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Teri does it again !!!
By islander
August 24, 2022 5:07 pm
Category: News

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Teri gives an updated timeline of the stolen documents case:

"Trump makes off with government property: During the last days and hours of the Trump administration, the White House counsel’s office told Chief of Staff Mark Meadows that roughly two dozen boxes in the White House residence needed to be turned over to the archives, but at least some of those boxes, including documents marked highly classified, were shipped to Florida.

Phase 1: NARA (National Archives and Record Administration) tries to get the documents back

January 2021: NARA officials identified various high-profile items that Trump had not sent to their collection under the requirements of the Presidential Records Act.

May 2021: An NARA official contacted Trump’s team in an effort to retrieve the documents.

Fall 2021: After several months of conversations, the NARA grew frustrated with the slow pace of document turnover.

anuary 2022: Trump returned 15 boxes of documents. The boxes arrived at the National Archives without any kind of log or inventory and contained “a hodgepodge of documents” including some that didn’t even come from Trump’s time in the White House. The boxes included:

Over 100 documents with classification markings, comprising more than 700 pages, including the highest levels of classification up to the level of Top Secret, including Sensitive Compartmented Information, Special Access Program materials, and classified national security information.
“Sensitive signals intelligence — intercepted electronic communications such as emails and phone calls of foreign leaders.”
The archives identified items still missing, including some of Trump’s correspondence with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, and the map of Hurricane Dorian that Trump infamously altered with a sharpie pen.

“It could not be determined who was involved with packing the boxes at Mar-a-Lago or why some White House documents were not sent to the Archives,” though people familiar with the episode said Trump oversaw the process himself — and did so with great secrecy, declining to show some items even to top aides.

[If true this takes away Trump’s ability to blame someone else]

No date, but soon afterward: The NARA informed the DOJ about the discovery, which prompted the DOJ to ask President Biden to request that NARA provide the FBI with access to the boxes. [They were following protocols of the Presidential Records Act and the law governing executive privilege.]

Phase 2: Pre-Search Warrant Investigation

February 9: The NARA asked the DOJ to investigate Trump’s handling of White House records and whether he violated the Presidential Records Act and other laws related to classified information.

February 18: The NARA informs the Justice Department that some of the documents retrieved from Mar-a-Lago included classified material.

February – March: As part of its investigation, the FBI interviewed several Archives officials about the returned classified documents and their interactions with Trump’s team.

April 7: The public learned there was an investigation when NARA publicly acknowledges that the Justice Department is involved.

April 11: The White House counsel’s office responded to the DOJ’s earlier request and allowed the FBI access to the boxes. [Responding to the earlier request]

April 12: The NARA informed Trump’s lawyers by email that the FBI would examine the sensitive documents that Trump had returned in February. In light of the “urgency,” they would allow the FBI access the week of April 18. Trump was allowed to have a representative also view the documents, but the person needed security clearance. Both Pat Philbin and John Eisenberg had the necessary clearance, but excused themselves: Neither had been involved in packing the boxes and neither knew what was in them. [Smart move to extract themselves]

After Philbin and Eisenberg were no longer involved, Trump was represented by Corcoran (a former assistant US attorney who was representing Steve Bannon in a separate criminal case.) Reportedly other lawyers had declined the job, and Trump hired Corcoran during a conference call without vetting.

Soon afterward: Philbin, was interviewed by FBI agents soon after (they considered him a witness) about how 15 boxes of material — some of it marked as classified — made their way to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Fla. (Mr. Cipollone was also interviewed at some point.)

Agents also interviewed others in Trump’s orbit, including valets and former White House staffers, who told agents that Trump was a pack rat who had been personally overseeing his collection of White House records since even before leaving Washington and had been reluctant to return anything.

Undated: In response to a request from Trump’s lawyers, NARA said it would delay disclosure of the documents to the FBI until April 29.

April 29: Corcoran wrote to the NARA asking to delay the disclosure of the documents to the FBI so he could review the materials in the boxes “in order to ascertain whether any specific document is subject to privilege,” and then consult with Trump “so that he may personally make any decision to assert a claim of constitutionally based privilege.” In the event he wasn’t given time to review the records, he wanted his letter to be considered “a protective assertion of executive privilege made by counsel for the former President.”

