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Trump was Found Liable for Sexual Abuse and Defamation — and He’s Appealing. Now what?
By islander
May 14, 2023 3:35 am
Category: Law

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"Trump scored a major loss when a jury found him liable for sexual abuse and defamation and ordered him to pay $5 million to E. Jean Carroll for damages.

He then filed a notice of appeal. Naturally, people want to know what this means and what to expect.

Take out your notebooks. It’s time for Appellate Law 101. 🤓

(This one was fun to write. My main area of practice was writing appeals, so I know something about this.)"

For those who want to know...Click the link and continue reading, you'll be glad you did. Teri, as usual, does an excellent job of explaining what to expect next !!

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Comments on "Trump was Found Liable for Sexual Abuse and Defamation — and He’s Appealing. Now what?":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on May 14, 2023 4:08 am

    Teri notwithstanding, with legal stuff, I rely on three pikers: Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz, GWU professor Jonathan Turley and former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy.

    Dershowitz said during the trial:

    1. This trial should never have happened.
    2. This judge has made many errors.
    3. This is a Manhattan judge and jury and Trump won't be treated fairly.

    Dershowitz is three for three.

    You saw how the audience applauded Trump over the verdict in the CNN town hall Trump infomercial. This is a political win for Trump.

    "They're not after me they're after you. I'm just standing in the way."

  2. by islander on May 14, 2023 4:35 am

    I hope you read Teri's post and learned something about the appeals process.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on May 14, 2023 5:11 am


    For me, SS is a place to exchange on politics. And, from that perspective, Trump's already won his big victory over the Swamp and Joe's Banana Republic through E. Jean. He'll make more money in campaign contributions than the 5 mill plus lawyer fees. And, get the SwampMedia to give him $millions in free air time.

    You noticed that he didn't defend himself in the trial. I'm sure you saw the Republican Primary voters in New Hampshire laugh and applaud over the trial. Nothing Trump's saying about not knowing "this woman" is being denied. He says that he doesn't know her. She's not proving that he did.

    Y'know. He rarely says the "they're not after me, they're after you" thing but his surrogates do...and this accusation and trial make the point.

    I'm with Dershowitz. Trump won't be treated fairly in Manhattan.

    He'll string this along so that news cycles continue to make his case that he's a sort of Robin Hood counter-culture hero fighting for Joe and Jane Everyday against a corrupt and dysfunctional Swamp.

    From that perspective, the story's over.

    I'm on to Trump. I ain't falling for his game. Teri and you can think the appeal matters. IMO, it doesn't. I support Ron DeSantis for President.

  4. by islander on May 14, 2023 5:34 am

    We know exactly what Trump is doing and why. It worked for him the first time he ran, but not the second time. He's going to be an even a bigger if he's nominated for a third time.

    Do you think Republicans are really stupid enough to be fooled by him a third time?

  5. by HatetheSwamp on May 14, 2023 5:46 am


    If you "know exactly" what Trump is doing, why do you aid and abet it? That's what I don't get. It's what I don't do.

    Are GOPs "stupid enough to be fooled?" Good question. I still doubt that Trump believes his own message but GOPs ain't stupid, as you sanctimoniously assert. They believe it and know now that, if elected, Trump will walk the talk. Think Roe.

    Tens of millions of us understand that the DC Swamp is dysfunctional and corrupt. It still baffles me that you remain blind to that truth...and, that you participate in it.

  6. by oldedude on May 14, 2023 5:48 am
    I find it funny that the swampster sheep get so upset when a conservative appeals. This is exactly what pedojr did with his biological child (him who shall not be named) and they fully support the pedosr family throwing a child to the ally hoping he (and baby's mama) would die so they don't have to deal with his stupidity any longer. Oh. Happy Mothers' day to her!

    Do I agree with Trump appealing? I don't care. It's his CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to do so. He (and his lawyers) have to find a lawful reason to do so. Does he have that? I dunno. Don't care. I'll be looking at the appeal as much as I looked at the trial. zero.

