pb's PA Senate and House approve amendment declaring that abortion is not a constitutional right
By HatetheSwamp July 9, 2022 8:17 am Category: Medical (0.0 from 0 votes)
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In Pennsylvania, abortions are governed primarily by the Abortion Control Act. The amendment does not change that law; any new abortion-related laws would still need to be passed by the legislature and signed by the governor. Some components include abortions being banned after 24 weeks of pregnancy, a 24-hour waiting period, requiring parental consent for those under 18, and requiring consultation discussing risks and alternatives.
The bill’s sponsor, Republican Majority Leader Kim Ward of Westmoreland County, argued during debate that the amendment maintains the state’s “status quo” on abortion but prevents the Pennsylvania Supreme Court from expanding abortion rights.
Not to grind an old ax, but when Blue MAGA progressives insisted on foisting OCare on America in the face of the fierce opposition of a huuuuuuuuuge majority who opposed it, pb told you, at the time, that you'd be turning federal, state and local governments over to the GOPs.
GOPs have been in control in Pennsylvania’s legislature since the days of the One.
This bill is the result of your foolish foisting all those years ago.
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