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Six House Dems vote with GOP to condemn Kamala Harris for 'border czar' role
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So is Trump too much of a pants-pissing coward to debate Harris?
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Benjamin Netanyahu's historic and heroic speech before the US Congress
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Good news for Kamala and the Ds
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A landslide I'm still tellin' ya
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Usha Vance's perfect speech introducing JD
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A better indicator than national polls and even better than swing state polls
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Did the woman behind Trump know what was going down?
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538's Harris versus Trump polls
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Opinion selectors, pages, etc.
It's about time !!!
By islander
September 2, 2022 5:52 am
Category: Opinion

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It’s about time !!! It felt good to hear our President take the gloves and tell it like it is !

“We The People”, the American people, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents are sick and tired of the MAGA extremists whackos and their gross and disgusting behavior...Like Joe said, they are not who we are.

And yes, we Americans do find Trump and his followers and enablers behavior disgusting, and it’s about time we stop tolerating their gross hypocrisy and shameless dishonesty. It’s about time that our representatives in Washington, especially our President, stand up and loudly denounce Trump and his MAGA supporters for who and what they are, and they are NOT us !!!

Good job JOE !!! Here's to ya 🍻

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Comments on "It's about time !!!":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on September 2, 2022 6:00 am

    So, isle, in reply to pb's questions:

    "Will Biden followers denounce this hate? Will you Biden followers repent? Can they say, "Enough! This is despicable?...'"

    Your answer is, no.

  2. by islander on September 2, 2022 6:26 am

    Hate wrote:"Will Biden followers denounce this hate?"

    Yes we will denounce you, Hate, as well as all the whacko MAGA extremest supporters. Why wouldn't we?

  3. by HatetheSwamp on September 2, 2022 6:33 am

    So, what's next on your side? The Swampcult Final Solution? Camps for people who yearn to make America Great again?

  4. by islander on September 2, 2022 6:50 am

    We're going to hold you and your's accountable while continuing to do stuff like this:

    "Yesterday, Honda and LG Energy Solution announced they would spend $4.4 billion to construct a new battery plant in the U.S. to join the plants General Motors is building in Ohio, Michigan, and Tennessee; the ones Ford is building in Kentucky and Tennessee; the one Toyota is building in North Carolina; and the one Stellantis is building in Indiana. The plants are part of the switch to electric vehicles. According to auto industry reporter Neal E. Boudette of the New York Times, they represent “one of the most profound shifts the auto industry has experienced in its century-long history.”

    Today, Kentucky governor Andy Beshear (D) announced that Kentucky has secured more than $8.5 billion for investment in the production of electric vehicle batteries, which should produce more than 8,000 jobs in the EV sector. “Kentuckians will literally be powering the future,” he said.

    Also today, First Solar, the largest solar panel maker in the U.S., announced that it would construct a new solar panel plant in the Southeast, investing up to $1 billion. It credited the Inflation Reduction Act with making solar construction attractive enough in the U.S. to build here rather than elsewhere. First Solar has also said it will upgrade and expand an existing plant in Ohio, spending $185 million.

    Corning has announced a new manufacturing plant outside Phoenix, Arizona, to build fiber-optic cable to help supply the $42.5 billion high-speed internet infrastructure investment made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act. AT&T will also build a new fiber internet network in Arizona.
    The CHIPS and Science Act is spurring investment in the manufacturing of chips in the U.S. Earlier this month, Micron announced a $40 billion investment in the next eight years, producing up to 40,000 new jobs. Qualcomm has also committed to investing $4.2 billion in chips from the New York facility of GlobalFoundries. Qualcomm says it intends to increase chip production in the U.S. by 50% over the next five years. In January, Intel announced it would invest $20 billion, and possibly as much as $100 billion, in a chip plant in Ohio.

    This investment is part of a larger trend in which U.S. companies are bringing their operations back to the U.S. Last week, a report by the Reshoring Initiative noted that nearly 350,000 U.S. jobs have come home this year. The coronavirus pandemic, Russia’s war on Ukraine, and China’s instability were the push to bring jobs home, while the Inflation Reduction Act and the CHIPS and Science Act were the pull."

    Thank's Joe ! You are doing the things you said you would. The things we elected you to do !! 👍

  5. by HatetheSwamp on September 2, 2022 7:02 am

    So, that justifies the hate?

  6. by HatetheSwamp on September 2, 2022 7:04 am

    Y'know, isle, the one thing you could about Hitler in the 30s? He got the economy moving.

