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Republicans know Liz Cheney is right.
By islander
July 26, 2022 5:51 am
Category: Politics

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This is just one example of the kind of thing Republican Trump followers, supporters, enablers and apologists have to accept and why they are now dwindling away. The former Trump enablers and apologists have to "honestly" ask themselves WHY Trump cut these lines from his prepared speech---

"While all the public hearings have been damning, last Thursday’s look at Trump’s actions on January 6 seems to have turned some of his former enablers into deer in the headlights. One of the shocking pieces of that evidence was Trump’s changes to the speech prepared for him on January 7. Today Representative Elaine Luria (D-VA) provided an image of those edits, showing that Trump cut out the words:

“I am directing the Department of Justice to ensure all lawbreakers are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We must send a clear message—not with mercy but with JUSTICE. Legal consequences must be swift and firm.”

He also cut out the line directed toward the rioters:

"I want to be very clear you do not represent me. You do not represent our movement.”

Trump apologists KNOW those who attacked our capital do indeed represent Trump!

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Comments on "Republicans know Liz Cheney is right.":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on July 26, 2022 6:08 am


    Usually, I laugh at your TDS. Sometimes, though, I wince.

    Speaking on behalf of mainstream people on the right. I think that it's settled that we don't believe anything that comes from the Show Trial any more than we'd give credence to the manuscripts of the trials that took place in the USSR in the 1930s.

    We don't have to accept nuthin.

    The truth is that the nation is where it was in late 015 and early 016 with Trump. The entire Swamp despised him and was not taking him seriously.

    His rallies are packed with zealous true believers.

    So I'm caught between laughing at you and wincing.

    You doomed. You're trying to make something stick to Teflon. To satisfy your own hate. It's you and your deranged hate that's killing the Republic.

  2. by islander on July 26, 2022 6:36 am

    Naturally Trump still has a few stubborn "hanger on-ers" but it's becoming harder and harder even for his apologists and deniers to justify their enabling of Trump, but it's nothing more than a manifestation of their hatred of Democrats. Even for them, although it's true, they can't admit it, probably not even to themselves;

    "Donald Trump is like a fading entertainer who knows he’s losing the audience. Confused about his decline, hungry for a return to glory, he doubles-down on an outdated act that fewer and fewer people enjoy." *

    * The Hill

  3. by HatetheSwamp on July 26, 2022 6:54 am


    What's going on suggests to me that:

    "Donald Trump is like a fading entertainer who knows he’s losing the audience. Confused about his decline, hungry for a return to glory, he doubles-down on an outdated act that fewer and fewer people enjoy." * nuthin but wishful thinking. I despise Trump. I think he's despicable. I'm supporting Ron DeSantis for President, even though he hasn't declared.

    But, "c'mon Jack. Read the polls!"

    That TPUSA Student straw poll that gave nearly 80% to Trump is real. These are college kids. Deeply involved and informed. They rocked the house when DeSantis spoke but still went for Trump 4-1.

    These are college students who know exactly what's coming out of the Show Trial.

    But, like so many of us, they're sick of the DC elite who are running the J6 show.

    Clinging to reality ain't never been your strong point, I know. You're proving you're deranged.

    Trump has lost nothing from his core. My sense...note the TPUSA poll, is that his support is growing among young voters.

    I get more dejected by the day. Trump is solid for 024.

  4. by oldedude on July 26, 2022 7:07 am
    This is why I really don't care they do. Like the other two farces that didn't prove, show, or was any evidence whatsoever of wrongdoing. Except in the fantasyland of the TDS folks.
    What's bad, is that Trump is making a heyday with all this. The GOP field is far deeper than the dims, and to see Trump work as the money maker for the GOP anti-swamp folks would be much more beneficial to the cause. The problem would still remain though. Those with TDS would just turn their vitriol hatred to the next person. That's why I'd like to see Nikki make it. Then it would be okay to be a racist, sexist, pig. It could be a badge of honor, like still being phobic about COVID still and belittling people that don't wear masks.