[Trump is trying to assert executive privilege even after being told by the courts that he doesn’t have that right. In fact, Corcoran made the same arguments that Trump had made in court and lost.]"

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Comments on "Teri does it again !!!":

  1. by Curt_Anderson on August 24, 2022 7:44 pm
    As stated previously here and as Teri notes:

    [Oops: See why lawyers like Philbin and Eisenberg were smart to extract themselves? Trump doesn’t want lawyers to give him advice. He wants lawyers to do his bidding and this tends to get them into trouble.]

  2. by Donna on August 24, 2022 9:41 pm
    The problem with Trump all along is that he's a nutcase.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on August 25, 2022 3:49 am

    The problem in all of this is the Swamp. Compared to that, Trump is nuthin.

  4. by islander on August 25, 2022 4:10 am
    Donna, I fully agree! I believe that Trump suffers from a multitude of psychological and personality disorders and his emotional IQ is that of a child.


What I find a bit disconcerting (actually more than a bit) is that this was obvious from the beginning and yet a huge number of Americans either couldn’t or refused see it, and in fact many were attracted to him precisely because of his personality disorders and character flaws.

    Unfortunately this isn’t something new, it has happened periodically throughout history from some of the Roman Emperors right up through modern times. A mad man like Hitler had millions of loyal supporters.

  5. by Donna on August 25, 2022 8:17 am

    Probably many of Trump's supporters and apologists don't recognize the severity of his personality disorders because they have the same disorders and believe they're normal.

  6. by islander on August 25, 2022 8:47 am

    I couldn't agree with you more on that point, Donna !

  7. by Donna on August 25, 2022 8:55 am

    Due to Donald Trump having lived most of his adult life in the public eye,
    much was written about him before he entered politics. And we know from our collective observations and legal cases Trump's been involved in that his M.O. is that he will try to get away with whatever he can until someone stops him.

  8. by oldedude on August 25, 2022 10:11 am
    Probably many of never Trumpers and those with TDS don't recognize the severity of the illegal actions against him because they have the same disorders and believe they're normal.

  9. by Donna on August 25, 2022 10:45 am
    Of course we recognize the severity of the legal actions against Trump. What makes you think otherwise?

  10. by Donna on August 25, 2022 10:46 am
    Oh, you said "illegal". LOL, we'll see how that goes.

  11. by Donna on August 25, 2022 10:48 am
    He's going to need a competent legal team for that, though. Do you think he'll ever get one?

  12. by oldedude on August 25, 2022 1:38 pm
    We already know that in your heart of hearts, you still believe the steele dossier is correct. You believe that lie because you can't let yourself believe he "couldn't" be innocent of that. And if someone said it, it MUST be true.

  13. by Donna on August 25, 2022 3:07 pm
    You're as nutty as Trump.

  14. by Donna on August 25, 2022 3:29 pm
    I'm going to predict that every one of those alleged illegalities Trump cited will be laughed out of court as fast as his charges of election fraud were.

  15. by Donna on August 25, 2022 3:51 pm
    Which reminds me...

    Hts, if you're lurking about, what are the latest developments on Trump's lawsuit against CNN?

  16. by HatetheSwamp on August 25, 2022 3:59 pm

    Same answer as before. The Swamp struck first, and brilliantly. The denizens of the Swamp are ingenious in their evil.

    Trump's legal team, such as it is, has to focus on its response to the unprecedented attack on Melania's undies drawer, his passports and confidential communications with his lawyers.

  17. by HatetheSwamp on August 25, 2022 4:12 pm

    BTW, don't ignore the scroll at the bottom of the link above.

  18. by Donna on August 25, 2022 6:24 pm
    LOL! You just can't bring yourself to admit that Trump suckered you out, can you?

  19. by HatetheSwamp on August 25, 2022 6:35 pm

    No. I can't. Won't!

  20. by oldedude on August 25, 2022 7:15 pm
    Yet another fight in the months ahead...

    Presidential records found right in Clinton’s drawer
    Judge's ruling gives precedent to Trump team

    "A 2012 court case denying access to White House audiotapes kept in former President Bill Clinton’s sock drawer after he left office could help the Trump legal team in its battle to retrieve records that the FBI seized from Mar-a-Lago this month.