    The parallels. Yikes!

  7. by Donna on September 2, 2022 7:18 am
    Now that's what I call making America great again!

    Thanks for posting all of that islander. You educated me. I had no idea.

  8. by islander on September 2, 2022 7:35 am

    Hate wrote: "So, that justifies the hate"

    There isn't anyway to justify your hatred, as you so aptly named described yourself in your posts as the hater of the swamp..."The swamp", of course being we the decent American people.

    The real swamp, the ones joe was talking about, are Trump's MAGAS attacking and desecrating our country's Capital as seen in the photo:

  9. by Curt_Anderson on September 2, 2022 7:42 am
    Islander, before the term was misappropriated "The Swamp" used to refer to corruption within the government. What could be more corrupt than the slate of pro-Trump fake electors or the state legislatures plotting to overturn the will of the voters? Lying about and refusing to accept the outcome of the election is swampy.

    Yesterday I saw a headline that Kevin McCarthy demanded that Joe Biden apologize for using the term semi-fascist. My first thought was was he objecting to the word semi or the word fascist.

  10. by islander on September 2, 2022 7:43 am

    Donna, we really don’t hear much about Joe’s accomplishments in the maintream media, they are not as senational as the Trump saga that we are watching unfold before us...If nothing else, Trump knows how to command media attention on himself.

  11. by islander on September 2, 2022 7:48 am

    Actually, Curt, real swamps are a healthy and necessary part of our planet's ecological system, what Trump did was to pollute the swamp and turn it into a toxic mass of sewage.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on September 2, 2022 8:20 am

    What could be more corrupt than the slate of pro-Trump fake electors or the state legislatures plotting to overturn the will of the voters?

    I dunno. Maybe having your son, Hunter, collect bribes from the Chinese, so he can give "the Big Guy" his share?

    I hope you are praying to your Higher Power that, by a miracle, the Dems hold the House because, if they don't, you'll find out "What could be more corrupt."

    Bahahahahahahahahahaha, ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!

  13. by islander on September 2, 2022 8:21 am

    For those who missed Joe's speech last night, you can watch it in full right here. It is well worth taking the time to listen to it in full. I'm proud of our President and our country !

    View Video

  14. by Ponderer on September 2, 2022 8:48 am

    "Yesterday I saw a headline that Kevin McCarthy demanded that Joe Biden apologize for using the term semi-fascist. My first thought was was he objecting to the word semi or the word fascist." -Curt

    There just is a large number of people in the Republican party, a large number with candidates who even won several primaries recently, that quite simply are undemocratic, anti-American, Machiavellian, authoritarian fascists. It is just demonstrably and blatantly what they are.

    It's just his own tough luck that McCarthy doesn't like this blatant reality being pointed out on national television.

    Biden spoke nothing but the truth. It needs to be brought out in the open. It needs to be spelled out in no uncertain terms.

    I support and agree with everything that Biden said in that speech. Although I thought that his use of the modifier "semi" was a rather restrained and undeservedly polite concession to the Republicans who aren't MAGA cultists (The ones who kept quiet all along are just as guilty as those who actively helped Trump with his coup attempt. Not to mention the remaining plethora of felonies and treason that orange psychopath could well be indicted for that they never made a peep about).

    I'm loving watching you MAGA-hats whine and bitch and wriggle every which way when what your party has become is being made plain out in the open daylight.

    You have no one else to blame but your willfully pig-ignorant selves.

    So suck on it.


  15. by HatetheSwamp on September 2, 2022 10:54 am

    I'm proud of our President and our country !

    I think this is the difference between GOPs and Dems.

    Conservatives and libertarians are happy enough with Trump on the issues but when he shifts into hyperbole, prejudice, condemnation, judgmentalism and self-righteousness, we hate it, we cringe and hope for ANY alternative to him we can find.

    Last night, Biden was all of that from the point of view of the left: hyperbolic, prejudiced, condemning, judgmental and self-righteousness...

    And, you?

    You are proud!

    I'm so glad I'm not one of you.

  16. by islander on September 2, 2022 11:06 am

    I'm profoundly glad that you are not an example of what we the people, the American people, really are and represent.

    The moral and intellectual integrity of the MAGAS is severely dyslexic.

  17. by Curt_Anderson on September 2, 2022 2:08 pm
    I am convinced that Biden's speech is strategic. He is counting on Trump and his supporters to respond with inane comments and overreactions. And they already are.

