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Liz Cheney responds to Trump's effort to defeat her
By islander
July 24, 2022 1:08 pm
Category: News

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Liz Cheney certainly sounds much more presidential than either Trump or DeSantis...

I think she could very well change all the pundit's present predictions if she decides to run.

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Comments on "Liz Cheney responds to Trump's effort to defeat her":

  1. by Donna on July 24, 2022 1:53 pm
    If she ran as a Republican, she'd lose to either Trump or DeSantis. She'd have better luck running as a Democrat.

  2. by Curt_Anderson on July 24, 2022 2:43 pm
    Liz Cheney probably has a future with a principled conservative think tank with an adherence to the Constitution.

  3. by Donna on July 24, 2022 4:13 pm
    I don't see her winning another election, at least not for a long time.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on July 25, 2022 4:04 am


    The power of the Fellowship of TDS!

    Gang, on the issues, Lizzy, essentially, is pb.

    By all means, support her. VOTE for her!

    But, beware, underneath that veneer of freedom-loving, she got a strong fascist streak.

  5. by islander on July 25, 2022 4:49 am

    I think Liz is going to be a force to be reckoned within what has become today's Republican Party. I think the Trump/Desantis crowd could be underestimating her.

    There are many, many, conservative voters who long for the sanity and reasonableness the GOP once had, and many of them are older Republicans who have seen what they have created and are ashamed. Liz could be the one who could make themselves feel good about themselves once again, so I wouldn't dismiss her too quickly. There is a lot that is going to be happening between now and 2024.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on July 25, 2022 5:33 am

    There are many, many, conservative voters who long for the sanity and reasonableness the GOP once had,...

    That may be. There are many SwampGOP conservatives around.

    I don't think you realize how much good will she's sacrificed among GOPs with this Show Trial.

    That she accepted an invitation from the Dems to serve on the J6 Committee is bad enough, but, then, to be the key figure in the Show Trial is too much.

    Ultimately, Lizzy got as far as she did in the GOP by using her dad's good name and reputation. He's a living Saint to many SwampGOPs. But, she's gone waaaaaaaaaay too far.

    pb agrees with her on the issues. But, this Show Trial thing? It's political suicide.

    To you Blue Ultra-MAGA progressives, she'll always be an "Uncle Tom," good n/gg*r, but, she's dead meat.

    Curt's sort of right. Some kind of think tank will, no doubt, throw her a bone, but, that's it.

  7. by Donna on July 25, 2022 7:36 am
    islander - Where are these "sane" and "reasonable" Republican voters you speak of? They sure aren't in Wyoming.

    I think you're thinking wishfully.

    I admire what Cheney's doing on the Jan 6th committee, but she's ultra-conservative. I disagree with her on almost every issue.

    Wyoming Primary Polls 2022: Liz Cheney trails by double digits in Polls against Trump endorsed Harriet Hageman

    2022 Wyoming Primary Polls 2022: Liz Cheney now trails Hageman by 26 points. It was 28 points in June

    In the latest Mason Dixon Poll amongst likely primary voters in Wyoming, only 27% approved of Liz Cheney’s performance

    On Google Search, the gap has widened between Hageman and Cheney with Liz Cheney leading by a wide margin.

    75% of Democrats approve of Liz Cheney’s performance as the Vice-Chair of the Jan 6th Committee, while 61% of Republicans disapprove of the same.

    Liz Cheney’s only hope is that the open primary will bring a significant number of Independent and Democratic party voters though only about 70k of
    260k Wyoming voters voted for Joe Biden in 2020.

    Liz Cheney has raised more than $10 m for her campaign

    Crowdwisdom360 Prediction: Hageman to win by 25 points

  8. by HatetheSwamp on July 25, 2022 7:52 am

    Liz Cheney has raised more than $10 m for her campaign

    Absolutely, the Swamp, especially the Blue Ultra-MAGA Swamp looooves Lizzy. All this money is, I take it, a thank you.

    That Lizzy allowed herself to become the face of what nearly everyone on the right now calls a Show Trial, is a bridge too far.

    It's likely that no GOP who voted for the second impeachment will be in Congress next term.

    I will say that most of the Senators I admire most are the moderates who voted for the second impeachment.

    But, Lizzy went waaaaaaaaaay too far.

  9. by islander on July 25, 2022 8:27 am

    Donna-The sane and reasonable Republicans I’m speaking of are almost all friends, family, and relatives, people I’ve known for many years. Not all of them of course are or were sane and/or reasonable lol ! I spend most of my time trying to communicate with them on FB and have had some actual, genuine, and productive discussions, and I have been seeing a subtle change taking place in a number of them.

