Please Report Broken Or Missing Images.The top 8 Phobia test results of 151 participants.

Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Phobia test.

#1 64.9%
Pantophobia - Fear of EVERYTHING! I feel bad for you.
#2 15.9%
Centophobia - Fear of new things or ideas
#3 7.3%
Enochlophobia - Fear of crowds
#4 4.6%
Kakorrhaphiophobia - Fear of failure
#5 4.0%
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia - Fear of the number 666
#6 2.6%
Stygiophobia - Fear of hell.
#7 0.7%
Illyngophobia - Fear of Vertigo, or feeling dizzy on high places.
#8 0.0%
Ophthalmophobia - Fear of being stared at

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