Please Report Broken Or Missing Images.The top 6 Which Malcolm in the Middle character are you? results of 3341 participants.

Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Malcolm in the Middle character are you?.

#1 41.4%
Lois. Your the mother of the family. You have a short temper and often lose it on your sons.
#2 25.7%
Francis. You are the oldest brother of the family. You were sent away to military school becasue you are always getting into trouble.
#3 21.4%
Malcolm. You are the star of the show! You are the middle brother. Your also a genius.
#4 9.9%
Dewey. You are the youngest brother in the family. You are always getting picked on by your older brothers.
#5 1.4%
Reese. You are the second oldest brother in the family. You are a big tough guy and always getting into fights with your brothers.
#6 0.1%
Hal. Your the father of the family. Your always screwing things up, but in the end, you seem to make things right.

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