    There are still a few hard core “Trumpsters” but they have been making themselves scarce lately. However some, like Hate, are finally acknowledging who and what Trump is and are saying they never liked him to begin with, although of course they voted for him and were thrilled when he won and one way or another defended him up until recently. But I try not to say too much about that because I think letting them save face is a big help in bringing them back into the real world.

    They are still Republicans and will probably always be Republicans and that’s ok, but I think (hope) they are starting to see that their concept of what we progressives, liberals, leftists or whatever label they want to use to describe us was a gross mischaracterization, or at least they are starting to realize we’re not quite the evil and immoral “others out there” who intentionally or unwittingly are trying do destroy our country and take away their freedom. To me, that’s a start in helping to bring the country back together again…if it’s not too late.

  10. by Donna on July 25, 2022 8:33 am
    No doubt there are Republicans like that, islander. You can find them in polls too. But they're vastly outnumbered. I think the greatest effect the Jan 6th committee revelations will have will be on registered independents.

  11. by HatetheSwamp on July 25, 2022 9:43 am
    However some, like Hate, are finally acknowledging who and what Trump is...

    Yo, isle. pb's been saying Trump's despicable since you were in knickers.


  12. by HatetheSwamp on July 25, 2022 9:53 am

    I think the greatest effect the Jan 6th committee revelations will have will be on registered independents.

    I agree. Both Bill Barr and pb have declared that they'll vote for OrangeMan if he's the only GOP left in 024.

    In 022 and 024, I think it will come down to how high inflation/interest rates are, how much crime is out of control, how high fossil fuel prices are and how much teachers' unions keep foisting CRT and LGBT grooming on parents...and, in 024, who the Dem candidate is.

    Those are all issues that will move independents.

  13. by islander on July 25, 2022 2:32 pm

    Donna-While it’s true that the hard core “Republicans” like Bill Barr and Hate outnumber the ones we consider sane and reasonable Republicans, when overall numbers of the general public are looked at it’s not as many people as they seem to believe and/or would like us to believe, and not all Republicans put party before country like those Republicans do.

    Barr said, "Donald Trump has shown he has neither the temperament nor persuasive powers to provide the kind of positive leadership that is needed." And, "Trump cared only about one thing himself, country and principle took second place." Barr added that Trump has "no concern with ideology or political principle".

    Despite this Barr said that he will likely vote for Trump again if he is the Republican nominee. What does that tell you about Barr and people like him?

    I doubt there are many Independents who think like that, so I don’t think the republicans can count on them.

    All the polls, conjecture, and predictions that are going on now are just so much talk and they could all change dramatically in the next 3 months, there could even be an October Surprise before the mid-terms and 2024 is still a long way off.

  14. by Donna on July 25, 2022 2:44 pm
    I agree that it's way too soon to prognosticate, but right now Trump's still the guy to beat on the GOP side, although the Jan 6th hearings have banged him up a bit.

    Barr and people like him have an intense hatred for Democrats. If the choice was between Adolf Hitler and a Democrat, the best we could expect from them would be to sit it out.

  15. by HatetheSwamp on July 25, 2022 3:48 pm

    “Republicans” like Bill Barr and Hate outnumber the ones we consider sane and reasonable Republicans

    You're joking.

    There's no such thing as sane and reasonable GOPs. If ever there was an oxymoron!

    pb's afraid that the there’s no stopping OrangeMan from getting the nomination...

    His rallies are jam packed and the enthusiasm is greater than ever. And with election integrity laws in most purple states...

    If you think that Trump won't beat "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap..." you're deluded. And, Kammy. And, Mayor Pete.

  16. by oldedude on July 25, 2022 11:30 pm
    isle, I'm not going to argue with you about Trump's temperament. We are actually pretty close on that.

    And you know that lizzy borten is failing in her polls in WY. "Poll results: Cheney's reelection chances hurt by role on Jan. 6 panel" This was updated about noon on 7/25. Even the never trumpsters are hating on her. My guess is that she hold maybe a couple of counties. Laramie (in Larimer county), Jackson (maybe), and the city of Laramie (in Larimer County, yeah, it's confusing).

  17. by oldedude on July 25, 2022 11:33 pm
    I actually think that's true. Equally, the one's she considers "moderate" Republicans, we consider counter to the constitution and a threat to our Republic.

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