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Crime selectors, pages, etc.
Apparently, Joe Biden was taking 50% of Hunter's bribes...
By HatetheSwamp
April 11, 2022 6:06 am
Category: Crime

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...if what's being reported about the content of the laptop is true...

...and, so far, nothing that's been reported has been proven to be false.

Talk about damning!

Hunter Biden’s access to lucrative financial opportunities also came with expectations — including kicking back as much as 50% of his earnings to his dad, text messages on his old laptop show.

I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter Biden groused to daughter Naomi in January 2019. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.” Pop is Joe Biden...

...The expenses are spelled out in an email to Hunter from business partner Eric Schwerin from June 5, 2010, entitled “JRB Bills.” They concerned the upkeep of Joe Biden’s palatial lakefront home in the wealthy Greenville enclave of Wilmington, Del. JRB are President Biden’s initials.

Now that his brain is shot, Joe's "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap." It's becoming increasingly clear that he was he was the Don of a powerful political Crime Family.

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Comments on "Apparently, Joe Biden was taking 50% of Hunter's bribes...":

  1. by islander on April 11, 2022 7:07 am

    Can you, Hate, post any actual crime committed by Hunter or Joe Biden?

    There is nothing that has been found on those laptops demonstrating that Hunter or Joe committed a crime of any kind. Most of us have seen all this stuff already, and it’s all smoke and mirrors, innuendos, and hints of “possible unnamed crimes”. For instance, one such purported email that you mentioned was to Hunter from business partner Eric Schwerin from June 5, 2010, entitled “JRB Bills.” Which concerned the upkeep of Joe Biden’s lakefront home. These costs were $1,239 in repairs to an air conditioner at “mom-mom’s cottage,” and another $1,475 to a painter for “back wall and columns at the lake house.” There was also another $2,600 for fixing up a “stone retaining wall at the lake” and $475 “for shutters”, and he says, “I’m paying a couple of the smaller things since I haven’t heard from your dad.”

    That’s supposed to demonstrate something illegal? Nothing illegal about that at all.

    If you can describe an actual, specific, "crime", something that's actually illegal, not something allusive, or oblique, or suggestive that “some kind crime just might have been committed”, tell us what the crime was.

    This is the same kind of smoke and mirror tactics the Republicans have been using in their efforts to sell the American people on the “Big Lie”…Do really you think your Republican friends at the top actually believe the lies they have been selling you?

    I think, if you watched Mitch McConnell’s speech admitting "how it really is", you’ll have your answer. But even now, you and 53% of Republicans still believe the election was stolen, and just like you, some of them have been convinced to believe the Biden family is an international crime family.

    Are you really this naive? Or do you just get some kind of perverse pleasure out of spreading lies and disinformation?

  2. by HatetheSwamp on April 11, 2022 7:31 am

    Can you, Hate, post any actual crime committed by Hunter or Joe Biden?

    I haven't seen the laptop. Are you claiming that you have!!!!!?

    However, recently, in chronological order, the NYT, CNN, the WaPo and CBS have reported that Hunter is in deep doodoo, as Fox and the NYP have been reporting since 020.

    Are you so out of touch that you don't know this, or is Rachel just ignoring it?

    The reporting is that Hunter is linked to tax evasion and money laundering and violations of campaign finance laws.

    Are you really that ignorant!!!!!?

    And, get it.

    The CBS report is pretty dern specific about Hunter's potential legal problems. Check it out.

    What I'm holding my breath on is what happens in the House in 023.

    (This is very preliminary but pb's projecting that the GOPs will win 245 House seats in the coming election, or a 245-190...55 seat majority.)

    If Hunter received money from our enemies through dubious means, especially while "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" was Veep, and giving a chunk of it to "the Big Guy,"enough House GOPs will probably consider that a "High..Misdemeanor," and vote to impeach the Doddering Old Thug.

  3. by oldedude on April 11, 2022 7:51 am
    Graft, corruption, (could be shown as) treason.

  4. by oldedude on April 11, 2022 8:01 am
    Sorry, still getting used to the links, etcetcetc.