  5. by islander on July 26, 2022 7:15 am

    “Polling data by Reuters/Ipsos released on Thursday shows that Trump is losing support among GOP voters for a 2024 presidential run. Survey data collected from July 20 to 21 showed that about one-third (32 percent) of Republicans "strongly" or "somewhat" agreed with the statement that Trump "should NOT run for president again in 2024."

    The Trump FESAs (Followers, Enablers, Supporters, Apologists) see the writing on the wall and are now looking elsewhere, DeSantis maybe? And now we’re even hearing rumblings for, EGAD ! “Pence for a 2024 candidate! And naturally the FESAs are pretending that they always hated Trump and never helped to enable him to become president or that they were "forced" to. They are all, however, secretly ashamed at how blatantly they were bamboozled and for what they did to our country. And they should be.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on July 26, 2022 8:36 am

    Polling data by Reuters/Ipsos released on Thursday shows that Trump is losing support among GOP voters for a 2024 presidential run.

    For the gazillionth time. 10-4. You're right. I agree.

    But, his base is larger and more committed than ever.

    He's in good shape to win everything when there are 6-10 other candidates. Then, when the field shrinks, he'll be so far ahead, he won't be caught.

    Just like 016.

    In the end, GOPs will vote for him.

    Just like 016.

  7. by islander on July 26, 2022 1:38 pm

    Even though they know Liz Cheney is right, there will be a number of those same Republicans who also know Bill Barr was spot on when he said, "Donald Trump has shown he has neither the temperament nor persuasive powers to provide the kind of positive leadership that is needed.” And, "Trump cared only about one thing himself, country and principle took second place.” Barr added that Trump has "no concern with ideology or political principle”. 

    Despite knowing this, like Barr, they say they will likely vote for Trump again if he is the Republican nominee. They do this purely out their hate for the Democrat party. This branch of the GOP is a manifestation of Hate personified.

    Sad that there are people like that but they are just being who they are.

  8. by oldedude on July 27, 2022 6:47 am
    Two things, a response and an update.

    1. ""Donald Trump has shown he has neither the temperament nor persuasive powers to provide the kind of positive leadership that is needed.” And, "Trump cared only about one thing himself, country and principle took second place.” Barr added that Trump has "no concern with ideology or political principle”. 

    Despite knowing this, like Barr, they say they will likely vote for Trump again if he is the Republican nominee. They do this purely out their hate for the Democrat party."

    Actually, I think Lead and I might agree with you more than you think. The difference is that we don't "hate" the dims. I, for one, adamantly disagree with your "woke" crowd. We disagree spending our way out of a recession (which I learned in HS economics). We disagree that our children are the government's to groom. Our constitution is very clear on the second amendment, as much as dims hate that. We (and many, many others in large cities) disagree with the "catch and release" no bail systems that allows career felons and murderers out on the street before the victim gets out of the hospital. We disagree the recession had to happen at all, and that we need to be self sufficient in fuels (including clean burning LPG) so we're not bending over to the Sauds and lick their butt for energy. Last election, there were several videos of burniebros that worked for the campaign that spoke about putting conservatives in "re-education camps." How would you feel if you were being targeted for that? Because you will if your dreams come true.
    So that's the start of the disagreements.

    2. An update: What are Liz Cheney’s chances of winning her Wyoming primary election?
    "Anew poll published by the Casper Star-Tribune shows that incumbent Rep. Liz Cheney is set to lose her seat to fellow Republican Harriet Hageman. The two women will face off in the GOP primary for Wyoming’s House seat on 16 August, with former President Donald Trump casting a huge shadow over the race.

    The Casper Star-Tribune poll is the first independent in-state poll and it shows that Hageman has taken a considerable lead. The challenger has a 52% share of likely voters, while Cheney is stuck on 30%.

    Brad Coker, managing director of Mason-Dixon Polling & Strategy, said: “The big story is Liz Cheney is going to get beat… That’s a foregone conclusion...”

    Last November the Wyoming Republican Party voted to no longer recognise Cheney as a member of the party. The resolution passed the GOP Wyoming Central Committee in a vote of 31-29. It claimed that Cheney had “not only caused massive disruption, distraction and division within the House Republican Conference, but has also willingly, happily, and energetically joined forces with and proudly pledged allegiance to Democrat Speaker of the House Pelosi, as a means of serving her own personal interests.”"

