I did a post on the song on Monday and noted that, during the 45 minutes I was doing my PT exercises that morning it was viewed 200,000 times on YouTube.
Now, it has 20,000,000 as po'd say, effinVIEWS.
This video includes the entire 20 million views song video. It's as powerful a song a message as I've heard. It brings to mind that brief anti-war message moment near the end of ALICE'S RESTAURANT.
Memo to the MAGA-obsessed:
The song captures the worldview shared by the mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps who drive 8 or 12 hours to attend MAGA rallies...
...yet, what's powerful about this video is seeing the emotion of, mostly, people of color, as they watch Oliver Anthony sing.
Red and yellow, black and white, people really do HatetheSwamp!
Really HatetheSwamp. Really, really!!!!! As the song says, "It's a d@ng shame...for people like me and people like you."
You wanna know why, after four indictments, Trump support increases? He's tellin you why.
Listen to the song a few times. Bidenomics, or, as the song says, "The dollar ain't $#!t. Because of the rich men north of Richmond." Because of "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap..." and his string pullers.
And, feel the anger and hate toward the elite and you po, isle, Curt and Donna, their minions.