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Let's stop hate !
By islander
May 16, 2023 5:15 am
Category: Politics

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We are sick of this kind of hate, let's be done with the Bullshit.

This was from an article I read a week or so ago by Grace Taylor. It explains quite well the lies that Hate and the Republicans are trying to spread about a so called Trans agenda and why the Republicans are so intent on pushing their deceitful lies.

The question that was asked sounded familiar, like it could have come from one of our resident trolls L0L !!


Why don’t Democrats realize that the LGBTQ agenda is the reason why people don't want to vote for them?

Grace provided the answer with this honest, plain, and straightforward reply...

"What exactly do you think the LGBTQ agenda is? To make every one gay? To ensure rainbow flags are in every classroom? To deny heterosexual people healthcare? To remove heterosexual children out of their home if anyone even suspects they’re heterosexual? To ban any books with hetero themes or characters? To not discuss heterosexuality in schools?

Yeah sorry. That’s not the LGBTQ agenda. It is however mirroring the Republican agenda. But I digress.

The LGBTQ community doesn’t have an agenda. Unless of course you’re talking about acceptance. Or at the very least, tolerance. It’s the Republican Party that is drawing such negative attention to a marginalized group because they want them eradicated [and to try to get votes]. The LGBTQ community simply wants to exist. To live. This narrative of “the LGBTQ community or the trans community or the homosexual community shoving their lifestyles down other’s throats“ is fucking nonsense. Lifestyles are not being shoved down anyone’s throat, and certainly not any more than heterosexuality always was. If republican lawmakers stopped trying to make people believe the LGBTQ community is some sort of monster threat, while creating and passing laws to hurt them, Democrats wouldn’t have to fiercely defend them.

And if you believe that the “LGBTQ agenda” is the reason people don’t want to vote for Democrats, it seems that you’re exactly the homophobic problem."

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Comments on "Let's stop hate !":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on May 16, 2023 6:54 am

    The only parts of the LGBTQ political agenda at issue with pb?

    1. Support of biological males participating in women's athletics.
    2. Opposition to efforts of mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps who merely want to raise their kids without government intrusion.
    3. Support for harsh pharma treatments and surgery for minors.

    Beyond that, pb's cool with trans people.

    But, he does continue to point out that the trans political agenda is in decline due to its archnemesis, the three headed monster:

    1. Old-school Title IX feminists.
    2. Increasingly active, radical anti-TQ LGB groups and activists.
    3. Those aforementioned mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps who merely want to raise their children without governmental intrusion.

    Other than that? We're cool. Groovy, even.

    In fact, Grace...and you, isle, really are the problem, attempting to create a strawman out of feminists, LGBs and mommies and daddies....

  2. by Ponderer on May 16, 2023 8:07 am

    First off, great post, Isle! She nails it. In a way that even Hate might be able to understand. Though I don't hold much hope of that.

    "1. Support of biological males participating in women's athletics. -Hate

    Fine. This is something that even Donna and I agree is a very contentious issue and needs full national examination and debate on. We also do not believe that newly transitioned trans women should be competing with cis women. And as we have also acknowledged, we are apparently in the minority of our community in regard to our opinion on the matter. Again, there needs to be a serious national debate to come to some arrangement that would be the fairest for all concerned, instead of right wing religious zealots in state governments hatefully and lazily making knee-jerk reactionary laws against our entire community and curtailing our constitutional rights.

    "2. Increasingly active, radical anti-TQ LGB groups and activists." -Hate

    As has also been pointed out many times, this is a microscopically small portion of the population who are dedicated and adamant about spreading their long standing bigotry and hatred of my community to a bigger audience. While there may be individual transgender individuals who go too far and have actually even committed offenses against children, this tiny group of people do not in any way whatsoever represent my entire community nor any "agenda" that my community has ever established or sought to put forth. Fukk you for continuing to lie about us like this, Bill.

    "3. Those aforementioned mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps who merely want to raise their children without governmental intrusion." -Hate

    Okay this one I've been having a bit of trouble with. But only because it is so moronically vague and meaningless. Hate has never specified any of what the hell this statement is supposed to be referring to.

    But I guess that we are supposed to assume that he means "governmental intrusion" like how some book being in a public school library that talks about or even mentions transgendered people somehow "interfers" with some parents' desire to raise their children in a world where trans people don't exist. Or anyone working in schools acknowledging the existence of transgender people to students who may or may not be transgendered themselves. Or any trans students from being allowed to use their proper restrooms because of all the rapes that are apparently as common as school shootings.

