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Will Americans themselves become migrants in the coming years?
By islander
July 16, 2023 4:42 am
Category: Science & Nature

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Will Americans become migrants? Some cities in USA are already preparing for an influx of people migrating from areas that have been experiencing extremes in heat, fires, and violent storms as these extremes become the new 'normal'.

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Comments on "Will Americans themselves become migrants in the coming years?":

  1. by oldedude on July 16, 2023 4:55 am
    I've been praying for this every time there's an election and the sheep say they're moving. Too bad it's just bullsht.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on July 16, 2023 5:12 am

    I didn't check the link. #NPRswoke.

    Does anyone among woke, white, limousine lib progressives read the news? It's southern states that are growing in population. Ask po and Donna about extreme weather. They just moved TO it to escape The People's Republic of effin California! Baha.

    The truth is that a migration is well effin MASSIVE migration...from blue, socialist states to red states...where freedom rings.

    Indy's been describing the cost of real estate in Florida. People will pay what they have to pay not to live in a blue state.

  3. by islander on July 16, 2023 6:54 am

    I don't blame them one bit but I have mixed feelings about people in large numbers moving to places like northern New England in order to live in a safer area with a cooler climate.

    We just met our new neighbors down the road from us and learned that they, a retired couple like us, moved here from FL as well. They could no longer tolerate the heat, humidity and congestion. A big part of the joy of living here is the absence of traffic congestion and the feeling of uncrowded 'space'.

    This would of course all disappear if there is mass migration, hopefully though, it will not begin in earnest during my lifetime or we’ll have to start thinking about moving further north. Nova Scotia is beginning to sound attractive !! Lol !!

    Last year a couple bought some property across the street from us and they are planning to build their home there. They are moving from the Sierra Nevada mountains in CA. They told us that where they lived back in CA they had views to die for but the never ending fires not only periodically threatened their home but the smoke was beginning to affect the woman’s heath. They finally had to say, “Enough! Time to hightail it outta’ here"...

    For the time being, many people are still moving to what they thought was going to be their retirement paradise but after living there for a while, more and more are now beginning to have second thoughts and wishing they could look forward to summer once again or be able to step outside and breath in cool crisp clean air.

    I think a lot of Americans are taking a second look a their priorities in a rapidly changing world.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on July 16, 2023 7:14 am

    Your new neighbors ain't Tucker Carlson, Suzy and the kids are they. When Tucker did his interview of DeSantis in Iowa on Friday, they talked about the fam living in Maine to avoid the Florida summer heat.

    I'm sure you saw that. Bahahahahahahahaha.

  5. by islander on July 16, 2023 7:51 am

    Fortunately for him, Tucker's place is in western Maine so he doesn't have to worry too much about running into Heather, who lives here on the coast.

  6. by oldedude on July 16, 2023 10:27 am
    Isle- Post #3. I think you're correct. Not everyone can tolerate the heat here, or the rain, etc. The same as some can't tolerate the lake winters of chitown. I love Colorado winters, that champagne powder is excellent! Especially in the high country (above 8000-9000').

    And I think you're also correct, folks move for political reasons. I was a die-hard Coloradoan, part of a pioneer family (pre 1880). I couldn't stand the politics anymore, and the taxes that come with a blu state. I moved partly because of those things, and there are kids here with no family support here.

    So, it's just a different strokes for different folks. I'm happy with the choice. And my front plate is "Don't Califoricate Florida"

  7. by Donna on July 16, 2023 11:12 am

    Sheri and I moved from CA to AZ for financial reasons period. Enduring hot summers is easier for us than dealing with crazy high rental prices.

    Our move allowed me to have a semblance of a retirement. I work for the same company in AZ as did in CA but I only work about 12 hrs/wk now.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on July 16, 2023 11:20 am

    And,'s a dry heat.

  9. by islander on July 16, 2023 2:02 pm

    OD Wrote:Not everyone can tolerate the heat here, or the rain, etc. The same as some can't tolerate the lake winters of chitown.”

    I know some people claim to have been able to adapt to high humidity and 90° temperatures. In fact I have some relatives in FL who claim that the heat doesn’t bother them. I found however that for myself, the older I got the more the heat and humidity was getting to me. I’m an outdoor person and found the heat and humidity more and more oppressive as time went on. It drained me of energy. As soon as I stepped out into what felt like a sauna I couldn’t wait to get beck into the house with that nice cool AC !! 

    The cold air however actually refreshes and invigorates me. It makes ya (at least me) want to move around and be physically active! I also found after moving back to New England that my memories of the cold weather were greatly exaggerated. In fact, even in mid winter most days are not that bad at all. I also rediscovered the beauty of four real seasons !!

    Some winter days of course it’s just was best to just hunker down enjoy your indoor hobby or get a good book and relax by the fire. I found that being retired made that possibility to be a reality. So not having get up and go to work every morning no matter what the weather, also makes winter more enjoyable. And being an avid gardener, I found that during the winter months not having to worry about my plants, or weeding, or watering, or cutting the grass etc, to be quite an enjoyable break! And with the first warm days of spring my enthusiasm for getting out and working in the dirt is recharged to the the bursting point LoL !!

  10. by Curt_Anderson on July 16, 2023 2:19 pm
    "I also found after moving back to New England that my memories of the cold weather were greatly exaggerated." ---Islander

    Maybe it wasn't a faulty memory. It's possible that Winters are warmer now with Climate Change than when you were younger. Another factor is that Winter clothing and outdoor gear is a lot better made than when I was kid. Nothing was sufficiently water-resistant back then. Everything was heavy, restrictive and made walking drudgery.

  11. by Donna on July 16, 2023 3:15 pm

    "It's possible that Winters are warmer now with Climate Change than when you were younger." - Curt

    Yes, that's true.