    The 10-year-old court ruling, issued by U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson, rejected arguments by a conservative watchdog group that sought access to dozens of tapes recorded by Mr. Clinton and historian Taylor Branch during his administration.

    Judge Jackson ruled that the tapes belonged to Mr. Clinton, even though the discussions included a broad range of presidential matters. The court ruled that the National Archives and Records Administration had no power to “seize control of them” because Mr. Clinton had used his authority under the Presidential Records Act to declare the recordings part of his personal records.

    The Clinton case could impact the pending court battle over dozens of boxes of records that former President Donald Trump had declared personal, but which the FBI seized from his Mar-a-Lago home on Aug. 8.

    The tug of war began as a quest by the National Archives, and then the Justice Department, to take control of the material. They claim the documents are presidential records — some of them classified and top secret — and not personal records.

    “What it highlights is that under the law, and the Justice Department’s prior legal positions, if Clinton had the tapes, they are presumably personal,” Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, told The Washington Times. His group filed an unsuccessful lawsuit seeking the Clinton recordings."

  21. by Curt_Anderson on August 25, 2022 9:36 pm
    “What it highlights is that under the law, and the Justice Department’s prior legal positions, if Clinton had the tapes, they are presumably personal,” Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, told The Washington Times. His group filed an unsuccessful lawsuit seeking the Clinton recordings." --OD's post above.

    Despite being the head of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton is a non-lawyer. Trump liked what Fitton was saying so much that he had Fitton brief his lawyers on taking classified documents. Fitton may have been the prime instigator in convincing Trump that he could take classified documents to Mar-a-Lago. Not that it took much convincing to get Trump to cart off the classified documents.

    Inside Trump's public bravado and private resistance over Mar-a-Lago documents
    Washington (CNN)Not long after the National Archives acknowledged in February that it had retrieved 15 boxes of presidential records from former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida, Trump began fielding calls from Tom Fitton, a prominent conservative activist.

    Fitton, the longtime head of the legal activist group Judicial Watch, had a simple message for Trump — it was a mistake to give the records to the Archives, and his team should never have let the Archives "strong-arm" him into returning them, according to three sources familiar with the matter.

    Those records belonged to Trump, Fitton argued, citing a 2012 court case involving his organization that he said gave the former President authority to do what he wanted with records from his own term in office.

  22. by oldedude on August 26, 2022 1:56 am
    Once again, the point of my post escaped you. Perhaps it's because your hatred of a person over-rides your idea of equal justice under the law. Yes, there is precedent here. What Trump said earlier regarding obomber was incorrect, but it did happen under cliton. So it did happen.

    These "tapes" potentially had information of criminal wrongdoing (I'm using the same "assumptions" you place on Trump). The sheep here have claimed there is no such thing as "personal" items of a President. You're wrong. Do I think it's the same? I don't know. I'm pretty sure no poster here knows. THIS is what Lead and I are trying to say. That is going to be for the courts to decide, because I'm pretty sure it will be brought up.

  23. by Donna on August 26, 2022 7:07 am
    Were Clinton's audio tapes ever marked "classified" or even "unclassified"?

  24. by oldedude on August 26, 2022 7:31 am
    Considering my guess is "TS/SCI." Meaning you have to have the clearance, plus you have to be read in to the information, which is a formal process.

    "At the height of Bill Clinton’s ascent—for the full eight years of the presidency—the historian and the politician reunited for a secret project, hidden from even Clinton’s closest aides. Meeting late at night and sometimes through the night, Clinton and Branch embarked on a series of seventy-nine conversations about politics, the presidents, the Whitewater investigation, and yes, even Monica—recording every word for posterity. Acutely aware that their tapes could be subpoenaed at any moment and desperate to avoid making them public, Clinton squirreled away the cassettes in his sock drawer and has never spoken of them nor made them public. But this month, Branch releases a 670-page mammoth tome, The Clinton Tapes, that mines those conversations and delves into Clinton’s presidency and state of mind through a tumultuous and historic eight years."

  25. by Donna on August 26, 2022 7:57 am
    TS/SCI? LOL! I don't think so.

    My guess is that those tapes weren't marked at all. Those interviews were a personal project Clinton did on the side.