    My god, I guess under such circumstances I can see how utterly impossible it would be for parents who are just trying to raise their child to hate transgender people as much as they do when the schools are teaching all this "acceptance" and "inclusion" crap about how all human beings and fellow citizens of this great country deserve respect and equal protection under the law. My GOD how totally unconstitutional! How totally un-American!

    You're an idiot, Bill.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on May 16, 2023 8:30 am


    On biological males competing in women's sports. Here's the problem. Trans-phile politicians and trans political activists still support biological males competing against women. They're not backing down...and there's no meaningful dissent from your side.

    As far as the impact of the anti-TQ LGB groups and activists, I think you're self-deluded when you claim their number's microscopic. I think you're wrong. I provide stats. You only rant.

    Re: The mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps.

    Okay this one I've been having a bit of trouble with. But only because it is so moronically vague and meaningless. Hate has never specified any of what the hell this statement is supposed to be referring to.

    Think about the "fascistic and disgusting" "MAGA Republican" "Christian theocrats" you create a strawman out of and lambast.

    It ain't vague and meaningless. I'll connect it to reality. Now...

    Think of all those anti-trans laws that have been passed and are effin being passed. The evil people who support them? That's your "fascistic and disgusting" "MAGA Republican" Christian theocrats," i.e., the mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps...

    ...along with the growing anti-TQ LGB groups and activists and old-school Title IX feminists...

    ...who wrote those bills and vote for the legislators who passed them.

    Trust me. A coalition is forming among the mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps [your "fascistic and disgusting" "MAGA Republican" "Christian theocrats], and the old-school Title IX feminists and the anti-TQ LGBs...

    ...just as LGBs are breaking away from TQs to dissolve the LGBTQ coalition.

  4. by islander on May 16, 2023 8:31 am

    Hate, posting as pb wrote:

    ”The only parts of the LGBTQ political agenda at issue with pb?

    1. Support of biological males participating in women's athletics.
    2. Opposition to efforts of mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps who merely want to raise their kids without government intrusion.

    3.Support for harsh pharma treatments and surgery for minors.”

    Each of these has already been discussed and addressed. They have shown to be NOT the problem Hate is trying to make people believe that are.

    1. See SS article from April 28 A Fair And Inclusive Solution For Transgender Women In Sports” below

    Read opening statement

    2.See SS article from May 6 IT'S OFFICIAL: Florida is Governed by Bigoted, Sociopathic Assholes below

    post #46

    3. See SS article from April 16 Cutting through the BS and assorted disinformation about transgenderism below

    Read Opening statement
    post # 9 
post # 24

  5. by islander on May 16, 2023 8:44 am


    I think Hate understands what was said in the post and probably, at some level, might even believe it.

    But I see a great deal of cognitive dissonance there, that is, having to believe two contradictory things at the same time.

    I suspect,if Hate were to acknowledge it's truth, he'd be disloyal to his "tribe", so to speak (our tribe being what Hate calls the swamp).

  6. by HatetheSwamp on May 16, 2023 9:08 am

    Each of these has already been discussed and addressed. They have shown to be NOT the problem Hate is trying to make people believe that are.

    I don't think so.

    Truth? As I quoted from your blessed site, even, as po'd say, they effin support biological males competing in women's sports. Even effin they support biological males peeing in the public school ladies'.

    And, scouring conservative media as I do, I can tell you, the three headed anti-trans monster ain't, convinced that these issues are not the problem "people believe that they are."

    Mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps are still royally pi$$ed about boys peeing in the girls' room in public schools and boys playing against girls in sports.

    Why you think they ain't, truly mystifies me.

    Please elaborate.

  7. by Ponderer on May 16, 2023 9:12 am

    "On biological males competing in women's sports. Here's the problem. Trans-phile politicians and trans political activists still support biological males competing against women. They're not backing down...and there's no meaningful dissent from your side" -Hate

    And the MAGA Republican conservative right is just as adamant about it not being allowed and are just as intransigent with no empathetic consideration of the trans people involved coming from your side.

    As I said, the subject needs a national debate with both sides making their case so that all parties can come to a reasonable, constitutional solution.

    "As far as the impact of the anti-TQ LGB groups and activists, I think you're self-deluded when you claim their number's microscopic." -Hate

    if you want to give a way less than 1% portion of the population based on the stats you have provided as much power and sway as you seem intent on doing, I can't say anything to dissuade you from doing so I suppose.

