Please Report Broken Or Missing Images.The top 5 What Cat Personality Will Be a Good Match? results of 79951 participants.

Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Cat Personality Will Be a Good Match?.

#1 75.7%
A Beta is the Cat for you! Interactive, affectionate, and easy to communicate with.
#2 13.1%
A Gamma is the Cat for you! Quiet, unassuming, and won't mess with your stuff.
#3 10.0%
You're ready for an Alpha! Lively, involved, and just, maybe, smarter than you.
#4 1.2%
Maybe a cat is not your best pet choice
#5 0.0%
Ruh roh! You might be in danger of having a bunch of cats in your future.

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