by oldedude on August 23, 2022 10:21 am
I will listen/ Watch Levin for the same reason. Neither really sways me, but it's good to listen to different views. I like and appreciate several news sources. They usually hit on some targets, with different opinions about what they think is important. If you hear enough, it's easier to piece what really happened together.
No one will tell you the whole truth and just the news. That's just a fact. We quit listening to AFN/ AFRTS (Armed Forces Radio, part of Armed Forces Radio and Television Services) overseas for news. It progressively looked more like BBC/ aJ.
Did Teri "nail it?" Maybe for her and her sheep. Again, my view of the world is very, very different.
by HatetheSwamp on August 23, 2022 10:39 am
In the interest of full disclosure, I listen to Levin 1 or 2 times a year when I'm interested in getting a biased conservative legal opinion on the order of Teri's bonkers progressive Swampcult ravings.
I never watched his TV show.
I think he makes a decent segment on Fox and Friends or Ingraham, but, more than that?, no.