  9. by HatetheSwamp on July 27, 2022 6:57 am

    Actually, I think Lead and I might agree with you more than you think. The difference is that we don't "hate" the dims.

    Bang on.

  10. by islander on July 27, 2022 12:43 pm

    Old Dude wrote: ”The difference is that we don't "hate" the dims. I, for one, adamantly disagree with your "woke" crowd.”

    Naturally I expect there to be differences between Democrats and Republicans over policies and philosophies.

    However! Neither I, nor any Democrat I know personally would ever vote for Trump if he were the Democrat candidate running against a Republican. Any Democrat who would do such a thing would sicken me.

    I wouldn’t hesitate for one moment to vote for a Republican simply based on the fact he or she is a Republican and the Democrat candidate were Trump or someone like Trump.

    Both Barr and Hate have said they could never vote for a Democrat. Barr said he couldn’t even imagine voting for a Democrat. They would both vote for Trump over a Democrat and I DO personally know other Republicans, including family members, who have expressed exactly the same sentiments.

  11. by HatetheSwamp on July 27, 2022 12:49 pm

    Both Barr and Hate have said they could never vote for a Democrat.

    Hold your horses there, bubba. pb never said that. pb mentioned, specifically, "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap," and Kammy and Mayor Pete.

    But, hey. Meet pb half way. Nominate Tulsi. I'm there.


  12. by oldedude on July 27, 2022 2:24 pm
    Isle- I guess the major difference is that I listed enough violated core issues on the left that makes me to NEVER consider a dim. It's not that I hate dims, it's their stances on the issues I feel are the most important in my life. And what I listed are just the start. The entire platform of the dims is different than anything I believe in. THAT'S the difference. You won't vote for Trump because of your TDS. My issues are that politically, it's stupid for me to vote for a dim until they change their national platform.

  13. by islander on July 28, 2022 12:41 pm

    Old dude wrote: ” I guess the major difference is that I listed enough violated core issues on the left that makes me to NEVER consider a dim.

    What you did is called strawmanizing. You misrepresented what you called core issues of the left and then attacked your misrepresentations “as if” they were Democrat party positions.

    You write: ” We (and many, many others in large cities) disagree with the "catch and release" no bail systems that allows career felons and murderers out on the street before the victim gets out of the hospital.

    That is not a Democrat position and no state has any laws like that. No sane person would be in favor of anything like that. I suggest you do some research into 0 Bail and find out what that actually means and where and why it was a temporary emergency act and in no way involved setting career felons and murderers out on the streets.

    As far as the energy situation goes you seem to have some simplistic and false notions, your understanding of it (if you believe what you said) is sophomoric and incomplete.

    You also wrote: ”Last election, there were several videos of burniebros that worked for the campaign that spoke about putting conservatives in "re-education camps."

    No source, no anything, just your ridiculous assertion. This is why I seldom waste my time trying to discuss anything with you.

  14. by oldedude on July 28, 2022 1:44 pm
    I'm sorry. I referenced it at least a half dozen times on the other site. I figured that you would deny it. So instead of being an elitist prig about it, you could just ask. NAWWWWWWWWWW..... you're an elitist prick.

    Try these...

    "PBS lawyer who called for “re-education camps” for Republican children; no longer with network"

    Re-education camps for conservatives?

    WATCH: Bernie campaign organizer says ‘cities burn’ if Trump re-elected, cops beaten if Bernie not the nominee, video claims Kyle Jurek, one of the state organizers in MN.

    VICTOR JOECKS: Sanders campaign workers want to ‘guillotine the rich,’ send Republicans to gulags Joecks, and Martin Weissgerber, a Sanders field organizer in South Carolina.

    Here's a sample of what is on that video.

    "“I’ll straight up get armed,” Martin Weissgerber, a Sanders field organizer in South Carolina, said when talking about what he’d do if Sanders doesn’t become president. “I want to learn how to shoot, and go train. I’m ready for the f—ing revolution, bro.”

    He then adds, “Guillotine the rich.”

    He’s willing to show a little more compassion to Republicans. “What will help is when we send all Republicans to ‘re-education camps’, ” he said, referring to gulags. “Can you imagine Mitch McConnell? Lindsey Graham?”

