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Government selectors, pages, etc.
Jim tells it like it is !
By islander
November 20, 2022 6:25 am
Category: Government

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"Last time Republicans were in charge you couldn't buy toilet paper, there were so many dead we had to use reefer trucks as morgues, unemployment was double digits, businesses were failing in record numbers, and Trump was on Twitter telling you to put light bulbs up your butt and drink horse dewormer.

For four years, they promised legislation on everything from Infrastructure to healthcare and delivered exactly squat. Nothing. Not one single piece of significant legislation in any form.

They created nothing, and destroyed plenty.
And it ended in riot, sedition, and violence.

But, somehow, now, the new GOP House says they're going to "get America back on track."

And the first thing they're going to do is ... investigate Hunter Biden?

Same old Tea Party. Same old MAGAs. Same old, same old.

The GOP has become the revenge party. They have no plan. No ideas. And no will to make anything better, not even for themselves. Their only motivation is childish grievance for imagined slights. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, so help me god.

What Musk is doing to Twitter is the perfect metaphor for the modern Republican Party and America. They'll burn the whole country down and take us all with them, just to make sure no one else gets a voice, equality, or the least bit of joy.

It's the political ideology of petulant children.

* Jim Wright from Stone Kettle Station tells the truth and never minces his words. Speaking of the ideology of the Republican, now Trump party, this is gem is perfect! "It's the political ideology of petulant children." This is why we all like him ! 🍻

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Comments on "Jim tells it like it is !":

  1. by oldedude on November 20, 2022 9:05 am
    The dims had control of both houses and the Whitehouse. What did they do? nothing. They got two bills through. One was an anti-gun bill which will prove to be unconstitutional, and the other was a "supposedly" a spending neutral bill that is costing billions of dollars.

    So. it's best if the GOP stops pedojoe from doing anything.

    Also, I love how he uses the start of the COVID issue as the "norm" of the GOP, while the snowflake sheep were telling people to lock themselves in their apartments and never come out.

    I also find it interesting that after seven years of GET TRUMP! GET TRUMP! GET TRUMP! GET TRUMP! GET TRUMP! it has the stones to actually claim, "Their only motivation is childish grievance for imagined slights. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, so help me [sic] god." which applies more to the dims and the sheep more than the GOP.

  2. by islander on November 20, 2022 9:53 am

    "The price of crude oil this morning was $78.47 a barrel, down from $92.61 a barrel on November 4, falling by at least 18% over the past two weeks. This should help to relieve high costs of gas for consumers, although when the price falls to around $70 a barrel, the administration will begin to refill the strategic petroleum reserve, the release of which has helped to bring down gas prices. Diesel prices, though, are going up because of shortages caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and a shortage of refinery capabilities after a 2019 fire shut down a refinery in Pennsylvania.

    Shipping prices are also coming down, getting back to a normal range after crazy heights after the pandemic that fed inflation. The dislocations of the coronavirus pandemic sent shipping costs as much as 547% over the usual range by last January, driving up the prices of consumer goods. The return of more normal costs for transportation should help bring those prices down.
    As Americans head out of town for the holidays, President Biden reminded them today that his administration is taking on the hidden “junk fees” on airline tickets and hotel rooms.

    In other economic news, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has already spurred dramatic investment in American manufacturing of battery equipment. Previously, China was dominating that industry, but now America is developing its own battery sector to help the nation move toward electrical vehicles and other climate-friendly technologies." ...HRC

  3. by Donna on November 20, 2022 10:49 am

    I agree with Jim Wright.

    "The dims had control of both houses and the Whitehouse. What did they do? nothing. They got two bills through. One was an anti-gun bill which will prove to be unconstitutional, and the other was a "supposedly" a spending neutral bill that is costing billions of dollars." - od

    Naa, they got a lot more accomplished than that, like the Inflation Reduction Act that islander discussed.

  4. by islander on November 20, 2022 12:20 pm

    And then of course there's this;

    "On July 28, the President and the bipartisan group announced agreement on the details of a once-in-a-generation investment in our infrastructure, which was immediately taken up in the Senate for consideration. The legislation includes around $550 billion in new federal investment in America’s roads and bridges, water infrastructure, resilience, internet, and more. The bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will grow the economy, enhance our competitiveness, create good jobs, and make our economy more sustainable, resilient, and just."

    😀 Smiley thinks this is a much more intelligent use of our tax dollars than trying to build a giant wall across our southern border !!

    I said to 😀 Smiley, "I'll toast to that" !! 🍻

  5. by oldedude on November 20, 2022 12:33 pm
    New cost estimates released last night by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) show Democrats’ misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act” signed into law by President Biden will increase the deficit through 2026.