    "The evil people who support them? That's your "fascistic and disgusting" "MAGA Republican" Christian theocrats," i.e." -Hate

    Well, if you know of a way for people to support and defend fascistic and disgusting laws based on paranoid, bigoted, unconstitutionally theocratic dogma without being fascistically and disgustingly theocratic themselves, I'm all ears.....

  8. by HatetheSwamp on May 16, 2023 9:37 am


    As I said, the subject needs a national debate with both sides making their case so that all parties can come to a reasonable, constitutional solution.

    Not to sound like a 45 rpm with a scratch, but a national debate is under way and all your side is offering is hate rhetoric, along the line of your own "fascistic and disgusting" "MAGA Republican" "Christian theocrats."

    And, the three headed monster of old-school Title IX feminists, anti-TQ LGBs, and mommies and daddies...

    ...are already winning, passing dozens of laws with more in the pipeline.

    Unfortunately for you, if your side wants a different conversation, it's going to have to start with you. The three headed monster side's perfectly content with what's being said now.

    Classic LGBTQ hate rhetoric:

    Well, if you know of a way for people to support and defend fascistic and disgusting laws based on paranoid, bigoted, unconstitutionally theocratic dogma without being fascistically and disgustingly theocratic themselves, I'm all ears...

    It's not working, there, po. T'other side is winning.

  9. by Ponderer on May 16, 2023 10:54 am

    I see. Well if what is going on now constitutes a "national debate" where all parties can come to a reasonable, constitutional solution in your estimation, I'll just leave you to your delusions.

    Neither side is talking to the other side right now. It is simply not a debate if the two parties aren't even communicating with each other.

    We need something like a multistage national town hall meeting that takes place over a few days with actual official representatives of each side making their cases. This is a uniquely modern problem and it's not going to be solved by antediluvian, authoritarian approaches.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on May 16, 2023 11:42 am


    pb's saying that at this point, if you're distressed by the nature of the current trend, it's up to your side to change the conversation.

    The three headed monster is doing a lot of conversing...with lawmakers...very effectively. The three headed monster is having its way, getting its own agenda passed into law.

    Here's pb's take on what's happening now: Up until Trump added his three Supreme Court Justices, you could do your hate rants because you had the Judiciary in your back pockets. You could be as disagreeable as you wanted because, in the end, the LGBTQ agenda would be foisted on the rest of us.

    Those days are gone. The 14th Amendment means little. The 10th Amendment has been resurrected. The people and the states have rights. So, when state legislatures pass laws, it's "THE PEOPLE AND THEIR REPRESENTATIVES," BABY!

    No more foisting. If you want your way, you're going to have to engage in the, uh, Democracy. Baha baha baha.

  11. by Ponderer on May 16, 2023 11:57 am

    "pb's saying that at this point, if you're distressed by the nature of the current trend, it's up to your side to change the conversation." -hate

    Huh. Well what good would that do when your side has absolutely no intention of ever changing no matter what we ever do? Your side wants us "eradicated".

    I guess you must think it was up to Blacks in the early 1900's to quit antagonizing the KKK into lynching them. If only blacks would have been less caustic in their denouncing of the KKK's treatment of them, they'd have been granted their constitutional rights as equal citizens of this country many decades earlier than they were, according to your logic.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on May 16, 2023 12:04 pm

    Huh. Well what good would that do when your side has absolutely no intention of ever changing no matter what we ever do? Your side wants us "eradicated".


    You don't believe that.

  13. by Hunter28 on May 16, 2023 12:06 pm

    I'm not sure there's any point in commenting since I see this conversation has already devolved into the usual "you're a bigot"/"no, you're a wokester" talking points. Boring and unproductive.

    The Grace Taylor post that started this thread is nothing more than knee-jerk commentary from the left: "If you oppose trans rights, you must be a bigoted conservative motivated by hate who believes X, Y and Z."

    No, it's not that simple nor that black and white.

    I used to subscribe to the belief that this was just another civil rights issue, liberating slaves, giving women the right to vote, allowing same sex marriage, etc. But redefining the biological classification of sex is entirely different and has very significant consequences that can infringe upon the civil rights of other underprivileged classes, namely biological women.

    Grace Taylor seems unaware that the original skepticism about trans advocacy came from women on the left. Ever heard the term "TERF" (trans-exclusionary radical feminist)? These are women who feel that allowing men (including those who identify as the opposite gender) to make decisions for women was a form of sexism.

    You might read an article from The New Yorker (not your typical source for MAGA talking points):

    What Is a Woman? The dispute between radical feminism and transgenderism.
    By Michelle Goldberg
    July 28, 2014

    Then go look at the commentary about this article. You may end up agreeing with the TERFS, you may side with the trans advocates, or maybe you'll walk away with a more nuanced appreciation of the issue.

