Please Report Broken Or Missing Images.The top 16 X-Men Mutant Selector results of 694 participants.

Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for X-Men Mutant Selector.

#1 26.1%
Logan "Wolverine"
#2 14.4%
Bobby Drake "Iceman"
#3 13.1%
Jean Grey "Phoenix"
#4 10.7%
Ororo Munroe "Storm
#5 6.6%
Scott Summers "Cyclops"
#6 5.2%
St. John Allerdyce"Pyro"
#7 4.9%
Charles Xavier "Professor X"
#8 4.6%
Marie "Rouge"
#9 3.5%
Erin Winsheer Lehnsherr "Magneto"
#10 2.6%
#11 2.2%
Peter Rasputin "Colossus"
#12 1.9%
Hank Mckoy "Beast"
#13 1.4%
#14 1.2%
Eric Magnus "Sabertooth"
#15 1.0%
Warren Wirtington "Angel"
#16 0.7%
Cain Marko "Juggernaut"

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