Please Report Broken Or Missing Images.The top 15 Which magical element matches your personality? results of 31495 participants.

Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which magical element matches your personality?.

#1 21.4%
Lightning, the element of destruction. You're mischiveous and a little dangerous.
#2 17.1%
Air, the element of communication. You're talkative and diplomatic.
#3 11.6%
Wind, the element of freedom. You're driven and outspoken.
#4 7.7%
Sand, the element of isolation. You're restless and prone to rash actions.
#5 7.2%
Darkness, the element of reserve. You're moody and...well, reserved.
#6 6.9%
Fire, the element of possibility. You're a dreamer and rather quick tempered.
#7 5.9%
Metal, the element of technology. You're up-to-date and a quick thinker.
#8 5.8%
Earth, the element of reliability. You're honest and trust worthy.
#9 3.4%
Fate, the element of paranoia. Congratulations, you're paranoid and insecure.
#10 3.1%
Stone, the element of tradition. You're conservative and focused.
#11 3.0%
Spirit, the element of life. You're patient and gentle.
#12 2.6%
Light, the element of energy. You're optimistic and determined.
#13 2.1%
Water, the element of serenity. You're calm and thoughtful to the needs of those around you.
#14 1.5%
Ice, the element of intelligence. You're quiet and somewhat shy.
#15 0.6%
Poison, the element of stealth. You're sneaky and a good actor/actress.

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