    I agree with the TERFs that there are some issues where the proper criteria is biological sex, not self-identified gender.

    When you allow biological men into women's only spaces, it infringes on the civil rights of those biological women. They have a right to expect safety. Sex crimes are more likely to happen in spaces where men have easy access. This stuff has happened, does happen, and will increasingly happen if you erase the distinction between males and females and allow men into women-only spaces.

    Maybe some of you don't think women need restricted spaces. Maybe you didn't notice an obscure court case about a man who entered a female-only space and sexually abused a woman in a dressing room?

    And that is just one area that Grace Taylor overlooked in her rush to create a strawman and set it on fire. There is the issue of women-only spaces, there is also the issue of women in sports, as well as the issue of minors transitioning. There is potential for a lot of unanticipated consequences that negatively affect biological women and children. It's worth discussing before we start passing a bunch of laws. But it's hard to have that discussion when so many people on both the left and the right are shouting and nobody's listening.

    I agree with one thing Ponderer said:

    As I said, the subject needs a national debate with both sides making their case so that all parties can come to a reasonable, constitutional solution.

    Absolutely. But you only seem concerned about Republicans passing laws in red state legislatures that restrict trans rights. You don't seem to be calling for restraint from Democrats in blue states who are rushing to pass laws expanding trans rights (that may affect women's rights). It sounds like you want a debate where only one side has a microphone.

    I'd like to see a complete moratorium, where both sides put down the legislative pens and have a discussion about the unintended consequences of what they're proposing. But neither side really wants that, do they? How do you have a good-faith debate when you've already decided that anyone who disagrees with you is motivated by hate?

  14. by islander on May 16, 2023 12:07 pm

    So, Hate, you “say” you read the opening statement from “A Fair And Inclusive Solution For Transgender Women In Sports” andpost # 9 and post # 24.

    You say’ you don’t believe they addresses the problem of transgender women in sports.

    So tell me why “you” are apparently so against transgender women competing in woman’s sports with the Forbes article and posts posts suggested, and why you think they DON’T address the question.

  15. by HatetheSwamp on May 16, 2023 12:19 pm


    All I did was quote from the web page:

    "59% of trans students have been denied access to restrooms consistent with their gender identity. Rather than focusing on their education, many students struggle for the ability to come to school and be themselves without being punished for wearing clothes or using facilities consistent with who they are. Some are denied opportunities to go on field trips or participate in sports."

  16. by islander on May 16, 2023 12:27 pm

    You didn't answer my question Hate.

  17. by HatetheSwamp on May 16, 2023 12:33 pm

    "You say’ you don’t believe they addresses the problem of transgender women in sports."


  18. by islander on May 16, 2023 12:41 pm

    As I said in post #4

    "Each of these has already been discussed and addressed."

    You, Hate, responded with, "I don't think so."

    So tell me why “you” are apparently so against transgender women competing in woman’s sports with the Forbes article and posts posts suggested, and why you think they DON’T address the question.

  19. by islander on May 16, 2023 1:22 pm

    EXCELLENT post # 13 Hunter !!

  20. by islander on May 16, 2023 2:54 pm

    Hunter wrote: "And that is just one area that Grace Taylor overlooked in her rush to create a strawman and set it on fire. There is the issue of women-only spaces, there is also the issue of women in sports, as well as the issue of minors transitioning. There is potential for a lot of unanticipated consequences that negatively affect biological women and children. It's worth discussing before we start passing a bunch of laws. But it's hard to have that discussion when so many people on both the left and the right are shouting and nobody's listening."

    I fully agree. Instead of rushing forward and issuing blanket laws forbidding transgender girls from competing in individual and team sports we absolutely do need to have a national debate on this. There are alternatives to enacting blanket laws completely forbidding trans girls from competing. We already have, and have always had rules and regulations in sports to insure fair play and fair competition. Now is the time to look at how we can do the same when we are making rules concerning trans women in sports.

    I think that the younger generation is much more open to the concept of trans girls competing (with restrictions). I have two daughters and 7 granddaughters who are not at all opposed to trans girls competing right along with them.

    Naturally they want rules and restrictions for some sports where a trans woman would have an obvious advantage and we have discussed some of these ideas at home just as we have tried to do here on this board, only much more rational and far less confrontational at home. 😀

  21. by HatetheSwamp on May 16, 2023 4:20 pm

    isle, po, 28:

    None of this is happening in a vacuum and, much more importantly, without context.

