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Law selectors, pages, etc.
Criminal Law Frequantly Asked Questions
By islander
September 9, 2023 8:43 am
Category: Law

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Another very good and informative read by Teri Kanefield. This is for those, no matter which side you are on, who really want to have a better understanding of our Justice System, how it works, and how we can improve it.

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Comments on "Criminal Law Frequantly Asked Questions":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on September 9, 2023 10:00 am

    "One way to see our history is that liberals (fairness people)..." -Teri

    Bahahahahahahahahahaha baha baha haha.


    I read most, but not all of it.

    From you: "This is for those, no matter which side you are on, who really want to have a better understanding of our Justice System, how it works, and how we can improve it."

    I have no doubt that you're being sincere, but, c'mon man, gimme a break! " matter which side you are on...?" Don't think so.

    What stuck out to me is what Teri represents as FREQUENTLY Asked Questions. Oy! And, I don't doubt that, either. But, the questions are nearly all Stage 4 deranged.

    Is this really your world? Do you even wildly imagine that this speaks to anyone who's not a crazed Dem?

    Still, thanks for this. Teri has a profound sense of history, no doubt. But, buddy, but this is propaganda.

    Just a perspective from one who's not numbered among the "fairness people." Still, I wish I could be you.

  2. by islander on September 9, 2023 11:50 am

    I’m sure I don’t need to tell anybody here, but Hate’s diatribe regarding liberals and fairness was based on his apparent inability to understand that Teri was presenting the views of a left wing cynic.

    This is why context matters.

    Teri was describing the follies of two particular mindsets...the follies of the left wing cynics and the right wing cynics...

    This article is excellent as I said for anyone "who really wants to have a better understanding of our Justice System, how it works, and how we can improve it."

    In fact, Teri begins by saying;

    "This is for the people who come to me and say some form of:

    Teri, you just don’t understand how much despair the general public is feeling about the farcical justice system we have.

    Keep in mind that the “general public” in the above comment refers to a subset of people in a particular media bubble led by a particular group of media pundits.

    To address the “despair” and “farcical criminal justice” part, I have written this blog post."

  3. by Donna on September 9, 2023 12:34 pm

    Great piece, islander. Thanks for posting it.

  4. by islander on September 9, 2023 12:56 pm

    Thanks Donna ! 👍

  5. by HatetheSwamp on September 9, 2023 2:53 pm

    I think Teri's piece is an excellent piece of writing. What isle's into to it proves he don't UNDERSTAND!

  6. by Indy! on September 10, 2023 12:00 am

    She lost me at the part about Rich guy crimes being harder to prosecute. That’s not the problem. The problem is the don’t even look for those crimes because it’s rich white guys doing it. The only time they bust someone for that is when the criminal is offending (or ripping off) other rich white guys. That’s the only reason Trump is being prosecuted - because other rich white guys find his crimes offensive. No rich people found George W. bush (his dad) or Bill & Hillary’s crimes offensive so they don’t get prosecuted even though their crimes were far worse than the Mickey Mouse crap the Orange
    Idiot did.

  7. by islander on September 10, 2023 6:18 am

    I think Teri did a pretty good of of explaining why it’s harder to catch and prosecute rich guys committing white collar crimes than it is to catch and prosecute crimes like shoplifting, bank robbery, etc. crimes that take place in public and are much more likely to have witnesses or CCTV video footage. Like she said, “Crimes like money laundering and bank fraud are harder to catch because they happen in private without witnesses, and evidence can usually only be obtained by means of a search warrant, which requires probable cause of a crime. If the only evidence is buried in a person’s personal papers, it’s hard to find probable cause for a warrant.” And then of course, the rich guys have access to resources that enable them to protect themselves from criminal prosecution that an ordinary criminal doesn’t have.

    Trump is a prime example of a rich guy having the resources that you and I don't have.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on September 10, 2023 6:25 am

    “Crimes like money laundering and bank fraud are harder to catch because they happen in private without witnesses, and evidence can usually only be obtained by means of a search warrant, which requires probable cause of a crime..."

    Trump is a prime example of a rich guy having the resources that you and I don't have.

    Baha baha heeheeheeheeheeheehee, ha.

    You are ABSURD, isle!!!!!

    Two words:



    You are deranged, buddy.

  9. by islander on September 10, 2023 7:50 am

    Teri does a good job of myth-busting in her article. For example, we hear a lot of complaints about what we are seeing with Trump’s delay tactics such as, “They should lock him up now” and “In the end, he’s going to get way without ever being held accountable”...However, what a lot of people forget is that the delay tactics he is using are a part of our legal system for a reason.

