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Why no cross examination ??
By islander
July 22, 2022 11:56 am
Category: Government

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The Jan 6 hearing is not a criminal trial, there is no judge, jury, or lawyers for the prosecution or the defense, just like there are none in a grand jury hearing which is also not a trial. Hence no cross examinations of witnesses take place, just like there is none in a grand jury hearing . The committee has two jobs, the investigative process which is to acquire information and the hearing in which they present that information.

The Jan 6 hearings show what happened in the weeks after the 2020 election and on the day of the attack. They show the public “how one thing led to another, how one line of effort to overturn the election led to another and ultimately led to terrible violence,” as committee member Adam Schiff put it on June 5, 2022.

Hearings also serve as a kind of preemptive justification for specific legal and legislative actions that may follow the investigation. For example, if the committee does end up recommending criminal charges against Trump and his allies, the hearings have already explained the legitimacy of these charges to the public. If the committee makes legislative recommendations to reform elections, the public will have a better idea of why these changes are necessary.

If criminal charges against Trump and his allies are made by the DOJ there will be a criminal trial with lawyers for the defense and prosecution, and cross examination etc will take place there.

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Comments on "Why no cross examination ??":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on July 22, 2022 1:20 pm

    What the J6 Committee proves is that, under Dems, One Party rule can function exactly like it did in the Soviet Union under Stalin.

    I've watched a lot of congressional hearings on C-SPAN over the years. None have ever operated like this one.

    This Committee proves to me how closely government run by Dems resembles Stalin-ism.

    It scares me that you Blue Ultra-MAGAs think this is good. Clearly, you do. That's your point, eh?

    I can guaran-dang-tee you that when the Hunter/Joe Biden hearings are held in the next Congress, good old two party constitutional republicanism will reign. And, that real Americans, like pb, will be all for that.

  2. by islander on July 22, 2022 1:46 pm
    More on what a congressional investigation and public hearing can and cannot do do.

    "While Congress can investigate conduct that may be criminal, Congress itself lacks the authority to bring criminal charges or otherwise initiate a criminal prosecution. If a congressional investigation uncovers evidence of criminal activity, however, Congress may refer the matter to the Department of Justice for investigation and, potentially, prosecution. Sometimes, the DOJ investigation predates the congressional investigation. No matter which branch of government moves first to investigate, however, the end result is that a congressional investigation often will run parallel to a criminal investigation. As a result, evidence developed in a congressional investigation might be used by the DOJ in its criminal investigation or in a prosecution" *

    * MoloLamken Law Firm

  3. by Curt_Anderson on July 22, 2022 1:53 pm
    Asking "why no cross examination?" and similar questions, is like asking "why no halftime show?". It's an investigation not a trial. It's an investigation not a football game.

    If the Republicans are in a position to hold hearings, the Democrats won't do what McCarthy and Republicans did, namely not select party representation on the committee.

    Trump slams McCarthy over lack of GOP involvement on Jan. 6 committee
    The 45th president told conservative radio host Wayne Allyn Root on Sunday that McCarthy’s decision to shun the committee was not the right call.

    “Unfortunately, a bad decision was made. This committee — it was a bad decision not to have representation on this committee. That was a very, very foolish decision,” Trump said, accusing the panel of conducting a “one-sided witch hunt.”

  4. by islander on July 22, 2022 2:32 pm

    You are correct Curt,

    The “one sided partisan witch hunt” doesn’t work since the panel has members of both parties and the testimony from the witnesses was not from partisan Democrats but virtually all of it was from staunch Republican supporters of Trump many of whom worked very hard to get Trump elected.

    The fact some of Trump’s most loyal supporters resigned because of Trump’s behavior leading up to and on Jan 6 only adds to the non-partisan nature of the reasons for the investigation. 

    If the Republicans are going to complain that they don’t like the makeup of the panel (which Trump and his minions are trying to do now), they have to acknowledge that they themselves blocked and voted down the efforts to have an independent and bipartisan investigation. Still they were invited to have their members serve on the panel but refused and took their ball and went home because, for obvious reasons, two of their choices were turned down. They could have simply replaced them but chose not to participate at all.

    The Republicans who did choose to be on the panel did so despite McCarthy’s spiteful orders not to, which of course as it turned out, ended up with the Republican leaders cutting off their nose to spite their face.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on July 22, 2022 2:43 pm

    The “one sided partisan witch hunt” doesn’t work since the panel has members of both parties and the testimony from the witnesses was not from partisan Democrats but virtually all of it was from staunch Republican supporters of Trump many of whom worked very hard to get Trump elected.

    I hate to say this about the state of Maine but, you're a f**l!

    That's all I need to say. Anyone who doubts me, read isle's post.

  6. by Curt_Anderson on July 22, 2022 2:53 pm
    I agree with HtS! It was one-sided, political party-wise.

    I don't recall seeing ANY witnesses who identified themselves publicly as Democrats. There sure were plenty of Republican office-holders and those who self-identified as Trump voters and lifelong Republicans. No fair & balanced. SAD!

  7. by islander on July 22, 2022 3:58 pm

    Yup! You're probably right !!! LoL

    They were all just pretending to be Republicans (they were Democrats in disguise) I should have known better ! 🍻

  8. by HatetheSwamp on July 22, 2022 4:37 pm

    I have mixed feelings about this exercise in fascism. I hope it fatally damages Trump but I can't see that happening.

    I'll always be discouraged realizing that, apparently, bright and decent people like you two and Donna aren't appalled by this exercise in authoritarianism.

    Thanks for destroying my faith in America.

  9. by islander on July 23, 2022 7:52 am

    I think what really stood out to me about these past 8 hearings was that it was not Democrats, but Republicans who provided the most compelling and damning evidence against Trump.

    I think this realization is making a difference in the minds of many who were once somewhat undecided about how much culpability Trump bore with respect to Jan 6. And this even includes many staunch Trump backers. Despite how hard it is for them, maney are now able to see things in a little different light.

  10. by Donna on July 23, 2022 7:59 am
    Not only Republicans, but many of the witnesses were ardent Trump supporters, even people who worked on his election campaigns.

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