Please Report Broken Or Missing Images.The top 16 What ''Vander Rock Affair'' Character are You? results of 119 participants.

Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What ''Vander Rock Affair'' Character are You?.

#1 26.1%
Duke Illius L. Vander
#2 17.6%
Ms. Madeline Quigley
#3 16.8%
#4 10.1%
Illyrian Telcondera, the Black Mage
#5 9.2%
Merisa Fortunato
#6 4.2%
Master Spurius R. Neri
#7 3.4%
His Imperial Majesty, Enrique I
#8 2.5%
Felix Gimmelhammer, Esq.
#9 2.5%
Headmistress Delphine Maris
#10 2.5%
Jove Alunni
#11 1.7%
Lady Idelle Korrina
#12 1.7%
Lord Martin P. Frost
#13 0.8%
Raphael Vander (Either One)
#14 0.8%
Thomas Johnson
#15 0.0%
Lady Melissa Vander
#16 0.0%
Lord Levi E. Cote

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