    “The rich and powerful can just run out the clock using the court system. What’s to prevent Trump from playing a similar game?”

    If you want to deny the right to appeal to rich white men you will also have to deny the right to appeal to everyone else. Are you sure you want to do that? ~ Teri

  10. by Ponderer on September 10, 2023 8:06 am

    Yes, that piece was a really great primer, Isle. She nails it all.

    I almost didn't read it. But once I noticed that Hate got all cheesed off about it, I knew it had to be good. And it was. Thanks!

    "That’s the only reason Trump is being prosecuted - because other rich white guys find his crimes offensive." -Indy!

    Yeah, no. I think it has much more to do with the fact that he committed a tremendous lot of these crimes in broad daylight in front of live TV cameras or with video or audio tapes of him committing them or in front of witnesses who spoke up about him committing them or there was ashit ton of flat out incriminating evidence of him committing them. Donald Trump has got to be one of the most flagrant, brazen, and blatantly shameless criminals in our country's history. His crimes were quite apparent to more than just rich white men.

    And you are the very first person who I have ever heard refer to Trump's violent insurrection and attempt to overthrow our country's democratic form of government, "Mickey Mouse crap".

    Well... The first person who isn't a died-in-the-wool, MAGA-hatted, self-lobotomized Trump worshiper that is.

    "Mickey Mouse crap".

    Geez, Indy!. You are so gung ho about everything that you deem wrong with this country like you are so worried about its future, and then you say something like that which makes you appear to not give a flying fuckingshit about this country or its future at all.

  11. by Ponderer on September 10, 2023 8:19 am

    "But, the questions are nearly all Stage 4 deranged." -Hate

    Everything looks deranged to a deranged individual such as yourself, Bill. They weren't questions that you might be likely to hear asked in your Fox videos. So there's the reason for your out-of-touch ignorance about them right there.

    I'd be willing to bet a few bucks that you actually SUBSCRIBE to those Fox videos, so that you never miss a one.

  12. by islander on September 10, 2023 8:23 am

    I’m glad you decided to check the article out, Pondy! It’s a bit long but well worth the time to read it in its entirety. 👍

  13. by HatetheSwamp on September 10, 2023 8:42 am

    It's a great article, no doubt. But, for it to be what isle represented it to be, it'd have to answer questions asked by MAGAs and non MAGA GOPs.

    Instead, it doesn't even ask questions from purple Dems.

    It's deranged.

  14. by Ponderer on September 10, 2023 9:04 am

    "It's deranged." -Hate

    I suppose you don't realize that from such constant and incessant use for anything that you don't like, you have essentially rendered that word pretty much meaningless, Bill.

  15. by HatetheSwamp on September 10, 2023 9:09 am

    Really? How many phenomena, apart from woke Trump-Hate, do I apply it to?

  16. by oldedude on September 10, 2023 9:51 am
    isle #7- Like she said, “Crimes like money laundering and bank fraud are harder to catch because they happen in private without witnesses, and evidence can usually only be obtained by means of a search warrant, which requires probable cause of a crime.

    Having done financial crimes for 10 years, she's only partially correct and doesn't know much about putting together a financial case.

    Bank Fraud first. When the victim is the bank, they are a plethora of information. And they will turn everything over in a heartbeat. They will actually build your case for you. All you have to do is put it together and charge.

    Financial crimes (structuring, money laundering, etc.). Like all crimes, it's a process, not putting together random facts or thoughts. But this seems to be a common thread with liberals. It's too hard and there aren't "witnesses." Examples; California won't charge state money laundering often, and federally, the USAs in those districts choose not to charge money crimes because their courts feel money laundering crimes are "victimless." Southern District of NY is the best place to charge. They know how to do it, and they're good at it.

    First, you don't need PC or a warrant to query a bank for suspicious activity (if you don't have access to the FinCEN database). If you do have access, you need to have reasonable suspicion. That's different than PC. And to receive the information on suspicious activity does NOT take a warrant. It takes a written request by the LEA. What you receive from this is a bunch of money movement. Who owns the accounts listed (very interesting because you often find shell companies in that) and who are signatories (many times the executive admin person, or owner if it's a small company). Who has access to the accounts.

  17. by Ponderer on September 11, 2023 6:49 am

    It's always comforting to know that no matter what we ever read by anyone regarding legal maters... No matter what their legal qualifications are or the vastness of their experience... we can always come to SelectSmart to have our brilliant legal scholar olde dude explain to us why they are wrong and don't know what they are talking about.