    Muffy may have her panties in a wad over this. I don't care. It's immaterial to me in my life.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on May 14, 2023 5:53 am

    Immaterial. Well said, OD.

  8. by islander on May 14, 2023 6:08 am

    od wrote ”I find it funny that the swampster sheep get so upset when a conservative appeals. This is exactly what pedojr did with his biological child (him who shall not be named) and they fully support the pedosr family throwing a child to the ally hoping he (and baby's mama) would die so they don't have to deal with his stupidity any longer. Oh. Happy Mothers' day to her!” <---Perfect example of whataboutism !! 🤣

    You didn’t read Teri’s article so you don’t know what it was about, that’s why I said it’s “for those who WANT to know”, and as you said, You don't care. It's immaterial to you in your life. 

    Just so you get this straight, Teri’s article wasn’t about Trump’s Constitutional right to appeal. NOBODY is denying that. It’s exactly what was expected and he has every right to appeal.

  9. by oldedude on May 14, 2023 6:54 am
    You misconstrued my point as usual. You say you wrote appeals, which makes you a lawyer with at least a JD. And yet you continually miss constitutional issues. I don't get it.

    And yes, you're making a big deal out of his appeal. That, to me is at least perplexing. I did read one article and knew what I was going to get out of all of them. A single-sided TDS view of whatever issue comes up. I'm far more interested in someone like Dershowitz. Someone I don't agree with all the time, but I listen because he's usually correct. He's also someone I disliked for a long time. Then I learned more about our Republic and how it functions, and how it should function. Then I worked in the international intel community and learned how systems actually work. Especially in third world shtholes like this is becoming.

    I get a lot of how "you think" it should function, but very little knowledge in how the systems really work.

  10. by islander on May 14, 2023 8:23 am

    od wrote: ”You say you wrote appeals, which makes you a lawyer with at least a JD. And yet you continually miss constitutional issues. I don't get it.”

    Of course you don’t get any of this. In this this thread we're not arguing over constitutional issues. Like I told you before you don’t seem to understand what you read here.

    For instance, I never claimed to be a lawyer, and the rest of your post has nothing to do with Teri’s post. You appear to be talking to yourself and your thoughts seem fractured and disconnected from what we are discussing in this thread...And like you said, it’s all immaterial to you anyway.

    If you’d really like to discuss it further, my advice to you would be to click on the link I provided in the OS...Take your time and read what Teri was explaining, then maybe you could join in the conversation and say something relevant.

  11. by Curt_Anderson on May 14, 2023 9:25 am
    I read Teri’s piece. She explains a lot, including the mechanics of an appeal.

    HtS, Alan Dershowitz has changed his tune somewhat now about Trump being successful in an appeal:

    “If his name wasn’t Donald Trump, it’d be reversed on appeal for lots of grounds,” he predicted confidently. “Number one: statute of limitations. You can’t just extend the statute of limitations after it’s expired.”

    This is an argument about the newly enacted New York Adult Survivors Act which came into effect on Thanksgiving and gave adult victims of sexual assault a one-year period in which to bring civil suits against their abusers. Trump challenged the constitutionality of the law and lost, and in fact, the constitutionality of the Child Victims Act has been upheld in court, so apparently you can “just extend the statute of limitations” if you are the New York legislature.

    Dersh is big mad that the lawyers didn’t get to know the identities of the jurors — although he fails to mention the time that his pal Donald unleashed a mob on one of the Roger Stone jurors, accusing her of voodoo magicking a guilty verdict. (See also: Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss.)

    He went on to insist that it was reversible error for Judge Lewis Kaplan to admit the “Access Hollywood” tape and the testimony of other women who said Trump had assaulted them in just the same fashion, because apparently the professor never heard of Rule 412 of the Federal Rules of Evidence. The professor also wildly mischaracterized the jury instructions, claiming that the judge said, “If you believe Donald Trump touched her and put his fingers in inappropriate places, that is rape.”

  12. by HatetheSwamp on May 14, 2023 9:41 am


    Alan Dershowitz is a brainless MAGA stooge.