    In the NCAA, excuse for me being historically accurate, but WOKE BUREAUCRATS, effin forced female athletes through intimidation, to complete against biological males.

    Today?, international athletic organizations have provided an absolute backlash against what American trans people and trans-philes tried to force. Many prominent female professional athletes stand against what promoters of the trans political agenda still promotes, AND a rapidly expanding list of US states have passed laws prohibiting biological males from competing against women.

    Now, baha baha. Surprise, surprise! Trans people and trans-philes think there should be a "national discussion."

    Can you supporters of the trans political agenda understand why we'd be amused?

    Either way, we are.

    The political momentum is with the three headed monster:

    1. Old-school Title IX feminists,
    2. Anti-TQ LGBs...because LGBs ain't biological males wanting to compete with women,
    3. Mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps who have daughters many of whom are athletes.

    I agree, BTW. A calm, rational conversation is necessary. But, scouring right-wing media as I do, I'm pretty sure that the trans and trans-phile side is going to have to do some serious groveling to get it started...

    ...because you created this. Right now? We're finishing it. Baha baha.

  22. by Ponderer on May 16, 2023 5:10 pm

    "But you only seem concerned about Republicans passing laws in red state legislatures that restrict trans rights. You don't seem to be calling for restraint from Democrats in blue states who are rushing to pass laws expanding trans rights (that may affect women's rights)" -Hunter

    I'm sorry if it came across that way to you, But I am certainly willing to let both sides debate their positions regarding laws. As you may have already read, Donna and I are part of the few transwomen in the community who don't want to see transwomen competing with cis women. I think that's the first order of business because that is a real pressing issue.

  23. by oldedude on May 16, 2023 9:20 pm
    This is one of the things Donna and I agree on. This is what opened up the dialog, and me more interested in listening to what she has to say. (I'm not speaking for her).

    The thing is that I'm consider economically very conservative, and socially moderate. I'm also a constitutionalist/ libertarian. Donna and I disagree on many things. AND I listen to her when she talks. I may disagree, AND I feel I can.

  24. by islander on May 17, 2023 5:26 am

    Ponderer, I honestly think that right now our suggestions for addressing the issues, sports, bathrooms, medical, the ones that that the right is using to inflame the public, are being ignored by our opponents here (and elsewhere) is that “political partisanship”, is more important to them than solving these issues. Enacting blanket laws forbidding trans people from participating in sports, using restrooms and even seeking psychological and medical help within their own families working with their healthcare providers, sadly...Get’s them votes!

    I haven’t seen any suggestions or proposals from the right except to ban trans from sports, bathrooms, and to let the government make the medical decisions for families with trans members under 18.

  25. by HatetheSwamp on May 17, 2023 6:33 am

    Ponderer, I honestly think that right now our suggestions for addressing the issues, sports, bathrooms, medical, the ones that that the right is using to inflame the public, are being ignored by our opponents here...


    Your suggestions are being ignored by the people who define the trans political agenda.

    We can have our own meaningless little kumbaya chat here, but why? It's what Dem leaders and trans leaders say that defines the conversation. As we know, even toes the trans political agenda line on bathrooms and sports and schools.

    The meaningful national conversation that you trans people and trans-philes such as yourself, isle, need to have is within yourselves. Why should we take your "suggestions" seriously!!!!!? Even other trans people and trans-philes don't take you seriously.

    This is why it matters to me that the Republican Party is the home of openness and inclusion and tolerance and diversity, acceptance and...FREETHINKING.

    On your side, your only choice is to walk in lockstep and to keep your effin mouths shut.

  26. by islander on May 17, 2023 7:32 am

    Hate writes:

    ”Your suggestions are being ignored by the people who define the trans political agenda.”

    The people who you think define a trans agenda are not here. But YOU are. You are the one we are having this attempt at rational dialogue.

    ”The meaningful national conversation that you trans people and trans-philes such as yourself, isle, need to have is within yourselves. Why should we take your "suggestions" seriously!!!!!? Even other trans people and trans-philes don't take you seriously. “

    Obviously you are wrong, since you can plainly see that the trans people we are discussing this with DO take these suggestions seriously and also make suggestions. This site is not the only site where such discussions take place, and you are not the only person with whom I discuss these issues. Sites like this are a place where we can begin debating and discussing these issues. It’s a starting place to exchange ideas.

    ”On your side, your only choice is to walk in lockstep and to keep your effin mouths shut.”

    Well, Hate, you don’t get to define our choices. If you are unable to engage in rational and meaningful dialogue...There really is little point in trying to discuss anything with you is there...