    Thank you so much, olde dude. You are doing God's work here.


  18. by HatetheSwamp on September 11, 2023 7:17 am

    It's always comforting to know that no matter what we ever read by anyone regarding legal maters... No matter what their legal qualifications are or the vastness of their experience... we can always come to SelectSmart to have our brilliant legal scholar olde dude...

    And, this, coming from our poster who constantly attempts to lecture on Civil Rights law. Bahahahahahahahahahaha baha.

  19. by Ponderer on September 11, 2023 7:53 am

    Bill, I have never declared that I know everything about the law. I just seem to know more than you do in all apparent reality.

  20. by HatetheSwamp on September 11, 2023 8:11 am

    po, You regularly lecture us about civil rights being ignored and/or abused.

    You just do.

  21. by islander on September 11, 2023 9:02 am

    Pondy ~ So OD thinks a search warrant is never necessary in any suspected bank fraud investigation? And attorney Kanefiled was wrong?

    Because, according to OD banks will be more than happy to turn over any information they have?

    He’s probably forgetting that a search warrant in a bank fraud case might be necessary to obtain, among other things, a suspect’s private records, files, computers, or to obtain evidence from a safe-deposit box.

    If OD said a search warrant is not always necessary in every banking fraud investigation he’d be correct.

  22. by oldedude on September 11, 2023 10:34 am
    isleSo OD thinks a search warrant is never necessary in any suspected bank fraud investigation? And attorney Kanefiled was wrong?

    First, you're a lying little dikead. That isn't what I said and you choose to be a bald-face liar (thank you po, for that). That also wasn't a dig a muffy. It was a fact. I don't know what her specialty is, but it's not financial crime. For the vast majority of lawyers, they don't know anything about financial crime.

    If it is bank fraud, they will call with the fraud (in 99% of BANK FRAUD CASES). Inasmuch as an auditor catching someone in a company committing fraud in a company).

    Bank fraud is a "part" of Financial crime. If I think a guy name "joe" is taking offshore funds that are illegally gained, I have my agency run a FinCEN along with all the other databases available for the case. If you find a SAR, you can make a request for the supporting documents. A SAR, by law, is NOT subpoenaed. The SAR per se, is not admissible in court. The supporting documents are.

    If there is a Currency Transaction Report (CTR), those are forms that can be used as evidence in court. Although many times the investigators will produce a subpoena for the accounts to show these transactions.

    So, by logical legal thinking, any lawyer would "assume" you need a subpoena for the information. That's an exception to the general rule.

  23. by islander on September 11, 2023 12:45 pm

    Od wrote: “”First, you're a lying little dikead. That isn't what I said and you choose to be a bald-face liar “,/b>

    You’re a comical little guy OD !! 🤣

    Despite your BS I think you really do know the difference between an assertion and a question. Keep in mind, in writing, a question ends with a question mark (?). Nowhere did I tell a lie nor was Teri mistaken in anything she wrote. By the way, who is “muffy”? Do you mean Attorney Kanefield?

    Here’s just a little bit about Attorney Kanefield: 

    Attorney Teri Kanefield has written more than a dozen books; published more than 50 articles, essays, and stories in mainstream outlets; and filed hundreds of appellate briefs for over over a 30-years. Her legal and political analysis have appeared in The Washington Post,, NBC, and other mainstream news outlets.

    Teri holds a law degree from the University of California at Berkeley, in addition to a master’s in English from the University of California at Davis, and an undergraduate degree from the University of Pennsylvania.

    Before law school, she taught English and creative writing at the university and college levels. Her legal career began with criminal defense work at the trial level, where she worked as an appellate defender. For twelve years Teri maintained a private appellate law practice representing people who had the right to appeal but could not afford to pay.

    Teri also does volunteer work some of which includes:

    Legal work for Election Protection (1-866-WE-VOTE).

    Voter rights legal work through the Democratic Party in three states: CA, NV, and GA.

    Working in a detention center in Texas offering legal assistance to asylum-seekers (through RAICES).

    Researching and packaging a successful civil rights case against a California county that was violating the Indian Child Welfare Act.

    Serving as a poll worker.

    Teri writes clearly and in a manner that can be understood by most anyone. She doesn’t speak about herself using puffery and she never unnecessarily uses anachronisms in order to make herself appear more knowledgeable (she doesn’t have to).

