MythologyWhat Mythology Character are You?
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A Mythology Selector by Nancee, created December 2012.
What Mythology Character are You? Are you a pixie? Or a troll? Or maybe even a dragon? Well lets find out! Disclaimer.

The first question is below.

1. What sex are you?
Prioritize your choice above:

2. Which would you like the most?
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3. Are you kind?
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4. Are you Cheeky?
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5. Are you Vicious?
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6. Would you make a Great and Fearsome warrior?
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Prioritize your choice above:

7. Would you die of shame if you grew a wart?
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Prioritize your choice above:

8. ?What would you prefer; Peace or Power?
  Not sure  
Prioritize your choice above:

Just for fun, predict your #1 result. Your prediction will not influence your results.

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