    “After we abolish landlords, we don’t have to kill them,” Mason Baird, a Sanders field organizer in South Carolina, said in another video. “That’s my feeling. I think that’s damaging to the soul … but there were plenty of excesses in 1917 (Russian Revolution) that I would hope to avoid.”

    “It’s unfortunate that we have to make plans for extreme action, but like I said, they’re not going to give it to us even if Bernie is elected,” fellow South Carolina organizer Daniel Taylor said.

    Imagine if tapes came out showing Trump campaign employees gleefully envisioning killing and imprisoning their political opponents. It’d be front-page news with 24/7 coverage. Pundits would pontificate about how President Donald Trump’s rhetorical excesses enabled and emboldened a culture of hate within his campaign. The staffers would be fired immediately. The press would ferociously seek out other examples of Trump campaign staffers behaving badly. An incident like this could dog the president for months."

  15. by oldedude on July 28, 2022 1:46 pm
    There's plenty more where that came from, but I hope you get the gist.If not, look them up yourself.

  16. by islander on July 28, 2022 2:29 pm




  17. by Donna on July 28, 2022 2:33 pm
    Sheri and I have actually know some unhinged-type Bernie supporters. We've spent a lot of time arguing with them. None of those quotes are positions held by Bernie himself.

    What's your point in quoting those guys?

  18. by oldedude on July 28, 2022 3:42 pm
    I was asked to after I was called a liar. I find it interesting that I finally get an answer about this like I said, I've posted these about a half dozen times before. Regardless if it affects you or not, These are people IN BURNIES CAMPAIGN that are saying it. Burnie supporter is one thing. Someone that works for the campaign? Quite another.
    Just for my info, were you on your phone?

  19. by islander on July 28, 2022 4:27 pm

    Donna-I was a Bernie supporter and I’ve known some unhinged uncompromising Bernie supporters as well. I’ve also known some irrational Hillary haters, but the actions and behavior of these fanatics do not in any way represent the core values of Democrats or the Democrat platform. In fact, they are an embarrassment to and hurt the Democrat party itself.

    I don’t see the ranting and crazy statements coming from the likes of Hawthorn or Marjory Taylor Green as representing core Republican values either.

  20. by oldedude on July 28, 2022 5:41 pm
    That's pretty much what the deniers were saying then also. This is a really diverse group that other than the morons being paid by the burnie campaign, shouldn't have known each other. In the Intel world that raises the probability of truth quite a bit.

    So you're saying I'm pulling something out of my arse. You saw the video. And the PBS LAWYER was fired. Does that sound like a trick on my part? You can squawk as much as you want. I think you're pretty much in line with them.

  21. by Donna on July 29, 2022 8:00 am
    I'll give you that Bernie should have exercised better control over who was working for his campaign, but to insinuate that Bernie supported what they said is ridiculous.

  22. by oldedude on July 29, 2022 4:58 pm
    There are two points here. The first is about "it's out, so what do you do with it?" There was initial anger. I understand that. Indy was not apologetic about it.

    Second thing. Look at it from a conservative's view. If Trumpians would come down and say they were going to put liberals in "re-education" camps, What would you think? This is pretty damning evidence that something is/was going on.
    The thing is that it is still a big thing to the conservatives. Biblical folks use this as a pillar. Burnie is still in office (which I think he will be until he retires) for those watching all the other stupid stuff happening.

    So this was just a "here's where I'm at" post.

  23. by Donna on July 29, 2022 11:16 pm
    "If Trumpians would come down and say they were going to put liberals in "re-education" camps, What would you think?"

    I would compare what the campaign worker said with what I know about the politician they worked for.

    To think that Bernie Sanders or any politician including Donald Trump would want to put people in re-education camps is absurd.

    Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is an ardent supporter of the Oranguman, has said some things that are so nutty that I wouldn't think for a second that even Trump would agree with her.

  24. by oldedude on July 30, 2022 5:37 am
    It doesn't matter. burnie took several weeks to speak to this and made one statement that wasn't well covered.

    This is all part of your LWO and is talked about in your doctrine. The problem is, they let the cat out of the bag.

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