    The act of a political figure in concert with our enemies (Russia, China specifically) is a criminal act. Secondly, using the banking system to structure, layer, or receive funds from an illegal source or used to hide or assist the illegal transfer of such money is money laundering. Ten years & $10,000/ act. We know about Hunter's diamond by the CCP (money laundering from a known enemy of the US). We also know about jr receiving and transferring $1mil (give or take) from the mayor of Moscow's wife (now banned from using the US banking system). That's called money laundering. Receiving bribes from a foreign government to change the foreign policy of the US (Graft, corruption, bribery, treason).

  5. by HatetheSwamp on April 11, 2022 8:21 am

    Right on, OD.

    What has amazed me in this is that, initially, Curt, especially, did a sort of holier-than-thou, cynical, "Ah, there you go, again, pb, believing those baseless right wing myths, hahaha," thing...

    ...absolutely buying the Biden campaign's, Russia disinformation propaganda. Talk about baseless, eh!!!!!?

    Now, both Curt and isle are protesting that there's no there there, as if they don't know that the leading outlets in the SwampMedia are reporting that the laptop threat to the Bidens is real.

    And, as you point out, Hunter is vulnerable beyond what's in the laptop.

    It's fascinating to watch Blue MAGAs struggle with inconvenient truths. And, this is, indisputably, for them, extremely inconvenient.

    And, I imagine they'll practice some sort of denial up to and through the end.

  6. by islander on April 11, 2022 11:20 am

    Just like I said, you can’t tell us of a single crime that Biden or his son committed. Maybe you don’t know what terms like might be linked to, or could be, etc. mean? But the rest of us do and they don’t mean Joe or Hunter committed any crimes. Neither does listing something as a crime such as “money laundering”, “fraud”, etc. “as if” Hunter is guilty of any of them.

    Virtually all the American businessmen and the companies that deal in international trade do business with our enemies as you call them, like “Communist” China. They and the big American corporation’s make huge amounts of money doing so. But guess what ! It’s not illegal ! It’s not any sort of “crime”!

    Hunter Biden is a private citizen, a businessman who is engaged in international trade. Those guys make good money wheeling and dealing, and bits of that wheeling and dealing apparently have been found on the laptop in the some of the private emails as would be expected if we were to look at the private emails of any other individual engaged international trade, and thus far, no crimes have been found and/or reported to us.

    “That” is why you can’t cite a single example.

    If any crimes can be found, whoever committed them, whether it be Joe or Hunter, they should be held accountable.

    So I’ll simply repeat what I said earlier:

    ” This is the same kind of smoke and mirror tactics the Republicans have been using in their efforts to sell the American people on the “Big Lie”…Do really you think your Republican friends at the top actually believe the lies they have been selling you?

    I think, if you watched Mitch McConnell’s speech admitting "how it really is", you’ll have your answer. But even now, you and 53% of Republicans still believe the election was stolen, and just like you, some of them have been convinced to believe the Biden family is an international crime family.

    Are you really this naive? Or do you just get some kind of perverse pleasure out of spreading lies and disinformation?”

  7. by HatetheSwamp on April 11, 2022 11:41 am

    Absolutely, isle!

    I have no idea what's going on inside the Grand Jury, so thanks for the update!

    I only know what the NYT, CNN, the WaPo and CBS are reporting. As I'm sure you know, I always take the SwampMedia with a grain of salt.

    Hunter Biden is a private citizen, a businessman who is engaged in international trade. Those guys make good money wheeling and dealing, and bits of that wheeling and dealing apparently have been found on the laptop in the some of the private emails as would be expected if we were to look at the private emails of any other individual engaged international trade, and thus far, no crimes have been found and/or reported to us.

    From what I know, the laptop contains business related emails and videos of Hunter smoking dope and having sex with hookers and strippers.

    From the NYT, CNN, WaPo and CBS reporting, Hunter wasn't forthcoming about his income with the IRS. Also, the Bidens seem to have been less than precise when some of Hun money ended up in his dad's campaign war chest.

