or no.

    So you tell me, olde dude. Where should Gazans simply click their heels together three times to go to?

    No, Palestinians Can’t Just Leave Gaza

    Why don’t they just leave? As Israel’s furious retaliation for last weekend’s Hamas attack devastates large swathes of the Gaza strip, killing hundreds and maiming thousands of Palestinians, it is not unreasonable to wonder why the 2.3 million civilians living in the tiny enclave don’t flee to safer ground. The question will acquire greater urgency in the days ahead, given the high likelihood of a ground invasion by the Israeli Defense Forces — which will mean days, weeks and even months of grueling street-by-street, house-by-house battles.

    The short answer to that question is: They can’t. Before I explain why, consider the lay of the land and the situation in which Gazans find themselves right now.

    At 139 square miles, the Gaza Strip is approximately the size of Philadelphia, with a third more people. There is very little open space within the enclave where 2 million people can hunker down and wait for the fighting to end. The siege imposed by Israel is designed, in the words of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, to leave Gaza with “no electricity, no food, no water, no gas - it’s all closed.”

    The Israeli Defense Forces say the bombing campaign that is currently reducing entire Gazan neighborhoods to rubble is targeted at known Hamas hideouts, control centers and weapons caches. But the terrorist group deliberately hides out in densely populated areas, using the large numbers of Palestinians there as human shields. Bombs and rockets — and collapsing buildings — make no distinctions between combatants and civilians.

    Many Gazans are being forced out of their homes and neighborhoods, but there’s nowhere safe for them to go.

    Under normal circumstances, every human instinct would be to get out of the strip. And you’d expect Gazans to take heart from reports of the US and Egypt discussing so-called humanitarian corridors through which they might be able to escape.

    But none of the circumstances prevailing in Gaza is normal, and not just because of the current war. Since Hamas took control of the enclave in 2006, a few months after Israel withdrew its forces from the strip, most of the Palestinians living there have essentially been penned into what human-rights groups call the “world’s largest open-air prison.”

    Look od, I realize that you don't think that any of this is should be any big deal for Gazans. I'm certain that you feel that if this country was under attack in a war and you were suddenly ordered by our enemy to go back to the land of your ancestors in Northern Slobovia or wherever, you wouldn't think anything of it and you'd just happily walk away from your life to one you know nothing about without a second thought.

    But you can't expect anyone else to be as blasé about it as you are and find it as effortless a thing to do as you would, od.

  44. by oldedude on October 15, 2023 8:36 am
    Look od, I realize that you don't think that any of this is should be any big deal for Gazans. I'm certain that you feel that if this country was under attack in a war and you were suddenly ordered by our enemy to go back to the land of your ancestors in Northern Slobovia or wherever, you wouldn't think anything of it and you'd just happily walk away from your life to one you know nothing about without a second thought.

    Yet again, you completely deflected from your original statements. Every time you get in a corner, this is what you do.

    Would I leave? I doubt it. I'd be well armed and would die here. And if it were here, the cowards would be running and you'd be the first out the door. Back to the thread at hand.

    First, You're dead fucking wrong about the Israelis "Forcing" them out. The Israelis don't want to kill the local civilians. Hamas wants them to stay so they get murdered. So please get that straight. Neither the Egyptians or Hamas have opened that border to let them out of Gaza. Thousands (who know what's going to happen) are trying to leave. Hamas (and Iran because they're pulling the strings here) are not allowing them out. Including Americans who somehow lived through the terrorist attacks.

    You're "open air prison" are named that by the leftist snowflakes. And coined by people that (my guess) have never been to the region, nor to the camps, and are still using the same information as I pointed out earlier is 40 years old. These are the same kind of people that use the excuses of ADD/ADHD/ and autism to immunizations.

    As I said before (that you chose to ignore) are these perfect conditions? NO. Are they the preferred conditions? NO. Have I lived in worse conditions? Absolutely. Are there worse conditions in the world? Absolutely. Should they be there? I dunno, what does their house look like now? Is it a rubble? Does it even exist? Do they worry about assholes you like to break into their houses and execute the women because their faces aren't covered?

    Why are these people leaving? Maybe because they know what kind of war is going to happen. Maybe they don't want to be there when Hamas picks their house as a place for their terrorists to go. They'll force the women to feed them. Take care of wounds and be human shields (that's a routine).

    I know you have no idea WTF this battle will be like. You don't have any concept at all. You look down from your Pink Porcelain Princess Palace and scorn anything you don't understand, and the enemy of your shallow, low info news.

    Also, before you talk your shit, please read and comprehend my entire post. I'm really tired of having to debunk things you say I haven't, or have made clear (to any third grader) before. It just makes you look stupid.

  45. by Ponderer on October 16, 2023 7:30 am

    Telling people that they must leave their homes because the entire area is going to be carpet bombed.... is not "forcing" anyone to leave anything.



    I got it.




  46. by oldedude on October 16, 2023 10:23 am
    And yet their own government is telling them they cannot leave, and holding them inside. That should be considered a correction of a military?

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