    Here's a review of Branch's book:

    After being elected President in 1992, Bill Clinton reached out to a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian that he had last seen 20 years before, Taylor Branch. Both men had worked for the 1972 George McGovern presidential campaign, but had drifted apart. While Clinton gained prominence in politics, Branch only become widely noticed when he published the first volume of his trilogy on the Civil Rights Era, "Parting the Waters," which was a much recognized best-seller.

    Thinking about the legacy of his presidency even before his inauguration, Clinton contacted Branch to feel him out on finding a way of preserving the raw material of his presidency in the electronic age. After sporadic contact, they eventually decided to create an oral history of Clinton's presidency, with Branch acting as interviewer. Despite the fear of recording audio tapes, especially after the Watergate era, the project began.

    After the first session, Branch decided to preserve his own impressions and recollections of the experience, a practice he continued each time he met with the president. "The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with the President" is Branch's perspective of the entire oral history process, drawn from his personal post-interview tapes, not the actual oral history recordings, which Clinton himself kept.

    While Branch is a fine historian, as his magisterial Civil Rights trilogy proves, he is far from an uninterested or impartial observer. Throughout, he is a devoted partisan supporter of the president, and it quickly becomes obvious that he personally likes Clinton. Beyond this, Branch's wife worked for the First Lady during the second term, which further blurs the personal and professional relationship. At times, this leads Branch to be defensive of Clinton, particularly regarding issues around the Monica Lewinsky scandal and impeachment.

    While this is occasionally a weakness in the book, more often it is a surprising strength as the blurred relationship allowed Branch uncommon access to Clinton. Unlike some so-called "court memoirs" of White House staffers, this behind-the-scenes account offers snapshot glimpses into Clinton's presidency, haphazardly based on the few dozen times Branch was invited to meet with the president during his two terms. The portrait that emerges is intriguingly candid, especially about the more mundane parts of a president's life, such as his irregular eating schedule, telephone interruptions, stolen moments with family and friends, and his emotional outlook, frequently related to his fatigue level.

    There is a wealth of material on Clinton's outlook on domestic policy and foreign affairs, and many instances of his unique political sensibilities. In particular, some of Clinton's contemporary assessments of various foreign leaders and attempts to shape the world are interesting. His comments about the large issues of his presidency, perhaps less noteworthy because they so frequently correspond to what has been reported elsewhere, still demonstrate the former's president's insatiable curiosity and love of politics.

    Overall, the book is a valuable addition to similar volumes on Clinton's presidency. At times, Branch is a quirky guide, but more often he unveils a personal side to the 42nd president, whether through the various ways he encounters Clinton or in such things as Christmas gift exchanges. While future historians will greatly appreciate the oral history, whenever it is released, I imagine they will also glean much from the personal descriptions in "The Clinton Tapes."

  26. by HatetheSwamp on August 26, 2022 8:17 am

    After sporadic contact, they eventually decided to create an oral history of Clinton's presidency,...


    I can't believe you went there.

    I'm sure that the only oral part of Clinton's presidency people are really interested in is the Lewinsky part.

  27. by Ponderer on August 26, 2022 8:31 am

    I simply can not get over just how absolutely and desperately in love olde dude and Hate are with their Glorious Golden Cult Leader Donald J. Trump. They'll deny it 'til the cows come home, but their actions and words always blatantly give them away.

    It's like they have made it their life's work to protect and defend him from the results of his cacophony of felonies and misdemeanors by any means necessary, regardless of how totally asinine, ridiculous, preposterous, hallucinatory, and just plain stupid their attempts become.

    No matter the avalanche of evidence against him, they will always find some ridiculous idiocy to try to ludicrously equate his blatant and undeniable crimes with. They will pour every last drop of hope and faith they have into whatever nonsensical stupidity that Fox feeds them and then dutifully and brainlessly parrot it out here for all to laugh at.

    Their wanton, boundless stupidity that they are so happy to display is just a never ending source of amusement and wonder.

    You guys are a hoot!


  28. by HatetheSwamp on August 26, 2022 8:42 am

    It's like they have made it their life's work to protect and defend him from the results of his cacophony of felonies and misdemeanors by any means necessary, regardless of how totally asinine, ridiculous, preposterous, hallucinatory, and just plain stupid their attempts become.

    I can't speak for certain about OD, but I know that pb has not offered one word in defense of Trump in this raid on Melania's lingerie, not one.

    What baffles pb is that you, and your side, endorse, unapologetically, the fascist actions of your federales and DOJ.