    Kevin McCarthy bemoaned the "threat to democracy" because Mar-a-Lago was searched by the FBI. As if Trump's harboring of top secret information is akin to "overdue library books" as Trump's lawyers have argued.

    Trump falsely wrote "If you look at the words and meaning of the awkward and angry Biden speech tonight, he threatened America, including with the possible use of military force." Needless to say, Biden made no such reference to military force.

    Biden no doubt knows that he leads Trump in a head-to-head match up by sis points (50-44) in the latest Wall Street Journal poll and probably in their internal polling. The Republicans are losing when they are defending Trump. And Trump is his own worst enemy when it comes to implicating himself.

  18. by Ponderer on September 2, 2022 3:56 pm

    "Conservatives and libertarians are happy enough with Trump on the issues but when he shifts into hyperbole, prejudice, condemnation, judgmentalism and self-righteousness, we hate it, we cringe and hope for ANY alternative to him we can find." -Hate

    In a preposterously ignorant pig's eye they do.

    They (you) voted him into office knowing exactly how hyperbolic, prejudiced, condemn-able, judgemental and self-righteous a wontonly immoral, narcissistic career criminal he had publicly been for decades! What a boundlessly unconscionable bullshitter you are, Bill.

    You conservatives, GOPs and libertarians kissed Trump's ass and carried every last drop of water he ever lied your gullible, solid-bone heads into carrying for him. There was no crime he would ever commit, even in front of your pig-ignorant willfully blind faces, that you wouldn't excuse him and blow off while crying foul for whatever way it was brought to your attention.

  19. by islander on September 2, 2022 4:25 pm

    Tell it like it is Pondy !!! 👍 👍 👍

  20. by Ponderer on September 2, 2022 4:44 pm

    👍, Isle.

  21. by oldedude on September 2, 2022 6:39 pm
    The hatred of half the citizens of the country the (sic)president is supposed to "lead" with his apparent disdain for a whole group of people. So while he's at it, creating an atmosphere of hatred towards one group that really doesn't need anything to hate the swamp more (as Curt correctly gave credit for. Also Curt, DC is actually built on a swamp which makes it more interesting).

    The recipients of this open hostility have already been threatened with being taken hostage and put in to "re-education" camps, the same name Pol Pot and Stalin gave them. They are threatened with a fascist takeover of the US government and strafed with "F-15's." Yes, our own politburo is threatening the citizens that if they don't behave, they will be nuked and murdered. But only if you're conservative.

    They remember the "summer of love" that dims have never apologized for, nor the $1 BIL dollars it cost. That is over 1000 times the damage of Jan 6. For some reason, burning buildings is a "peaceful protest" that many of the dim politicians paid bail money for. Of course, it wasn't just for those committing arson and other acts.
    “Among the bail funds that received funding from the Tides Center in 2020 include the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which helped post bail for a man accused of sexually assaulting an eight-year-old girl in July 2020, and the Massachusetts Bail Fund, which helped post bail for a woman accused of stuffing her newborn baby in a garbage can outside a Boston pizza shop in February 2021."

    Those supporting this thuggery were also the ones that wanted the entire nation locked down, to suppress information from other countries that would have helped us fight COVID, and made life better for not only themselves, but for the entire nation. They FORBADE talk that countered the CDC narrative and censored persons that we know now, are correct. They touted a LIE that has/had no medical basis whatsoever. Even the 6' distance was a "guess." All of this information was from a man who admitted to direct financial ties to the CCP and worked on coronavirus research regarding gain of function and the ability of the lethality of humans and the spread of the virus.
    "Before Covid-19 ravaged the world, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases funded coronavirus research that included work at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology. The idea was to study the ability of such viruses to attack humans, but could a Fauci-funded experiment actually be the source of the deadly global infection? In an exhaustive account of the viral possibilities published this week by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Nicholas Wade argues that the Chinese lab is the most likely source of the world-wide agony."

    The last part of this post is the DOJ and FBI knowingly and with malice started a criminal case in order to discredit and then to unseat a lawfully elected 45th President of the United States. They used knowingly false information and straight up lies to build a case against Trump. Although there were admissions, neither agency as ever tried to right that wrong. Interestingly though, the dims have tried twice to find those heinous crimes they believe are still there. If they are there, why wasn't he charged with any of them? If they are so apparent, as shifty said, why aren't there any of those charges that could have been quickly dealt with?

  22. by oldedude on September 2, 2022 7:29 pm
    "In a preposterously ignorant pig's eye they do."