  27. by HatetheSwamp on May 17, 2023 7:43 am

    The people who you think define a trans agenda are not here. But YOU are. You are the one we are having this attempt at rational dialogue.

    So, you want kumbaya and not real world? Fine. I think we can do that but, I dunno why.

    Well, Hate, you don’t get to define our choices. If you are unable to engage in rational and meaningful dialogue...There really is little point in trying to discuss anything with you is there...

    Honestly, isle, on your side, the choices are defined solely by trans and trans-phile Big Brother...and, what I can see is that their answer to you is, "KEEP YOUR EFFIN MOUTHS SHUT!"...

    I'd appreciate it, though, when trans and trans-philes ideas presented here emerge in the national Dem/woke dialog, link to them. I'm seein nuthin so far.

  28. by islander on May 17, 2023 8:10 am

    Sorry Hate, but you don’t get to pass your comments onto somebody else. You own them. 

    YOU were the one trying to define my choice with YOUR comment, ””On your side, your only choice is to walk in lockstep and to keep your effin mouths shut.”...

  29. by HatetheSwamp on May 17, 2023 8:19 am


    And, I was exactly right. If you care about real people in the real world...

    024 is approaching. All I see is Dems creating trans ire for the purpose of raising funds for the campaign. That's cynical and heartless but it's what the Swamp does.

  30. by islander on May 17, 2023 8:23 am

    Take a long hike, Hate!

  31. by islander on May 17, 2023 12:24 pm

    Unfortunately, the hate that we see directed against transgenders will continue until people are willing to talk rationally about what transgenderism is and what it means to be a transsexual. This is the best way to help people see that a transexual is not a monster who threatens our children and our way of life . Right now, as we can plainly see, in the heated and divided political atmosphere that is the sad state of affairs in our country this is not happening.

    I’d like to thank Donna and Ponderer for their contributions here on this site for helping to make clear what transgenderism really,/i> is and the difficulties they all face...It can’t be easy.

    ”Violence against transgender people includes emotional, physical, sexual, or verbal violence.[1] The term has also been applied to hate speech directed at transgender people[2] and at depictions of transgender people in the media that reinforce negative stereotypes about them.[3] Trans and non-binary gender adolescents can experience bashing in the form of bullying and harassment.” * Wikipedia

  32. by Ponderer on May 17, 2023 12:28 pm

    Thanks so much for your kind words, Isle.

    I'll cop to it having not been easy. But considering the horror stories that just the two of us personally know about many of our trans siblings, we feel extremely blessed.

  33. by HatetheSwamp on May 17, 2023 12:34 pm

    Unfortunately, the hate that we see directed against transgenders will continue until people are willing to talk rationally about what transgenderism is and what it means to be a transsexual.

    I disagree.

    I don't think people are opposed to trans people. I know that po passes on the "You want to eliminate us" hyperbole but I don't know of anyone who guilty of that charge.

    Mommies and daddies and nannas and pappaps do want to raise their kids without government intrusion. Female athletes want to compete against women. And, many LGBs want everyone to understand that LGBs believe that they were born in the correct body and that the trans agenda is not their...and it, often, threatens their.

    But, few if any are, as you suggest, isle, irrational about transgenderism. Quite the opposite, actually.

    I, also, thank po and Donna for their honesty and transparency.

  34. by Ponderer on May 17, 2023 12:56 pm

    "I know that po passes on the 'You want to eliminate us' hyperbole but I don't know of anyone who [is] guilty of that charge." -Hate

    Well heavens, Bill... Please allow me to introduce you to someone who is a truly good friend to millions of ears of the MAGA Republican party, Michael Knowels...!

    CPAC Speaker’s Trans Comments About ‘Eradication’ Sound Downright Genocidal


    But it also became clear at CPAC that the Republican campaign against trans kids isn’t just a mere ploy to energize its base — it could also be the beginning of an insurgent fascist campaign to erase trans people from public life altogether.

    Michael Knowles, the host of ”The Michael Knowles Show” on The Daily Wire, gave a speech at CPAC that, at moments, sounded genocidal. “The problem with transgenderism is not that it’s inappropriate for children under the age of 9,” he said. “The problem with transgenderism is that it isn’t true.”

    [This is idiocy on par with declaring that it should be inappropriate for anyone under nine to get cancer. -Po]

    There are an estimated 1.6 million trans people in the United States. Knowles essentially told the CPAC crowd that these people should not have a right to exist.

    “If [transgenderism] is false, then for the good of society... transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely,” he said.

    Eradicated. The crowd roared again.