    Here’s a hint for you OD, You’ll sound more intelligent if, instead of filling your posts with childish name calling, you tried to write clearly and professionally like a grown up...You know...Like Teri Kanefield !!! 🍻

    Now Od, if you would be so kind as to tell us a little something about your law degrees, your career in law, and maybe list some of your articles and analysis that have been published in mainstream outlets, this will help us to evaluate what you say when you critique Attorney Kanefield’s analysis. 😀

  24. by HatetheSwamp on September 11, 2023 12:52 pm

    Teri’s, undoubtedly, bright and well informed. However, we all bring our preferences and prejudices to every moment of our lives.

    Teri’s a wacko. That's her problem. Her intellect is imprisoned by her the same way Nathan Bedford Forrest was bright and well informed.

  25. by islander on September 11, 2023 1:12 pm

    If anyone reads the comments section from Teri’s blog, someone said to Teri;

    ”Pardon me, but how DARE you bring intelligence, nuance, and respect for a healthy legal system into this discussion?”

    This is why I like to bring Teri into our discussions here. 🍻

  26. by HatetheSwamp on September 11, 2023 1:24 pm

    I'm sure.

    But those Frequently asked questions ain't in the minds, even, of anyone whose any shade of purple.

    I enjoyed the article because both the questions and the answers illuminate what your ilk of extremist muses over and thinks.

  27. by Ponderer on September 11, 2023 1:42 pm

    "po, You regularly lecture us about civil rights being ignored and/or abused." -Hate

    Yeah... Guilty! Ha! Yeah I admit it. You nailed me on that one Bill, I tell ya.

    But in my own defense, I only do it when my or someone else's civil rights are being ignored, abused, and/or stripped away wholesale.

  28. by HatetheSwamp on September 11, 2023 1:54 pm

    Not exactly.

    I'm still waiting for you to splain how that Okie drag queen elementary school principal's First Amendment rights were abused.

    At your leisure...

  29. by islander on September 11, 2023 2:02 pm

    Hate wrote: "However, we all bring our preferences and prejudices to every moment of our lives."

    Are you implying that it's impossible for you to be objective?

  30. by oldedude on September 11, 2023 2:16 pm
    Despite your BS I think you really do know the difference between an assertion and a question. Keep in mind, in writing, a question ends with a question mark (?). Nowhere did I tell a lie nor was Teri mistaken in anything she wrote. By the way, who is “muffy”? Do you mean Attorney Kanefield?

    I'm just saying that you need to actually read posts before you attack them. And you have a thinner skin then well...

    I didn't attack Muffy. At all, and I said that again in the second post. I did say she wasn't familiar with banking law. I also explained that's not an unknown thing since 99% of lawyers are NOT familiar enough with banking law and financial investigations to do a financial case. So this is the THIRD TIME I've said it. Buy a clue before you earn your name dikead.

    So you wasted your time on your way too long, drawwwwwnwnnnnnnn out explanation of why she's your hero and never broached the subject of financial crime. I'm sure she's a good historian. Great.

  31. by HatetheSwamp on September 11, 2023 2:26 pm


    As I've noted many times, I want to be a person on heart but, by temperament and, I think, my father's mentoring, I can't prevent it. Reason and logic smashes the leading of my heart.

    At one and the same time, I accept the truth that Trump is despicable AND that Biden is a Doddering Old Fool. Most people are ruled so much by the preferences and prejudices that they bring with them to every moment of their lives that that understanding is impossible.

    Please UNDERSTAND. The fact that you can suggest that Teri's article speaks to us, as you say, "no matter which side you are on,..." makes it obvious how impossible it is for you to be objective...

    ...about this...

    ...and, as I've repeated to you many times over the years, that you are a man of irresistible passion is a good and enviable thing.

    Go for it, m'man!

  32. by islander on September 11, 2023 4:27 pm

    Hate wrote: "However, we all bring our preferences and prejudices to every moment of our lives."

    I asked if you were implying that it's impossible for you to be objective?

    Now you seem to be saying that you are not like most people, and that, ”[you]want to be a person on heart but, by temperament and, I think, my father's mentoring, I can't prevent it. Reason and logic smashes the leading of my heart.”

    Does this mean you think you can be objective or that you can’t be objective?

  33. by islander on September 11, 2023 4:32 pm

    Od wrote: ”I'm just saying that you need to actually read posts before you attack them. And you have a thinner skin then well...”

    If you are claiming that because I questioned what you meant about Teri Kanefield, that I was attacking you or your post and therefor I have a thinner skin than ‘well’ (whoever well is), then you are once again mistaken and it is actually you who has a thin skin.