    That is one of the most arrogant things you have ever said. Which is saying a lot. Again, your "assumption" is that you speak for everyone and if someone disagrees with you, you hate them.

  23. by Curt_Anderson on September 2, 2022 8:11 pm
    Excerpt from "Dear Insurrectionists and Fascists: I’m sorry I offended you
    By Dana Milbank

    MAGA Republican leaders have fomented violence, attacked the rule of law and deceived tens of millions of people into rejecting the outcome of free and fair elections. And now, they, too, want an apology.

    I’m sorry, but these authoritarians have some terribly tender egos. They need to pull themselves up by their own jackboot-straps."

  24. by oldedude on September 2, 2022 9:02 pm
    "I’m sorry, but these authoritarians have some terribly tender egos. They need to pull themselves up by their own jackboot-straps.""
    So that's why you refuse to talk about your summer of love event? Over $1 Billion? And of course, many of the mom-and-pop stores don't have insurance, so they're out the money to rebuild. So you just sht on their life's work. Thank you for that.

    Also, why pondy is so continually abusive? or you completely deflect from hard questions?

  25. by oldedude on September 2, 2022 9:13 pm
    "MAGA Republican leaders have fomented violence, attacked the rule of law and deceived tens of millions of people into rejecting the outcome of free and fair elections. And now, they, too, want an apology."
    You and pondy ought to be bedmates. Actually, what I want are for jack-booted thugs not to call for Kristallnacht for an entire summer. And you not to support it.
    I want our federal agencies not to be weaponized against US citizens.
    I want our constitution to be followed. Not the one you "think" you have, but the one that is actually written.
    I want to believe that the land I own is not going to be part of "the collective" in two years.
    I want you, donna, and pondy to actually look at the liberal world order and see what it means.
    I want Isle to quit being a "delicate" and actually say something that he has facts on. I'm also going to say the same thing I told indy. I am going to make a target of a BBW with a huge cameltoe, put his name on it and use it (with several friends) as a target at 1200 metres.

    I would rather suffer with good people,
    rather than live comfortability with delicate "men"

  26. by Curt_Anderson on September 2, 2022 9:22 pm
    Many Black Lives Matter protesters did face consequences. Estimates vary, but news outlets reported thousands of protesters were arrested in the months following Floyd’s death in May 2020.

    A June 22, 2020, article from The Washington Post tallied over 14,000 arrests made since May 27. The Hill reported over 17,000 arrests had been made in the first two weeks of protests. The only BLM protests deaths that I am aware of happened in Kenosha---and the killer was tried but found not guilty.

    Needless to say, while I approve of people exercising their First Amendment rights but there is no right to violence, arson, vandalism, looting, etc.

    Street crimes are wrong, but attempting to subvert an election and replace a duly elected president is many times worse. That's why the press appropriately covered it while the BLM protests and riots were happening. A plot and effort to overthrow the government needs greater media scrutiny.

  27. by oldedude on September 2, 2022 9:25 pm
    "Street crimes are wrong, but attempting to subvert an election and replace a duly elected president is many times worse."

    I absolutely agree!. So pedojoe and the dims supporting it (along with DOJ/ FBI) should be criminally tried, right? This is EXACTLY WHAT HE HAS DONE.

  28. by HatetheSwamp on September 3, 2022 3:49 am

    The GOPs advantage, as the election nears, is that we are willing to criticize Trump and, as the Bill Barr, gay Guy chat that po listened to...bahahahahahahahahahaha...point out his many flaws.

    But, you Dems?, you'll never be honest about "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" who thinks he's a Former Truck Driver.

    We can handle truth. You hide from it.

    As much as the SwampMedia wants Trump to be the story, the Flatulent Fool scheduled that horrifying speech in prime time. Moderates and independents know hate when they hear it. That was hate speech.

  29. by islander on September 3, 2022 4:39 am

    What our two MAGA defenders here suffer from is a severe case of moral and intelectual dyslexia that can be readily recognized when they so elequantly describe the traits they project onto their opponents, completely unaware that they are describing themselves to a tee.

  30. by oldedude on September 3, 2022 4:49 am
    So what, exactly, are those charges that are KNOWN and PROVEN?

  31. by HatetheSwamp on September 3, 2022 4:53 am

    Bahahahahahahahahahaha, there, isle!

    Thing is, no one currently posting here supports Trump.


    Two of us do think that the self proclaimed Former Truck Driver is, precisely, "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap."