  13. by Curt_Anderson on May 14, 2023 10:14 am
    Dershowitz also argued that O.J. Simpson was innocent.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on May 14, 2023 10:27 am


  15. by Curt_Anderson on May 14, 2023 6:01 pm
    I suspect that the reason for Trump's appeal is more political than legal. I predict that Trump is in no rush to actually appeal the verdict. I believe he wants to be able to tell his supporters and prospective voters that the sexual assault/defamation case is in the appeal process---as if that somehow removes the stink of the actual jury verdict. If he doesn't know, his lawyers know that his chances of "winning" the appeal so that he can credibly claim a level of innocence are about very low---well, about 14.2% according to Teri's statistics.

  16. by Ponderer on May 15, 2023 8:28 am

    "I support Ron DeSantis for President." -Hate

    We all know that already, Bill. It was obvious to everyone here that you would support DeSantis. Since he's literally the most closely fascist thing to your Orange Messiah likely to run and you are too embarrassed to be seen stupidly voting for Trump a third time.

    But given how much you adore your "despicable" cult leader and spend so much time and energy constantly defending him, I believe that you'll vote for Trump anyways and just tell us you voted for DeSantis.

    I mean... you lie so much and so easily anyways. It's not like that lie would push you over the top or anything. Won't be no skin off your nose.

  17. by HatetheSwamp on May 15, 2023 8:48 am

    Thing is, po. DeSantis is much bigger into social conservatism than OrangeMan. From what I can tell, many of those "bigoted and paranoid" anti-TQ LGBs are serious DeSantis supporters. It makes sense that I'd be too, eh!!!!?

  18. by Ponderer on May 15, 2023 11:06 am

    "From what I can tell, many of those "bigoted and paranoid" anti-TQ LGBs are serious DeSantis supporters." -Hate

    And you think I should find that surprising or alarming...?

    "It makes sense that I'd be too, eh!!!!?" -Hate

    Perfect sense in fact.

  19. by HatetheSwamp on May 15, 2023 11:22 am


    Point is, you best better refine and refocus your hate.

  20. by Ponderer on May 15, 2023 11:25 am

    Why? It's out of fashion to hate bullshit authoritarian unconstitutional laws now...?

  21. by HatetheSwamp on May 15, 2023 12:16 pm

    My sense of things is that you're devoting more hate toward OrangeMan than is necessary.

    Still, your supply seems to be unlimited. Baha

  22. by Ponderer on May 15, 2023 12:34 pm

    Bill, I don't shower any more hate upon Donald Trump than I would upon any former president who was a pathologically lying, shamelessly profligate con man and career-felon who tried to destroy American democracy by fomenting, organizing, and attempting a coup against our government.

    I don't think my hatred of him has any more than is necessary and warranted under the circumstances.

  23. by Ponderer on May 15, 2023 12:36 pm

    But you're still going to hold it against me when the hateful things he has said and done and continues to say and do is unlimited?

  24. by HatetheSwamp on May 15, 2023 12:41 pm


    I don't know why I worry. Clearly, your hate had no limits.

  25. by Ponderer on May 15, 2023 1:15 pm

    As you claim to be a Christian, I worry about why you could even support, defend, and even vote for such a heinously despicable and boundlessly immoral and anti-Christlike individual.

    I don't expect you to hate him, but fawning over him and standing up for and excusing and defending him every horrific thing he has ever done like you do is rather antithetical to the teachings of Jesus I would think.

  26. by oldedude on May 15, 2023 7:07 pm
    As you claim to be a Christian, I worry about why you could even support, defend, and even vote for such a heinously despicable and boundlessly immoral and anti-Christlike individual.

    Because the option is worse.

  27. by HatetheSwamp on May 16, 2023 2:53 am

    why you could even support, defend, and even vote for such a heinously despicable and boundlessly immoral and anti-Christlike individual.

    You and Donna. Both of you. There you go, again! Your belief that America is a Christian nation. Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh.