    The National Climate Assessments are developed by the U.S. Global Change Research Program and assess the science of climate change and its impacts across the United States. The fourth National Climate Assessment (NCA4) reports changes in Northeast’s weather and climate, including a rise in sea level, warmer ocean temperatures, ocean acidification, an increase in winter and spring precipitation (little change in summer), more frequent and/or more intense storms, higher temperatures and extreme heat events, increasing average annual temperatures and precipitation amounts, and shorter winters and longer summers.

  12. by oldedude on July 16, 2023 4:58 pm
    Another factor is that Winter clothing and outdoor gear is a lot better made than when I was kid. Nothing was sufficiently water-resistant back then. Everything was heavy, restrictive and made walking drudgery.

    Do you remember getting back into the house and having to unfreeze your clothes?

  13. by Curt_Anderson on July 16, 2023 5:24 pm
    I remember unfreezing myself in front of the furnace.

  14. by Indy! on July 16, 2023 8:54 pm

    Florida is a purple state, peebs. We go blue when the Ds find decent candidates. When they don't - we stay home and the Rs win. We're the classic swing state adhering to Indy's rules of election results. If the Ds were actual Ds like back in the 60s and 70s, we'd have D governors and nominate Ds for the WH.

  15. by Indy! on July 16, 2023 8:56 pm

    So far as the weather, if I never see snow again it will be too soon. If you think the heat will eventually change my mind? Factor this into the equation - my car hasn't had AC for close to 3 years now.

  16. by Ponderer on July 17, 2023 1:12 pm

    I don't see any evidence that Flarda's purple. Your governor, state legislature and both U.S. Senators are Republican.

    Hopefully Arizona will continue its trend towards Democrats. Our governor, sec of state and both US Senators are Dems. We still need to work on the state legislature, though, which is controlled by Republicans.

  17. by Donna on July 17, 2023 1:12 pm

    Mine ^

  18. by Indy! on July 17, 2023 4:16 pm

    That's because you're not looking. The voters are here, the D party (as is their usual modus operandi) has failed them. But don't take my word for it...

  19. by oldedude on July 17, 2023 8:53 pm
    Florida is a purple state, peebs. We go blue when the Ds find decent candidates. When they don't - we stay home and the Rs win. We're the classic swing state adhering to Indy's rules of election results. If the Ds were actual Ds like back in the 60s and 70s, we'd have D governors and nominate Ds for the WH.

    This is his usual delusional self. Like other sheeple, and ultra righties that live in compounds, they believe the world they "know" is the real world. If what he said was true, there would be such a thing as the "dims like back in the 60's and 70's."

    such is someone locked in the past.

  20. by Donna on July 18, 2023 9:07 am

    Without doing research on this, I'm sensing that the political demographics of Flarda are changing. I personally know many people I grew up with in Maryland who've retired in Flarda. They're all White and doing fairly well financially. I suspect that most or maybe all of them are Republicans.

  21. by Indy! on July 18, 2023 10:25 am

    LOL! We got the military goon who just moved here yesterday and lives in his little racist red burg somewhere in the backwoods of north Florida looking around at all his lily white MAGA neighbors thinking he's now the expert on this state he's "known" for a few months.

    And the person who can't even pronounce the state's name thinking people moving to Florida is something new. 😂

    Forget the fact I posted actual statistical proof while these two poseurs pretend I'M the one going only on personal opinion. 🙄

    The D numbers are there. The D party - as they have nationally - has failed the state of Florida since Lawton Chiles passed on. The last race for governor had Desantis running against a D who was a former R governor of Florida. IOW - two Rs. Yeah - that will definitely get the Ds out to vote. That's where the D party is in Florida - they can't even find a person within the party that THEY think can win.

  22. by Donna on July 18, 2023 11:04 am

    A couple of decades ago, California was red.

    So while supposedly D politicians are to blame for Flarda going red, Californians have gone the opposite direction politically.

    Maybe it's the humidity.

  23. by Indy! on July 18, 2023 11:16 am

    Did you even bother to look at the graphic I posted? Florida is the most purple state in the nation whether you two Florida "experts" want to believe it or not. That's from me - someone who doesn't even give a shit because reality dictates...

  24. by oldedude on July 18, 2023 6:57 pm
    You may want to cum out of your "world" in mihhamee for 10 minutes or so.
    Just to make it clear, I say the same thing to denverites, and jacksonoffites. You get wrapped up in your "community" being the center of the friggin universe and think we're "only" 50% of the population.

  25. by Indy! on July 18, 2023 7:54 pm

    First off, ODim - I don't live in Miami. Secondly - and this is a serious question - why is everything you say immersed in deviant sexual jargon? You know I'm straight, right? So who are you trying to impress with the potty mouth stuff? If your wife cut you off (prolly in the 1960s) - take a portion of your next welfare check and go pay for some poontang or whatever type of sex you prefer. Even though I might laugh - I promise not to judge. 😌

  26. by oldedude on July 18, 2023 9:06 pm
    first of all, you've always "claimed" you lived in Miami, traveled miami, "walked the streets" of miami without fear". If not, not my issue.

    No. I'M NOT TALKING IN SEXUAL JARGON, YOU'RE JUST THINKING IT. It's YOU that is confused about "it's" "their/them" sexuality. I'm not. I have an issue with you mocking those who are enslaved for sexual gratification, which you don't give a fuk about anyone (minus yourown self, who your mommie gave you up for a teener).

    So if you want to clear this up, WTF do you live? If it's not outside browerd or dade county, the rest of the state considers you MIHAMEE. Or you live in jackoffville. either one is just as bad as the other. I know you don't live in juno, because you don't have enough class for that.

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