Please Report Broken Or Missing Images.The top 20 Afterlife Selector version 2.0 results of 531 participants.

Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Afterlife Selector version 2.0.

#1 27.9%
Personal Paradise: You were a good person and were sent to your own blissful place.
#2 22.0%
Join Ancestors: You have been sent to the spirit world to be with your ancestors.
#3 15.3%
Shemayim: You have been sent to the Heaven of angels to dwell with your God.
#4 8.5%
Gehenna: You have been sent to Hell to be tortured by Satan and his demons.
#5 5.6%
the Abyss: You were an evil person and have been sent to the black realm of torture.
#6 3.8%
Happy Hunting Ground: You have been sent to a tribal paradise to live happily.
#7 3.6%
Outlands: You were a neutral person and have been sent to wander the wilderness.
#8 3.4%
Swerga: You have been sent to the glorious realm where Gods and nymphs dwell in bliss.
#9 3.0%
Nirvana: You have become eternally one with the Supreme Force of the Cosmos.
#10 2.3%
Akwokoim: You have died at sea and now dwell in the domain of the Sea God.
#11 1.1%
Anerapo: You have been sent to the realm of torture, also called Naraka or Tartarus.
#12 0.8%
Neutral Reincarnation: You have died and reincarnated as a human of similar standing.
#13 0.6%
Albhokoim: You have been sent to the otherworldly realm of elves and faeries.
#14 0.6%
Become a Ghost: You are cursed to remain in the world as a tortured spirit.
#15 0.6%
Nawa: You have been sent to the neutral underworld ruled by Yemos the death god.
#16 0.6%
Sheol: You have been sent to Limbo to wander the dusty, drab land of the dead.
#17 0.6%
Welkeln: You have died in battle and gone to the warrior realm ruled by the God Rudlos.
#18 0.0%
Ammut: You have been judged evil by Anubis and eaten by the Devourer of Souls.
#19 0.0%
Duat: You have been judged good and sent to the land of Duat by Osiris.
#20 0.0%
Negative Reincarnation: You have died and reincarnated as an animal or poor human.

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