    I'm not aware that every four years, we elect a national Pastor.

    I don't want this to be a Christian nation.

  28. by islander on May 16, 2023 4:10 am

    "why you could even support, defend, and even vote for such a heinously despicable and boundlessly immoral and anti-Christlike individua".~ Ponderer

    "You and Donna. Both of you. There you go, again! Your belief that America is a Christian nation. Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh.

    I'm not aware that every four years, we elect a national Pastor.

    I don't want this to be a Christian nation." ~ Hate <--- Perfect example of deflection using weasel words.

    Notice how Hate didn't respond to anything Ponderer said?

  29. by HatetheSwamp on May 16, 2023 6:02 am

    Duh, isle.

    pb isolated the absolute kernel of po's post.

    Nuance, buddy! Baha baha.

  30. by Ponderer on May 16, 2023 7:08 am

    You isolated the kernel of your own demented idiocy there, Bill.

    "You and Donna. Both of you. There you go, again! Your belief that America is a Christian nation. Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh." -Hate

    I have never held that belief. You are entirely demented. And you are using your dementia to obfuscate.

    My statement was directed entirely at you, Bill. You are who I was talking about. You and your alleged Christianity. Not the whole country's. Just yours. I was quite specific.

    But then I am in no way surprised that you do not want to discuss how your alleged Christianity in no way meshes with your political choices. I totally understand that you, like way too many alleged members of the Christian religion, feel entitled to turn your Christianity on and off whenever you want to deviate from canon and act in some heinously sociopathic, immoral way that Jesus would certainly be none too pleased about. A way like voting for Trump, the most despicable, evil, loathsome, immoral, hateful, anti-Christlike, megalomaniacal, sociopathic career criminal who ever ran for high public office. And even after he totally and demonstrably confirmed every horrific realization the country has had about him, you still support and defend him.

    I understand why you wouldn't want to talk about that and would frantically grasp at whatever straw you could immediately find to grasp onto in order to distract us from any talk about what a terrible excuse for a Christian you are.

  31. by islander on May 16, 2023 7:18 am

    Hate, using pb as the speaker wrote: " "pb isolated the absolute kernel of po's post. Nuance, buddy!"

    This is an excellent example showing how even a word like nuance can deceptively be used by Hate as a weasel word.

    Read post # 27 and you can see how he is setting it up with a false assertion, we've all been reading Donna and Ponderer's posts for years and we all know they don't believe this is a Christian Nation.

  32. by oldedude on May 16, 2023 7:36 am
    Which is something you do continually to deflect when you're wrong.

  33. by Ponderer on May 16, 2023 8:24 am

    Not only does peanut butter have a far thicker consistency than mayonnaise does, olde dude, but neither has any business in a car's crankcase. And hamsters can not pull a plow. Nor can they hold their whisky well at all.

    It's just like you always say.

  34. by HatetheSwamp on May 16, 2023 11:07 am

    ...we've all been reading Donna and Ponderer's posts for years and we all know they don't believe this is a Christian Nation.

    Except. They're constantly chiding me for not believing in a Christian nation...because I follow Jesus.

    What's true about both of them is that, whatever it is that serves the role of religion in their lives? They want that to be the law of the land..., they criticize me, as a Christian, for voting for a man of highly dubious character.

    But, as I say, I don't think we vote for a National Pastor.

    UNDERSTAND, now?

  35. by oldedude on May 16, 2023 11:13 am
    Po- thank you for proving my point once again. You're perfect at it. One of your buddies used to do that also. It wasn't FF, but another guy that lived near ottowa. Knew as much about the US constitution as you do. He hated it when I proved him wrong..

  36. by HatetheSwamp on May 16, 2023 11:30 am

    Who's FF? Rings a bell.

  37. by islander on May 16, 2023 11:43 am

    Like I said, Hate, we've all been reading Donna and Ponderer's posts for years and we all know they don't believe this is a Christian Nation.