    I gave you a bit about Teri’s credentials...Why are you afraid or unwilling to answer my question regarding your own credentials since you claimed to know that “[Teri] doesn't know much about putting together a financial case?

    This might be disheartening to you but just so you are aware, there are thousands of lawyers across the country who are quite adept at putting to together financial cases Simply google the question and you’ll find plenty.

    By the way you were mistaken about Teri being an historian, she’s an attorney...Are you?

    As far as historians go, my favorite historian of American history is Heather Cox Richardson. She does an amazing job of showing how our past affects what we see happening today which is the real value of knowing our history,

  34. by oldedude on September 11, 2023 7:37 pm
    "If you are claiming that because I questioned what you meant about Teri Kanefield, that I was attacking you or your post and therefor I have a thinner skin than ‘well’ (whoever well is), then you are once again mistaken and it is actually you who has a thin skin."

    Different than you, dikead. I actually read posts before I respond. and your thin skin isn't a "who," it's a "what." figure it out mr flaccid.

    "This might be disheartening to you but just so you are aware, there are thousands of lawyers across the country who are quite adept at putting to together financial cases Simply google the question and you’ll find plenty."

    That may be true. But how many lawyers are there? I mean that you believe every advertisement you see without question, I've got a bridge in brooklyn I'd like to sell you....

    By the way you were mistaken about Teri being an historian, she’s an attorney...Are you?

    Muffy also claims to be a legal historian. The key operative here is Historian. MY only claim is that I worked for the agency they get they're information from. I produced the reports they asked for. except she never asked me for any. I was working in a different part of the world. And global drug networks, and human trafficking networks. And ALL of them were financial crimes.

    I NEVER said she was stupid or used any other derogatory term for her. The ONLY thing I said, was that, in this case, she "assumes" subpoenas are required. They are not. This is the FOURTH time I've said this.

    I dislike you because you're a little child. Her, I respect, and this (like curt's reference about SARs) is inaccurate. That's it. Nothing more. Give it a break. I'm about like Donna right now, and you won't leave this alone when you've been shown to be inaccurate.

  35. by islander on September 12, 2023 4:37 am

    You’re a comical little guy OD !! 🤣

    By the way, who is “muffy”? Do you mean Attorney Kanefield?

  36. by HatetheSwamp on September 12, 2023 5:21 am

    I've noticed, isle, when you sense you're busted, you channel Mr Bojangles. That's fine. seem to be saying that you are not like most people, and that, ”[you]want to be a person on heart but, by temperament and, I think, my father's mentoring, I can't prevent it. Reason and logic smashes the leading of my heart.”

    Does this mean you think you can be objective or that you can’t be objective?

    All of us are, by nature, people of both head and heart.

    What you do, and po, too, is unabashedly embrace the preferences and prejudices that you bring with you to every moment of your life and succeed in either obliterating objectivity or subverting it to your preferences and prejudices...and, you seem to do that instinctively, as easily as you breathe.

    I admire that. There's integrity there. You two are pure self as much as anyone I've ever encountered.


    The head/heart thing's still there. But, I have this impulse in me that checks soon as I experience it. It's like pulling one's hand from a hot burner on a stove.

    To answer your question, what I can't do is be subjective without restraint. I try. I want to be unreservedly subjective. I yearn to be exactly that. And, after the objectivity kicks in...that spirit of moderation...I often try to reconnect with that initial moment of passion but it's gone.

    So, buddy, when you get so caught in Teri's FAQs and her sincere musings consider yourself blessed. I can't do that. By the time I get to the end of a sentence, my brain's already shouting, "Whoa Nelliebelle, but..."

    Can pb be objective? Sadly, pb achieves a high level of objectivity moment by moment to his great chagrin.

    Be thankful that you can be carried away as innocently as you can.

    Now, as the Nitty-gritty Dirt Band sang, ""

    View Video

  37. by Ponderer on September 12, 2023 7:26 am

    "As I've noted many times, I want to be a person [of] heart but, by temperament and, I think, my father's mentoring, I can't prevent it. Reason and logic smashes the leading of my heart." -Hate

    Oh. So now you want to personify reason.

    I'm calling BULLSHIT on that one, Bill.

    I recall times in the distant past where you were essentially at war with reason. You derided it. You scoffed at us for depending on it so much. That it was the enemy of faith or some such religious claptrap. Your gut and your faith were your guides back then.