    But, you claim to have better info than I do, merely reading articles from the NYT, CNN, the WaPo and CBS.

    If and when the Delaware Grand Jury reports...or the GOPs take the House, I will know for certain. You? Well, you seem to know better already.

  8. by islander on April 12, 2022 4:35 am

    ” But, you claim to have better info than I do, merely reading articles from the NYT, CNN, the WaPo and CBS.”

    Nope! Never claimed anything of the sort and never said anything about a Grand Jury.

    You wrote and posted an article with the headline implying that the laptops showed that Joe Biden was taking 50% of Hunter's bribes.

    I’m assuming you’ve seen pretty much the same info I have with regard to the laptops, so my question to you was pretty simple:

    Based on what was on on the laptop/s what actual, specific crime, was confirmed? It’s easy to accuse someone of doing something illegal when you don’t have reliable evidence, simply by qualifying your claims with words like allusive, oblique, or suggestive that “some kind crime” just “might have been committed” etc. My question was pretty simple. I asked if you knew of any crime Hunter committed and asked what that crime was.

    You have finally answered my question…You don’t, in fact, know of any such crime.

  9. by HatetheSwamp on April 12, 2022 5:21 am

    Based on what was on on the laptop/s what actual, specific crime, was confirmed?


    I'm noticing that Joe may be shown to be the head of a political Crime Family. It appears to me that, when he still had a brain, he was good at it.

    I'm not claiming that there's evidence of a crime here, but there certainly may be. And, that's the point you seem to have some need to deny.

    It's touching that Hunter was willing, if the report is accurate, to be strong armed by "pop" into giving up half of his income. Did "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" properly account for that support to the IRS? That, clearly, is part of the Grand Jury's investigation. I'm not saying that there is a crime here. But, you want to shout that there ain't one.

    However, crime or not, and no matter what the Grand Jury comes up with. What Hunter and Joe did smells like two week old fish. That's why the SwampMedia wouldn't report it during the 020 campaign. At best, what the Biden Political Crime Family did was sleazy. Unethical. And, when the GOP take the House, a whole album of those songs will be sung.

    I just don't get you. Trump's dirty. Like Joe, though maybe not as bad...

    ...and, on our side, we have the integrity to admit that Trump is revolting. Many of the people who voted for him did so only when forced to vote for Hillary and the Former Truck Driver as the alternative.

    But, you Blue MAGAs?

    You want us to believe that the Doddering Old Fool is an altar boy.

    Uh uh.

  10. by islander on April 12, 2022 6:08 am

    ”You want us to believe that the Doddering Old Fool is an altar boy.”

    Nope! Never said or implied that Joe was or is an altar boy. Like I said, if Joe and/or Hunter are found guilty of a crime/s they should be held accountable just like anybody else.

    I think what really bothers you is that so many of the people on Trump’s team, and the people he surrounds himself with, “have indeed been found guilty" of crimes, and I’m sure I don’t need to tell you about Trump’s fraudulent “charity” scheme or the “Trump University” scam.

    Ya see, we don’t have to qualify Trump’s team’s crimes and Trump’s scams and frauds with words like, appears to, suggests that, or seems to me, etc.

    That bothers you “a lot” 😁 And whether you can admit it or not, that’s why you feel the need to try and fill the board with inflammatory headlines!

  11. by HatetheSwamp on April 12, 2022 7:10 am

    I think what really bothers you is that so many of the people on Trump’s team, and the people he surrounds himself with, “have indeed been found guilty" of crimes, and I’m sure I don’t need to tell you about Trump’s fraudulent “charity” scheme or the “Trump University” scam.


    I despise Trump. I think he's despicable.

    My guess is that, in the end, people who have open minds will be convinced that Joe is a slime bucket. That, without saying, excludes you.

  12. by islander on April 12, 2022 8:10 am

    "I despise Trump. I think he's despicable"

    Methinks thou dost protest too much.😏

  13. by HatetheSwamp on April 12, 2022 8:16 am


    Youthinks wrong. Bahahahahahahahahahaha!

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