  32. by islander on September 3, 2022 5:59 am

    So Hate, as the hater that you are, do you hate Biden or do you despise him like you say you despise Trump?

  33. by HatetheSwamp on September 3, 2022 7:43 am

    Y'know, isle, I think that you may have enough of a heart to regret supporting Clouseau's hate speech.

    And, no. I don't hate the Former Truck Driver. I've posted many times about how much he reminds me of my dad as we lost him to vascular dementia. I pity Joe. Sincerely.

    He's an empty suit who's being abused by his wife and handlers.

  34. by Donna on September 3, 2022 7:59 am
    "Street crimes are wrong, but attempting to subvert an election and replace a duly elected president is many times worse."

    I absolutely agree!. So pedojoe and the dims supporting it (along with DOJ/ FBI) should be criminally tried, right? This is EXACTLY WHAT HE HAS DONE." -od

    Biden and the Dems supported lawbreaking and violence? Um, no.

  35. by HatetheSwamp on September 3, 2022 8:37 am

    Biden and the Dems supported lawbreaking and violence? Um, no.


    We remember Kammy raising funds for rioters bail.

    We remember your attitude toward the BLM and Antifa "Summer of Love" riots and po's glee over the destruction of the police precinct.

    And, we remember our condemnation of the Capitol riot while it was still underway.

  36. by oldedude on September 3, 2022 8:45 am
    I've only given pages on this very thing. Yes they did. The DOJ/FBI lied to get warrants with only one thing in mind. Take down Trump. I know that makes sense to you and you have no problem with them suspending the constitution for their "cause," but it's illegal. Biden lied to us and is in eyeball deep as the memos show (I'm referring to things already posted several times and cited several times).

    To answer your "whataboutism," Trump also needs to keep his mouth shut. Like I already said about Trump. Just STFU. PLEASE! So, I understand you don't want to believe it because there is only one spawn of Satan, and that is Trump. I actually understand that you (all) do actually hate him. That's fine. That said, You, your wife, Curt and Isle continue to pull lead and me into something that cannot be factually supported, and your mischaracterization of us are Trumpsters and anti-constitutional. The fact is that I care JUST about the constitution, regardless of who's on trial. I can actually do that. And have done that.

    THE common thing we have is the law. We are (theoretically) under one system. That's why I bring it up. I'm sorry if that doesn't suit your "orangeman bad" prison of two ideas. For you, it's either agreement or visceral hatred.

  37. by oldedude on September 3, 2022 8:54 am
    "Many Black Lives Matter protesters did face consequences. Estimates vary, but news outlets reported thousands of protesters were arrested in the months following Floyd’s death in May 2020."

    Regarding my post a few above this one. The dims were PROUD to donate money to get them out of jail. Except it didn't all go to rioters. Some went to a guy accused of sexually assaulting an 8 year girl and a "mother(******)" that put her baby in a trash bin to die. (when there are known places that will take infants, no questions asked).

  38. by Donna on September 3, 2022 10:07 am

    That's a distortion. The money raised was for BAIL. It wasn't for releasing convicted criminals from prison as Trump is out there right now promising to Jan 6 insurrectionists who are serving prison time, if he's elected again. Are you guys opposed to bail?

    The WaPost piece ( no pay wall ) below clears up those distortions.

  39. by HatetheSwamp on September 3, 2022 10:17 am


    Your convenient naivete again, there, eh?

  40. by Donna on September 3, 2022 10:33 am
    If you have a specific point, state it. Otherwise, I'm not interested in your stupid comments, Hts. At least olde dude does research and puts effort into his posts.

  41. by HatetheSwamp on September 3, 2022 11:25 am


    Oh, there's research. Based in waaaaaaaaaay more than a decade of reading your posts.

    I was simply asserting that your take on this is deeply rooted in your own bias, not upon carefully reasoned thought.

    I'm the only person here who admits to biases and prejudice, i.e., that subjectivity is my truth. Hence, I'm the one here who can escape their own self.

  42. by Donna on September 3, 2022 11:39 am

    95% of your posts are substanceless,l like that one, like our old friend whatsaname.

  43. by islander on September 3, 2022 4:05 pm

    Hate wrote: ”I'm the only person here who admits to biases and prejudice, i.e., that subjectivity is my truth. Hence, I'm the one here who can escape their own self.

    That’s why it’s pointless to discuss anything with you. If what you are telling us about your prejudice and bias and subjectivity being your truth were true, then your belief that you can escape your own self is nothing more than a subjective belief stemming from your prejudice and bias regarding your self.