    "xcept. They're constantly chiding me for not believing in a Christian nation...because I follow Jesus." ~ Hate

    I've never heard her or anyone say anything as ridiculous as that. Can you quote here? Maybe I missed it.

    ", they criticize me, as a Christian, for voting for a man of highly dubious character." ~ Hate

    Ponderer made it quite clear when she told you, "I have never held that belief. You are entirely demented. And you are using your dementia to obfuscate."

    I think you have enough smarts, Hate, to see that criticizing you for being a hypocrite does not mean they believe this is a Christian nation.

  38. by Ponderer on May 16, 2023 11:47 am

    "They're constantly chiding me for not believing in a Christian nation...because I follow Jesus." -Hate

    Totally wrong.

    I constantly chide you for how you wipe your ass with the Christian teachings of Jesus... while declaring that you are one of His followers.

  39. by HatetheSwamp on May 16, 2023 11:50 am


    I don't vote for a Christian I should.

    That's my point.

  40. by Ponderer on May 16, 2023 11:59 am

    So your only choices were to vote for a Christian nation, or vote for Donald Trump?

  41. by HatetheSwamp on May 16, 2023 12:02 pm


  42. by islander on May 16, 2023 12:33 pm

    Like I said, Hate, we've all been reading Donna and Ponderer's posts for years and we all know they don't believe this is a Christian Nation like you claim.

    "xcept. They're constantly chiding me for not believing in a Christian nation...because I follow Jesus." ~ Hate

    I've never heard her or anyone say anything as ridiculous as that. Can you quote Ponderer? Maybe I missed it.

    ", they criticize me, as a Christian, for voting for a man of highly dubious character." ~ Hate

    Ponderer made it quite clear when she told you, "I have never held that belief. You are entirely demented. And you are using your dementia to obfuscate."

    So...I think you have enough smarts, Hate, to see that criticizing you for being a hypocrite does not mean they believe this is a Christian nation. 🍻

  43. by HatetheSwamp on May 16, 2023 12:37 pm

    I've never heard her or anyone say anything as ridiculous as that. Can you quote Ponderer? Maybe I missed it.

    Apparently you did. Donna, especially, and I have gone round and round on this several times over the years.

  44. by islander on May 16, 2023 1:08 pm

    A simple quote will do!

    Straight shooters (like me) provide links and post numbers to verify claims when requested.

    You speak with a forked tongue and use weasel words and obfuscation to avoid answering questions.

    Be a straight shooter. You can too then can become one of the honest good guys !! 🍻

    Give it a try !!!

  45. by HatetheSwamp on May 16, 2023 1:28 pm

    An essential aspect would be training coaches, administrators, and athletes in diversity, equity, and inclusion so that separate scoring results would be equally respected and valued by all team members, just as they currently are for lightweight rowers; different weight classes of wrestlers; junior varsity and varsity teams; athletes with disabilities; and athletes in different age groups.

    There's your problem.

    Many tens of millions of Americans think that DEI is pure woke BS.

    It will never fly in a million years. Asking America's young women to submit to woke indoctrination can only be rooted in progressive sanctimony and straightforward disrespect of people who believe what you don't.

    It's not happnin.

  46. by islander on May 16, 2023 2:00 pm

    I think you posted that in the wrong thread, Hate.

  47. by HatetheSwamp on May 16, 2023 2:19 pm


  48. by oldedude on May 16, 2023 9:12 pm
    That's cool.

  49. by HatetheSwamp on May 17, 2023 4:27 am

    OD and po,

    The disturbing dynamic for me is that, on the the trans political agenda supporter side, people like Donna and po and many others I'm sure, don't have a voice.

    On the sports issue, the national movement is still radical.

    I repeat often that the Republican Party is the home of openness and inclusion and tolerance and diversity and acceptance and FREETHINKING. I'm serious. It's not a small point.

    On our side, when there is diversity of opinion, the dissenting voices are respected.

    But, despite our calls here for a national discussion, on the level of movers and shakers the people who drive the trans political agenda don't give a d@ng about what the likes of Donna and po think.

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