    The updated CBO score now shows Democrats’ massive tax and spend spree will add roughly $25 billion in deficits during fiscal years 2022 through 2026. This is a significant revision from CBO’s earlier score which claimed an $18 billion reduction in the deficit during the same timeframe.

    CBO’s new score also downsized the bill’s overall impact on deficit reduction by roughly $55 billion during the full 10-year window of the bill.

    Democrats rely on gimmicks to claim savings
    The new score from CBO lowering the bill’s impact on deficit reduction further underscores how heavily Democrats rely on budget gimmicks and tricks to deceive voters and circumvent congressional rules in order to claim savings for the federal government.

    CBO’s cost estimate shows that more than half of the bill’s deficit reduction comes from repealing the Trump-era “rebate rule” – an HHS regulation that Congress already delayed twice and is unlikely to ever take effect. Democrats claim more than $122 billion in savings that exist only on paper.

    To further game the system, Democrats extended boosted Obamacare subsidies in the bill for only three years, despite clear expectations that they will be extended beyond 2025.

    These subsidies were broadly expanded last March by increasing benefits for households at every income level and removing the eligibility limit for premium tax credits used to purchase health insurance on Obamacare exchanges. These credits were previously cut off at incomes at 400% of the poverty line, or roughly $54,000 for an individual.

  6. by islander on November 20, 2022 2:25 pm

    If you’ve ever owned a business you’d know that you have to spend money up front in order to make money. As a nation we have to pay for the things we want. The payback for the money we spend up front on things like education, health care, green energy, etc. will be well worth the upfront money both monetarily and in our well being.

    The deficit has been smaller under the Biden administration than it was at the end of President Donald Trump’s tenure.

    The roughly $2.8 trillion deficit in fiscal 2021, during which Biden was in office for more than eight months, was about $360 billion lower than the roughly $3.1 trillion deficit in fiscal 2020, Trump’s last full fiscal year in office.

    The figure finaglers can do most anything they want with projections etc. depending on the formulas they use. Also, even attributing the blame or praise for the changing deficits is not quite as simple as it it looks, For instance, Democrat administrations have virtually always reduced the deficits they have inherited from the Republicans, true or false...But what does it mean?

  7. by oldedude on November 20, 2022 3:19 pm
    My point is they lied to us about it being budget neutral. Kind of like "you have to pass the bill to read the bill" bullsht. If you're going to pass a bill, you need to be honest about it. I understand there's politics involved, but it is a huge breach of trust in what they did in this bill. It was also at an extremely inopportune time and increased the inflation rate. Econ 101: It's stupid to increase the debt during a recession.

  8. by islander on November 20, 2022 4:41 pm
    "Econ 101: It's stupid to increase the debt during a recession."


    "A key to designing fiscal policy is understanding how government purchases affect economic output overall.

    Research suggests that expanding government spending is not
    very effective at stimulating an economy in "normal times". However, in deep downturns when monetary policy is constrained at the zero lower bound, public spending is more potent and can become an effective way to escape a recession"

  9. by oldedude on November 20, 2022 6:57 pm
    Steps Needed to be Taken by Governments to Stop Recession
    "Government of a country is the key player to stop recession and to divert the economy to the path of growth. The prime actions of a government on fighting against recession should be focused on increasing money circulation, containing inflation, boosting per capita disposable income, reducing per capita debt level, balancing interest rates, ensuring an atmosphere conducive to business activities and any other supporting measures for these causes."

    Also, along with the government spending, are tax increases where there should be savings. That's the main point of even your article. Those most affected by the tax increases are retirees, small business owners, family farmers, those that have their retirement accounts in the stock market or IRA.

  10. by islander on November 21, 2022 6:57 am

    od wrote: "Those most affected by the tax increases are retirees, small business owners, family farmers, those that have their retirement accounts in the stock market or IRA."

    That's why we liberals and Democrats do NOT want taxes raised for these people and why we keep insisting that it's the large corporations and the very rich who need to start paying their fair, and that by giving them huge tax breaks like the Republicans favor, places more of the tax burden on the folks who who can least afford it...

  11. by oldedude on November 21, 2022 7:14 am
    That's pedojoes plan. NOT the GOP.

  12. by islander on November 21, 2022 7:35 am

    olddude wrote: "That's pedojoes plan. NOT the GOP."

    😀 Smiley ended up literally rolling on the floor laughing at that one !!!

    You really do live in your own little imaginary world don't you od !! 🤪

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