  29. by oldedude on August 26, 2022 8:47 am
    I've always been a constitutionalist. I think they took cliton's impeachment too far. Yes, he's a misogynist pig. I don't blame him being married to hill though.

    The difference is that you don't care about the constitution at all. You just wont him hung, ala Nuremberg. You think Kristallnacht is a great idea to get rid of conservatives and those that believe in the constitution, like police. Like a three-year-old, you don't care as long as you get your way.

    I was in a class by Carol MeCall that spoke about women that grew in to Queens, and those who can't mature and are still little girls all their life. You are a princess. Forever.

  30. by Ponderer on August 26, 2022 9:05 am

    Quit it, Bill. Just quit it. You already look as stupid as it's humanly possible to look. At this point, you're just wasting your stupidity.

    Save it for some other nonsensical and asinine argument you want to make another time.

    You need to pace yourself. Pulling so much bullshit out of your ass at once could lead to some serious rectal ailments that would take more than a case of Preparation H to fix.

  31. by HatetheSwamp on August 26, 2022 9:11 am


    If that unintelligible rant was meant to suggest that you're accusing me of defending Trump? Easy enuff for you to prove me wrong.

    Just show me my own words.

    But, the truth is, I hate Trump. I think he's despicable.

  32. by Donna on August 26, 2022 9:17 am
    olde dude: I love reading your "You think" diatribes. It's a fascinating and often hilarious peek into your psyche. Keep 'em comin'!

  33. by Ponderer on August 26, 2022 9:21 am

    "But, the truth is, I hate Trump. I think he's despicable." -Hate

    Then why do you do nothing in here but try to defend him? Every post you make about him is in some way done to defend him, and you can't even see that???

    Trying to tear down charges and accusations against Trump any way you can, regardless of how asinine those attempts of yours end up being like you always have done in here, is defending him you pig-ignorant clod!

    But then... as you are totally and completely stupid, I suppose that it's too much to expect you to comprehend that.


  34. by HatetheSwamp on August 26, 2022 11:26 am

    pb never defends Trump.

    Trying to tear down charges and accusations against Trump...

    Be real for just one moment, po. THERE ARE NO CHARGES AGAINST TRUMP!!!!!

  35. by oldedude on August 26, 2022 1:52 pm
    Donna- This is really why I drop the "F" bombs and you told me I had "issues" when you should really be looking at your wife for her paranoia and anger. Maybe waaaayyyy too much weed.

    This comes for doing this for 40+ years. While you (two) were being fired from jobs, this was my arena.

  36. by oldedude on August 26, 2022 2:02 pm
    Trying to tear down charges and accusations against Trump...

    Be real for just one moment, po. THERE ARE NO CHARGES AGAINST TRUMP!!!!!

    That's what I find weird about this whole thing. If they knew so much, why haven't they charged? That doesn't make sense.

  37. by Donna on August 26, 2022 2:47 pm
    Weed makes you mellow. I have no idea what you're on, but I can tell when you need another dose.

  38. by Curt_Anderson on August 26, 2022 4:32 pm
    No charges against Trump? Be patient.

    The FBI filter team has to cull through all the evidence; possibly a special master will examine the evidence. Then after the FBI and DOJ knows what they have then it will be an appropriate time to file charges.

  39. by Ponderer on August 26, 2022 4:59 pm

    "your wife for her paranoia and anger." -olde dude

    I just don't get why my expounding on the enormity of your and Hate's stupidity comes across as me being angry or paranoid. I'm not angry at all in any way. Quite the opposite in fact.

    You see, the stupidity of you two has become something of a thing of interest to me of late. A pleasant amusement. Something that I like to grok every now and again. And as I don't spend a great deal of time in here anymore, I like to get out everything I want to in as few posts as possible whenever I do come back in here for a fresh laugh.

    Donna always alerts me when either of you two go into a particularly stupid phase. And I figured that today was a good day to contribute to the discourse given Donna's report.

    And you guys did not disappoint. 👍

    You see... you two have become something of an example for me. A "touchstone", as it were. Whenever I come across a story about someone doing something incredibly stupid or gullible and I think to myself, "How could a seemingly rational human being ever be so unbelievably stupid?".