  35. by HatetheSwamp on May 17, 2023 1:20 pm

    HuffPo, po. I don't believe an effin word.

  36. by Ponderer on May 17, 2023 3:50 pm

    Would you believe your own eyes and ears, Bill...?
    View Video

  37. by Ponderer on May 17, 2023 3:54 pm

    That link won't work. Copy this and paste it on a search in Youtube:

    CPAC speaker sparks alarm with call for transgender to be ‘eradicated’

  38. by Ponderer on May 17, 2023 3:55 pm

    Or maybe this will work:

    View Video

  39. by Ponderer on May 17, 2023 3:56 pm

    Yeah THAT worked.

  40. by HatetheSwamp on May 18, 2023 4:08 am

    Whoa!, po!!!!!!

    I watched it twice. He doesn't say trans people should be eradicated.

    You effin liar!

    What he does say is that "transgender-ism" "must be eradicated from public life..."

    And, bubba, pb's got bad news for you. That's where we're headed. And, I've been warning you.

    You pretend that opposite to your trans POLITICAL agenda is being opposed by a fringe of wacked out "MAGA Republicans." Uh uh.

    There really is a three headed monster. And, it's winning the day. And, and here's the thing: it's building momentum.

    It won't be too long, in some states, where, for all practical purposes, what Knowles is calling for: "the eradication of transgenderism...from public life" will be a done deal.

    So, please. Keep up with hate rhetoric that is so harmful to your side. Because it's losing you the battle for hearts and minds with increasing rapidity.

    Oh, and btw, one point of illogical. Your creating of strawmen, I think, harms you.

    Michael Knowles is one person. The applause for him in that video was far from rabid.

    He's extreme. He doesn't speak for everyone on this side by a long shot. But keep up with the hate. Keep exaggerating about us. Soon we may all agree with him.

  41. by islander on May 18, 2023 6:05 am

    What we’re seeing is the hypocrisy of so many of those on the right, just like we're seeing here.

    We hear, “Oh no! We don’t want to eradicate transgenders...We just want to eradicate who you are from public life!

    And heaven forbid you become angry, and stand up and fight back in order to defend yourself, because you will then be accused of spewing hate!

    You, being who you are, are not hurting them in anyway whatsoever.

    Just keep being your authentic self, Ponderer, right now, just like the blacks and the gays, "transgender-ism" will not be eradicated !!

  42. by Ponderer on May 18, 2023 7:07 am

    Thanks again for the support, Isle. As always you are right on the mark.

    Hate wants us to think that until MAGA Republicans are throwing transgender people into ovens that none of them are being "eradicated". Just like how all the bullshit abortion laws and restrictions that MAGA Republicans are foisting on the America people aren't actually "eradicating" abortion. My goodness, that's not what they want or are doing at all! They are merely passing some simple rules to make abortion "safer". They're making regulations that make clinics "less dangerous". They just want doctors and hospitals to be held more accountable is all.

    And like how they don't actually "eradicate" likely Democratic voters' right to vote. They're merely passing laws to make voting more "protected" in specific key Democratic areas and less susceptible to fraud that for all intents and purposes doesn't exist. They're just eliminating voting places that are extraneous or underfunded. They strike hundreds of people off voting roles because their name was the same as one felon, but they are certainly free to simply appeal the decision after the elections are over.

    I guarantee that all the transgender youths and adults who desperately need the transgender care that MAGA Republicans are in the process of eliminating and who end up increasing the suicide statistics in this country because the MAGA Republican party took away any hope of relief in our society from their debilitating suffering will have been quite definitely and most efficiently "eradicated" by the MAGA Republicans' Anti-Trans Agenda.

    Using Hate's logic, I suppose that eliminating all cancer medications and making cancer treatments illegal wouldn't actually result in "eradicating" any cancer patients either.

    We know all too well how the MAGA Republican party plays its bullshit sociopathic games. Believe me, when the Proto-Fascist MAGA Republican Party wants to "eradicate" something, they know just how to do it while bullshitting everyone that the gallons of blood on their hands is just a little strawberry jelly from breakfast.

  43. by Ponderer on May 18, 2023 7:18 am

    "He's extreme. He doesn't speak for everyone on this side by a long shot." -Hate

    Oh FUKK you, Bill. You are the all time champion in here of pointing at one tiny group or individual and declaring they represent an entire minority or organization. FUKK YOU and your unfair, bullshit, self-serving hypocrisy.

  44. by HatetheSwamp on May 18, 2023 7:39 am


    po should be pi$$ed. The trans crowd and you trans-philes need to find a more constructive way of channeling that anger...because the eradicating of, as pb puts it, the trans political agenda is well underway.

