Please Report Broken Or Missing Images.The top 7 Perfect Outfit selector results of 30722 participants.

Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Perfect Outfit selector.

#1 35.7%
Blue Tank Top (dark blue if you have dark skin, light if light)~ Dark Jeans ~ Black sandles ~ Pony tail at the top, hair down at the bottom
#2 15.1%
Baby tee with pic or saying on it ~ Khakis ~ Fashion Sneakers~ Pony Tail
#3 14.1%
Solid T-Shirt ~ Short Khaki Shirt ~ Hair in a Fancy Do
#4 11.8%
Long Dress Shirt ~ Dark Jeans ~ High heels ~Hair in a pony tail
#5 11.2%
Any color but green capris ~ tight white t-shirt ~sandles with small heals ~ hair down
#6 6.2%
Long sleeve dressy top ~ dark denim skirt ~below- knee boots ~Pony Tail at the top, hair town at the bottom
#7 5.9%
Pink Hoodie ~ Grey Sweats ~ Pink and White Sneakers ~ Hair down to shoulders

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