    I don’t claim (or believe) that subjectivity is truth. My belief for example, that 2+2 = 4 is based on logic and reason. I claim that it is true by definition. It is not my belief that makes it true. My belief that Meryl Streep is a better actor than (fill in the blank) or that Single Malt Scotch tastes better than Blended Scotch would be a couple of examples of my subjective beliefs.

  44. by oldedude on September 3, 2022 10:50 pm
    that's bullsht. it's why no one will discuss anything with you.

  45. by oldedude on September 17, 2022 11:00 am
    "That's a distortion. The money raised was for BAIL. It wasn't for releasing convicted criminals from prison as Trump is out there right now promising to Jan 6 insurrectionists who are serving prison time, if he's elected again.

    Are you guys opposed to bail?"

    I gave you a couple of less than human beings that were supplied bail for their offenses through your so called "innocent" money. These are facts. And there isn't a distortion, and I said they were released from jail because of this money. Had I said, they bought their way out of Prison, it would have been an outright lie. Trump is also saying the wrong thing. I think many of the charges are bullsht, but they are charged in our courts, and sentenced.

    No, I'm not opposed to bail. For minor infractions (NOT FOR MURDER OR ATTEMPTED MURDER) where the person charged has a reasonable expectation of showing up to court. The issue now is that the sheeple DAs are pushing murderers out faster than the investigators can print the face page to the report. This is causing these cities to crumble under anarchy. MacDonalds is looking at pulling out of LA County because they can't make money being robbed so much. I hope they do. I hope all the businesses pull out of the city and it turns in to a ghost town of thugs and demons.

  46. by Donna on September 17, 2022 2:35 pm

    The judge decides if the person being held is eligible for bail, and sets the bail smount.

  47. by HatetheSwamp on September 17, 2022 2:44 pm

    Based on the arguments of the prosecutor and defense.

  48. by oldedude on September 17, 2022 2:55 pm
    And paid for by the dims. Which is what I said in my first post on this thread.

  49. by Donna on September 17, 2022 3:23 pm

    I stopped reading that post before I got midway through after I read this part:

    "The recipients of this open hostility have already been threatened with being taken hostage and put in to "re-education" camps, the same name Pol Pot and Stalin gave them. They are threatened with a fascist takeover of the US government and strafed with "F-15's." Yes, our own politburo is threatening the citizens that if they don't behave, they will be nuked and murdered. But only if you're conservative."

  50. by oldedude on September 17, 2022 3:24 pm
    "And yes, we Americans do find Trump Biden and his followers and enablers behavior disgusting, and it’s about time we stop tolerating their gross hypocrisy and shameless dishonesty. He has weaponized agencies in the federal government for unconstitutional reasons. He weaponized the intelligence agencies against US citizens living in the US. He and his followers have put parents on the "Terrorist Watch List" for being concerned about what their children are being taught from K-12. He adamantly supports sex slavery and murdering people with fentanyl by policies that he chooses to enact. He closed down one of our best features, our domestic energy program. Then he sold oil to China using his son's company to broker the deal. The worst thing is the hatred of 50% of the citizens of the US. He doesn't even pretend to represent the US. He only represents a small facet.

  51. by Donna on September 19, 2022 5:17 pm

    It anazes me that you find Biden more dangeous than Trump.

  52. by oldedude on September 19, 2022 6:28 pm
    Biden is intentionally making us a third world shithole country we can't recover from because he's a pawn.

  53. by Donna on September 19, 2022 7:42 pm

    Why would Biden intentionally make the US a shithole country? That makes no sense. No one would intentionally do that, not even Trump.

  54. by oldedude on September 19, 2022 9:20 pm
    It does, and you need to look inward because you are too. He's destroying the economy. He took us from being energy independent, to dependent. He has played the LWO game so well you can't even see it. Our military who "used to be known" as the best in the world is laughed at by Russia (of all the fukking people) because we teach CRT in our military, and how to be a gentler soldier while some dipsht is killing you. It's so bad, the Chinese ran an ad with OUR recruiting footage on it to show what fukking nancies we are. PEDOJOE did that. no one else. In your discussion about the States, you want to move to a welfare state. Okay, except that's not what we were built on. The more people rely on the government, the more they control you. You rely on them for everything. I've really tried to gently look at the LWO stuff, just so you could read it and understand it. I got it. You don't and won't. Okay.

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