    And, excuse me for telling truth. I can disagree with po politically without being a po-phobe. This is a way that your progressive sanctimony defeats you.

    Our side is already eradicating. In Florida it's pretty much a done deal. You may have noticed. Other red states follow Florida.

  45. by HatetheSwamp on May 18, 2023 7:40 am


    I'm merely describing the politics.

  46. by Ponderer on May 18, 2023 7:54 am

    You're merely supporting and flogging bullshit propaganda, Bill.

    And fukk you for that.

  47. by HatetheSwamp on May 18, 2023 8:15 am

    Clearly, po, you're the reason that media outlets like MSNBC and the HuffPo exist. You represent the large swath of America for whom only propaganda satisfies. The reporting of fact, without sermonizing attached, is worthy, simply, of a hearty EFF YOU!

  48. by Ponderer on May 18, 2023 8:27 am

    No matter how you try to distract from the fact, you're merely supporting and flogging bullshit propaganda, Bill.

    And fukk you for that.

  49. by islander on May 18, 2023 9:01 am


    I’m sure you know Hate/pb is nothing more than an internet troll. I have no idea what kind of satisfaction people like him get out of it but I have no doubt it stems from his narcissistic personality disorder. I feel sorry for any of his parishioners who might have put their trust in him from the time when he was a pastor. It would have been the worst possible position for him to be in due to the psychological damage he could inflict on them.

    I’m pretty much sick of him and the only response for his hateful BS would be to take it “way over there’!

  50. by Ponderer on May 18, 2023 9:44 am

    , Isle.

  51. by HatetheSwamp on May 18, 2023 9:58 am

    You guys!

    You just can't take seriously the fact that there are people who track meaningful societal and political trends...

    ...especially when the reality they represent are inconvenient for you.

    As far as my opinion is concerned? I think two things have happened that are killing the trans political agenda.

    1. Covid. The intrusive instinct of "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" and blue state governors created an uprising of libertarianism across the whole nation. The success of the trans political agenda has always required judicial foisting, presidential decrees and bureaucratic enforcement. During Trump's term, foisters lost the Supreme Court. Since covid, many Americans object to all forms of Big Brother-ism. Suddenly the trans political agenda is at a great disadvantage.

    2. Woke trans people and trans-philes, at that time, crossed a line. The Dylan Mulvaney brouhaha sparked the sort of cultural explosion that happens once in a generation, but it would have been something. Suddenly, though, trans things that people used to endure silently create outrage. Think that feminist Miller Lite $#!t ad.

    And, hey. pb began to identify all that stuff on SS during last year's Pride Month. The tide was already turning then.

    The truth is that po's wrong. I'm not anti-trans. I honestly do wish po and Donna well...

    ...but, pb is pretty dern libertarian. And, he thinks that judicial and bureaucratic foisting are anti-democratic and evil.

    Of course, pb might be caught celebrating the news that he reports objectively.

    But, it's not a matter of being anti-trans.

  52. by Ponderer on May 18, 2023 10:22 am

    "The truth is that po's wrong. I'm not anti-trans. I honestly do wish po and Donna well..." -Hate

    ...Living in the second class citizenship hellscape for us that your Proto-Fascist MAGA Republican party is managing to turn this country into, and that you approve of and support. You're the Mother Fukking Theresa of caring there, Bill.

  53. by HatetheSwamp on May 18, 2023 10:38 am

    And, as horrible as you think your situation is now, speaking objectively, I think it's likely that five years from now, you may think of these as the good ol days.

    As long as you're content to call Martina Navratilova feminists and GAG LGBs "MAGA Republicans," you’re inviting disaster.

    I'm sure the Trump hating part of you feels good to shout MAGA, but name-calling hasn't helped yet. It won't going forward.

  54. by Ponderer on May 18, 2023 10:47 am

    "And, as horrible as you think your situation is now, speaking objectively, I think it's likely that five years from now, you may think of these as the good ol days." -Hate

    And I can already see you then too... Sitting out in the shade of your veranda, sipping your mint julep, and grinning ear to ear about the living hell your Proto-Fascist MAGA Republican Party unconstitutionally foisted upon us.

  55. by HatetheSwamp on May 18, 2023 11:07 am

    What I wish is that you trans people and trans-philes could break free from your bondage to all things woke and to live in freedom.

    The danger for you is not that you're trans. It's your politics.

  56. by Ponderer on May 19, 2023 9:18 am

    Donna posting. If I lived in Flarda, I would ignore the fascist and unenforceable restroom laws.

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