Please Report Broken Or Missing Images.The top 19 Which Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All Character are you? results of 1934 participants.

Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All Character are you?.

#1 31.6%
Phoenix Wright
#2 21.0%
Maya Fey
#3 11.0%
Pearl Fey
#4 9.4%
Dick Gumshoe
#5 5.7%
Acro/Ken Dingling
#6 4.3%
Miles Edgeworth
#7 2.8%
Lawrence ''Moe'' Curls
#8 2.0%
Franziska von Karma
#9 1.9%
Maxmillion Galactica/Billy Bob Johns
#10 1.9%
Mimi Miney
#11 1.8%
Morgan Fey
#12 1.7%
Shelly de Killer/John Doe
#13 1.6%
Lotta Hart
#14 1.4%
Adrian Andrews
#15 0.9%
Richard Wellington
#16 0.5%
Matt Engarde
#17 0.3%
''Director'' Hotti
#18 0.2%
Regina Berry
#19 0.2%
Maggey Bryde

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