    And then I think of you two. And I know just how stupid a seemingly rational human is capable of being. And there's two of you. So it really drives it home as more than just a one-off fluke.

  40. by HatetheSwamp on August 26, 2022 5:52 pm

    No charges against Trump? Be patient.

    Me? Patient?

    The Swamp has had it in for Trump since 2025 and, nuthin, still.

    I'd just say, keep a good thought. Maybe Lizzy will catch him jaywalking.

  41. by Curt_Anderson on August 26, 2022 6:11 pm
    I assume your meant, "The Swamp has had it in for Trump since 2015 and, nuthin, still."

    For most of those years, Trump had the protection of being president. A sitting president cannot be indicted. Plus he had the protection of Bill Barr who acted as Trump's personal consigliere.

    Now he cannot find competent legal representation. His incumbency merely delayed some of the legal cases against him. He is looking at legal jeopardy in about four criminal cases, plus a civil case in NY state.

    You seem to admire his ability to slip out of legal quagmires. I believe he will be criminally prosecuted by the end of the year.

  42. by oldedude on August 26, 2022 7:42 pm
    "I just don't get why my expounding on the enormity of your and Hate's stupidity comes across as me being angry or paranoid. I'm not angry at all in any way. Quite the opposite in fact."
    Bless your everloving heart. It must be hard to be that much in "love"

  43. by oldedude on August 26, 2022 8:02 pm
    "No charges against Trump? Be patient.

    The FBI filter team has to cull through all the evidence; possibly a special master will examine the evidence. Then after the FBI and DOJ knows what they have then it will be an appropriate time to file charges."

    A warrant is the last-ditch effort according to OUR law. (ask your son). Why don't they have at least some preliminary charges they already know? This isn't right.

  44. by Curt_Anderson on August 26, 2022 8:35 pm
    NARA and the DOJ was asking for a year and half. Trump returned some items in dribs and drabs. Even Karl Rove said so...on FOX News no less. The search warrant was a last resort after delays and stalling by Trump.

  45. by oldedude on August 26, 2022 8:45 pm
    Actually, they had returned documents within the past month of the raid.

  46. by oldedude on August 26, 2022 8:47 pm
    "The search warrant was a last resort after delays and stalling by Trump."
    I hope your home is raided and your wife's underwear gone though like this. You have ZERO compassion for another living (or dead) human being.

  47. by Donna on August 27, 2022 12:15 am

    The National Archives and later the DOJ had been trying for about 17 months to retrieve all of the documents from Trump. And after 17 months they still only had a little over half the documents. It took a f**king raid to recover 12 more boxes, which reportedly included classified documents, this after a Trump representative signed a document saying that to the best lf her knowledge, all classified documents had been returned?

    Oh my God, who does that? This is so outside of the normal behavior of, not only a former US president, but a human being.

    As I've been saying, Mr. Trump is obviously a nutjob.

  48. by islander on August 27, 2022 4:29 am

    Not only is Trump a nut Job, he was and is a serious danger to our national security...

    "Trump is in serious trouble…and so are the rest of us. This stolen and mishandled classified intelligence compromises our security. The best-case scenario is that it was never seen by anyone who knew what they were looking at. Even that would mean that our allies have every reason to be leery about sharing information with us again.

    But that’s the best-case scenario. We have to wonder, who else now knows the secrets designed to keep Americans safe? Multiple news stories during Trump’s presidency noted that even then, Mar-a-Lago was notoriously insecure. And, unthinkable though it should be but sadly is not, what if secret documents have already been given or sold into the hands of foreign actors whose interests conflict with ours?

    iona Hill, and Alexander Vindman, immigrants all, who served our nation faithfully and fully, risked—and ultimately lost—their jobs to warn us that Trump was willing to compromise our national security for his own interests.

    “He has betrayed our national security, and he will do so again,” House impeachment manager Adam Schiff warned the Senate. “You can’t trust [Trump] to do the right thing. Not for one minute, not for one election, not for the sake of our country. You just can’t. He will not change and you know it.” Schiff begged them to say “enough.”

    But they would not, and they did not, and here we are."


  49. by HatetheSwamp on August 27, 2022 4:40 am

    I agree that Trump is a bit of a nut job. But, then again, President Clouseau is, precisely, "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap."

    What you quoted from Heather is standard, run of the mill, garden variety, TDS lunacy.

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