    And now, here you are trying to sell us this load of horseshit, denying that you are ruled by your heart and your emotions when that is completely and totally what you are and have always been.

    Maybe you changed over time. But that sure as hell wouldn't be like you. One need only observe your devoted and unending support and flailingly absurd defense of Donald Trump in the face of the truckloads of evidence and witnesses against him to see how reason has nothing whatsoever to do with any tiny part of your makeup.

    I'd avoid trying to wear the reason and logic costume in future if I were you. It's a ridiculously terrible fit on you.

    Witnessing the breadth and scope of your boundless hypocrisy is a constant entertainment, Bill. I gotta tell ya.

  38. by oldedude on September 12, 2023 7:27 am
    Game. Set. Match.

    Suspicious Activity Report Supporting Documentation

    According to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), financial institutions are required to provide Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) supporting documentation to FinCEN and appropriate law enforcement or supervisory agencies upon request 1. Financial institutions must maintain a copy of the SAR and the original or business record equivalent of any supporting documentation for a period of five years from the date of filing the SAR 1.

    When requested to provide supporting documentation, financial institutions should take special care to verify that a requestor of information is, in fact, a representative of FinCEN or an appropriate law enforcement or supervisory agency. A financial institution should incorporate procedures for such verification into its BSA compliance or anti-money laundering program 1.

    In general, legal process is not required for disclosure of supporting documentation. However, when legal process is required for disclosure of supporting documentation, financial institutions should comply with the applicable legal process 1.

  39. by HatetheSwamp on September 12, 2023 7:45 am

    And now, here you are trying to sell us this load of horseshit, denying that you are ruled by your heart and your emotions when that is completely and totally what you are and have always been.

    What I said is what I always say.

    I want to be ruled by my heart. I think that is the way a person of faith should live...but I don't achieve it to the degree that I want to.

    How many dozens of times do you suppose that I've praised you for the way you live smack dab in the center of your subjectivity!!!!!? It's quite a few.

    As I noted all those times, I envy you.

  40. by Ponderer on September 12, 2023 8:05 am

    Uh huh.

    You also said: "Reason and logic smashes the leading of my heart." -Hate

    Which is complete and total, undeniable and unadulterated, flaming hogwash. That has never happened to you in here. Your heart is the undefeated champion of your psychological makeup. Every time.

    Reason and logic never have any place in anything you ever post, Bill. At least when you post about Trump or the MAGA Republican party. You seem to have somehow managed to mistake your baseless faith in and willful ignorance regarding what you want to believe is true about Trump and the GOMP for "logic and reason". In objective reality, neither have anything to do with the crap you come up with in here. No, your heart giddily leads you around in here like it's attached by a chain to a ring in your nose.

    Again, glad I could help with your confusion.

  41. by islander on September 12, 2023 8:32 am

    Hate wrote: ”All of us are, by nature, people of both head and heart.”

    But some people can be and are more objective than others, and then there are some like yourself who, as you have been telling us for years, believe that subjectivity is truth.

 The description of yourself in post #36, is steeped in and saturated with your own subjectivity. Unfortunately, you seem completely and utterly unable to see it.

    This is why your perception of what Teri wrote is so distorted. You said you read it and saw Teri as, in your own words, ”Teri’s a wacko. That's her problem.” and you claim her post is nothing but propaganda.

    Teri did a very good job of pointing out the errors in the questions that have been asked on her blog site.

    For example;

    “The rich and powerful can just run out the clock using the court system. What’s to prevent Trump from playing a similar game?”

    If you want to deny the right to appeal to rich white men you will also have to deny the right to appeal to everyone else. Are you sure you want to do that? ~ Teri

    Except for in your mind, her response is not a wacko response nor is it as you claim propaganda.

    The questions and claims she posted are not, as you call them, all Stage 4 deranged, they have been discussed in the news, editorials, and opinion pieces, and some even here on this board, and Teri responded to them in an intelligent, knowledgeable, and thoughtful manner.

    It‘s only in your subjective mind that Teri is a wacko spreading propaganda...However...I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if you believed you were being “objective” in your perceptions of the questions asked and Teri’s replies.

  42. by HatetheSwamp on September 13, 2023 5:44 am

    Okay. Fine. I tried.

    "Mr Bojangles, Mr Bojangles,

    ...the dog up and died."

    View Video

  43. by Ponderer on September 13, 2023 8:00 am

    "Okay. Fine. I tried.

    ["I ain't got nothin'... Nothin's alls I got...

    So I dance... Dance... Dance..."]"

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